HEVSY ITEMS FROM HICKOR. IMPROVED UNIFORM inTLlN AT10IU1 . mm Stockholders of the Dally Record to ! Erect a Modern Building for Home r 0f Newspaper and Job Office. ' hickory. Stockholders of the Clay printing company, publishers of the Hickory Daily Recordj held their an nual meeting, gave the management a Tote of thanks and authorized the. .purchase of a lot within 100 yards of the site of the new municipal buildls for the erection of a modern news paper and job office home, p ' M. and Oscar Pitts, proprietors cf the Horseford Milling company, an nnced that they would begin erec tion within a few days of a. 100-barrel flour mill in UIO ueaic ui. iuo viwjr c, business directory, machinery for the plant already having neen oraereu. Announcement has been made , by iaipt Shuford that he and asso- t. 4 i ciates have purchased . machinery for i varn mill that will De erected dur ing the year, probably in Highland, a Hickory suburb. Stockholders of the Mutual Build- ing and Loan association unanimous ly re-elected the board X directors and made plans to grow. During the past year the secretary showed more than 2,500 new shares written and the limit under the pres ent charter will soon be reached. The directors, following the meeting of stockholders, decided to Increase the capital stock to $4,000,000. Statesville. The board of aldermen of Statesville have ruled the hog out. At a recent meeting it was decided that after February 15th, 1820,, no bogs will be allowed within the eor- porate limits of the city. Salisbury. Charlie W. Windsor, a local merchant, has been seriously ill, afflicted with a spell of hiccoughing that continued for 6t) hours in spite of til that a number of physicians could to. The trouble was finally conquered ami Mr. Windsor is getting on well. Winston-Salem. The board of trade and other civic organizations here including , the Woman's clubs, will send representatives to Raleigh to enter a strong protest against per mitting the local gas plant to increase its rate until better service is given its patrons. -i .. . Raleigh. Prof. M. E. Sherwin, head of the soilsdepartment at State Col lege, who is also president of the North Carolina Drainage association, innounces that the annual meeting of ue association win uv ucm mia jc i February 25 and 26 at Washington, N. C. i . .Lexington. Harry Barton, architect of Greensboro, met with the local ichool board, at which time plans for the new high school building were submitted and adopted. The building will contain 16 classrooms, a manua1 training and domestic science de part- ment. music rooms, and other fea- ttires. Asheville-r The Mountain Park he tel. at Hot Springs which since Its erection in 1886 has been visited by tourists from every state in the union and which during the war was used as t prison camp for interned Germans and -later as a hospital for wounded American soldiers, was totally de stroyed by fire. Wadesboro. Considerable interesl in real estate is developing here since the arrival of the boll weevil in coun tips further south. , Numbers of pros pective purchasers from South Caro Una and other states have recently been here to inspect farm lands, and a number of South Carolina farmers have already arranged to settle neai here. Winston-Salem. r The trustees of thi Methodist children's home here expeel to secure a manager in a few day o direct a campaign throughout th hounds of the western North Carollni conference to raise a fund of $100,000 with which to provide needed ne" buildings, and $75,000 to establish t substantial nucleus for an endowmen fund. Mid-Winter Methodist Conference. Lenoir.-StateBvIlle district confer ence -was In session at Granite Falls this county, with Bishop Darllngtoi residing. V Among the prominent things consl pred by the conference were the grea Increase in saleries all over the dia Wet to meet the increasing cost of liv ng conditions, the large number o young men offering themselves for th ""nlstry, and the preparation of ever rnarge for participation in the grei hurch-wlde evengelistic . campaigx hich will take place in the spring.; 'Pracher Nabs Two Stills. Winston. Rev. George B., Hanra an' Lenoir county welfare officer, re cived a eDort that, a rrii tm nam ng close to a rural school northeast Nnere. Mr. Hanrahan, as school at naance officeP ag well as probatloa sicer and some other things undei enral headmg of welfare super -uaent, declared no moonshine pould use a public school as a screea r nis nefarious operations. Mr "nrahan got an automobile, a co 7 a Plain clothes man and set oni the still. He cot two. 2111 TWO BREEDS IN SAME FLOCK Crossing Is PrVented by Keeping Male of One Breed One Year and Another the Next. (Prepared by the-United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) While keeping two distinct hrPPri . yvu.UJ uue yara without mix- mg me breeds seems difficult u t be accomplished easily and with satis factory results, as shown by the ac count of an experience just received from a New England poultry raiser. One of the kinds kept is a so-called egg breed, the, other being a general purpose variety of poultry. The method of preventing "crossing is as follows: One year, roosters of the egg-laying breed are retained and used for breed ing, no other males being kept. The First Prize White Rock Cockerel. following year roosters of only the general-purpose stock are kept. The difference in the color of egg's of the two breeds selected is so great that hatching eggs have always been select ed with a, certainty as to the breed laying them. The plan necessitates in troducing new males, but the advan tages of keeping the blood lines of two breeds separate, outweigh the slight cost of purchasing the males. The de partment of agriculture points out that when this method Is followed on two neighboring farms an exchange of roosters might readily be arranged. t REMODELING POULTRY HOUSE Many Stuffy Old Structures Can Be Rebuilt With Little Trouble Cost Is Small. Many farms have old style, closed- up poultry houses with poor light and ventilation; also old sheds and other buildings of little use for other pur- voses that can be remodeled or built over witn iittie aimcuuy into satis factory poultry houses, according to the United States department of ag riculture. A building of that kind usually can be made over for less than one-half the cost of constructing a new one, and If the work is well done should give Just as good results. Further more, the work performed In remodel ing the building serves as a good poultry club demonstration In poultry house construction. KEEP ALL PROFITABLE HENS Close Attention and Study Must Be Given to Each Individual Fowl Some Are Layers. Keep all hens as long as they are profitable. This calls for close atten tion and the study of each Individual hen, but it is work that pays. The man who turns off every hen that reaches the age of two years is pretty sure to sacrifice some of his best ayers. Clean, dry litter, clean water pans and mash hoppers are essential to the health of good layers. . All air that Is admitted for ventila tion should be so handled that it will not blow on the fowls, especially when they are on the roost at nlgnt. Otip of the best ways to furnish sTeen food Is to hang- a cabbage head . . i 11 M 1 lust high enougn so mat me iuwjb win have to jump for it. A warm, comfortable. henhouse will do much to secure a good egg -yieio, for fowls that are not comfortable cannot lay well. There Is not much danger that healthy, vigorous fowls, will become too fat, If compelled to exercise by scratching for the grain part of. their ration. :" ;' : ' . iris necessary to provide, the hens with some reason for exercising in winter because , they have nolncen- wrr naturally, as they do UYC .nrHnr for bues and ,,ttrtvirr---, In summer - worms, etc. (By REV. P. B. FITZWTER. D. D.. Teacher of English Bible In the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) i (Copyright, 1920. Western Newspaper Unloa) LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 8 PETER AT -LYDDA AND JOPPA. LESSON TEXT Acts 9:32-43. GOLDEN TEXT The prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up. James 5:16. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL Luke S: 17-26; 8:40-66. PRIMARY TOPIC What a Kind Wom an Did. JUNIOR TOPIC-What Peter Did at Lydda and Joppa. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP- IC The Beauty and Influence of an Un eiflsh Life. In order to grasp the significance of this lesson, we should recall the con dition which prevailed in vthe church as suggested In verse 31. Three char acteristics are outstanding: v.. Freedom From Persecution. Saul, the ringleader of the persecut ing forces, ; had just recently been con verted, thereby disorganizing their forces, allowing the church to enjoy a breathing spell. Thls period of rest did not result in its growing lazy, in different, worldly, and forgetful of God, but in" growth in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus. 2. Spiritual Growth arid Develop ment, j ' The real meaning of the word "edi fied" Is "builded up." This does not mean merely that the members were being instructed and comforted, but that strenuous efforts on the part ol the Individual members, as well as the body as a whole, were being made for the advancement of the divine life. The word "edify" contains the meta phor of some grand building or struc ture. As suggested by another, this metaphor Involves (1) a foundation. This is Jesus Christ no other dare be laid (I Cor. 3:12-16). (2) A contin uous progress. This means that a Christian's activities are purposeful and that the work hej undertakes moves forward with the proper prog ress. (3) Persistent effort. Thii means that the present day's work be gins the foundation upon which to morrow's work must be built. Thus day by day his life Is being raised higher and higher, as each separate round of material is being laid by strenuous efforts. (4) A completion. Finally the work is done, the build ing is completed, the top stone la brought forth and placed. 3. Outward Growth. Building up within the church causes the whole work to be admired and respected by those j without, In ducing them to come and Identify themselves with the cause. There can be no forward movement without un less there be a correpondlng move ment within. " , Our lesson today is the record ol two stupendous miracles. They are the greatest signs wrought since the day of Christ. The dreadful malady of palsy is vanquished, and a corpse is retenanted by the departed souL The occurrence here of this miracle Is In. keeping with the movements of the church at this time. ; The Lord had promised these signs as they went forth with the gospel message. They were given as encouragements to the disciples, to convince them that the gospel did not lose any of its power by being spread, but rather that ita power increased. As the church goes everywhere preaching the Word there will be a corresponding manifestation of power. j I. The Healing of Eneas (vv. 32-35). This man's needy condition appealed to Peter, just as men today should ap peal to us in their semi-dead state. L.lke his Master, Peter could not re fuse the needed help. In this he did not direct attention to himself, but confidently appealed to the power In the name of Christ: "Jesus. Christ healeth thee." The man who had kept his bed for eight long j years imme diately arose and made his bed. When, the Lord heals it is done instantly. Peter wisely kept this miracle from being the end by making it the means to the end. That end was the preach ing of the gospel. This brought most gratifying results, for "all that dwelt in Lydda and Sharon saw him and turned to the Lord." j II. The Raising of Dorcas (vv. 36 43). This woman was full of good works and alms-deeds which she did, not talked of doing. She was a practical Christian woman of the kind that gets down to the practical way of showing her love by doing deeds of helpful ness. Her death was a real loss, as was evidenced by the j mourning of those who had been helped. When this good woman fell sick and died the disciples sent for Peter. Peter I . it 11 X V. t A. LI. " . I put in em an lurm. ai ut wiuuiauu her soul came back to live In her body. This again caused them to believe on the Lord. Read the Bible and Think. Tt is a good plan to' read a book of the Bible through rapidly at a sit ting in a shady garden, or on a cliff looking over the sea ; then to close the book and think." Church Family Newspaper. 1 Transformed Into New Man. As Iron put Into the fire loseth its rust and becometh, clearly red hot, so he that wholly turneth j himself unto God puts off . all slothf ulness, - and is transformed Into a new man. -Thomas Kempiv. .-j 1 jt 'jji H , 'V'jJ i'2M --l I h , IIP MmT 4 V1 xl tag-? Walmer . A MONG the numerous historical A structures which the British lP cherish because in them, they feel, is visibly Incorporated th prestige of England, not the least picturesque and Interesting Is Walmer cattle, on the ccast of Kent, the, offi cial home of the lord warden of the Clique ports. The lord wardenship is an older and more picturesque monument than Wal mer castle. The office of lord ' war den is far mxre ancient than his dwelling. About that office are gath ered the earliest activities out of which the British navy grew, writes Martin Conway in Country Life. The present functions of the lord warden may not be of any executive value as contributing to national defense, but, as, long as there Is a lord warden liv ing at Walmer, the small beginnings of the navy In a remote past remain vis ibly memorialized. Such a memorial Is more efficient than any pile of stone that the ingenuity of man could raise. Nfothing more vividly brings the past Into the present or enforces on living men the amount of their Indebtedness tq those from whom they descend than a living ceremonial recurrently per formed in accordance with an ancient and unbroken tradition. No one knows when the lord war denshiD was founded or by what earliest stages it came into being. Ne cessity enforced the defense of the southeastern coast f England, and to that; end the small maritime forces of the little ports along It had to be co ordinated. The original five ports were Hastings, Rtfmney, Hythe, Dover and Sandwich ; to these others were added, as well as Inland localities which' had to contribute financial aid Ultimately the jurisdiction extended round the coast from Seaf ord In Sus sex to near Margate In Kent. Importance of the Cinque Ports. Throughout the Middle Ages down to the time of Henry VII the Cinque ports thus enlarged and organized had to furnish the crown with nearly all the ships and men needed for naval purposes. The oldest existing charter dates from Edward I, but it refers to older documents as far back as the time of Edward the Confessor." Duties and corresponding privileges went on accumulating. Such an organization could not exist without a head, but his office was of correspondingly gradual growth. At one time it was an office of great power and importance. It was generally coupled with the gover norship of Dover castle. The lord warden was admiral of the ports. He had his court of chancery at Dover. He still retains the duty of appointing the judge of the admiralty court of the Cinque ports as well as the justices of the peace In the same areas; but his most important functions have bfrt come decorative; monumental and pic turesque, not, however, as aforesaid, unimportant. The maritime activity which led to the discovery of America and the be ginnings of a world commerce neces sarily made a great change in British naval affairs. Local levies of ships and sailors were bound to4)e replaced sooner or later by something In the nature of a national navy. The change is already apparent in the days of Henry VHI, and from that time the importance of the Cinque ports as the nation's naval base declined and with It the power of the lord warden. It is noteworthy that the erection of Wal mer castle dates from this period. It was built In the reign of Henry Vni along with other castles round the coast, such as the neighboring Deal and Sandown and the remote Lindis farne on Holy island in Northumber-? land. Previously the coast had been protected by a succession of earth works, the Great and Little Bulwarks, for Instance, within the parish of Wal mer. They had embrasures for guns, and were connected by communication trenches. Built by Henry VIII. The Kentish castles built by Henry VHI were completed about 1540 and placed under the control of the lord warden. The following description of. them Is compressed from Elgin : In the center Is the keep a circular tow er .containing a bomb-proof magazine for ammunition. It Is surrounded by bastions with fifty-two port-holes be low, commanding the encompassing moat. Tunnels or chimneys were con trived to carry off the smoke of the runs. There were larger embitsures interim Castle. for cannon near the upper part of the bastions. The entrance from the land ward side was by a drawbridge and strong machicolated gateway. Within each castle was a well. The bastion walls were 20 feet thick below and 11 feet above. Their architect was prob ably one Steven von Haschenpere. The garrison of Walmer consisted of a captain, lieutenant, two porters, ten , gunners and four soldiers. Less than a century later we read of Walmer castle as much decayed and threatened by the sea at high tides ; moreover, rain drives Into the. rooms and powder houses, the gate is decayed with loose stones hanging over," and so forth. It was presumably patched up. During the Civil war the castles changed hands more than once. Wal mer was besieged by Parliament troops in 1648, and held out for a month be fore surrendering. It was "much spoiled with tha granades," but the repairs were only estimated to cost 300. The castles continued to be of military. Importance throughout the seventeenth century. Additions by Lord Wardens. The first lord warden to make Wal mer castle his residence was the duke of Dorset, appointed In 1708 and. again in 1727. About 1730 he made various alterations and additions to the old structure to provide the necessary ac- commodation for a household; rurther considerable additions were made by Mr. Pitt, the earl of Liverpool, and Earl Granville. Apart from certain chambers belonging to the original military work and since merely adapt ed to the uses of domestic service, the oldest parts of the existing mansion are the chambers built by the duke of Dorset. Buck's view, dated '1735, shows the general aspect of this build ing. It is raised over the central mass of the castle and follows the outlines of its walls. There is nothing remark able about the architecture or the dec oration of the rooms. A small central hall, a longpassage leading through It, with others branching off as con venience dictated these are the ele ments of the plan. The plain stone wall Is pierced by oblong sash-windows and the crest of the wall is battlemented. . j The duke of Dorset's additions were mainly on the sea front, which re mains much as he left it. I believe the drawing-room was his a pleasant, sunny chamber-'-but Lord Granville added to it Mr. Pitt built the rooms over the southern rampart. Finally, in 1863. Lord Granville added a story containing thirteen rooms over the gate-house bastion. He also built the tower. The stone employed came from the demolition of Sandown castle. He added to the drawing-room, as an al cove, the little" room In which it Is as serted that Nelson and Pitt used t4 confer. . There Is nothing stately or impres sive about the aspect of the interior, but the irregularity of the plan adds to the effect of domestic comfort and pri vacy which pervades the house. One can easily understand how successive families have become attached 'to it. Externally there are several quite im pressive points of view, chiefly those which command the massive and pre cipitous walls rising from the moat. One of the walls, pulled down on the occasion of Queen Victoria's visit "to make a new dining-room, was soon afterward rebuilt. Talleyrand when he visited Walmer Insisted on sleeping In Pitt's room. Camel-Halr Belting. Belting used on machinery In the! Russian petroleum fields Is made of camel's hair, which is said to resist greases better than rubber, " cotton, or leather. Poor Worm! HeckMy wife contradicts me con tinually. :. : Peck My wife acts as if my Ideas weren't worth discussing. Boston Transcript. Disappearing. , ' "I . notice a great ' deal of majesty and glory have gone from bur outlook on the world just now." ''Yes; a lot of second lieutenants have been mustered out." Changed Positions. -Alas I feet are do longer on tfct rail." perhaps not, but tonjues art," Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could, some blunders and absurdi ties no doubt crept in: forget therm as soon as yo can. Tomorrow is-, a new day; you shall beg-in It well and serenely and with -.too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense. Emerson. SEASONABLE DISHES. At this season of the year a salad s just as acceptable as at any other time of the year. Tbe following will be foundr a little out of the ordi nary: Italian Salad. Cot one carrot and one tur nip Into slices and let" cook In boiling broth or, soup until done. . Whew cold, add two cold, boiled potatoes and one cooked beet, cut in strips. Add a tablespoonful of chopped or scraped onion pulp, and mix. Pour over the following sauce and garnish with wa ter cress : Lombarda Sauce. Cook one-fourtfir cupful of flour in one-fourth cupful of hot butter; add half a teaspoonful of salt, one-fourth teaspoonful of paprika' and one cupful of jellied chicken broth r etir until boiling hot. Set over boil ing water, and beat In one-fourth of a? cupful of butter, beaten to a creanr with two egg yolks and the juice of ' hfllf n 1 Pm nn is conn ne ttiA crrcr fa - cooked, beat in three-fourths of a"cup : ful of thIck tomato sauce Wnen cold. and ready to use, add one teaspoonful; of parsley, chopped very fine. Hot Apple Dessert. Pare, quarter;, core and slice five or six apples. Put these in a serving dish suitable for the oven, in layers, with seeded raisins and one cupful of sugar; cover and bake until the apple Is tender. Remove the cover and set marshmallows over the top of the apples; return the dish to the oven for the browning of the marshmallows. Serve hot, with or without cream. Fresh Fish Salad. Flake1 baked or boiled fish while hot. For a pint of fish, cut six olives very fiin length wise; to them add a tablespoonful of capers, a teaspoonful of onion pulpv half a teaspoonful of salt, a table spoonful of lemon juice and two table spoonfuls of olive oil. Mix, then pour over the fish; mix with two forks, to avoid crushing; let stand in a cool place until ready to serve. Serve on lettuce leaves with mayonnaise in bowl. Garnish with pickled beets. The common things of life are all so dear; The moon's soft rays that through. -the leaves do shine. The morning's sun on glistening;;, waves so clear. The clouds of gorgeous hue rwr mine and thine. Edith Louise FarrelL ECONOMIES IN THE HOME- It hardly seems necessary to men tion that flour sacks of the large size may be bleached and used for various thingsv Open the seams and hem anu you nave one aism . tdwels. The small-sized sugar sacks may be used to hold lettuce after It . has been washed and is ready for the table. Put Into the sack, It may lay on the Ice. Small salt sacks are fine -for holding herbs and dried seeds, fotr use in various ways. Tea grounds make a fine brightener , of carpets. Use them dampened with water, and sweep lightly with a broom. . Old underwear mnkes fine wash cloths, and stockings of any kind .or 'color, cut in strips and fitted into a mop, will answer, when treated with, a good oil, as a dust mop. , When nuts are dry and tasteless;, breaking Into bits when cracked, soak' them for an hour or two in hot water -before cracking. They will be like - frsh nuts When a broom is worn on one sfdf . dip it in hot suds on wash day, and while soft and wet cut with a sharps ' hatchet or scissors. Always mix such dry mixtures as cornstarch with sugar when making a sauce, as the sugar keeps It from lumping when the water is added. Add a dash of salt to most fruits;' it saves sugar and brings out the fla vor. ' This Is true of fresh or dried fruits. When making a custard, cook It as usual If It Is a boiled custard, and take out a portion, to which may be added various seasonings liked In a salad 1 dressing; the remainder may be sweet--ened and flavored, and two dishes are ready with one cooking. Stretching tne meat navor is a great economy. "When preparing hamburg er, add a cupful of cooked oatmeal, seasonings, and either cook It In a flat ' cake or small cakes. The cereal will ' 1111 I Id Mill THII I IIM III.II Will rVM fplly as satisfying. Any cereal, such-' as rice or other cooked breakfast foods, -may be used equallyas well. Take the strips from, the ends and Eiaes ox nunc iiuen wmcn is Daaiy xx?tiry an? maVf ' Into narvlrfno irm. may nave six or ,eijnt ooa-iooKinff napkins which are well worth the.troir- . f 1 ' ' left may be hemmed for various uses. quilted, by a few stitches on the ma chine, for dishcloths. 4 ' fiuuuU f