PoiLKOt 4TOIITH CAEOLINA; ? I i 1 ? J :1 I; r j! i t 0 - TPE FOLK COUMTY HEVS anriTRYOH BcE f f v Consolidated Nov j 1915 and adopted the plan lofCstealirig from the 1 different stores,; garages etc. He was arrested Monday and his nlace searched and a wagon load of articles of various kinds i found. He PnU;. r Fri.iav Was sent to Uolumbus lau xo await TRYON. NORTH CAROLINA jj &&ffitSSi the roads. , Office phone 99 Residence 45. Etrd as second-class matter A pril 23. 191 at tba post office at Tryon. North Carolina, un UX h act of March 3. Ib79 C. BUSH, Editor and Publisher Subscription $2.00 per Year OBITUARIES, C4RDS OF THANKS, B solutions of Respect. Church or Lodge Notices where an admission fee is charged, or for financia rain, will be charged regular advertising rates of fire cents per line. THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION. 226 West I9th Street. New York City, is our sole jmd exclusive Foreign Advertising Agent. "Long May It Wave." POLITICAL ADVERTISING An assistant table waiter at one of Tryon's , hostelries astonished the guests one day last week by falling all over the floor, making horrible faces at them, trying to sit in their laps, spilling breakfast food all over I the premises, getting: into a motor car and trying in vain to start it, ana finally falling asleep and sobering off under the stairway. In the course of his adventures he lost his new over coat. In the dry State of North Car olina where did he get ivi A professional tournament will be played at the golf links on Monday next. Carl Anderson, of New York, and George Bowden, of Boston, Mass, will meet Joe Nicoll head profession al of the Dayton County Club, and James Kelley. Carl Anderson play ed here one year ago and held the course record of 39. This year Mr. Kelly holds the record of 38. This coming tournament is looked to with interest by the golfers of Tryon. Play will begin at 2:30 o'clock, sharp. Mrs. R. T. McFee has been suffer ing from tonsilitis this week, buti. is getting along nicelv now. A merry party of "picnicers" about twelve in number from Pine Crest Inn, some driving and others 0 horse back, went up to Skyuka Monday. The weather was ideal for a day on the mountains, and among some of the unusual things enjoyed by the party was the novelty of an outdoor beefsteak dinner provided by their hosts, Messrs. Brown and Wilie. A visit was paid the nearly completed home of Mr. Bannard, of New York, and many compliments were paid Mr. Ludlum who has had charge of the building of that attractive and un usual home. llth. She was a good woman ana had many friends. She came; from a prominent and well' known v family in this sprtimi V " siarfe with a Cold Kill the Cold. At the first sneeze take . , -tf ELL'S fck. tow QUININE Standard cold 0 "Mates WlVv hours !iB 1 XsfeKw top 4THXIW7JM remedy for 20 years form safe, sure, no breaks up a cold in 24 elieves grip in 3 days. back if it laus. me ne box " hn3 a Red with Mr. Hill's picture. ATI Umrr Sfnrma IF YOU HAVE Uli TO SELL List it with me, I can sell it for you. W.A. ToddjRsalEstate Landrum,S. C MRS. HANNON PACE DIES, As the campaign for nomination and election to various offices will soon be upon us, we take this means of stating the policy of this paper re garding all political advertising ap pearing therein. All advertisements will be marked "Political advertisement" and this paper assumes no responsibility x for any statements-contained in any ar ticle or advertisement. All articles must be signed by the candidate, his campaign manager or the person writing same. We do not want at any price, "mud slinging" articles or advertisements. , We will accept advertisements from all political parties and candidates or their campaign managers upon the following- conditions: AH ads must be paid for in advance. No deviation from this rule for any party or candi date. All advertisements or articles accepted only upon express under standing that the statements con tained therein are NOT the expression of the paper, but of the party paying for same. The rates for the above will be, display, per inch, 20 cents; reading matter per line, 5 cents ' (In estimating the number of lines copy will make count six words-to 'tils -line) . As this paper does not mt-?nl io take sides politically, if ycu cay not meet the above conditicr.3 v.re v.ill 2 compelled to refuse -your baiir.csr. C. BUSH, Editor. Died, at Saluda, after a lingering illness of fifteen months, Mrs. Han non Pace, aged 57 years. Mrs. Pace is survived by her husband, one son, L. C. Pace of the firm of H. Pace & Son; and one daughter, wife of Jas. A. Pace, of Thompson & Pace. Mrs. Pace was a member of the BaptislH church at Mountain Page, where she -A -1919 -TAXES ARE PAST DUfe MY LAST CALL. Meet me at the following , places on. dates below, to save cost and troubleafc I am going to advertise the first of April and sell the first of - May. THIS MEANS BUSINESS. T ; Greens Creek, Lawters Store, Wed nesday, Feb. 25th. 1920. Greens Creek" Sheilds Store, Thurs day, Feb. 26th. 1120. Cross Keys, Friday Feb. 27th 1920. Aboline, Saturday, Feb. 28th. 1920 Columbus, Monday, March 1st. 1920 Pea Ridge, Wednesday March 10th. 1920. Saluda, Tuesday, March 2nd. 1920. Tryon, Wednesday, March 3rd. 1920 Lynn, Thursday, March 4th. 1920. Coopers Gap, Jackson Mill, Friday, March, 5th. 1920. Coopers Gap,' Whitesides Mill, Mon day, March 8th 1920. Coopers Gap, P. D. Williams, Tues day, March 9th. 1920. White Oak, Mill SpringThursday, March llth. 1920. FRANK JACKSON, Sheriff. ;JtfOTICI t PELLNQUEN!Tv TAX PAYERS ;' .a-: Notice is hereby given to" the. par ties named below, and toall other persons who may be concerned as mortgagees, that the undersigned purchased at sale of property of de linquent tax payera,' in Columbus, Polk County, N. C, on the 5th day of May, 1919, land listed and. decribed as follows: 2 town' lota in the Town of Tryon, less 20 feet on back of each lot, listed in the name of W. O. Miller, for th year 1918. Notice is hereby given that appli cation will be made to the sheriff of Polk County, N. C, by the under signed for deeds of said property af ter the 5th day of Ma, 1920. This Dec. 12th, 1919. JOHN P. LOCKHART, Purchaser. O. D Fruit Juice Used in Milk. Juice ofs the fruit of the massaran duba tree, found plentifully In Brazil, Is used in many neighborhoods in place of cow's milk. It is sweet to the taste and milky in appearance, but after 24 hours it turns into an elas tic mass similar to rubber in its raw state. The fruit possesses nourishing, pectoral and emollient properties. NOTICE. Republican County Convention. Am now booking orders for February pigs to be shipped at 8 weeks old. AH pure bred, and nothing but the very best shipped at any price. We guarantee all stock shipped to be as represented or money back. For prices, write, LYNN WALDROP Route 1 Mill Spring, N. C. i 1 ir iiisiiiess SOME HAMPSHIRE HOGS. C A .ttS,i .'.V U S X. 173 RTt-lrWi'. " " " 1- - . Mr. C. J. Lynch received four fine pure bred Hampshire hogs Tuesday which will be used as foundation for his herd of Hampshire he is estab lishing on his farm near Tryon. They are fine looking animals and doubtless will be money makers for Mr. Lynch. They are of the breed adopted by the Polk County Hampshire Swine Breeders Association in an effort to standardize hog breeding in Polk County. Every . farmer and hog raiser should inspect these animals .and if possible adopt the same breed, thereby enabling us to make ship ments of car loads of one kind and to get the top prices on the market. Go see these hogs before you decide upon any other breed you will not regret it. Mr. C. W. Morgan received a Tam worth sow and two Tamworth and Duroc Jersey pigs by express Tues day which were fine looking animals of the breed. COLUMBUS BAPTIST CHURCH. Sunday school 10:00. Our Sunday school is trraduallv growing and becoming more interest Jing. We are striving to make it a . constructive force in the community life of our people. Can we count on your cooperation in this work. Come and help us grow. Preaching 2nd and 4th Sunday morning. A welcome to all visitors. . Agency to Let Direct Factory Distributer's Proposition! Giving exclusive right of sales agency, for which we make no charge, to right party who will open a small exclusive tire store or install a tire department in store already established. Our present factory distributing agents are doing .1 big business and ordering more tires daily. Their customers 2 re coming back for Parkers all around, and thev are also recommending Parker Super-Size Cord Tires to their friends. Our factory production is being increased to supply more agencies. First coupon mailed gets first in formation on fluency proposition. By order of the Republican County Ex. Committee of Polk County a con vention is hereby called to meet at the Court house in Columbus on Satur day the 6th day of March 1920 at one o'clock P. M. for the purpose of nom inating a candidate for the Legisla ture and the various other offices in Polk County, and for the transaction of such other business as may prop erly come before said convention. The various township chairmen are requested to call and hold township conventions on Saturday the 28th day of February 1920 and elect delegates to said county convention. Also each township isvYequested to. elect .thre township committeemen of whom one member of said committee is to be elected as -township chairman. " o " -i This February 2nd, 1920 V- -W. C. ROBERTSON, Chairman County Ex. Committee. (Advertisement) without questiotiif Hunt'cSalv fails in the treatment of Eczema. Tetter, Ringworm, Itch, etc. Don't become discouraged be cause other treatments failed Hunt's Salva has relieved hun dreds of such cases. You can't lose on our Money Each C umra n fee. Try it at our rit Ic TODAY. Price 75c at MISSILDINE'SPHARMACY We Have the Right Prices '. AND Kind of Materials o do your building. Full stock Doors, Windows, Siding, Flooring Ceiling, Shingles, Loths, Interior Finish and Moulding. Rough and j Dressd Lumber. Carry complete HEARON LUMBER CO. SALUDA, N. C. JOYNER KELLEY Plqmbing Sewerage Heating - Phone 87 Tryon, N. C. ;: VS. iCW 1 4 MILL SPRING BAPTIST CHURCH. Sunday school 10:3Ql Preaching next Saturday afternoon f.ov ana csunaay mormng 11:30 A good live Sunday school makes a good, live active church. A live and forceful church makes a desirable community. 1 Won't, you help us build up these three factors in Mill Spring? A welcome extended to all to join in our services. , E. J. JONES, PaitosF. . D. C. Hamilton, colored, decided that it was easier to live by the sweat of the brows of others than himself, I" 23 MaU Coupon Below Today I rj m S3 E3 a . COUPON F- i5 !W is iLi hZ. Ul SkAS fcS rt m Wtf UJi ftnsM afaUl Cenilcirten: jj I ; V ! 5 ithoc! say. obH-intion .'on mv mrt tvHif'.vvr nUo,. r..u Sition orf 1 tizc Ccrd i ires. - mc Occupation ....v. Mack P. Spears - Attorney at Law Columbus - N. C. Is There An Electric Flat Iron In Your Home 0 a a 23 ass Bi sa m ca rais 'tatitataa-an e ca aacacsnczta Street Address .;;.. Cily..... Q. Price $0:55 Guaranteed for 10 Years 1RY0H ELECTRIC SERVICE C0HPAI1Y . Classified Advertisements. FOR SALE OR RENT: 35 acres, good house and barn. Conveniently located near town. Fine place to keep boarders. House nartlv fur nishedApply to James Leonard, Real Estate, Tryon. N. C. WANTED Cow peas, if you have any to sell, we Want to buy tnem. HOMES' SEED- STORE, Spartanburg. S. C.' 162 E. Main St. vy.' - And ii iKY Rug Collections n and Mortgages 3 Contracts ,,?J'T?lH Drioes. re Tryon Lodge No 1 Knights ofPyiy CaslIeHalliaMJ,, M-.i.Tk....J.. . r. .eBa VISITORS WELCcS W. F. LITTil NOTARY PUBUc i Tryon, N a ' -A NEWS ads get results. WE SOLICIT YouT orders for Flooring r' We manufacture this and you money. tee us for laifcj doors and sash. Sli T. T. GREEN LUMBER COXfJ NEWS AOS. GETrS 3H THE UNIVERSAL CAR ;..r.,5ire?tTIiiriiB;:ih the World ''VJyr9 and two have always made four. There . would hot be more than three million five hundred ; thousand Ford cart in daily service if the Ford did .not meet the demands of all classes of people. Two and two have always made four. If the iron and Vanadium steel used in the Ford chassis, were not of the highest quality, then the Ford car t could not have won its world-wide reputation. Two and two have always made four. When replacements and repairs are required on Ford cars, the Ford owner will be wise in bringing his car to our place, because we use only the Genuine Ford Parts, have Ford skilled mechanics, and all the Ford knowledge that goes to maintain the high" standard of quality which is original in the Ford car. We solicit your business. Tourini $525 Chassis $475 Runabout $500 Truck $550 Couplet $650 Sedan 775 rreight on any above $38.36 Gov. taifc on each , . r Ballenger-Morris Motor Car Company ; .y i-r: Tryon, North Carolina Jiivery Uut Jl ender 'V audi Delicious You should visit our new sanitary meat market. We are handling now only the best Western meats and can absolutely g' anty to you nice tender cuts. Our market is in charge of a man considerable experience in the best markets and knows how to please you. Everything we sell is absolutely anteed. , witi city Pl-esh Oysters, Pork, Hams, Chipped Beef, Sausage, Beef, Lamb, Breakfast Bacon, Chickens and All Pork Sausage Specialty 7n. J -A r, A r Co. Tryon, FOR EVERYTHING North Carols

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