POLK COUNTY, NEWS, TRYON, NORTH CAROLINA TRYON f it w- ... nr ... ir0t Cross Buns-at, Tev Room Ash tv E. M. Salley, of Saluda,' S'asln Tryon a few hours, Tuesday'-" ; ' 'jrs J. A. McGuire, of Henderson viqfVis visiting Mrs. P. G. Morris. Ajr w. F. Little spent Sunday in afuda with his brother, G. R. Lettle. Pnr Sale: Good work horse, or will tl,fdc for milk cows. W. M VGAINES. Mijs Edna Stackhouse, of Inman, e guest of Tryon friends, Sun- if by the People for the People nr. Fred E. Swann spent a day or two this week at High Jfoint, on dus fK R. Vernor and Miss Loraine nrp were Spartanburg visitors, 1."-- 1 ATwLlV. w F Little and son. Frank ly n, spent a few hours in Landrum, We A Bank otjtne reopie -- i t- i rri j vv ail i i r. v ill r-: iche euest of Mr. and: Mrs. Iobt. v'hittintrton. at:u Mvrtle Reece. of Asheville has accepted a position as bookkeeper" at v. Ballenger Co. of Snriner Hats. Fri day and Saturday, February 13 and 14. Ballenger & M.cFee. Kt, Pnnl Dawson, of Spartanburg, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Whittineton over ounaay. Miss Stone, the occupant of the r.nrric-nft house, is visiting relatives in Rrooklvn, N. Y. for a short time. r c- Pnimon. orincioal of the Green's Creek school spent the week end with the family of W. W. Craw Ipv. - Messrs. C. W. Balleriger and P. G. nto otnHed the Ford dealers an iUUll iO . . . .rmvention. at Charlotte last week. Misses Esther, Jessie and Louise Bowen of Hendersonville, spent Sun day with their friend Miss Nell Craw- ley 01 iryun. tvTi-co "NJpllip Crawlev. who is teach Creek school, soent the week-end., with her parents, Mr. - and Mrs. W.' W. Crawley, in Tryon. at. rs-nA Mrs. J. M. Shultz and daughter, Dorothy, of Oak Park, Illi nois, arrived in Tryon, on Monday, and are stopping at Pine Crest Inn. Wanted : -Home-made,, 'chairs. Will pav good price. Must be'smdoth and v.;to cont.s. Want some at once. Arthur Scruggs, Tryon, N. C Arimiml Mpad: a cruest for a month nr.a af OnV Hall, left for Savan- nah on Wednesday. He has' good words to say for Tryon and its resi dents. f;c T?ha Rarnard. of Asheville, who has been temporarily keeping u KAftVs n the Kallencrer Co.. ior the past few weeks, returned to her home, luesday. - - . - Fdwards. who 1 has Wr, a momr of the -NEWS force for the past several, .months,-has re-. Ricmpri ner nosiuun aiiu icwimu her home at Mill Spring. Mr. John Washburn is repeating u?c locf orintAr'a pirrierience bv com ing to Tryon from Williams College, Mass., to recuperate irom me nu He knows where to come. Mr. Jarvis, of Toronto, a well taiown personage in Tryon, was at Oak Hall -aoir fnr a dav or two on his way further south. He expects to return to Tryon later in the season d dautrhten Mrs 1 IJ. O . ' ... Dcd' nt PolnThns. Ohio. Will cnon io rpst. of the winter m J.ryon Thev are occuoving Mrs. Strong's apartments, on Melrose Circle. Mrs. E. Rhodes has returned from v,Q AioTifi MnrVpt and will have her wit A. x viuii aiami ' first Spring showing of fewest styi purniture and Fixtures in Spring hats-Friday and Saturday p . , . , Overdrarts.. Briquettes, a new tuei, consig , , , , , of occrl intii balls Cash and due trom Dan ks. . ul iiixiu. tuai vivioi, f - - - . i 'Vhniif v citq rt-f tpnms ball, nas i au;ub biic oiiiV -v ' Fl v4 to come and see us in our new fire-proof ; store building, just completed, where we have on display a new, clean stock of Groceries, Furnishings, Shoes, Millinery and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear and all of which is sold at rock bottom fig ures, We are ready and anxious to supply your wants in anything in our line, and we welcome a comparison of our ' prices with those of our competitors. l.-.i- See us for Feed of all kind. Wilkims & . Co. Tryon9 N. C. ' Peoples Bank & Trust Co. G. H. Holmes, Pres. ' .J. 1- Waldrop, Vice nes. Walter Jones, Vice Pres. W F Little, Cashier V. A. Bland, Asst. Cash tunity To the average man if he is not savins? It will enable you to grasp the opportunity if you will take our advice Open a sav ings account with US Today. Motto; Save that's what counts. CAROLINA: STATE BANK. DAVID C. BARliQW W C ROBERTSON, Q. C. SONNBR H. S. LANE Ctsbier "IS OOO0OOOOOOOO8OOOOCOCOCOCO CO Report of the Condition of Polk County Bank & Trust Go. At COLUMBUS, N. C. at the close of business on January 31st, 1920 THREE MONTHS OLD Resource Loans and discounts. .MX, $41 ,590.72 I Demand Loans 1 .11 i Liberty, Bohds;",..- I. Bills Rec. (on demand)... . . Banking House....., 7300.00 300.00 5,000.00 2,082.69 2,427.30 2,000.00 1 1 7.32 16,917.96 been introduced into Tryon. -If is said to combine advantages of botn soft and hard coal. Mr. and'Mrs Emerson, who reach ed here from snow-bound Massachu setts last week on one of, Tryon s coldest days, were warmed and charmed by what seemed to them the springiest of spring days.. . Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Lawrence, "WilTYiAtte. Illinois, ar- in Tryon Sunday. -This is their first visit, ourintereatiiie; " nnrl tViPv nro oninvinir it to the Ut- most. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence are at Pine Crest Inn. . First, shnwincr of SDrins: Hats, Fridav and Saturday. Feb. 13 and 14. r - r Ballenger & McFee. Mrs. Giles and Miss Giles dug themselves out.- of the New York snow-drifts Sunday and reached lry on the following day. During the snow blockade they visited one ot New York's largest stores and en countered only abaut half dozen cus tomers. At the Congregational churchy the 1 regular services will be held on Sun day, Feb. 15th, after two weeks inter- miccirm Snnrlaw RrVlOol at 10 and nuhliV wnrahin at 11 n. m. . Visitors and strangers cordially welcome. Bible study and even song on Wed nesday at 4 o'clock. The new counter refrigerator, just installed by the Ballenger Co., would do credit to any city, and after being i!iiinvifii vir Vioi vmw tyi arkpt man certainly does look tempting, we h rrorrfiSS. eS- pecially as to the sanitary handling of fresh meats. liabilities Capital Stock, paid in... .. Undivided Profits Deposits subject to check- Time Certificates ot deposit Cashiers checks outstanding 1 5,000.00 1.333.42 56,430.98 6,284.35 687.54 NOTICE. o o o IO o COURTESY! SERVICE! waktrd TO' RETitrThe timber irom ouu or more acres vi. vngm xx- i Rt. for lTfiTYicdiate ' removal. Usual w varieties, mostly oak, pine, , chestnut, 1 Q lCU, V i vlrWT TITO U11U1, lUl.Ul.y nmu, " northeast of Saluda, in wnat is Known as Green River cove. E. J. BRADLEY & SUMS. Saluda. N. C. WHAT MAKES A BANK? NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLI CATION V - In The Superior Court-Before The Clerk. NORTH CAROLINA POLK COUNTY G; L. THOMPSON 5 -Vs- . JESSE F. PACE, The Defendant in the above-entitled cause of action will take notice that an action entitled as above has been Total.., .$77,735.99 Total...... ...... $77,35.VV We respectfully solicit youp business POLK COUNTY BANK & TRUST CO. The Peooles Friendly Bank. COLUMBUS, N. C. E W. S. COBB, President ' ' FRANK JACKSON. Vice Pres. W. E. WALKER, Vice Pres. ' ' n ,. FRED W. BLANTON. Cash. M. L. ARLEDGE, At. Cashier o o o o o o 8 o o o o o o o o o o () C) C) (V () 1 Well, our answer to that question is the men behind the bank, the men interested in its management, the men who stand for business integrity and square dealing. . , . ... I The officers of our bank are accommodating and willing to extend you every courtesy. ; Our directors are not figure-heads, they actually rKrprr- fl-ir- affairs of the bank and know how its business is conbucted Our stockholders are among the solid men of the community. These v are what if takes to make a good bank, in our judgement, a safe place O for you to Jo business. We invite you to join us. ' O t. BAN IK OP TRYON () ' .. " ! () W. T. LINDSEY Pre J. B. HESTER Cuhltr. ( ) an action entiuea as auove no y - t aotoecoer C of cooooosgocooooocococococcco $700.00., as bond in the superior court I OCieQgo003occOCCCOCCCOCCwaOCCOCCCacCO3CCC3CCC P T11 trrkioh WO es TrtTTPl 1 Pll I X ui .runs, cuuiiwy w im-u "- " Ur, V, An-Farln-ni- ?jf loaf OTTY1 of COUrt. ana paia oy ms &urci,y wie jjwiiwiii lU. IRIS aCUUII, Uic uca.cuuuu " ther take notice tnat tnere was on the. same date of this summons a war rant of attachment issued against him and returnable with this summons; he will futher take notice that he is re fn atiiwar before the clerk of the superior court for Polk County, at his office in Columbus 19 day ol, eD- 1 f? ' .,; j, j-II ii1lllill.llMB.HH" IHM "'"',',.1,117 i IL''"'"!.l-''-y,'" , - - -g- i 111 11 j m 1 1 nigra 1 Q9H ti1 answer or demur tne complaint in said action, or the plaint iff tinii onnir n t.ViA rourt for the re- lief demanded in the said complaint This 28th day of Jan. lszu. v J. P. ARLEDGE, Clerk of the Superior Court. For farm, lands or towra i . property see ; W, T. LD NOSEY, Try ora. 3 j QQpgpy.pgcooogofgggggCaCeQQ 5! (1 CI fl TTTT Y TT R ce: . ...... ED SERVICES AT HOLY CROSS CHURCH Sunday. February 15th, Holy Com munion at 7:30 A. M. vr ;v ' Sunday School. at, 10 A, M.?. Morning Prayer .nd Sertnon at J.l A.M. ''-ii,:-- ' Bible Class at 4 P. M. ' The Lenten Season will begin on Ash iWednesday, February 18th, with a celebration ot the Holy Communion at 7:30 A. M. and litany and address at 10:30 A. M. m Friday, Feb. 20 Service at 5 P. M. Car Load Biurggoes 011000 Omie Whops La p TO lb S a on dl GilairirD(SSS AOfl at Ppp.iuiOair Proces - A SANITARY MEAT WIARIIET Our meats are kept in a sanitary ice box, whicb we keep as clean as years of experience and painstaking labor can keep it We buy only the best mfeats.on the market, both native and Western. We grind al our sausage and feel satisfied that if you want clean, sweet meats tha you can do no bettes than let us serve you. Market prices paid for Cattle, Hogs, and Chickens. A. H. WILLIAMS. TTTT WMH H , !Hardlwaire Landrum South Carolina Co. ForThe Go To Best In. Groceries j 4 JOHN ORR & CO., Tryon, N. C. Phone No. 14

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