Days aireIreal days The time for saving and getting ahead in the game of life is NOW. With a Bank Account started and steadily growing you will "-xparience a pleasure of. accomplishment in saving that comes from naught else. The best way is to come in and start an account to day. Don't delay on account of the amount you have for the start. BAN IK Off ALU OA 'Capital $1 0,000.00 SaBtnda, N. c. OHH B. 0M, Pres. ' P3EST0M H. BAILEY, Cash. - Mrt-w im tht tim to think about those stumps in your field. Just think about the time wasted in plow- map arnirnn mose SLiniiua. turn aaawaj. AAly ' . A in or vour mow under the roots e pulling and grunting, and hahv "kussin and the taken up and the corn broken down by going, around them. So 'you see there is enough lost in one year , to pull them. Don't just think about all this; but get busy and get rid 01 part of them this winter. The best way to get rid of them is just keep right on getting rid of them until they are all gone. In my experince, you can remove some cheapest and quickest with dynamite; some by means of a stump puller and some bv means of a matttock ana pnze w But by all means keep right them till they all disappear. NOTICE TO DELIQUENT TAX Notice is hereby given to the parties named below and all persons that may A hm eonecrned as mortgagees, that the nPrha undersigned purchased at a sale of perhaps property of deliquent taxpayers, in iana ri,rmhn Polk Countv on tne 4tnaay of May, 1919, land listed and describ ed as follows : . f y Eighteen acres of land in ColumOuf Township, listed in the name oPL. F. Grant for the year 1918; one lot in the Town of Tryon, less forty feet on back, listed in the name of A. Smith gale for the year 1918; one lot in the Town of Saluda, less one foot on the back, listed in the name B. L. McCall for the year 1918; one lot in the Town of Saluda, less one foot on the back, listed in the name of Mrs. C. P. El lerbe for th year 1918; one town lot in the Town of Saluda, less one foot on the back, listed in the name of E. L. Moore; for the year 1918; one hundred and twenty-nine ' r.cres - of land in White Oak Township listed in the name of WM. Sentell estate for the year 1918; seventy-two acres of land listed in the name of A. B. Green, fortyrnine acres in Coopers Gap Township listed in the name of Grant Walker for the year 1918. . Notice is futher given -that application will be made to the sheriff of Polk County by the undersigned for deeds of said pro perty after the 4th day of May 1920. L. L. TALLAN f, Jan. 23, 20. ' Purchaser. 3-times . " . . - -; PUBLIC SALE NO 1 RE " I will offerfor sale at the residence of ..Thomas Hice in Polk County j-Ii a househ6ld and kitchen furniture $ farming toqls, one mare 7 veers u one cow 5 years old and 50 iis. of bacon; all. of which will be sold the highest bidder for cash Tues day Feb. 3rd. 192a Beggining at 10 o'clock A. M and continue til! ove thing, is sold.' , No by-bidding every thin? s ly and openly and the highest gets the 1920. goods. This 22 dav -jr" T an. C. D Rt 1. Tryon N aftei .NOTICE OF ELECTION Whereat the Board of Education of Polk County has petitioned for an election to be held in Green's Creek School District No 20. in Green's Creek Townsrip, Polk County, to ascertain whether the voters in s:i district are in favor or issuing a Hon for the purpose of building new pub lic school building, more"parti'jai'rh described as a Smith-Hushes gnruf tural School-house, with dormito- and other room, ia said school 1K triet, in accordance with the provi . siona of the State Wide Bond Act for School Buildings, Chapter 55 of Pub lie laws of 1915, as amended by the nnblic laws of 1917. : Therefore it is ordered by the Board of Commissioners of Polk Countv that an election be held in Green's Creek School District No. 20 on the 30 day of March A. D. 1920, to ascertain whether the voters of said Green's Creek School District No. 20. are in favor 01 issuinsr a v bond m the sum of Three thousand Dollars (3000), for the purpose of building, rebuilding and repairing said school house in caid school district, and furnishing the same with suitable equipment. The said bond shall run for eight teen years and six months, and shall beaiMnterest at not to exceed five (o) per centum per annum interest pay able semi annually together with s portion of the principal making a total semi-annual payment of one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125) as shown in detail in amortization table attached to said' bond. Privilege shall be granted of making additional pay ments on the principal as therein specified on any of interest payment, thus shortening the duration of the bond. The-maximum that may be levied to pay the interest upon said bond and a sinking fund for the semi-annual payment on said bond shall vnbt exceed thirty(30) cents on the hun dred dollars and ninety (90) cents on u polL That th said election shall be held at'Sheild's precinct voting place in said Greens Creek School District No. 20 which is hereby designated as the polling place of said election, and the said election shall be held under the laws, rules and regulations govern ing elections in special tax districts. That Berlin White is , hereby ap pointed Registrar of said Election and G. Ed Feagan and J. T. Orconrrr.: are hereby appointed z.s Judgss of said election. It is futher ordered that r.t fc-M election those favoring tho -r,w"-p rf m bond and the laying of a special tax shall vote a ballot on which shall bo printed thewords "For Scnool-house Bonds" and those, who are opposed thereto shall vote a ballot on which hall be printed, the wods "Against School-house Bonds. And it is futher orderedthat a copy f this order, which shall constitute a otice of eaid election shall be posted at the Court ' House door of Polk County at Columbus, N. C, for thirty days preceding said election; tha a opy 01 xnis oroer wrucn shall cen One lot in Tryon township listed in he name of L. V. Randall for the year 1918. 50 acres of land m White Oak town ship listed in the name of Frank Mills for the year 1918. 15 acres of land m Columbus town ship listed in the name of Grayson Newman for the year 1918. 25 acres of land m Saluda town ship listed in the name of J. G. Rollins for the year lyis. 30 acres of land in Saluda : town shiD listed in the name of D. M. Rol lins for the year 1918. 60 acres of land in Columbus town shit) listed in the name of W. M. Newman for the year 1918. 15 acres of land in White Oak town shin listed v in the name of- A. J. Snlawn for the year 1918. One lot in the Town of Tryon, Try on township, less 22 feet on back, listed in the name of J. H. Metcalf, for the year 1918. 15 acres of land in Coopers Gap township, listed in the name of J. R Blanton, for the year 1918. .Notice is hereby given that ap plication will be made to the sheriff of Polk County, N. C., by the under signed for deeds to said property af ter the 5th day of May. 1920. This January 15th. 1920. J. D. CARPENTER, Purchaser. ORDExl AND NOTICE OF Wo snnVp about crardens and will w 'It 0 m ml onimiP tr sneak of them, mere is J a v w 'x . no end. to garden work and it is the most profitable work done on the farm. Almost time to plant Irish potatoes for earliest crop then on ions, lettuce, other early vgetables should be planted right away; so haul out and spread manure, and plow, and be ready to plant when the time is at hand. Remarkable Fortification. An ancient fortification, 'declared to be more remarkable from an engi neering viewpoint than the pyramids of Egypt, has been discovered in the lndes. It is an enormous edifice, com posed of -stones, weighing thirty and forty tons, which had been transferred from a quarry across a river and car ried up a stecu sIodo. ELECTION Renovating Serces. r To take spots off serges and similar fabrics put a teaspoonful of quillaia baric into a pint of boiling water and let it stand till next day. Pour off, strain and bottle. A little of this ap plied with a clean rag to tweeds and serges acts like magic. I iatvt a motice of said electiom shalLj election. Whereas, in accordance with pro visions of Chap. 532 of the Public Local Laws cf 1919, a petition has been presented to the Board of Coun- ty Commissioners of Polk Countyj signed by twenty-five per cent of the qualified voters of the county, for order of an election to ascertain the will of the voters as to whether bonds ; of the county shall be issued and sold for the purpose of building and equips ing a County Home for the aged and infirm: Now, therefore, it is ordered by the Board of County Commiss ioners of Polk County,that an ... elec tion be held in said county at the various election precincts on Tuesday, the 20th day of April, 1920, under the same rules and regulations, and in the same manner as elections for members of the General Assembly, at which time the question of issuing and selling bonds in the amount of 15,000 for the purpose stated above arid the levy of a tax sufficent to pay the interest on said bonds and create a sinking fund for their retirement shall be submitted to the voters of the county qualified to vote at the preceding general election for mem bers of the General Assembly,, at which election those favoring the is suence and sale of said bonds shall cast ballots on which shall be printed or written words "For County Home Bonds' and those opposed shall cast ballot on which shall be printed or written the words "Against County Home Bonds". That this order shall be notice of said election and shall be posted in one or more places in each election precinct of the county and published in the Polk County News for three months next immediatelv preceding the time fixed for said TO AVOID THE "FLU" FIRST OF ALL, MAKE SURE YOUR BLOOD IS RED AND RICH IN FIGHTING TRIM SAFETY IN VIGOROUS BLOOD WHEN you see this famous trade-mark, think a minute! Think of the delicious taste of a slice of fresh toasted bread! That's the real idea back of the success of Lucky Strike cigarettes. Toasting improves tobacco just as well as bread. And that's a lot. I Try a Lucky Strike cigarette IF YOU'RE LISTLESS AND DE PRESSED DONT DELAY A MINUTE GET A GOOD TONIC be published in the Polk County News, s newspaper puDiisnea at Tryon, jn. C. in said Polk County, for four suc cessive weeks preceedmg said election. Done at a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Polk County N. C, on the 2nd. day of February A. D. 1920, at Columbus, N. C, at ; whiqh meeting there were present Chas Davenport Chairman and .G. L. Thompson, Commissioner. CHARLES DAVEPORT . Chairman. G. L. THOMPSON NOTICE DELINQUENT PAYERS TAX Notice is hereby riven to the par ties named below, and to all other persons 'who may be concerned as mortgagees, that the undersigned purchased at a sale of property of de linquent tax payers, in Columbus. Polk County. N. C, on the 5th day of May, 1919, land listed and described as follows: 10 acres of Land in Greens Creek lownship, listed m the name of San ford Liles, for the year 1918. Notice is hereby given that appli cation will be made to the sheriff of Polk County, N. C, by the under- signea for deeds of said property af ter the 5th day of May, 1920. This Vtc. 12tn, 1919. BEN LILES, Purchaser. It is futher ordered that the follow. ing named be and are hereb annoint- ed to act as poll holders in the various election precincts of the county :TCo- lumbus. W. B. Arledge, registrar, J. W. Newman and J: F: Ormand, pages, lryon: j. Monroe; reg istrar, J. C. Fisher and W. F. Swann, judges, Saluda: C. L. Pace, registrar, R. M. Hall and J. C. Metcalf, judges, Jackson's Mill, D. H. Thompson, registrar, 1. u. .Lawter and M. A: Jackson, judges, Big Level: W. H. L.edbetter, registrar, J. C. Powell and Jerry Jackson, judges, Pea Ridge: J. xj. Vvarsweii, registrar u. .w Ponder and N. D. Moore, iuderes' Green's Creek: G. C. Feacran. registrar. J. T Greenwav and Walt. Fpao-nn Done by the Board of County commis- ioners of Polk County on the 6th day ox January, wzv, at a meeting ad journed from the 5th day of said month and year, at which meeting there were present Charles Da enport, Chairman George A. Painter and G. L. Thompson, commissioners. CHARLES DAVENPORT, Chairman. GEORGE A. PAINTER, G. L. THOMPSON, Commislonen. If you get the influenza, see a doctor at once but why get , it? Isn't, it worth while, instead, to take every precaution now, against getting it? Probably the best and first thing to do is to make sure you are in good physical condition. During an ep- laenuc, aimost wnerever you go you are exposed to influenza. As long as you are really well, thered corpuscles of your blood fight off and defeat dis ease germs. But when vou are tired and run down, when vou feel all right except that you heven't much energy or enthusiasm, your blood is tired out too, and you are an easy victim Pepto-Mangan has become famous as builder of rich, vigorous blood. It helps you up when you are run down. It helps you avoid illness. Or. it helps you recover, if you realized your poor physical condition too late. Physicians have been recommend ing Pepto-Mangan for years, in cases of anemia (bloodlessness). It j reliable, effective, and has a record of over tweney-five years success. Take no chances with a run-down condition. Get Pepto-Mangan today. It is good health insurance. Pepto-Mangan is sold in liquid and tablet form. There is no difference in medical value. Take either kind you prefer. But be sure you get .the genuine (Pepto-Mangan "Gude'd". The5full name should be on the pack (Advertisement) Guaranteed bjr i .. I ,r i NOTICE NOTICE DELIQUENT TAX PAYERS Notice is hereby given to the par ties named below, and to all other persons who mav be concerned as mortgagees, that the undersigned purchased at a sale of property of de- waquent tax payers, in Columbus, J? 9y N. C, on the 5th day of i ' "u "ateu ana uescnoe i as follows: ' ,.?5 s of 'land in Columbus town- 1r p' iiBlfa m th6 namfe of W. A. wwreu, ior tne year 1918. ffs.. land in Greens Creek wwnsmpr ustea m the name of S. J., ior xne year DELINQUENT PAYERS TAX Has Another Name. (thoughtful) "Did , you ever much about reincarnation, '18 (otherwise) "Think about eat it nearly everv rinvrmiw call it hash." Lnnri Journal. She think dear?" it? I we As to "Knockers." "Don't knock," said Uncle Eben. MA man is like one o' deshere motors. When he gits to knockin' it shows dais sumpin' wrong." . TO FARMERS who know the value of fish and want jit in their Fertilizer, we announce that we have laid in an ample supply of fish scrap to meet aft deinahds. If you want the genuine, oiginal' Fish Scrap Fertilizer, insist on ' i 4 1 11 i 7 j -il 1 -nil SuVS Notice is herebv ties named below, and to all other persons who may be concerned as mortgagees, that the undersigned purchased at a sale of nronertv of Hp- hquent tax payers, in Columbus, Polk youniy, in. u., on tne 5th dav of Mav. 1919. land listed and rWriVkor a -pi lows: 25 acres of land in Cnn-ntxy township listed in the name of Mrs. Mary Taylor for the year 1917 and 1918. . Notice is hereby -futher given that S11 Wl11 be made to the sheriff of Polk Cpunty N. C, by the under signed for deeds to said property af- fcwV G. L, TAYLOR, Purchaser. Uncle Eben. "All dat some men 'pears to git out of an education," said Uncle Eben, "is a lifelong desire to talk to folks dat's too busy to listen." . o i NOTICE ' Having qualified as adminstrator of the estate of Geortre B. Philhprt. Ha. ceased, all persons havineri claims againsx saia estate are requested to present the account to me within twelve months from this date or bar by statue will be plead. All persons indebted to said estate will make payment to the same with out futher notice1 of settlementThis 13th day of Feb. 1920. J. W. TURNER, Administrator. TRADEMARK ,1 RG1STER0 f I The JFertilfew F. S. ROYSTER GUANO .miWPAW Norfolk, Va. , Richmond, Va. Lynchburg, Va. Tarboro, N.C Charlotte, N. C. Washington, N. C. Columbia, & C. Srrtanburg, SJa Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga. Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Baltimore, Md. Toledo, Ohio. "

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