te cn!y Paper Publisfecd in Polk County A Live, Clean. - Newspaper. For the Home AND THE TRVON BEE VOL. XXV NO. 44. TRYON, N. FRIDAY, MARpH 5, 1920. ''"I i ii in in, 1 1 $2.00 A YRAP rnnna ftl.n rninmn niirn tup nniiumi fum uun -rnitnuD uvtn itit uuuNu 3 I u high 1 I.itsrjt Gathered By Our Corre.pandenU From Vario Sections of Polk Countv SALUDA I Mr. Ed YarWon w WA jjiiiwvllltWil, N. C, visited his sister, Mrs. . N. T. Mills, this week. ' Mr. J. T. Green is having a saw mill placed on the Cleveland land near Co lumbus, which he purchased. The work of cutting the timber will begin at once. "''-.'- Imxh is here, with a rear. The winds make us shiver with their th, and the flu hangs on, keep- THE POLK GOUNY FAIR Will Be Held October 14. 1920. .The County Commissioners Appropri ate $250 for Premiums ,W brcain, jn',r iiS. scared to death. But we are tlaf.k t'ul to be living and it will not bo Ions now to the good old summer t;;nc when the cold winds will go away and the gentle breezes blow, then we" must "remember that all through life we must take the bitter well as the sweet; and when the storms' pass away the sun seems to shine brighter than ever, .therefore be thankful for the storms as well as the sunshine. Mr. W" II. Face and family have returned from Statesville, N. C.,. where Jhey were with Mrs. Pace's mother during her last illness. Miss Bessie Sonner returned tc Demo rest, Ga., -Sunday morning This is Miss Sonner's second year at Piedmont, college, and she has beer home 'for a' short while recovering from an attack of influenza. .Misses Lois Tace and Lila May Guice, whe came home about the same time, will return later. Mr. Russell T.ocke, from the same school is nome for a few -days 'with his mother, who wit! Miss Rosa Box, have just returned from Washington! D. C, where they have been all whiter, to be near Mr. H. P. Locke, Sr., and H. P. Locke, Jr., who have positions there. We are very. glad to scetem here again and they seem to be pleased to be here for they say "no place like Saluda.5 - Mr. II. M. Hall and family, consist ing of wife and three children, are al. with flu. For a . part of the, time none of them were able to get out of hcd. Nearly evervone that did ' not have it last year are being stricker now; but we are thankful to say thav few cases are fatal. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. McKee "have returned to their heme in Salujda, af ter an extended visit in South Caro lina and Georgia. Mr. P. H. Bailey has just received a tractor engine that he expects to use for running a smalhsaw mill and various purposes. riSHTOP. We read in the sacred book, "the hrst shall be last and . the last shall be first," so winter has come at last. As our items last week reached you too late, for publication, you may add these items: , I. Henderson savs that something scares his cow and makes her break loose, and runs his dog off, and he believes it is a bear, so he brings the cow to the house and ties her near at night. Such a thing might be, as he lives niim up on tne mountain near the woods. , " We want to know when Jim Brock and Dr. Bushnell run, and where they intend to run. In Saluda the. turns are so short some one is liable to be run over, and with such giants, as they are would be equal to an: auto accident. Just as we were honing spring was about to appear, the thermometer suddenly changed and we have had another week of . real winter weather with snow on the peaks of 'the moun tains all around "Fishtcp" Sunday. T. W. Bradley sang for the Moun tain Grove choir, Sunday, up among the snow.' , - - v - : . mm "FOR FARMERS NOT FAKERS.' 1 JURY LIST RED MOUNTAIN Pursuant - to ; call, the officers and directors of the Polk Countv Fair Association met at Columbus on Mon day, March 1. While not all of them were present, quite a few attended and transacted r" considerable"" busi ness. . Thursday, October 14, is the date selected for our. fair this year and all of our people are urired to beorin right now and plan to have all the exhibits possible, lhe premium list commit tee has been appointed and instructed to prepare and publish the list at the earliest possible date. Mr; iogan Cloud, of Columbus is chairman of this committee and it will meet upon call by the chairman. The Advertis ing committee, consisting of C. Bush, chairman, and Messrs. W.F." Little, of Tryon, and Ted W. Blanton, of Columbus were instructed to see that our fair has the proper publicity. A Soliciting committee,: consisting of Mr. C. E. Shore, chairman and the directors from each township was ap pointed. Subscription books will be printed and sent to each of them and they are urged to get busy , at once and report to the treasurer as soon as they have made a canvas of their districts. - .;. ; The Board of County Commission ers have appropriated the sum of !jZD0 to be used m -r premiums on live stock, farm products and household economics. Thias together with the State aid and what our 'peo ple 'ought to contribute will give the COLUMBUS. The Women's Betterment Club meets Friday evening at 3 p. m. Ev eryone having part in the play please be there on. time at 4 p. m. Miss Pen uc root's topic for this week will be "Government", in the study of Citizen- The following have been drawn for the" jury at the next term of Superior Court which conveniens at Columbus next month: I- FIRST WEEK l,Welkey.. Cappa ;C. V. Elliott 3r John T. Coats 4 A. A. Edwards 5 M. H. Gilbert 6 J Floyd -Thompson 7 W. J. Wilson 8 E..B. Guice H. G. Cannon 10 J. M. Miller ' : 11 C. W. Wilson 12 C. E. Shore "; -: 13 D. F. Shields 14 T. M. Ross 15 E. W. S. Cobb 16 N. D. Moore ,17. Lewis G. Pace 18 A. R .Cudd 19 G. P. Green v 20 J. H.reen 21 Frank Belue 22 F. K. McFarland 23 D. J. Burnett 24 Z. V. Thompson 25 H. G. Flynn $26 M. J. Holbert 27 j; T. Edwards 28 A. M. Jackson ,29 G. E. Feagans ; 30 M. A Jackson 31 F. P. Bacon -: 32 J. I. Johnson . ) 33 J. P. McAbee 34 E. G. Thompson 35 J. E. Pearson Martin Walker SECOND WEEK 1 S. B. Edwards 2 Tom E. Price 3 .W. J. Bradley POLK C0ITT FARM MID HOI DEPARTMENT Edited by J. R. Sams, County Agent HERE IS THE RIGHT FEED FOR YOUR BABY CHICKS 36 v The feed for baby chicks whicn ims been used with success by the Poul try Department of the - North Caro lina State Agricultural College is, ac cording to Dr. B. F. Kaupp, head of this work, composed of infertile eggs, boiled hard, rolled oats and bread crumbs. One hard-boiled egg, one teacup heaping full of breakfast rolled oats, and one heaping teacupf ull of finely pulverized stale bread. Either wheat or corn bread will do. The egg , contains much stimulative substance called vitamine, and greatly aids in starting chicks off. Feed this mixture for ten days to two weeks and then gradually change it to the following dry mash and grain feed: C i. 1 . . parts ground oats, z parts corn meal, 2 parts wheat bran, 1-2 part bone meal, and 1 part meat meal. Mix well and keep in small hoppers before them at all times, and three imes a day feed small quantities of small chicken feed or finely cracked corn and wheat. Keep green feed and grit before the chicks at all times. Keep their quarters clean, supply plenty of fresh water in clean vessels, and they, should grow well on this ration. Give them milk to drink. Dr. Kaupp will be glad to furnish information on how to brood chickens, how to operate an incubator, or to send plans of types of coops and houses, free of. charge. "I like to read the city papers, and other printed things, but I wouldn't miss the home news that my country paper brings." There's a difference - between a bucket of water from a pump and a bucket full from a faucet, a difference of many steps that a home water sup ply system would save. 4 W. W. Gray $ii'p of Women. A surprise partv was jriven Miss T . Lcona r eagans at her home . near town last week. Quite a number from Mill Spring and Columbus were having a good Fnent and report time.:- Miss Hilda Burges gave a tac Party last Friday nicrht. The odd costumes provided much fun and mer- li.v.cnt. iUiss Katherme Snore re ceived first prize, Miss Oma Reynolds second. Mr. James Vickers first for the boys and Mr. Oscar ridges sdcond Mrs. John Carnegie entertained .londay with a George Washington birthday party. Red white and blue hatchets were given as favors. A j khort program was rendered by those invited, the remainder of the evening r.g spent in playing table games. Delicious cake, lemonade, cherries, salted peanuts were served those present. The guests were, Oma Rey nolds, Pearl Tallant, Ida Carnegie, Gertrude , West, Katherine Shore, Ethel Hill, Aylene Edwards, Hugh Jack, James Carnegie. The chap eroi;e. were Mrs. J. W. Jack, Miss Aiie Tallant, Mrs! Pendergast, Miss tha Pendergast and Prof . E. W. S. ;Cobb. All thoroughly enjoyed the .hospitality of this good woman. ' . ?Tr. Romeo Phillips, of Pearidge, ,,v&s in town visiting relatives, Mon day.: . -fr. Monroe Henderson and little tav.ghter continue quite ill with flu ine familv of w. B. Arledere are )r coyCring from flu. i W.'J. G. Hughes and Mr. Lindsey '-nrth are on the sick list this week. "liss Laura Denton spent Sunday r':t at the home of Mrs. L Pit , ,ttian. . '. Alirs. A.. L. Pitman and daughters, wielina and Eva, visited Mr; and Mrs VvlW Splawn, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Feagan attend eu the funeral of their brother-in-law at Landrum, last week. What a beaueiful scene this morn ing, as the snow had covered the mountain, butsoon the sun had van ished it away. We are sorry to report so much flu n our secnon, out giaa mere nave been no deaths. Our school attend ance has been very low on account of the lepidemic. but hope it will soon die away arid the children can again enter school. Mr. and Mrs. George Ruff, Noah Ruff, Reuben Wilson and Miss Lona Lawter Whitney visited relatves here Saturday night and Sunday. Miss Maarilla Dimsdale, of- Tuca- m 1 j 1 i J pau, came home last weex to go . to school. Mr. nd Mrs. Pearson Dimsdale re turned to their work in Alexander jlills, after spending a few days with sick relatives. Dr. Walden was called last week to patients. - The Republicans of Cooper Gap township met at Red Mountain school house last Saturday to elect the township offtrers. Mrs. Clyde Wilson spent Saturday night with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lynch. Doctor Twitty of Rutrerfordton, was called to the bedside of Solon Biddy, who is very ill with pneumo nia. Our school has organized a Hed Cross Society. Fees to be used for the Soldiers Monument. , The Red Mountain Literary So iety elected the following new of- hcers last iriaay: uiauys vvn&un, president: 3Iarirella Dimsdale, ' vice president ; Roy McMurray , secretary ; izzie Lee Wilson, chaplain; Ura Whiteside, supervisor; Esther Gibbs, critic; Milton Lynch, teller; Mariella Dimsdale, Mary Lynch Clarence Ruff, 1 A program committee. GOOD I0AD PHILOSOPHY A Hen Does Not Stop Scratching Because Worms Are Scarce J When the worm crop is below parrMr&. Hen goes right, on scratching. In fact, she scratches harder and longer and deeper than ever. I Take a tip ftom , the lowly hen. When opposition is raised against bonds and good roads, fight harder then ever. DON'T WAIT START NOW AND KEEP IT GO ING. Remember, Your Community is judg ed by its roads. If you love your commun ity help pull her out of the mud. North Carolina now has 73 govern ment accredited tuberculosis-free herds. Only seven states . have a ' larger number, and Virginia is the only one of the seven in the South. The country editor had his day at farmers' week at the State College of Agriculture at Ithaca, N. Y., during February. Among the facts brought out in the discussion was that - the country newspaper at the present time is facing, even more than is the city paper, the problem of rising costs and scarcity of help. By no means was the sentiment of the conference that the day of the country newspaper is past. Indeed, one man said he felt that perhaps never before "had the country paper had so much of a duty to perform as it has today" because of the unrest and feverish activity of American life. The local paper, he said, places emphassis on the homely things of life and lends stability and sanity to the community. MORE CACKLES AND MORE EGGS WITH RIGHT RATIONS - FOR HENS - ' - -i Hens will eat more feed in the sprine than in the summer and fall POORS FORD. Well, we are having some more cool weather now. Mr. J. W. Thompson's family have the flu. Mr. J. M. Crawford spent Saturday night with Mr. J. W. Thompson. Mr s r. i Thompson made a busi- 1111 s ness trip to Chesnee, Saturday. vr;0 rAlia Thompson visited her brother, C. I. Thompson, bunaay., Mr. J. H. Reid and family who have the flu, are getting along nicely. , . nfr. Martin Thompson visited -his XTXA . father, Friday last. Mr. J. M. Miller is not improving very fast. He has the flu. M Bud Lies' family are on-the sick list now, '. association sufficient funds to otter some worth while premiums. ; As we have started the Wl to roll ing let every man, womaii and child in Polk county put his shoulder to the wheel and pull for the biggest and best fair in North Carolina.. We can do it. yfc suggest as a motto for our fair, "For Farmers, Not waters. nuw does the suggestion strike you? J. A. MILLS LEAVES SOUTHERN. (With the return of the railroads on the first of the month to tne cuipu rate owners, J. A. Mills, formerly as sociated with the Southern Railway and since Ms discharge from service . the -army, with the United States Railway Administration as city ticket agent, at Greenville, S. C, has ac cepted the 'position of ..Traveling ra- senger Agent; for the Missouri r - cilc raitroacL with headquarters at Atlanta. . , i Mr. Mills was recently marneu Miss Nannie Steadman, of Jackson, Tennessee, and as soon as, arrange ments can be made for the change, they will go to Atlantta to make their home. Joe, as he is familliarly known is the son of Thomas C. Mills, of this plaice. His many friends and ac quaintances in Polk county will be pleased to learn of his good luck and advancement. 5 C. C. Jones 6 J. C. Dimsdale 10 R. B. Streadwick 11 P. N. Hood 12 W. W. Spurlin 13 M. C. Johnson 14 W. H. Pace 15 W. T. Hammett 16 L. G. Newman 17 T. G. Newman 17 T. J. Houser 18, F. R. Coggins. NOTICE TO HOG GROWERS. " The - Hampshire Swine B reeders Association will meet ,in Missildine hall,, on, Tuesday, March 16th, 1920, at 10:30 o'clock a. m. All members of this Association will take notice and govern' themselves accordingly. when laying fewer eggs, and A. G. (Furthermore, every lover of a hog in Oliver, Poultry Club, Agent, tells here J Polk county, and along a narrow strip how to feed them to insure largest of South Carolina, adjacent whether production. ' lit"' be a white hog, a black hog, a red "Scratch mixture should be fed lor spotted hog, big hog or little hog, twice daily, in deep litter. Feed about j fat or poor hog, is invited to attend one-third of the mixture in the morn-1 this meeting. What we are trying ing and two-thirds in the afternoon. J to do is to stir up an interest in hog Give in the morning just what they growing. So if ( you don't love the will eat up in half an hour. Feed a whole hog, if you just love a slice of mash, either dry or moist, in addition J one's ham, or a nice sausage, ribs or to scratch grain. I backbone or even a chunk of his liver, "Dry mash is used most commonly I just come along and help us la some real "Hoggish" plans that will in the future mean more hogs, in Polk coun ty than we can eat.; so that we can ship by car lots to those who are too trifling in other countes to grow them. Now don't everybody stand back and wait for the other fellow to attend this meeting; just come along and nelp something by your presence' and encouragement, if nothing else. Respectfully, ; " t J. R. SAMS, County HILL SPRING. MAPLE GROVE .. , . . An Excuse. , 1 "Am I gem to have a bath. tonight, mother?" "Yes, dear." . 'Wei,;. don't ye think - Td better go outran' get a little dirtier?" Judge, Miss Maggie Price died last Satur day, and was buried Sunday, in the Cane Creek cemetery. We extend our sympathy, in this sad hour. . Mr. and Mrs. Tolbert Odell visited Mfc. and Mrs. M. N. Burnett,, last Sun day. Mrs. U. S. Gibbs visited her moth er, Mrs. N. L. Lynch, last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Wilson,: visited his . father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Whit Wilson, Sunday. Mr. Birch Jackson visited Mr. U. S. Gibbs, last Monday. : ; Mr. Supt. made a nice talk, at Sun ny View last Friday. His -subject was mostly about the school and boys. ; Miss Oma Gibbs spent one : night last week with her grandmother. , and is kept before the hens at all times. If moist (not sloppy) it should be fed onlv once a day. monng or i ii in noon, ana only as mucn as tney wm eat up in from 15 to 30 minutes. The moist mash is very useful in order to use up the table scraps. The quantity of meat scraps used in the mash can be reduced in proportion to the gar bage and milk used. "In the fall a moist mash may be Used to advantage when the pullets do not consume sumcent dry mash, which is sometimes the case. If the hens seem to be too'fat, make them work longer for their scratch grain in xleep litter. "Feed the same rations or combina tion of feeds all year, and do not try to try force moult prematurely by special methods of abnormal rations. One must use his own judgement as to how much grain to give to his hens, as the amount varies with different breeds and at different seasons of the year. "The following is a fair estimate of amount of feed to use: One quart of scratch grain and an equal weight of mash (about 1 1-2 quarts) daily to 13 Viorto vf fVio crenornl rmmnsp. breeds. TttndP Tsland Reds. Plvmouth four on the road for every dol P,V nH wvndottes or to 16 hens V We PUt UP Ane leli0W VOieS AWVwAk.W j al 1 m . r oll. n a Kroa This I agonal, uiai iuiiu ui x iiiuiwsiuuu, would be about 7 1-2 pounds daily sure "u&n aoen f wani . -j v ieveryDoay put tneir snouiaer to tne eacu oi scraucn giiuns aim ui moau wi - - , . , inn nbnnt 9 1-2 nounds wneei ana iet s enJy prosperity. "" "J r I . . ... ... of each to 100 general purpose fowls. suon It i,rr hv fro rancrp or lare Vards 0unty home 0011(13 w11 alS0 settle1- ...V, O O- ' I -ITT. J ii A. il . I .. we are uiiuruieu liuxl uie vuuui.y Work Involved in Making Rifle ' The English rifle, the Lee-Enfield, fires 34 shots a minute. It is made In 94 parts, involving - over . 1,000 operations. Several more new cases of the flu are reported in this comunity, but none are serious so far. It has been milder in this section than it was last winter. Rural letter carrier, J. H. Gibbs R. 2, has resumed his duties after a leave of absence for three months, in which time his physical conditioon was very much improved. Hurrah for the good roads move ment. White Oak and Columbus townships are to have an election on April 20th to ascertain .whether or not they, want a bond issue. If , the, election carries we can get the use of containing green feed a general pur pose hen will eat about 75 pounds of feed in a year, and a Leghorn will eat about 55 pounds in addition to the i green stuff consumed. Test your seed it to take a chance. ' c costs too much Estimates place the annual loss to the South on sweet . potatoes stored in earth banks at $25,000,000. Grow hay at home for your' stock. Road Commission has arranged to start two or three groups of men and teams to work immediately. They will start at the County Seat and go in about three directions, working on full time until they have traversed the entire county. They are to work the main roads first, and then branch out on the less important ones. Won't it be fine to have the roads worked in the spring, instead of the fall? Our county is coming to the front. Land about Mill Spring is still moving. J. U. uibDs has negotiated Plant spring oats now, or raise' soy several deals in different parts of" the bean and cowpea hay this summer. I county recently.