?! IK ii i - : : : : : - . c-:--!xz-sn wbt TEE POLK COUHH KKS anrfTRYOH BEE I Consolidated Nov 01915 1 ! Published every FriJty at TRYON, NORTH , CAROLINA Office phone 99 Residence 45. Batcrsd at secDtid-class matter April 23. 191 at th post office at Tryon. North Carolina, un aaT the act of March 3. 1879 C. BUSH, Editor ani Publisher Subscription $2.00 per Year OBITUARIES, CARDS OF THANKS, R solution of Respect. Church or Lodge Notices whtn an admission fee is charged, or far financia vain, will be charged regular advertising rates of ars cents per line. THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION. Z25 West S9th Street. New York City, is our sole and exclusive Foreign Advertising Agent. TRYON ROUTE 1 "Long May It Wave." Just a few words about our " Sol diers' Monument. We have thought of suggesting three exact life-size khaki-clad boys (in bronze) those that fell on the battle field, (perhaps their parents have photos of each in uniform, perhaps with-a smiling sa lute) placed, one at each of the three corners of the court house square, not much higher than the boys, just a square of mountain granite for base and a granite slab with the names, date, company, division, etc., of all Polk county boys that went to the war, and company, on the other cor ner of square. We admit this will take a whopping big pocket, but what of that, to what they did for us ? It is is better far to build Good foundations, slow and sure, Than to rear in haste unskilled Towers whose strength is unsecure. To be sure, Mill Spring, we planted sweet peas in honor of Lincoln's and Washington's birth days, not on Sunday, but Monday for Washing ton's, also planted table peas, toma toes (in boxes) and lettuce the let- - tuce is up. Misses Pearl and Essie Edwards are at home from Brevard for a few days' rest, recovering from the flu. Hickory Grove school is closed for two weeks on account of influenza. Mr. Butler Champion was an en tertaining visitor of his sister, Mrs. James Smith, and others oh the route, ast week. Some on the route attended church Sunday. success to the NEWS, and all of its readers. POUTICAL ADVERTISING As the campaign' for nomination and election to various offices will soon be upon us, we take this means of stating the policy of this paper re garding all political advertising ap pearing therein. All advertisements will be marked "Political advertisement" and this paper assumes no responsibility for any statements contained in any ar ticle or advertisement. All articles must be signed by the candidate, his campaign manager or the person writing same. We do not want at any price, "mud slinging", articles or advertisements. We will accept advertisements from all political parties and candidates or their campaign managers upon the following conditions: All ads must be paid for in advance. No deviation from this rule for any party or candi date. All advertisements or articles accepted only upon express under a. " . xanaing that the statements con tained therein are NOT the expression of the paper, but of the party paying for same. The rates for the above will be, display, per inch, 20 cents; reading matter per line, 5 cents (In estimating the number of lines copy will make count six word3 to the lire) As this paper docs not intend tc take sides politically, if you can not meet the above conditions we will ue compelled to refuse your business. C. BUSH, Editor. Old papers for sale at this office. COLDS breed and Spread INFLUENZA KILL. THE COLD AT ONCE WITH -mix's CASCARAfcMUINlN SS?x x os m x x .wu i ii iir m m x X CT7.. i Standard cold remedy for 20 yeart tablet form safe, sure, no opiates breaks up a cold in 24 Hours relieves grip in a oars. back if it fails. The genuine box nas a Kea p wtto Mr. nmi picture. At All Drug Stmrmm PEARIDGE. ; Dexther mpson madea-'buslfiess 1 tdVfco alr trin to Landrum, S. C. Monday. out before it is done, a here are mii- Mr. ;V. Huntsinger.made a trip lions in busy. America that have such to Rutherf oidton. Tuesday. -A feeBngs now' and . then,s and they are Mir. Jack;TJpton has returned to St to be pited. But there is help. Un- Thomas Mission, after a long stay in ress some serious malady is at tne TMow .Yorfe"--. bottom of their trouble, a few weeks Mr. Eel Parker spent Sunday with of Pepto-Mangan will work a wond Mr. E. G.. Thompson. erful change. JFepto-Mangan puts o- new vigor, into the blood, and the TRTON CASINO CLUB. blood is the life fluid. With plenty of rich, red blood coursing through The bowling alleys of the Tryon one's body one is pretty likely to feel riflsinn f!lltib are now ot)en for the eood and vieorous and be strone and exclusive use of the Club's members look hearty. and theif guests. The alleys are now Go to your druggist and ask for in good conditidn, and the balls have "Gude's Pepto-Mangan." Be sure . to just returned from the factory where say "Gude's." If "Gude's" is not on they have been turned down and pol- the package it is not Pepto-Mangan. ished, and "With the addition of four lit is put up in both liquid and tablet new balls, it is hoped that every mem- form. Tell the druggist which you will 'have a Tersonal Bride inlm-efer. There is no difference in Mr. Nesbit Wilson, who has been keeping the. alleys in good condition. sick at Rutherfordton with the flu for some time, returned home Mon- day. , " Miss Ruth Green and brother, Ralph, of Brevard school, spent the week-end at home, v ' We are glad to know that Mrs. J. B. Dalton is able to be out again, af ter having pneumonia. Mrs. .Lynn waldrop is siowiy un proving from an attack of the flu. Miss Iva Gosnell is visiting her sister, Mrs. Lee Cochrum, .near Spar tanburg, S. C. f Misses Bessie Thompson and Juan ita Voorhies, with their pacing horses made a very pleasant trip to Cooper Gap Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thompson spent Sunday with the tatter's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. a. Edwards. Mr. John Smith and daughter, of Columbus, visited at Mr. H. E. Tnomp son's, Sunday. medicinal value. (Advertisement. Miffi iiraerv Op enuiff tmirday Friday arid Sa IVBarch Sth. aod "Sth. We invite your inspection and welcome an opportunity to serve you. RHODES & STREADWICK. Over Wilkins' Store.-' ROAD COMMISSIONERS MEET. Let the Asheville . Seed Co, SERVE YOU WITH Gard ca and Flower Seed Grain and Forage Seed Grata and Clover Seed The Board of Road Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, March 1, and some import ,nt matters were acted upon. A County Supervisor of roads and bridges was appointed, whose duty it shall be to keep himself thoroughly familiar with all public roads and Driages oi the county,-and have gen eral charge of all road and bridge work. Instead of the old system of having local road foremen, who could not repair roads till they had finish ed working their crops, there will be three ! section gangs working contin uously all over the county. These gangs are now being organized and win start worK as soon as spring weather permits efficient work. Each gang 'will consist of about two teams and four men and a foreman. A gang ! will be furnished with a road machine, a drag, a plow, and other necessary tools. lour commission believes that with three section forces of traineed workers it will be possi ble to keep the roads of the county in much better condition than they have ever been. Upon petition from White Oak and Columbus townships, an election was ordered to take place on April 20th, to authorize the issue of bonds, to co operate with the Federal Government or State, in building the road from the Tryon townshipi line through Co lumbus and Mill Spring to the Ruth erford county line; and also the road from Columbus south to Sandy Plains. Ihese roads would be surfaced with sand clay, which with proper mainte nance makes a very satisf actory road. Your Commission appeals for the earnest cooperation of all good citi- zens of Polk county in the work they are undertaking for the upbuilding oi the county. ' i HIGH IN PURITY STRONG IN GERMINATION Our large stocks and modem faculties enable us to ofter the planters of Western North Carolina a unique seed service throughout the entire growing season. Within a few hours after your shortage occurs, seed representing years of skillful work in plant breacing and plant selection will be at hand ready to sow. This practice of platting only those seed known to be of superior qualiiy both as to type and productiveness will always srove a great soorce of satisfaction and will reduc your crop failures to the minimum. Write Today for Our 1920 Catalogue Grove Park Evergreen Lawn Seed Postpaid-Lb 45c: 10 Lb. $4.15 Superb Spence Sweet Peaa Postpaid Pkt 10c; Oz. 35c 1-4 Lb. $1,00 ASHEVILLE SEED CO. Cor. College and Lexington. Asheville,N. C. G. H. HOLMES, Chm. Road Com. There is more doubt as to whether e motorcycle is a vehicle or a dead- Tax listing Personal Property 1 Notice . All persons in Polk County are hereby notified that they must list all property at once under the new revaluation act. Come on the dates named be jow in the following townships: ' Cantrells Store, now Feagan & McDowell, Tues day, March 16th, 1920. imlnill,LaUghterV March 1920line WUkin'' Stor ""My. MarclT 18Uk The Old Cox Store, Marchi9th.i1920. ' . Preserve tins paper and remember the dates as this notice will not appear again. ? faU to hst Cr DeW laW ifc is misdemeator, if you GEO. A. GASH, - Tax Suuervisor. Pnllr rWiir NOTICE DELINQlENT PAYERS TAX GEO; A. GASH JUSTICE; OF THE PEACE AINU NOTARY PUBLIC. Collections a specialty, n. and Mortgages prepared, and contracts written at reasonable prioes. v TRYON. N. C. Tryon Lodge No. 118 Knights of Pythias Castle Hall in Missildae BuiMir.s? Meets Thursday Even:ng at 8:30 VISITORS WELCOME The Maypr and Commissioners of Tryon have been requested by so many citizens ' to construct cement side - walks u uuiwvu. w J KTnH.tt T1oTrir tnvpn tn thp Tiar . - i i . j d aded to put the matter berore tne puo- ties name(i below, and to all other lie The i contemplated walks are on persons who may be concerned as Trade Street from Maple St. to Valhalla mortgagees, that the undersigned rA fnrt On MW Ave. west side purchased at sale of nroperty of de linquent tax payers, in uoiumDus, Polk County, N. C, on the 5th day of and decribed as follows: V 2 town lots in the Town of Tryon, less 20 feet on back of each lot, listed in the name of W. O. Miller, for the year 1918. Notice is hereby given that appli cation will be made to the sheriff, of Polk County, N. C, by the under signed for deeds of said property af ter the 5th day of Ma'( 1920. This Dec. 12th, 1919. JOHN P. LOCKHART, Purchaser. W. F. LITTLE NOTARY PUBLIC Tryon, N. C. from Library to Congregational church r- -i-i . i Y7Lr. A rrom rauroaa on lower wnuney Ave., iM m9 land Usted to top ot Oodshaw Hill, and probably other ihort pieces where the property owners petition for it This, of course will necessitate a small bond issue of not more than $5000,00. Please let them have your views concerning the project through the. Polk Co., News. M. G. BLAKE : Clerk There are a Vgood many financiers on the firsts day of every month. Millions Need Pepto-Mangan IN MANY HOMES BETTER HEALTH IS SIMPLY A MATTER OF BETTER BLOOD fcW PEPTO-MANGAN IMPROVES ... V BLOOD fJOMPOSED OF. APPROVED BOOD- UP IN LIQUID AND TAB LET FORM Are you tired and weak and "blue?" Do you say .to yourself, "what's the use of living? What do I get of life, dragging tthrpugh this drab existence in this linhappy way-? You don't feel well and you don't know-.whyvyou .have so . little energy Pure bred Rhode Island Red eggs $2.00 for fifteen. From good winter layers. ATH. DANIEL, Candler, N. C. o ' Wanted: Home-made chairs. Will pay good price. Must be smooth and nice white seats. Want some at once. .Arthur Scruggs, Tryon, N. C. HAVE SOME GOOD FARMS FOR SALE Now at a bargian. lUIaJWiiltslaliilaifa.S.C ESSE WE SOLICIT Your orders for Flooring. 'Ceillno- Siding, Finish, Mouldings, FramiE'. We manufacture this and can sv you money. See us for lath, brick doors and sash. J. T. GREEN LUMBER COM HAN'T. We Have the Right Prices -AND- Kind of Materials o do your building. Full stock Doors, Windows, Siding, Flooring Ceiling, Shingles, Lioths, Interior Finish and Moulding, Rough and Dressd Lumber. Carry-complete HEARON LUMBER CO. SALUDA. N. C HONEY DACK without juc tio if Hunt's Sl rails in the treatment of Eczema. Tetter, Ringworm, Itch.' etc. Dont become discouraged be cause other treatments failed . Hunt's Salv has relieved hun dreds af such cases. You can't losa on our Mmny Bmch Cfrfir. Try it at our risk today. Price 75c at IV ISSILDINE'SPH ARM ACY Classified Advertisements. FOR SALE OR RENT: 35 acres, good house and barn. Conveniently located near town. Fine place to keep boarders. House partly fur nished. Apply to James Leonard, Real Estate, Tryon, N. C. WANTED Cow peas, if you have any to sell, we want to buy them. HOMES SEED STOPS, Spartanburg- S. C. 162 E. Main St . Mack P. Spears Attorney at Law Columbus - N.C. ' ft v 1 1 300 Well, here I am again, folks your old friend.- Mand Pnrinn Vn :t. t, i.ti BamJ" li6htning " m7 ieelS-- HCTe fa a Way for ? t0 Tmoney aid tave i Study what is happening here and tell the happen, and all vou nepd i, littl o"T": iwo mings w j-r ' -f u T r. , ur it oui. iou aon t nave to be a s ter it a the, thought behind the story that counts. Use pencil or pen. postal or anvthin don't be afraid to try because I am going to pay cash for ideas, as fws- anyt)iin0, ' : $100.00 f or'the best ono $io.00 for the fourth best $25.00 for the next best $5.00 each for the next 20 .. . . . $io.uu lor the third best in norses and story- and Anyona.may try . whoj.iaterested .jnuies--wno eiiner ownstne CAmAAfiailnA wT . J-aI $1.00 each for the next 50 HURRY UP because thorrmtoof Tour XIV leeCI Uem Or fcnO-WS - Stnrr rrme.K i . - - . . ,'a does?Youaon't liavA to' hn 3;;vT .u:ai.a. "20. and tne av thin? jm vr. -w 7iT.l rrr-rr? -i u Jane aooui .aiarcn 25tn. Evervone who trie' rT J . ' - mUI5S v get' a flandr little' book soon after; containing tha . not over iuo woras even, a nlcture . uus report ana some of the best and funnies'- .Mention Purina O-Molene. my favorite feed.' "1 r - - TelTtho nama- ot & dealer who keeps O-Molene. ' ?SS-r K,111 O-Molene la a real discovery in the feedmg of horses and mules. It Isn't a medicine only a wonderful way ct preparing the good, whole some grains, so that they go further than raw corn or oata. It keeps stock healthier and costs less to feed. answers. Yctt can have, a lot f ing With, your friends. : The Judges will be: -Wm. H. Danforth. Pres. Ralston Purina Co.. St. Louis.- . ? Gardner, Pres. Gardner Adv. Co. St Loalf. Ia F. Smith, American Educational Society, St Louis. t a Don't wait, but send your Idea In at once to reach tb judges in time. i j. weapon. by TtiE BALLENGER CO.. Tryon, N. C.