BEET-TOP SILAGE WELL SUITED FOR USE oruculmrci - BY DAIRYMAN OR FEEDER OF BEEF CATftf S G H O CD L D A jl 1 TiU o00 (Copyright.) Juift Folks By EDGAR A. GUEST THE OLD WOODEN TUB. I like to get to thinking of . the old days that are gone, When there were joys that never more the world will look upon. The days before inventors smoothed ( the little cares away And made what seemed but luxu ries then, the joys of every day ; When bathrooms were exceptions, and we got-our weekly scrub By standing in the middle of a lit tle wooden tub. We had no rapid heaters, and no blazing gas to burn, boiled the water on the stove. We and each one took his turn. Sometimes to save expenses we would use one tub for two. The water brother Billy used, forme would also do, - j . Although an extra kettle I was grant ed, I admit, On winter nights to freshen and to warm it up a bit. We carried water up the stairs In buckets and in pails, , , 'And sometimes splashed it on our legs and rent the air with walls, 1 But if the nights were very cold, by closing every door We were allowed to take our bath upon the kitchen floor. Beside the cheery stove we stood and gave ourselves a rub In . comfort most luxurious in that' old wooden tub. But modern homes no more go through that joyous weekly fun, through the sitting rooms at And night no half-dried children run ; little flying forms go past, too Ho swift to see their charms With shirts and underwear and things' tucked underneath their arms ; . The home's so full of luxury now, it's almost like a club 1 sometimes wish we could "go"1'-.back to that old wooden tub. (Copyright by Edgar, A. Guest.) -o : j ORGANIZATION By George Matthew Adams. T)Kt' the greatest Law of 'JL Success Is Organization. Nothing so niarvelously emphasizes the Infinite Mind of the Creator of this World, as His wondrous Solar System. Its Or ganization Is perfect. Organization means Results real Triumphs. Before , any Man or Business Is able to get Results, there must be Organization. : The greater your Organization is, the greater will your Success be. ; Every healthy human being Is fitted ontjnuhe first place with every Factor , and Faculty for a powerful Organiza tion. There Is your Brain with scores of Elements ready to act in the Or ganization. There is every member i and organ of your Body ready Wait tog and Willing. To Win get all these things into a sound, workable Organi- " zatlon. For s The greater your Organization is, the greater will your Success be. , If you feel yourself in the position f many a Failure take Heart Or ganize yourself 1 Wrie down upon a piece of paper every useful Quality yon believe yourself gifted with. Plan - out how your different Abilities may help each other. Then write down the , names of : every possible avenue of adeavor where your Abilities seem most adapted. Give every one of them Something to DO. Set them to Work7 Realize what Organization can do. , Realize that - Tb greater YOUR Organization la, tt greater will YOUR Success be. 1 1 jWdom Reels! By HOWARD L. RANN THE APE THE ape Is a vest-pocket edition of man which Is brought to this country and exhibited in a cage for the purposes of comparison with the real article. After a full-bearded man with a face which "Is a cross between a spitz dog and a chrysanthemum: has leaned over the railing at the zoo for a little while and studied the countep nance of the naturalized ape. he will break for the nearest barber shop on the dead run. The ape has long, eager , toes and a prehensile tail, with which he is able to swing pro and con with a pre occupied look. He also has a coarse speaking voice, with which he argues violently with anybody who tries to pass hlra a sour peanut. The commer cial ape is the kind which earns a liv ing for some exhausted Italian who emits hymn tunes from a hand organ. There is also the cultivated trick ape, which smokes a cigarette with much the same facial expression as his brethren In pants. The mandrill is an ornamental form of ape which is as highly colored as a ' Fourth of July poster. When the Quesr. LcokinG AInT TXtY VEP. PoJiTiVEW A Vest-Pocket Edition of Man Ex- hibited in a Cage for the Purposes of Comparison . With the Real Article. mandrill opens his mouth to say some thing he is half undressed. The gorilla ts the nearest approach to the male J sex which science has yet dug out in Africa. He walks on two feet with the -dignified air of 'a blase floor walk er. The late Mr. Darwin discovered the ancestors of some of his wife's rel atives, it is said, by studying the goril la at close range. The chimpanzee is a blood relative of the ape, but comes in a larger pack age. The chimpanzee Is a haughty and reserved animal, and has very little affection for anything except his meals. It Is not safe to toy Hvlth a chimpanzee unless the toyee is look ing for a pleasing form of suicide (Copyright.) -O- -MILITANT- MARY" Pol-befoe-in Mogk.'Yi?.' OJncK. rlnrtir fnn t -SAY I-onjyhave'io breaK-a-five, AND : GOSH! IT-MELTS AWAY III c-ntDtotk- WOW TO AVOID APPLE SCALD Scientists Have Discovered That Cer tain Fats and Oils Reduce Dis ease to Minimum. f ' - (Prepared ''by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture. , Most people nave learned that.,. If they sleep in an unventilated rroom, they poison themselves with the gases exhaled in their own breath. But it probably has not occurred to many people that apples asleep or semi-dormant in cold storage do exactly the same thinr. It had not occurred to anybody. In fact, until very recently, when ssome specialists in the bureau of plant industry, worked It out. It Is not always possible to leave the windows open in the sleeping room, of the apples, but the specialists have found a way of getting around this difficulty in experimental quantities by tle absorption in certain fats and oils of the poison that is breathed out by the annles. The disease which may be. thus caused In apples Is known as apple scald and manifests Itself by turning tht skin of the apple brown. While the dentists have discovered that the disease Is due to a gas or gases breathed out by the apples, they have not been able to Identify the gas or gases.. But they have discovered that, if the apples are placed In wrap pers Impregnated with certain fats and oils, the poison is absorbed and the disease either prevented or re duced to a negligible quantity. In barrel experiments In which only part of the fruit was wrapped, the scald was greatly reduced on apples adja cent to the wrapped ones. Ordinary commercial apple wrappers caused little decrease In , scald and paraffin wrappers were but little better. Several other points of importance were determined as a result of the experiments. Mature fruit scalds less than Immature, but fruit just chang ing from green to yeliow has scalded worse than either green or yellow fruit. Well-colored red fruit surfaces have been practically Immune. Heavy irrigation of apple trees Increases the susceptibility to scald in the apples produced. Apples in ' ventilated bar rels developed . less than n third as Grading and Packing Fruit "Vrepar- tory to Placing in Cold Storage. much scald as those In commercial barrels If both were held in a storage room that received occasional ventila tion. If the storage room was not ven tilated, or if it was oniy poorly ven tilated, the ventilated barrels caused very little decrease in scald. Apples near . the aisle or near a door scalded far less than those In the bottom of the stack. Boxed apples exposed to a continuous air current of 88 miles an hour were practically free from scald while similar apples that did not receive the constant fanning became badly scalded. , Stirring the storage air was found to be more Important tnan renewing it. beam was greatly Increased on fruit delayed in storage unless well ventilated during the delay, WAY TO PRUNE RASPBERRIES Advisable to Perform Operation in Spring When Buds Start No Detriment (to Canes. It is .generally advised to prune raspberries in the spring, and not tn fall, because of their liability to die back during winter. If pruned in W fall, the chances are that another prun ing would be jrequlred in the spring and double labor involved. Even when spring comes it Is often prudent to wait till the buds start so that no mis take can be made as . to Just how , far the live wood extends, says a writer in an exchange. There is no detri ment to the canes in such a practice, and I j have found It of value also in the case of the blackberry, especially In the case of such varieties as the Early Harvest and King, which are Injured by severe winters. The po sition of the blossom buds cannot al ways be discerned nntll they begin to open and show white. I have never observed any Injury &s the result ct Rich late pruning. - BULL -ASSOCIATIONS T,0 STAY Every Dairyman In Community May Have Use of Animals of High Producing Ancestry. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Bull associations are iiere to stay. Figures furnished by the United States department of agriculture show that there were 78 co-operative bull asso ciations in operation In this country on July 1, 1919, which represents a gain of S4 associations over the previous year when records showed that there were 44 associations active on -Tuly I, 1918. Bull associations have proved espe cial!? popular In sections where dairy ing is a comparatively new Industry. Many jdalrymen have been anxious rto Increase the productivity of their cows, but due to the fact that their herds were small and their resources limited. It was often Impossible for thew to buy and maintain sulnieiul good purebred bulls co accomplish this pur pose, it is In cases of this kind that the bull association has proved most valuable, says the department. By or ganizing the dairymen Into an as sociation and working co-operatively The Average Dairyman Cannot Own This Kind, But the Community of Dairymen Can. the purchase of proved bulls of high producing ancestry is made pos sible. By using these animals co-operatively a few good bulls can take the place of all the Inferior bulls formerly found In the community. An example or what the bun asso ciation can do in improving the type of sires is found in the South Gibson Bull association of Susquehanna coun ty. Ia. This association has !i0 mem hers who own a total or cows. Before the bull association was formed there were 13 bulls in the community with a total valuation of $7,300. After organizing, only four bulls were needed and these were purchased at a total cost of $4,800. . The average invest ment in eaoii of the 13 bulls in use before orgaofxlng was $561.54. but after the association was formed tho average Investment was $1,200 for each of the good bulls. In 'this way each dairymrtn had the use of bulls that were twice as valuable as the bulls used formerly, and at the same time his Investment was $125 less. Jhe southern states have been found especially well adapted to bull asso ciation work. Dairying In these states is making rapid strides, and producers have shown great Interest In Improved dairy cattle. 'Twenty of the associa tions organized during the past year are credited -to the South, six associa tions having been formed in Mississip pi, four In North Carolina, three in South Carolina, fwo each In Alabama. Georgia and Tennessee, and one In Louislanu. DISEASES OF DAIRY CATTLE Careful Observation Detects Approach. ing Illness and Simple Remedies Avoid Trouble. The caretaker of a dairy herd must be able to recognize and treat some of the common diseases affecting cattle. since they are likely to occur at any time. In many cases it may be advisa ble to employ the services of a trained veterinarian, but often helpful home treatment may be given. Careful ob servation-at all times usually results in detecting approaching Illness, and frequently simple remedies may be ap- piled In time to prevent further devel- opment. Prevention Is far better than cure and less expensive. It is well to keep on hand some of the simple and well-known drugs such as Epsom salts, saltpeter, gum cam- phor. ginger, tincture of iodine and alum water, and such apparatus as a miiK-rever outfit, trocar and cnnnin ' fever thermometer, hose and funnel and drenching bottle. V I nfliRY wnfee 7 The bull should be well cared for. It takes a mighty good cow to hold her own with 25 average hens. . .. Milk production is very largely a matter of proper feed Induction. ' ' .. ; . Whitewash Is one of the best and cheapest barn Interior decorations. ' It Is worth as much or a little more to feed and care for a bull a year than for. a cow. ' It Is Important that the calf pens be so placed as to avoid too great vari ations In temperature. Milking ,1s a dirty job these cold mornings, but don't slight the precau dons to keep the dirt out of the pall ' - I . j ''"hrf'flfi f J I mSm-W ' UN Hi Feeding Rack, Well Adapted - - (Prepared by the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture.) Beet-top silage is well suited for use by the dairyman or the feeder of beef cattle and sheep. When it Is fed for the production of beef or mutton the hay requirements may be reduced . oO JJCI i-CUl. aht noim. iJ " - seems to stimulate the appetites of the animals, causing them to consume and utilize larger quantities of feed. Most beet growers estimate that beet top silage has a value about one-third to one-half that of alfalfa hay. These points are discussed In de tail In Fanrers bulletin 1095, "Beet Tcp Silage and Other By-Products of the Sugar Beet," which was recently Issued by the. United States depart ment of agriculture This bulletin advocates the use of beet-top silage to aid In meeting the shortage of hay and other forage. It Illustrates good methods of constructing pit silos and gathering and siloing the tops, and .i t ttne In l,mfcca n"1 ""I"""" oubb ifeuiu i fct - ana puip, nasea largely upon ren of beet growers and stock feeders. Balanced Ration Recommended. "Beet pulp and molasses, by-products which have an established value with stock feeders, should be fed with a inoderate allowance of hay or other feed In order to make a balanced ration," the bulletin says. "At the present price of beet mo lasses many feeders are finding a mixture of molasses with hay or with pulp to be profitable. This furnishes a variety ant1 stimulates appetite when fed in regulated quantities. 'In feeding beet-top silage, about 30 pounds per 1,000 pounds weight for cattle and 3 pounds per head for sheep each day seem to be most satisfactory. "Animals riot accustomed to beet- top silage should be given a small quantity at first and the feedings grad ually Increased until the normal ra tion is reached." Other important points given In the bulletin follow: A good crop of beets will yield from 3 to 6 tons of processed silage. The average cost of gathering the tops and filliftg, packing and finishing the silo Is about $1 a ton. It Is extremely important that the tops be gathered and put Into small piles promptly after the beets are topped. The dirt may be easily shaken from the tops while the leaves are still fresh. It is imperative that dirt and sand be eliminated. The fundamental factors that are involved In making good jcorn silage TO"5?ly iR beet-top sIlage. ixik. we mass uiuruugmy ro exCJUOe the free air and then seal tight. Good silage requires thorough Dackinir. It is not necessary to run the tops through a silage cutter. Some feeders prefer to do so. however, to avoid the possibility of lambs choking on the crowns. ' The same structure that Is common ly used for putting up corn silage may be used for beet-top silage. Because beet tops pack io a very dense mass, the structure will sometimes crack and spread and thus allow air to enter, A well-built silo Is reasonably safe. ' Making beet-top silage does not nec- essarily Involve a cash outlay for ma terials. The natural earth silo and stacking above the earth are oth sue- cessful. Concrete side retainincr walls are advisable under certain conditions, however. The natural earth silo will yield just as ( good results for beet-top silage as the perpendicular . structures, but greater care In packing Is necessary. An excellent quality of silage made by stacking the tops entirely above the earth and hen packing them thoroughly The spoilage loss is great- er than when the structure or the pit suo is used. . It isnot necessary to alternate lay. ers of tops ith layers of straw. It I, always advisable, to put a layer of Hiraw ueii io me eann Dottom and sides to eliminate dirt from the silage. Silage Is not a balanced ration. It should always be supplemented other feeds. Silage lis a carbohydrate feed and bal ances with alfalfa hay, which Is rich in protein. . The fermenting process In the silo largely corrects the cathartic salts In beet tops. , , The most profitable use is made of beet tops when they are siloed and fed with alfalfa hay or other forage and possibly supplemented with grain or concentrate feeds. ' Allows Fall Plowing. Gathering beet tops from the field and siloing them without undue delay allows fall plowing to be' done, before :. . . -. .. , "' for Hand ling Rough Feeds. J freezing weather Interferes. p.n plowing Is important for the l,.,.t DnwlRe. fee(JinK practi(t,s J ducp bftd resutg n . moIasses A systeniatic cafes tftJU (he osses to the manner .n which sila-e i.fJ' I m flj fee w usi tAtccja Kin i izuutT iiian totl Beet-top silage will Increase the of nillk of ew-es at lambing time, it la best to start feeding only al.out 1 pound per head daily and gradually to Increase the quantity to 3 pounds per day. The udder may become fc. verish If this caution is not observed The best way for the beet grower to storp nnln fnr vl spread It over the beet-top silo. It effectually seals the silage mass, and the heat fiom the silage warms the pulp and thus hastens the curia? prov ess; It also reduces thp ..w UlUt of handling pulp. The limiting factor in growing sujar . . peets Is usually the acreage that can ne suiraniy fertilized and fitted for me crop, uue regara neing given to crop rotation. ' More feeding on the farm means more manure for the fields. .i . . The economic utilization of beet tops and other by-products not only yields a direct profit by feeding to stock, but greatly assists in maintain in soil fertility and also in establish ing a better crop rotation. The by-products cf the sujar-beet crop when properly handled and fed have a value ".quafto the entire cost of" what Is commonly termed "haml labor" In producing the crop of beets. The best practices of feeding the by-products of the sugar-beet eTopvrifl yield a net profit equal to hM uw net profits usually, had in growing and marketing the crop of beets. It is safe to conclude that one ton of good beet-top silage is equnl to half a ton of alfalfa hay when fed, as a mixed feed. Many feeders think that the silage has a value almost equal to good hay. ton for ton. Beet-top silage comes out of the silo warm in the winter, and it is appetiz ing. It seems to stimulate the assimi lation of food and to aid the animal to appropriate the maximum values from all the feeds consumed The silo brings the feed nenr the feeding yards and minimizes waste. GRAIN GRADING GREAT HELP Farmers and Shippers Feel That They Are Better Off Working Under (f. Federal System. Grain farmers and shippers cf the Pacific Northwest feel that they are Detter off doing business under me federal grading system than under any Previous svstem of grain inspection, according to opinions expressed at a meeting held in connection with the - farmers short course of the Oregon Agricultural college, says the tnireu States department of agriculture. The men wno attended the meeting ther were . favor of keeping the grades. at a high standard, thereby giv- ,nS a premium to the farmers raising a nIgn Quality bf wheat NOW USE ARSENATE OF LIME I Satisfactory In All Situations as Sub stitute for Paris Green and Arsenate of Lead. Additional experience confirm the conclusion, reported last year hnrpsn rt onfnmnlnirv nf thp ITnite" Is stto .nnimre. that arsenate of Uine may be used in all situations as a substitute for pari green, and that f6r pomaceous fruits -apples, pears and quinces-it mny prove a satisfactory substitute ' for arsenate of lead when used with lime or fung,cIdes containing lime. A expensive substitute for nicotine soH phate also Is being sought Lrve Stock xjs Notes Get rid of the scrub sire. by Farm land Is too high in price t raise scrub live stock on. The brood mare that is worked rigb up to the time of foaling should M fed well. Few kinds of manure have more fertilizing value than that from sheep. This Is an Item of, no slight Imp unce.