POLK COUNTY NEWS, , TRYON, NORTH CAROLINA GREAT REPUBLICAN CONVENTION MEETS ORGANIZATION COMPLETED IN SHORT ORDER BY MOREHEAD, BUTLER AND DUNCAN. "BIG FOUR" INCLUDES LI1EY Convention Sends Telegram to Lodge Commending Republican Cause in Matter of Treaty and League. Tb kitchen CABINS but Noble deeds are held In honorl -"e wiue worm sorely needs Hearts or patience to unravel this the worth of common deeds. ' Stedman. WHAT TO HAVE FOR DINNER IMPROVED UHTORH UtTEENATIONAt Lesson Greensboro. John Morehead Ma rion Butler and E. Carl Duncan com pleted the organization of the repub lican party of North Carolina. The formalities were gone through with at the state conventioa of the .party and some two thousand delegates endorsed the new organization by cheering vo ciferously while the three shook hands n the 'stage of the Municipal theater here. Frank Linney, unable to attend, the convention on account f sickness, was included with Morehead, Butler and Duncan in the "Big Four," who will attend the National convention at Chicago as delegates at large. - More head was re-elected as national com mitteeman without opposition and Frank Linney succeeds himself as state chairman. John J. Parker of Monroe was nom inated for governor, and A. A. Whit ner, Hickory, for United States sena tor. Judge Pritchard was endorsed as a candidate for President. - The convention -sent a telegram te Chairman Lodge, of the senate foreign relations committee, commending him and his collegiates "who have prevent ed the confirmation of the league of nations unamended as atempted to be forced on the 'American people by President Wilson." Lenoir. Town commissioners ol Blowing Rock have called an election for March 30 to vote on the question of issuing $15,000 street improvement bonds. Wiaston-Salcm. On account of in fluenza in the town and country dis txicta, the March term e-f Yadkin su perior court, which convened at Yad kmille, "adjourned soon alter , the clerk had called over the docket IBy RKV. f. H. UlTZW axK, d. D., Teacher of English Bible in th Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) f Copyright. 1920. Western Newspaper Uaioa) Raleigh. The North Carolina Jcal society will hold Its annual con vention in this city April 20-22, accord inj; to the plans for the meeting, while the North Carolina Hospital associa tlon will meet on the day before tali conveation opens, April 19. y. Goldsboro. After making a raid aear Goldsboro, in which they destroy ed a large mooashine still, revenue of ficers journeyed over to Duplin coun ty, where they were successful in lo cating and destroying a steam outfit still of 690 gallons capacity. A rather unusual cake Is prepared according to the following recipe: French Sponge Cake. Separate the yolks and whites of four eggs, beat the yolks to a cream, add gradually one. cup ful of powdered tugar, then fold In the stiffly beaten whites. Sift one cupful of flour with one teaspoonful of baking -------- powder ; add to th - first mixture stirring lightly. Bake in two small layers. When cold, spread with the following filling: Beat to a cream two tablespoonfuls of but ter, add gradually one-quarter' of a cupful of powdered sugar; drop into this the yolk of an egg, beat well : add a second yolk and beat again. Add a tablespoonful of strong coffee Infusion. Stand on Ice until cold. - Mock Cherry Pie. Mix'one cupful of cranberries, cut In halves and washed under the tap to remove the seeds; add one cupful of raisins, one cupful of sugar, one tablespoonful of flour and one-third of a. cupful of hot water. Set in a warm place while preparing the crust. Bake with two crusts. Nut Omelet Put through a meat chopper a half cupful of nuts; beat three eggs until light add salt and pepper and three tablespoonfuls of cold , water; then add the nutmeats and mix well. Put a piece of butter the size of a walnut in a frying pan; when hot, pour In the mixture, anil as soon as it begins to set lift the edges until It Is firm all through; Fold over and send it to the table on a hot dish. Harvard PuddingMix and sift two and one-half cupfuls of flour with three and one-half teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one-half teaspoonful of salt and one-third of a cupful of sweet fat. Beat one egg, add one cupful of milk and combine with the flour mixture. Turn into a buttered mold, cover, steam two hours. Serve with warm apple sauce and hard sauce. Parsnip Croquettes. Cut in halves. lengthwise, four uniform-sized par snips; cook until tender; remove the skins and mash until perfectly smooth ; add butter, salt and pepper and set aside to cool. When, cool mold Into balls, roll in egg, then crumbs, and fry in fat. Serve as a garnish for a roast. Chocolate Cake. Take one cupful of brown sugar, add half a cupful and a half of flour sifted with a teaspoon ful of baking powder. Dissolve wo squares of chocolate in half a cupful of boiling water and add to the cake the st thing. Flavor with vanilla and add a little salt. Bake in two lay LESSON FOR MARCH 14 THE UNVEILING OF JESUS CHRIST TO JOHN ON THE ISLE OF PAT-MOS. LESSON TEXT Rev. L GOLDEN TEXT-Jesus Christ the saine yesterday, and today, and forever. Heb. 13:8. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL John 21:25; Rev. 2:1-3; 22. PRIMARY TOPIC Jesus Appears to John km a Lonely Island. JUNIOR TOPIC What John Saw and Heard on Patmos. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC A Vision of the Glorified Christ. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC The Glorified Christ the Center of the Book. TESTING EGGS FOR HATCHING Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has many, not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have .some. Dickens. SANDWICHES AND OTHER GOOD THINGS. Rutherfordton. Spindale, a suburb of Rutherfordton, is on a great boom and has many new enterprises among which are a aew roller mill, sash and door factory, garage and shee shop. Other enterprises will be promoted at an early date. j Greensboro The organization meet- in of the Co-operative Dairy Pro duce company was held here, officers te'-n 5 elected and plans made, for the conduct of the business. rvefcurst-Three hundred 'and JWteen golfers, comprising the great est field -that has ever taken part In a "nRif, day of tournament play since tae game was Invented, started out on fie first stolon of the qualifying round m e annual spring tournament. Lenoir. Clerk Oscar Coffey, ef the wan tan pa county superior court, has jent m his resignation to Judge T. B. r-ier. according to news reeclred We by friends of Mr. Coffey. The mce does not pay a sufficient amount 18 the reason given for Mr. Coffey's "Signatlon. . For the housewife who finds it nec essary to pack a lunch for the dainty schoolgirl, the husky lad or the business man, working outside or inside, the na ture of the sand wich will vary. More satisfying and hearty fill ings will be necessary for the man at hard Tabor. Of the first Importance in the prep aration of sandwiches is bread of a close texture, 24 hours old. White, entire wheat, graham or brown "and rye are all favorites. Nut bread makes an especially nice san-Jwlch bread, either that raised with yeast or baking powder bread. The following is a baking powder bread which may be used when cold : Take one cupful of milk, one beaten egg half a tea spoonful of salt, one-half cupful of sugar, three teaspoonfuls of baking nnwflpr. sifted with two and one- V v r quarter cupfuls of flour. Bake in loaf pan in a moderate oven 45 min utes. Bread made of sweetened bread dough, with an egg, cinnamon or or ange and lemon rind for flavoring, when sliced thin and spread with fresh butter, Is most satisfactory, and elves variety, - Bread for sandwiches should be sliced thin. The butter should be soft ened and creamed to spread without difficulty. The butter may be creamed with nuts, pounded ' mint or parsley, celery or any desired flavor. ; Lettuce, tomato, cucumoer ana may Wilson Public Utilities. Wn. Wilson town is retting In fltate of preparedness to defy, to a rta'n extent, coal strikers and at the same h - i J. ji wiuc OUTO U10U3U1U3 Ul XVl 1 1 M la'3 in OTHrMntr Var- TMiKltn iitMftt harnessing ContantnAa creek, three tofoi awav. Contract hvm hen let wn'ch renulrA tha "i lor the rmitpiiflAn lorn ,T"J hnlidinrs. $7trtnn. 0,-tft-i Annko combinations should not be ,:, ''17: snh.atn.tifm M.mi.Hnn ma lonir ahead ol time, oucn sauu lHoo ((Qvrt. . .,! . - ., -a hocf mnrip a few minutes ,,vv iui uiuos ana ku t cruoi a, -wnuco Wpfnrfi serving, Sandwiches may be Kept in a ngm The next two lessons-are from the Revelation, the book which contains Christ's last message to man. , The author is John the Apostle, the son of Zebedee. The book was written frgm Patmos, a small rocky island in the Aegean sea, about 96 A. D. I. The Introduction (vv. 1-3). 1. The title of the book (v. 1) The Revelation (Unveiling) of Jesus Christ." This does not mean the mak ing known to Jesus Christ some se cret, but the unveiling of his person. The revelation of Jesus Christ, then, refers to his personal appearing In glory to judge the world and establish his kingdom. The word Apocalypse, translated Revelation, signifies, ac cording to New Testament usage, the unveiling of a person (II Thess. 1:6- 10; I Peter 1:7). The theme of the book Is Christ's second coining, his personal, visible appearance In glory (vv. 1, 7, 10). 2. To whom made known (vv. 1, 2). To his servant, John, to show unto Jesus' servants things which must shortly come to pass. S." Benediction for those who read, hear, and keep the sayings of the book (v. 3). II. The Salutation (vv. 4-8). Grace and Peace. 1. To whom (v, 4). The seven churches in Asia. These were his torical churches then existing in Asia Minor. 2. From whom (v. 4). (1) From him which was, Is, and Is to come; (2) from the seven spirits which are before the throne (v. 4). By the sev en spirits is meant the Holy Spirit In his sevenfold plenitude. III. The Vision of Glory (w. 9-18). 1. The sevenfold lamp-stands (v. 12 . These lamp-stands, or candlesticks, are the seven churches (v. 20). The churches are presented under this fig ure because they are the light-holders In this time of the world's darkness. 2. The Son of Man In the midst of the lamp-stands (vv. 13-18). The vi sion shows us Christ In the midst of the churches, indicating that the church only gives forth light when Christ Is made the central figure. (1) Clothed with a garment down to the foot (v. 13). This is a robe of royalty as well as of the priest (see Isa. 22:21), and signifies his right to Judge and to rule, as well as to offer sacrifice. i (2) Head and hair white as wool (v. 14; cf. Dan. 7:19, 20). This has a twofold significance, purity and eter Dity, (3) Eyes a flame of fire (v. 14). This suggests his Infallible knowledge; he Is able to see through and through, even detecting hidden thoughts. (4) Feet like burnished brass (v. 15), indicating that as Judge and King he comes with irresistible power. (5) His voice as the sound of many waters (v. 15).' This suggests that all excuses of man will be swept aside by( his resistless Word. (6) Seven stars in his right hand (v. 16). .According to verse 20, stars means the angels or messengers of the churches to comfort John In his lonely exile. The stars are in , his right hand, indicating the high honor given to 'the minister; he lies In the right hand of Jesus Christ, hears his message and then speaks it out. (7) Out of his mouth went' a sharp two-edged sword (v. 16). Observe that this Is not a hand sword, but a mouth sword "The word that I have spok enthe same shall, judge him" (John 12:48); "The word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword" (Heb. 4:12). The sword has two edges, condemn ing the evil and approving the good. (8) His countenance was as the sun shlneth in his strength (v. 16). The , effect of sunshine Is healthful and joy bus to some things, while it is death and hardening to others. The Gospel message converts some and hardens others. IV. The Command to Write and the Interpretation of the Vision (vv. 19, 20). In this command are indicated the divisions of the book. Satisfactory Candler May Be Made With Shoe Box Large Enough to Cover Lamp. Orepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) An egg, whether impregnated or not, has a small grayish spot on the sur face of the yolk known as the germinal spot. As soon as a fertile egg is placed under a hen or In an incubator development begins. All eggs should be tested at least twice during the period of Incubation, preferably on the seventh and fourteenth days, and the Infertile eggs and dead germs removed. White eggs can be tested on the fourth or fifth day, while the development in eggs having brown shells often can not be seen by tbe use of an ordinary egg tester until the seventh day. Dead germs soon decay and give off a bad odor if allowed to remain under the hen. Infertile eggs make good feed ior young chickens and are often used m me no me ror culinary purposes. Most incubator' companies furnish testing chimneys with their machines, which will fit ordinary lamps. Electric or gas lamps may be used in a box with a hole slightly smaller than an egg cut in the side of the box and at I the same level as the light. They may J also be, tested by sunlight or daylight, using a shutter or curtain with a small j hole in it for the light to shine through. A good homemade egg tester, or can dler, can be made with a large shoe MODE DEMANDS SEPARATE SKIRTS box, or any box that is large enough to go over a lamp, by removing the end and cutting a hole a little larger than the size of a quarter in the bot tom of the box, so that when It Is set over a kerosene lamp the hole in the bottom will be opposite the blaze. A n 1 M&Z ' , v-- 'fS5T. I T'?--'' V ifr w,:. 9&ut mt&.-: JMUW'Wli l Si - 'v " ' wnn w jmWi1' 'i .". J a. An Egg Tester Made From a Shoe Box and a Common Lamp. hole the size of a silver dollar should be cut In the top of the box to allow the heat to escape. 4 The eggs are tested with the large end up, so, that the size of the air cell may be seen as well as the condition of the embryo. The. testing "should take' place In a dark room. The infer tile egg, when held before the small hole, with the lamp lighted Inside the box, will look perfectly dear, the same as a fresh one, while a fertile egg-will show a small dark spot, known as the embryo, with a mass of little blood veins extending In all directions, if the embryo Is living ; If dead, and the egg has been Incubated for at least 46 hours, the blood settles away from the embryo toward the edges of the yolk, forming In some cases an Irregular circle of blood, known as a blood ring. Eggs vary In this respect, some show ing only a streak of blood. All Infer tile eggs should " be removed at the first test. The eggs containing strong, living embryos are ark and well filled up on the fourteenth day, and show a clear, sharp, distinct line of demarca tlon between the air cell and the grow ing embryo, while dead germs show only partial development, and lack this clear, distinct outline. "'"Lsts Would Pay the Frelfht. tin box near the Ice, but not in It "ih -Ralew, suffragists declare 1 Sandwiches Ice cold are not good If ed . " . a t TrnTPd naner'and kept in - -ci-aaeives nospitable to th sug- wrupyeu " " V . V '-that they write all memhen ii we General assembly to come here rat'fy the Susan B. Anthony suf- amendment without expense, to state. , 1 rprtrl1 6jM. -Ill m m nn ao that the governor will be urged "U tn lai .hm , . l-yv . w 5 no n nlace they will be in good con dition for half a day, or longer. The removal' of the crust Is desirable when serving a dainty sandwich for an, af ternoon tea or luncheon ; cut in fancy shapes and decorated with chopped vegetables in designs, they look .very fancy," but for ordinary occasions the crusts are retained. r - raffled In a day aitf it would be Eiore trouhiA Tenuons of both parties. , . Giving Comfort ; Giving comfort under affliction re quires that penetration intq the hu man mind, joined to that experience which knows how to soothe, how N to reason and how to ridicule, . taking the utmost care not to apply -those arts Improperly. Fielding. ( Good Weather. 1 Sunshine Is delicious, rain Is re freshing, wind braces up, snow Is ex hilarating : there Is really no such .thing as bad weather nnly different kinds of good weather. John Itmkta. FLOORS IN POULTRY HOUSES Must Be Kept" Dry, s Dampness Is Fatal to Both Young and Old Fowls-Also Keep Clean. Poultry houses may be built with or Without floors. In either , case they should be dry, as damp floors make damp litters, and . dampness Is fata to both fowls and chicks. It the house Is on dry. sandy soil; a dirt floor is usually quite satisfactory, but as EVERY daj sees the sport skirt ana the hygienic blouse growing in im portance, and it looks now as though they are to crowd the tailored suit for wear upon some occasions where, here tofore, the latter has reigned supreme. For instance, sport skirts, hygienic blouses and summer sweater. coats or sweaters appear often on' railway trains, when their wearers are making short trips. They are practical for clean trips that is, where oil instead of coal Is used in the engines, and there are no cinders or smoke. They favor, the latter in colors and white as well as black and white. All these skirts, with dainty lingerie blouses, look well. The light, open-knit sweater. In black yarn, trimmed with white, fol lows naturally and Is very smart, but the gayer colors look well also with these black and white skirts and white blouses. In wool there are such good speci mens as are pictured above. There is not much to say about the details of these skirts, for they are nearly all are sponsored by people who dress simply made this season. This one Is- well and we may look for them to per sist In the use, for frequenters of the California and southern resorts have established a precedent. Among the new arrivals In these separate skirts there are some Inter esting black and white models In fou lard or similar stlks and a few striped taffetas have entered the contest for straight with flat box-plalts over the hips and Inverted . plaits at the back to dispose of the fullness. The set-In pockets reveal a very clever ingenuity., They appear to be straps with rounded, ends turned back and fastened with: small black and white buttons. Two. very large buttons of the same kind fasten the wide belt. Revivals and New Arrivals fFv 'U i-r ::: -?!&?.-: v&5V'--:$ Vfc 'A' -' f - i-'$ i 1 S: t y-M6,we!jiwiiiiMjijxijj.ij.i.wia'''l"" of dress i 1 MONG the accessories m. which the smart shops are featur- j lng, there are to be found revivals of rule Jt is more damp than board or lovely things that pleased the gentle cement floors, according to the TJnlted 1 women of two or three generations ago. States department of agriculture. Dirt I Along with' the vogue "for shorter floors should be scraped and new soli sleeves came the lace mlts, to make a put In two or three times a year to bid for favor, and lace stockings to be keep them sanitary. If board floors worn with satin slippers, or other jr nspri rhpv should be both tight and 1 finerv In the way of footwear. Natu- smootb so far as to make them' dry and 'easy to clean. It possible ' they should be eight or ten. Inches from the ground to allow a circulation of air and to prevent rats from harboring under them. DUCKLINGS THRIVE, ON MASH Mixture of CornmeaI. Ground Peai, Bran and Middlings Is Fine for V Young vFowis. .v ; Growing ducklings thrive best on a feed composed of equal parts by: meas ure of cornmeal, ground peas bran and middlings, all' made Into a thick Clash either with Raiding hot water or milk. The mash Is Improved by adding short-cut green grass, clover or some other green stuff,' and tew tandfula of csarse sand. :: rally In their company we find the older types of fans, like that shown In the picture above, the . cut steel slipper buckles, together with beaded, knitted and) crocheted purses and wide brimmed, flower trimmed hats. They tire all enchanting, with a flavor of old time elegance. - . . Amonf new arrivals there are some matched sets In sports clothes that seem destined to success, with people who can afford them. They are the new skirts, scarfs and hats made to match, or skirts, scarfs and parasols, or scarf bag and hat; In fact almost any combination of not more than three pieces. They are a triumph at south ern resorts and will journey north and reappear In the summer on the beaches, In the mountains, and elsewhere. These sets are classed among- sports clothes, but soine other way of descrlb- ing them must be found, for that term is too narrow. "Pastime clothes" fits pretty well. They are of several degrees of costliness and expenslveness out of the category of inexpensive things en tirely. Still, a clever : needlewoman might acquire a matched set without too much extravagance by making the. pieces herself. One very handsome set Is made of white figured fantasi silk combined with white and sapphire blue striped silk of the same ' kind. The upper part of the skirt is of the all white'' and the side panels and border of the ' striped silk. The long scarf Is white with borderd ends In the stripe and the crown of the soft hat Is also-white, but the uprolllng brim Is striped. One can think of many color combinations' that would be as adorable as this mas terpiece In blue and white. There Is a decided r vogue for the, dark silk blouse which will be wel comed by women who go In for the practical things. ,

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