Ilie only Paper Published in Polls' County A Live; Clean Newspaper for tha Home AND THE TRVON BEE X": : VOL. XXV NO. 46. TRYON,. N. C FRIDAYJiMARCH;19, 1920. $2.00 A "YEAR ofjueneral I GUR FRIENDS OVER THE COUNTY TRYOtt Soma Uam atersit Gathered R r r r . vwiibjiuuubuu r rom v axious Sections of Polk County' SALUDA V e al e glad to know that Mrs. Mary Hill, who has been very sick and 'not, expected to live for several d-iYs is better and there now seems to "be sojnie hope for her recovery. r Mr. H. Hall is able to be lip acain. (The whole family 'was down at Yh .-lanic time with Influenza . and own:'" to help being hard to get Mr. Ha'! wllo at first seemed to have a lirht oaise, got up as soon as he could tcT vition the others and was taken with a relapse, that put him back-in boA. again, in much worse condition than at first. But we are glad to know that all are able to be up again. The Postmaster says, he is very enrrv fbr the poor fellows- around hpro who are being bothered with in come tax blanks just now it is bad to hfl noor. but worse to be rich. Swires are being held at the M. v rhurch every night this week and are being conducted by the regular rtor iliev. W. A. Creason. We fc.w tlie people will turn out and co orerate i with the pastor in making tiip meetings a success Ilev.s Mason, pastor of the Baptist cl-invh Host his only son last Aveek, 25 yrs. died of fin t tho v, v, lather, near Columbus. Thursdav. nnH Wednesday in Suartanburff. was buried &t the Columbus Baptist Mr. C. W.NBallenger was in Spart cemeiery naay afternoon. - anburg ; a short time Sunday.- snenri,; Jn ;Mr. T. W. . Ballew spent Sunday pi t AtT' 7 7 m"" "" YV1"1 AUI- with friends in Landrum. S. C. See Howell's 4 Dainlinss af. T,ihm Miss lola Bell spent Sunday with ' C. J. Lynch returned home friends in Asheville. ; x ;a n811 to Jacksonville, Fla., Mir. Louis Rowell spent Saturday v - v : . . ' . in Asheville, on business. 1 Wrs. wA . Lindsey was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. A Wilkie spent 55 urg - ?rien ' Saturday and Airs. J.: L; Washburn, of - Duluth POLK COUflTY FARM ID HOME DEPARTHI Edited by J. R. Satas, County Agent : Minn. arrived in " Tryon Wednesday" uuiua(. visit. A TALK WITH ;POLK, CONTY j A WORD TO POLK CO NT Y FARM- FARMERS. I find it impossible to visit- all the J. Mones. at Trvon Church Services at ttio PrPsfivfArinTi church Sunday at 11 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McAlee are re covering from an attack of flu. - There was a singing at Mr. L. H. Clouds last Sunday, a choir from &anayr Plains came up and they cer- lamiy am mase some good music. Miss Ji,va Misildine, Who is attend- farms in Polk county or to meet the - Miss Ettaa- Reece spent the wee teEi all the com- ptiH with rAlativPQ in Aehiiio -- ; t .-"vmc xvirws m nywi. 'uuwuw ui tne cuunty so i am iry m ?er ! v .Mr. J. N. Jackson returned Satur- ff to speak to as many as possible ivuss oaiiie otreaciwicic spent a iew fiiVKT-f'rrYi ' TvneiwueB 4v I through flip rrpcc.vvV4rk cVinnl KA idays tins week m bpartanburg.. ' ti' Chicago and thPr noth nWc used more than it is Everv farmer. Prof. H. W. Ackerman, of Landrum, ; .riBf?aV-q,wa 4 m . who owns his farm : and many ten- S. C. wasin Tryon for a short time, take and carefully read wiiuajr. the -residence of Mrs. James R: nr tt 11 - i- 1 tl . . -4 Hf TTJ1..- -t' T 1 . 1 All " -i Mr. E. Von Dedmond is visiting his -''i5r.J 13 Wras.,, f,; Srr ana get-to some body on paper. AUWATKIV, OiiC Will L their County paper. xtiuii.i- tf 4." j ...T -.l " js lrtimiig tuuay so max, 1 cannot tvnVtI SC T VH1 Tllqnnat Trrill "MT fatl. ,v, nf a D nT aur- V nowes ior a siayoi -a : msk -Ruth Mi-Fao bft Vofo,r rY ri "r-ucu,'M.Uk w"4 Dedmond. ' ' "T T - . V . . I Kl'i mm A Iwm I M - - 1 Xi. J 1 l- w. ... . - J - m- M n we are glad to report the "Flu" , s"wn , ieit, ouauay, purcnase a siock oi millinery ior uai- a few words We arP in?t now at a r,ne i for Abheville. where she will stiend leWer ?&. :M.Fpp; . :r.w,.wtVfafTw.e ,a?e just now at a jtr . tc Luuvaieocciib 1 4-i.i j - i. 4.1.1 zz Zn ' . I -is v-r- " f- ivery critical penoa m tne mstory.oi uur pastor,- E. J. Jones, preached Buex relatives. u s ; is to notify our friends and our own country as well as that of an interesting sermon last Sunday. Amos Kunkel, of Lynn, was called I patrons that we are still serving tea, the whole South We "all know how buoject was "btudy of the Bible:" to btatesvuie, luesday, by a telegram lunches dinners, etc., same as ever at scarce and high labor has become on rroi. Hi. vv. b. uobb and Miss Mary announcing tne serious illness ot his Mountain 'View, contrary reports, the farm We also know that a bie """ ouvwiueu . wus cwmmencement iiowci. jnuowiwisLiiiiuinK. - icron oi coxton mpans a. Inw nncA cAcicises at ureens v,reeK last weeK- Dr. Allen J. Jervev. left. Sundav : W.-U. JvKUoE. And we all know, or all who read and for New York, where he will spend a .The Hampshire Hog Breeders v As- are posted know that farmers are pre busi end. miss Mattie lallant attended the hveek or ten days lookin- after i;iuaiug exercises ai lynn oaturaay I ness matters. riiorVif I . . ' Miss Ada Tallant has secured sociation Tield an interestiner meetiner paring to grow the largest crop fo in: Tryon on Tuesday last . Owincr the past several years Now my pur- Just received car load of buggies to to Joeing crowded this, week with ad- pose m writing this is to see if we i; be sold worth the monev. See - me vertismg, we are compelled to omit a i01.K county wont get our heads to , 1 ,j.l, TV. lrtoc -f xe nrUr Krttr "wic ill OuaiuuiuUIK Q. Vj. nt':: nA Pnn,i.rh Rnt it. roiTiM I Columbus has had her share of the ni,iv!hnrd at this time as Bro. f but glad to say all are convalesc Macnlhad just returned ' home with u-hore his wife and son had been f or ? eay. Qtr time, and where he was sud- Vvii'h nsr. nis oniv sun lasi, wees. - . . . --- - no cnin wnrr n r mo mnnav yan mt r,inal bemingetis being the cause of P.sItl0.n ?s clerk; m a department before buvine. C. L. Mavbrv. Cam- fl account but' will give it . in fulHgether and do the sensible thing thk rr-.r i m i i i sloth i n .n:inin nnyor : i . .. ----- . . ... , , whnt nm 4- j-. 4.1,;- 111 UUl next' ISSUe. " uat wc nccu UU H11J C1 A most delightful dancing party as neve,T oeiore m an our lives; is to woo rrU-r, loo 4- 4- roi, iioii I K1"" uiversiueu crops, .some may Mr. Eugene. Browiilee, in honor of Mr. tink that cotton was the mam source 01 our wealth last year in N. J. it - . nr.coificiTr Qf0,i ,no; fi, was not wnue iexas, lowa ana 1111 extra amount of ad- i r - ; i-nT.u j 4.v..- Inois produced more crop values last J WA iMAVVU will 0 DVUOVll i 1 J J , ve come luurm anu morelhan one fourth nf tne vaiues 01 our iann "crops vve cn,, 04;M nave many crops m is. u. xnat can "I? tIjld Mirad SL"?J-- ing the'vecent arrives aTPine ranK " " ae to us at once, put we may ,Q . t TnuJA " r:."J"r,wv' "T' TV "4.',"' Crest Inn are Judce and Mrs. N. . G. Mr. R. M. McFarland was in Ashe- Mr. C. E. Shore is away on a busi- ipobello, S.. C. Mr.' W. W. Graham, of New York j is spending a tew days in Trym a : guest of his brother-in-law, Post master Stearns. Owing to an denlv called at his fathers death, and wTnJnrf ?Xr " " - Browlee secured special music UMU y WoVe'lhe could adjust himself to the Wm!to,n"SaIe"1T-; . . , hiy.0 Am!J ajRfc 0fF0 1 from Asheville for this occasion, and Mton,was n.ot hock 6f losing his father his son was , "uuay WiWI e x, wmwi ,Twas one of the most successful I weea. ... . . ' I taken ritrst con less cost. iiioj I lo-.-j-. . T..i.i I? ji ' . . . . iT " . 1 1 .rest, inn nre .Inflo-n nnrl Mrs N I,. i t . comfort in the thought, that wnom r l-;" ""V ?turVar'Aur.a &"u"sV1?, witn ; . uie Moore ,ad aauffhter -."Miss '- Mariorie 1"? .vi Lf'J"f-JZ"Z .hosoroth I "cc"8 wi ws uciiwjiiuciiii I lattclv S Barents. Mr. anfl Mrs. J. IN.I-c I 7, T:i mo. . sweet uoiaiues anu luuacco auu utnei w.'" i mi. - . j j an . i - .iivi nnT" rT . in ir; i-"fi T-ir . i nnmc - nnj - . . i i iuo ana xne stuay oi mzensnip oi Jackson. '''''-It -m x-r "" ' ;v I crops can be grown -and marketed Yvumen win ue uiscontmuea wnue tne I xt;ccj ttVo Tnirtrm tt",? I ti- il j vc , : v;r:' I cneaper -tnan cotton liesiaes, tne Flu is in the community. L11!? ?f Ch boll weevil is on his way to Polk Carolina, were in Tryon Sunday to Maine, Master Edward A. Noyes of iij riAt iwav Whv wait un snenrl t.Vio Hnv witn tneir aunt Mrs. nv 'p xt , kt; I companion nght away Why wait un- f--" " 1 uuuub iciiY. iiev iui jv. aim- 11110s W. Y. Wilkms. - Martha Bl Kennedy of New York Two or three families recently jCity. turned out of doors by fire should be I : a St. Patrick's dinner party was the Lord loveth, He Also The Lord's will not ours, be done. lv. iBennett Homer formerly of this place , but now is residing in Ashevflle, N. C, is here for short time. I Mr. Homer is looking fine, Ashevjlle seems to agree .with him; Mr. Fred W. Blanton has sold sever al Ford cars lately. Mr. R. M. Mc Farland. A. L. McMurry and O. L. we nope iu ee iiiwe ui imii iici uic 1 rpc ,T - 4.1 -1 ' . . . - . . . . 1 I here was a smonntr nt. thu nnmo nf vnnA? W rQ hater tnr wo Lrnnw IT. will ne I ---a o - -" til he has made his appearance before we turn our attention-effectually to these other profitable crops that will take the place of cotton and at the au aie uetei iui vC jvw ".r" Mrs Laura McGuinn Snndav. a la turned OUt Of doors by hre ap!t.v L Qninii Xn Ww crowd attended and enjoyed a. good af le to sympathize with the 1500, peo- giyen last Wednesday evening by Mr. same time be made if grown wisely, car over to baiuaa oiten, where ne singing Several from Greens Creek P1! made homeless by that cause in land-. Mrs. Graham in their bungalow to help keep up soil fertility, then be- at r Mo w ri,,,, Til and Sandy Plains were present, t a cxas town the other night. . w on the Mimosa, grounds, m honor of j sides all this array of valuable crops iA1,rs' A ttI? 21 y?E?t3JlJ!5?J MisslWavie Feacan.l. of Greens h- Mrs. A.; Goodman.; died at. her J their daughter Miss' Gist Graham of that can be converted into cash so ir.aie u Miuit swip in (wuu iov w frpV-Snent SnnrfaxrVw nw otr; trt -car. h-ai nto rvi r i . ' j-w-,- - - ... . i -- - -r'- ; . ... - .-, -- x. . - l yIv.k ""j VZVw Mr Ma here. " day morning.' Funeral at Trypn on eignt, ana tne guests were, miss J. A.i.lNabers and family Mrs Na- Miss Mabel Thompson spent Mon- Thursday. Deceased was a daughter Martha Jackson, Mr. Claude Ford, ber? has been on an extended tour m I j .4., . vr.n. mmL. I tt c. -r j 1. 1. ? j iHo, rinc -m TnTior, . ;;4.i 1 t 1 i I uav witn ivuss iviaaie xr minus. , 17. n. owann anu reaves a uusiwuu, 1'"'5 iuluwl.' wnxx-, a.Rilithrnn o-K nno'st.' rattle, nnd rioul- were - Mfss j'trvi there are thousands! and ? mtiUi- pie She being of Scotch decent,. com, miii ear her e Mbndav tv,ie rmintr,r wV,on niv five miJi near nere, Monday. Mr. L. West was injured at the saw five children father and five sisters Hester, Mr. Richard i . i . I ixiii if liccu. iiciCi'iuvuuay, taiiu uxvvuexo tu w iiviii via v?Ja riA wi ixrirf L Mrs. N. B. 3nith and children of tend our' sympathy. b V;V rr Vt "cC-i: ;4 Detroit, who have been on an extend- - a shallownated Trvonite recently who is a because white other places during her visit south. Julian Ballenger and ra until recently She pra sed i our who have been on an extend- - A shallowpated Tryonit SiucU HlhPofnN ChLtek' - complainixig ?o Mr. Bray, , ' than she found it in Georgia and High Point, N. C, last week. hosiery connosseur, becaj Miss Sara F. Luton of. Columbia S. C, who has been the guest of Mrs. P. H. Ward for some time, was called MUCH ENTHUSIAM FOR MAX GARDNER IN BUNCOME CO. stockings got soiled so quickly. You mean they show it sooner than dark ones, said Mr. Bray. And the shal- low-rplate had to admit that he spoke ov Mr. Barnard and Etton Foster took a pleasure trip to Landrum. S. C, last unuay. Mr. jind Mrs. L. E. Hipp visited Mr. H'-PP's father and mother Mr. and Mrs, John Hipp, who have been . ill -j'-u nu, in tneir new rora trucK. Mr. Hosea Arledge" has 'irchased a new, car. Lars are coming m "r?iong the hills pretty fast. -All we Tieed js some more cond road. !. to be nominated for Governor and eq ually unanimous that his nomination I was certain. Steps were taken to several winters, passed away sud denly last ; Saturday night. The burial service was read at the Church A elMn 1 1 r Ho 41- 1 K Xri4-X r " 1 a viva I ' a i mt .1 er lone distance to the bedside of I l"VrJ her father who is verv ill. . : aY?y Local views at the Valhalla Tea rf .-. i section, ail emnusiastic ana. aeeniv m- i . A i. i terested and determined to win the : on , pnoTrapny, water WARRIOR MOUNTAAIN ' Rnnmh. rtv narw f' rv. cior anaMms, ranging in price xrom .... r J "---11 s pftits to 25 dollars. Onen everv We" are glad to sav that the Flu is er ciuo was prgamzea m nsne- Mav inciudm Sundavs. Coffee and dying cut in this sectioned everyone oaturaay..- l he club starts off dougnnutg ta and sandwiches choco v.ho has it are improving . lL TJL an.d, ?eAeluJl late with whipped cream and cake, ihe tarmers are clearing away the "r ,clll"ilcVv chicken dinner, fancv suDner etc. on i i. i ii . - 1 . j.ij. I Anrlresses were nelivererl hv ipnn- I . ' uru.-u ana ruDDisn irom tneir neias, . , vr . . oraer ana getting ready for lor plowing as .5 "" ATifi Annie T CheswnVht. who has soon, as the weather will permit. . , I '"n"' been a.uest at Oak Hall. for the past Mt. Lum. Thompson says he has . . , i rMMi imntor5 nw snrl- plowed his garden and planted some emions. ' - , vv c4.o vci tain. kJiio Tvtiu ianu w i T - j j M , uvi, mj M!cw of The, Holy Cross on Monday after- iiin.c uiii uuliii auu cioiovauv van- I , ,t -r-. n t- j l-l . ... . I rrr. Ktt Ika Pmr Prvlla lliror. ann The vass in Gardners benaii. a cam- llwu -; nain committee, composed of and in- committal was temporary m fluential citizens was chosen to take cemetary. Icharge of the work. : It begins to look and feel as Amnnor the mem hers of the "Gard- though ITVOn was throucn Witn tne her for Governor" club are men from remnants and tag-ends of Northern ! every walk of life. Leading finan- blizzards. It gets just enough of piers, attomevs. nhvsicians. other them to, be a uttie coia witnout tne I professional men. business .' men and fun of sleigh rides and skating ciuuie muie Lruuu lUituv I - . - .. - I ... r - -i cAnth. Mr. and. Mrs. W. B. Arledee called worKersoi every crait are .entnusias- par at ' n w T?of e4. T io-v,f tic xor uaraner m Asaeviue ana uun- erner say tuau uw uajo in tl.e,V combe county. - . to taKe iNortnern leaving.. --. v. i i 1 li" VV I I u . 4V 11. t I . . ' . a We are rtnk ik tn.t we are J b elected ;U10 ipuowmg Mrs. H. P.. Holden of Washington, 1 , -iv u othcers: President, lion j. Jsneea n. c. ended her three weeks visit in.' i- ii ii i iitr'i4T tini n fin r kim imii M -.. - i .tn.A-"Z5: r., " ...V T'i: Adams: Secretary. E. N. Wright, with her relatives here, last week. ui. cincKPns. nre rrerT.intr nientv i - -r-. -r zj i " . -- . eggs, also have some voun? chicks, ampaign inpiuee: is.. Ax. cernara, she had one regret, and that was tnat and mom hon? ceW We bone thev vjnairman, u. im. iviaiqne, j. vv.xiay- she couldn't enjoy longer, tne cnmate 1 . . ncns .sptmg. We nope they tTarrv. t.. Nettles. Grover Rober- I .r riHc walks. . folks , here. l TiriT 1-11 a. .4. 4V I 111 I . ImIa-mWI J T - I -T M.-tm - ' ; , xu out to ue ivnoue xiauu J. R. Oates. Gallatin Roberts, which have-onlv conrmed her pre and Aire a w Pnct.r re C. Martin, J. v. cKies, jonn . fi. ousnmpressions that iryon is near- Mr. and Mrs. Carter Brown. . Mrs. Hester's family have much occasion to arouse the sympathy of many friends. . Within a month, Mrs. Conrad's husband has died, Mr and Mrs. Hester were laid up with colds, Julian Hester was housebound from the same cause for nearly a week, and now Mr. Hester, for the first time within memory, has had to absent him self from business on account of at tack of a mysterious disease which has some symptons df erysipelis. Miss Ravnel's house will on May 1st be taken possesion of by Doctors Grady, Palmer and Jervey, as a Sana torium. MJss Ravenell Will occupy the, cottage and she have charge with her present service, of the do mestic arrangements. (Jrestwood is soon to pass into the hands of Dr. Perry osteopath of Asheville and be used as a hospital for specialty. This sudden conversion of two hostelries into hospitals, naturally reduces ac commodations for ordinary guests and visitors. But if the demand con tinues that will soon be supplied in some way, and the friends and rela tives of patiens here, are likely to in crease rather than diminish that de mand. No' tuberculars will be ad mitted, and if successful, and there is every reason -for believing they- will be, they will be decidedly valuable assets to Tryon's property and repu tation. ERS. The year 1920 is here and two months of the time now a part of the no?f A U.. 1-1 a ' i " fm uy tne, way n is leap year anu i want to warn all handsome and pretty, widows and maids that the ' time is' rapidly flying; and it will be- tour years before the opportunity will be theirs agaih. So just come along . if you have any .propositions in your minas. - - To the farmers I would sue-cest. ' that your greatest efforts be put forth will not need your efforts as in time of the world war: but Polk County. this year. .It( may be that the world for her own development needs it just as bad as then Just think, Jan. and Feb. already gone and before you read these lines onr sixth of ' March will have been gone -And again think of the importance of saving time lust as essentail to thrift as saving money To save moneywe" must took, well to the single little cents . To save time we must consider the dttle seconds No man ever did or sver will have for use but one second at a time, all the thousands of years m.tne past are made up ot.the little seconds And all the Eternity in the iuture win be made up of seconds just a second at a time, then how very careful we should be of these precious ittie nuggets. Now I mean by all this: that the planting season is right now on, oats to .sow, gardens to plant, clover and grasses td be sown for pastures . and for hay and all kind of sowing and- 1 J A. ' 1 4.1. . plaining anu juat tninK; ii mere is no planting and sowing: there will be - kno harvest and gathering in of crops. bo we must get busy, and stay usy. Some farmers in Polk County, last year hauled lumber, wood etc., at a time plows , should have been mov ing. This does not pay the farmer. when the crop time comes all other kind of business with the farmer should .be dropped and his whole mind body and strength given to his farm and right now is the most important J j 1 .1 4 nrH time oi year witn tne iarmer. ine preparation of the land for crops. ' must be done 'early in the season if ik is well done And if not well done, do not expect nature to make you a gord crop-NaturiBJwjdLnot.!plow,ypur land corn. Nature does almost everything rough laiobby river and creeic lanas for Us Itven does our breathing, and river and creek oyerflow lands when awake and when aleep m Polk County that might be turned but she will not grow gardens, poul- liitu tne moat vaiuauic iauua vu wc i trv. hoes nnrt etr. nnrt t TInleec farm, if only turhedVinto permanant pastures. Why, just listen, I . was down at what is known as the stock farm on Pacalet River yesterday and what do you think I saw Well we do our part to bring these things to. pass Now this is what I am talk-, ing about; God always does His part and a great deal more, He almost does it all but still He sent forth His e from Germany soon. TTe. is still ilh the A. E. F. in that country. Muss Elizabeth Thompson home JJr a .few days, from Spartanburg, S. t.i isit her mother. - , are glad to say. that our boys o on the mountains are getting Cicarinc lanH n-nA cowintr crass o v. . CD O Wvatt. J. R. Stradlev. R. D. Buckner, Herbert E. Williams, Ed Blackstock, and Dr. Marion Buckner. (Advertisement) . - o - v BOY SCOUTS NEWS. Mr. J.J. Gentry, of 'Asheville, and son, J. J. Gentry, Jr. oi - Landrum, m m.V-J 4. i-i-J . V. r were m xrvon xuesuav to attenu meeting of The Interstate Hampshire Swine Breeders : Association, which met here oirthat day.- This Associa- Ii 1- -4T 4. c-Vior.a . m 4. " 4- I T.I Oil IS ISLfil lllllf Ull 111 CAtCUCllb i3llM The:l5oy scouts OI iryon met n at -- . j . , d I saw it, I am not dreaming now, it is edict in the beginning '. that "man ngnt tnere on tne gruunu anu . uu steep ground at that, It is grass with Mr. Charles Lynch, the genial owner of that farm sowed last fall Don't take my word for it Just go over some day and talk with - Mr. Lynch how that grass got there, and he will tell you all about it, and if you are worth powder and lead enough to -kill you you can do the 'same on.ypur land. I asked Mr. Lynch how his winter pasture grass that was sown last fall was rominer aloner and he replied, if should eat bread by the sweat of his brow" So there is just a little for us. to do; and God has so arranged that this little that we must do;must be done in certain seasons And the all important season for planting for 1920 is here Never mind tne hoeing and cultivation; . nor the harvest. That time is not here The time of preparation and planting is what we must be concerned with just now Ana what about your field and gar den seeds. Have you laid them in? If not get some good reliable cata- you can walk over rough land, we will I logues and order at once Then dur- go and see So went and saw I con-1 mg the year save all field and garden fess that land is steep yes steep andjseeds and you will save the- trouble- . 1 A 1111 S rough too. We chmed the steep niu i and cost of buying next year. r T .AS IT side makine a detour and coming on top by a circuitous route, and found the crass on ton of the hill as good as elsewhere Then we began the decent nd run across a huge .drove of tur kevs crazmer on that tender grass where the land was so steep they had ock one wheel and put on the brakes Respectfully, . J.1 R: SAMS, . V County Agent. TRYON CASINO CLUB The Tryon Casino Club has I ar ranged for dancing every Thursday evening, for members and invited guests. Each male guest unless in vited by a"""Club member, is charga ble to a fee of one dollar for the even ing. A-monthly fee of two dollars entitles the transient guest full priv eleges of the Club. The members are asked to make arrangements with the house committee for the use of the bowling alleys, well m advance, in order to prevent conflicting parties. i more pasture- . I.. "iT'i Marrh 12th ana is aesxinea to ao mucn tuaiu The Ancferso", boys report a mighty $10 ' ? ' stardardiiing the raising of hogs m r. , 'J; p ' XJ6V. .. . , I T3r.llr nvnYittT nnri siirronndine' terri- vC- c".non y Kev. Howard -at The meetine was called to ; oraer ""wfr ' j i ' (jri : c i-vi i i r i say that the 1 ', V . - - - I XilV illVV AAA. w I inin churrh Rundnv Rut re-1 1 Moctoi. Hill TTip minutes Itory. PTof , - I UV OtUUli mcMw-i 4... " i - , - , - K-- 10 sav that. tVio oiifliono- wns I xT- 4. M,nfi'n. totq roori nnn an- I HI'o Yowklio nreen if RopVv Mount. uuu viiv ' ' - I (11 I,riK IXICCblllK Tl VI v. xvmtv. v... x- i 4J4.4.SJ. U1W"V vjv,' w. wv.j 7 small Stearns High minstrel at the on account of so such Flu.s Droved and roll call 'followed, about n, c. who has been spending some tifteen boys were preaent. - . itime witn. uer oiumci, xi. . Gendall Brownlee, Jay lyonuy anu steelman oi tms piece, aiea riast m Noah Wilson joined the troop. - I day morning after an illness of some The Scout supper is to be given at four or nve weeKs. Mrs. oreen came 4-Va-e.tmi honse Tuesda March 16th. I fn visit a while with her brother, Mr. HJC "I-""' - - l . ... . P. M. - Steelman,- ana wmie nere was uuteu business meeting the mr and dispite every effort on the - - -r nart of the doctors and friends, grew The meeting ajourned at 9 o'clock, steadly worse till death relieved her . - Respectfully, sufferings. , The body was - taken to Charles Wm. Nessmith, statesville N. C. for burial, that be- Sect. and Scout Keporter. mg the home noi both Mr. ana wrs. COLUMBUS. c w students" of f hOol Will o-Ura o iormhm, -V v i i Tu -iT the schol house 'it , mm, of the high school build- 1Q9n f 7.4K ,p M ln&mder the ivf or 1. at. :40;.V A. , rr. , null w miflo 4.4..jr I . .-. Aff-ar thP DUSmCSS d:- There wi" be no charge for mi sion. Begins promptly at 8 p. hrin Mr an,Mrs. Bowen Constant Pink Green, who" has been-un- Mrs. May Wells Noyes of Chka.go e mm -p 4.1,' r a " 1 TToio who snent . ?the , entire Vpi'vo v V , W1v VuuntV ior sevciai auu iinw 47r-. ' ref Tnn returnevi jcskwj , 1 .J Uamilton and Marv to spend ra. - 1 wiiwv n m aged" about the spring vacuon at rnc yiwv. hi:rlrl Henderson's and U at iroan nw. J f WUVtlB Green. MT.r Green was at his wues bedside when she died but was not recognized by the sufferer as she had been unconscious for days. Mrs. Green was a devoted member of the Baptist church at her home, and was a bright lovable character. ; NOTICE TO Ea-SOlDIERS The federal government has made provision for all the ex-soldiers who were in active service in the recent World War to secure special educa tional , trainine without expense. This federal fund is annortioned to each'of the states in the ,U. -S., and thence to each county in . each state. Polk County is entitle to receive full scholarship for any ex-soldier wno ae sires to avail himself of the oppor tunity of further mental development, and thus prepare himself for a bigger vnri more . emcient citizensiu u. - The snecial county committee . for Polk-Countv has-its name here under signed, and it will be glad to serve any ex-soldier who will make his - wants known. Remember we cannot serve you unless you let us -know that you want, mi r. service and that the , state and of the nation, we are - . . . " Very sincerely yours to serve, E. McQunne Sallv,M. D. Chr. BdEd J. P. Arledge, C. S, C. - , : EW. S. Cobb County Supt., Ed. FIFTEEN POLK COUNTY DONTS, Don't forget that spring is here. Don't fonret that the main Dlant- to keep from runmng - away Ana j mg season for the whole year is just rocky but that grass is taking hold ahead and hugging close to the rocks, when j Don't forget that in order to grow a cattle m the near Iuture wm nna tne 1 crop, that you must have good, seed richest grazing of course. Mr. Lynch 0f all kind. . . . . . 1 1 A-A.1 I vn. . . . . - is mst starting, ana nas very ntue jjon t forcret that thorough Dre- - - - ' . . -11 1 I . . . . . . . . 0 show; but just wait ana can on mm jparation of sou, proper fertilizations en' vears hence and go around and land eood cultivation are ' the main see what will be going on And then J elements of success in farming, after 00k in a mirror and see what a long hrood seed. ace vou will have and how you will . Don't forget that good garden, even ament. howl and weep, because you ia lazy man should have one this year. did riot begin to make pastures when Don't forget that the high cost of Mr. Lynch and Mr. Mcbwam oegan. Irving, comes from the high cost 01 But "if you old fogies with hundreds loafing. of acres of land And much of it Don't forget that the man who waste land, stand around and let a I loafs, is not entitled to half a loaf few men witlx a vision and progres- Don't forget to plan for a modern sive idea walk off and leave you then poultry house before next winter, you will have to do like all runty pigs Don't forget to spray for your en- do Suck the hind tit a hats tne oniy lemies as well as your mens. l hope for the ; stand .pat farmer of j . Don't forget to love your enemies a3 course young men like; myself can these nrocrressiVe ideas, ana we are. so sorry for the elderly gentle men on the farm who will not come well as your friends. Don t forget to do your neighbor a kindness every time possible. Don't forget to say a good word fresh out of college and wouia be ex-1 Don't forget to deposit every pected to be a little ahead but you cent of your money m some good old fellows, say along about 45 who bank. ' And let that Bank be a Polk are getting very old you should County Bank. speed up and do a whole heap - 01 Don'tspeak evil of any one. - thinking right now grow a good cane Don't make or handle blockade liq- Eatch and cut out a lot of that sugar uor. There -are so many better ill, grow more cow peas, soy beans callings that will make you so much J. R. SAMS County A bur sweet clover and cut-out a lot of your fertiliser bill.' Then so at i once 'to sowing that steen land that is all washing away tn nerYnanant errass nastures and just r. ... f - . - see how easy it win Decome to maite a livincr and then when the boll weevil eets here--you will have him starved out. instead of his starving you to death. --r J. R. SAMS Biscuits filled with homemade but ter . Have an extra added charm; ' - -There's a way for you to prove it Keep a cow upon your farm. If you want land, near- Tryon, County Agent. I Write j: P. Lockbart, Tryon, N. C. v

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