EXPRESS CHARGES ARE GOING HIGHER : INCREASE IN RATES RANGING FROM 10 TO. 75 PER CENT -PUT UP TO COMMISSION. - (0 EXPEND WOT MILLIONS The $12,000,000 ' Approximate Amount Derived from the Previous Raise Paid Out to Employed ETOFM SEIATOR WAS UIISEATED M riitarVle; ChapmaiuCatt N ew .York, Enthusiastic Over Result of Long y and Hard-Pought; Struggle. lililGiti 2I5T8IST fJWB Two Prime-Artlcles-of Commerce But ter and Cheese, to be Forced , on - Market Under "Lever, Act. " : v - NEARLY EVERY DENOMINATION REPRESENTED "AT RECENT GREAT GATHERING: r Washington. Increased express charges, ranging fromilO to 75 per cent and estimated to yield $25,00,000 additional revenue annually "were ask ed -by the American Express Company, In a petition filed with the interstate commerce commission. ' Increased cost of conducting its business as well as the urgent need Cor more complete facilities and equip - ment was given by the company ' as grounds for asking additional revenue. Expenditures of "many millions of dollars' was necessary, the petition said, and additional funds could not be obtained under the present rates. While explaining that previous rate Increases added approximately $12, 000,000 to the annual - revenuer the company said this money was given immediately to employes in the shape of increased wages. Granting of ex tra wages for overtime on the basis of an eight-hour "day was said to have resulted in a monthly outlay of $1,022, 000 as compared to less than $50,000 before the eight-hour day and over time may be given. ginia legislature ratified: the federal sufEfak amendment Final action on the amendment was" taken by the sen ate in adopting the ratification reso lution of the house of delegates by a vote of 15 to 14. : The vote of Senator Jesse A.' Block of Wheeling, who made a hurried trip from California to Charleston to vote Attendance of Women at tne Various on the amendment was epctual in breaking the deaaiocav aenawr a. it, Montgomery was not permitted to nvi...A D1in'a te tnTC.Ik ffitO the TO- Charleston... WVa:-fhe West Vir- HOUSE COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND trade'the lOTest amount of food MEANS TAKES EXCEPTION- TO CERTAIN STATEMENTS. REPORU OF DOCTOR 'Conferences Ran Up' Approximately to, 400 at the Several Session vote",- his Meat having been declared! vacant ever thrown on tne maraei m United States were announced by Dis trict Attorney CJyne before- leaving for Washington to lay theecheme be fore Attorney General Palmer James A. Miller, assistant , district attirnev. has gathered figures to show that Chicago storage houses now hold j qcq Nrtrtfinila of butter.1' as com A Witness Says It Is Only Human to Dare(i to 2.122,361 pounds stored here im9 . nonui if Government Can la vear ago.. More than five ana one- P.r.u.d.d.U. Grant It ; lag neia, vaero vucio - WAS 110 INTENTIONAL INSULT PRESIDENT WILL NOT ACCEPT RESERVATIONS TO ARTICLE 10. President Wilson has notified Sena tor Hitchcock that he will not accept , the Lodge substitute for 4the .original Lodge reservation on article 10. Charlotte.r-'Six hundred- minusf two. North Carolina, minsters, represent ing most of the evangelical denomina tions of the state, were registered del egates -at the . North. Carolina State Pastor's conference of the i inter church world movement, which con cluded ita three day's session in the Second Presbyterian church in Char lotte. - rJ-:y2-: - ; v ' The report of Dr. E. H. Rawlings on a trip he recently made through the various mission fields and the answeri " to "questions ''on "the Inter church world movement by Dr. Charles H. Pratt were the only two ' . oounds last. year. Washington. The irana .veraufc - - being New Yort"Snffnure r won. me dt a wmcts . w. . withholdrne these tooa w t r.Aa.r millAf lpsr. I v' words are simple, but they tnrm as grew wuum ouVi ------ few words do or can." ' islation in oraer to " This was the enthusiastic - conclu- a rumpus in the nouse way : sion .of Mrs. Carrie-Chapman . Catt, committee, considering a multitude of president of the National American bills dealing with the subject. , ' Woman Suffrage Association, -in a iFranfcP. Keech, a New York broker. statement issued here on receipt of formerly a neutenani coioue news that Wast Virginia had ratified tospector general's department, op- the federal suffrage amendment. posing additional compensation, for former service men, aecnu-wu boui legislation might be expected because stuffs. He Gala he piannea w use both. the pure food and drug act. and the Lever law against storage bouses to force the food stocks on the mar ket. - '-: r : THERE WILL. E NO STRIKES OF MAINTENANCE OF WAYMEN cnDTV A R P nrAD OP SLEEPING ' SICKNESS IN NEW YORK CITY ot J?110?1 Tes? 1i I V...rrl ttay rt itsattitr writ a a XT tr 1 A ffr -mm.m I U BWB.CU IUIUUU ' features of the final session of the sleeping sickness has been reported i?!! conference. The attendance in New York since January 1, Health W."" Z7 SSt - tAtAt-v Va fnetilHnp hint 1 George M. Rushmore, a member of Chicago. There will be no strike by th 378. nOo; railroad maintenance of The inference thai members would waymen represented to-: national meeting nere. i. a. muuuj, m vice president said. woman's at thevarious conferences of the wo men ran up to approximately 400. "(. Dr. Vance conducted the devotional service with which - the conference closed, reading a portion of the 15th chapter of the Gospel of John and emphasizing the words of the seventh U. S. TYPHUS COMISSION x IS PREPARING FOR EPIDEMIC RRVAN WIRPS WITHDRAWAL NAME FROM PRIMARY BALLOTS th American legion, said members Warsaw. MentBers of the American typhus commission-, in conjunction verse, "If ye abide in me and my Lansing, Mich. - William Jennings to club Congress into giving a Rrvn tMftih-anherf crtarv of state bonusVbut he added vi t is only hu- wu uxj ' " 1 x t- i f V- 4. mtA flo ir o,aii ,v what Vauehn reauestlne that his name be maa 41 w:8 ye will and it shall be done unto you." withdrawn from the Michigan presi- "uuns to give it, dential primary April 5. of hU nasi, did not think the legion with Polish authorities;, are making preparations for tne epwemic, wmoa is expected to reach its crisis in April AVIATORS USHER AND WOLF ARE TO BE COURTMARTIALED GREAT FIRE NEAR FORT WORTH CAUSES A $12,000,000 LOSS. Fort Worth, Tex. Damage estimat ed at more than $2,000,0jP0 has been caused and more than. 1,500 persons have been made homeleis by fire -which is sweeping Grand View, near here. ' Sanford, -The Sanford Develop ment Company, which was organized about a month ago, has just received its charter and seal, and is just be ginning its operations. This organi zation was called 'into being because of the great' congestion that has ex isted here for several months in hous ing the people who desire to move to this city. AUTOIST OF TOLEDO, OHIO, IS A VICTIM OF BOLD ROBBERY FREIGHT RATES INCREA8ED ON SHIPMENTS TO ENGLAND Toledo, Ohio. -Three bandits ticed Lay Dryfus into an automobile, "drove him to a lonely spot and robbed him of $4,000. Dryfus was slugged and thrown from the 'machine. New York. Freight rates on food- I nffa - aMrvnori in ITta ?1 nn rl in Writlah I vessels have been increased 20 cents a hundred poundsfrom 45 to 75 cents. . El Paso. Lieutenants George IZ Usher and Leroy M. Wolf, American aviators,. who recently returned to E Paso from Mexico after an enforced stay of over one month, will be tried by court martial here. 11 AMERICAN Missis. . 't i INSPECTION r-QD S ' ; OF, SECURING r,'' BtPUIHS- WILSONS nit I 1 No Definite Policy Has c I Co) III Mnmmit This PartiriiU- .. x Washington. Reco; that the United States acCeKJ date over Armenia. ar. be conUIned in the American mission under ji eral Hartbord, whk-h rJ0l a tour of inspection in to-obUin first hand faetT.H ish rule. 1 i i The report never has W eft, although, the senate tvJ 4U"bwu i-xeiueni Wilson mit a copy of it. it woo tiu mai some anowieage oi tbe recom.,.1 an Armenian mandate aad S had attributed the Preside to the presence of this recocS tlon in the report. RepresentaUves in this coj the Armenian national couacifl repeatedly urged that the Aj3 government acept a mandr.1 i to r r sp it: ui f d fc t ttheir suffering peoples but o J policy has ever been announced ammisiraiion. FURTHER PROTEST ENTERn AGAJNST SALES OF VE 'I GERMAN NAVY REPORTED tO HAVE BEEN SURRENDERED. A dispatch to The Exchange Tele graph Company states it is reported from Kiel that the naval commander there has handed over the German fleet to the new" Berlin government.' Asheville, A special car from the Bureau of Fisheries, Washington, will arrive In Asheville soon for Pis gah national forest with 95,000 trout for planting in Davidson river. Mills river and Looking Glass creek. CAMP BENNING IS 3 ELECT ED AS SUMMER TRAINING CAMP PASSPORTS TO CUBA MAY BE HELD UP FOR A SHORT TIME I HOPES OF BANISHING THE CIGARETTE IN FIVE YEARS Washington. Passports, now being Chicago. Abolition of the cigarette in America by 1925 is the aim of the Issued-. at the rate of from 650 to I International Cigarette , league, wnicn 800 a day may be held up until It is has been organized as successor to. the it- was an- Washington. Camp Bennlng, Ga., -mer infantry and Junior division train- determined who is. the head of the AnU-Cigarette league, A. A. A. inz camns. the war dftnurtment an. state aeparunem. nounced. - I nounced. Salisbury, French memorial ' diplo mas will be distributed to the nearest relatives s' of American soldiers who died in France. Some 50 or more of these diplomas for people In Rowan and surrounding counties will be giv en out- . ' BIG DECREASE IS SHOWN IN THE POPULATION OF BERLIN CUTTING THEIR WAY THROUGH THEY. MARCHED 2,000 MILES. ANOTHER AMERICAN CITIZEN IS MURDERED BY MEXICAN. -Washington. Raymond Corcoran, an American citizen, was murdered by ATTEMPT MADE BY GERMANS TO STAVE OFF CIVIL WAR. - ... -. . Berlin. The imperial bureau of cit Izen guards has issued a proclamation calling on all members of the guard to "arm themselves to maintain peace and order so as to prevent civil trar until the nation . can determine Its course." : LONGSHOREMAN'S STRIKE IS INDORSED BY LEADERS. New York. The district council ot the International Longshoremen's as sociation, meeting, endorsed the stride by several thousand: longshoremen, flock workers and checkers employed by coastwise lines to enforce demands tor. wage increases and adjustment of working ftour3. MAY USE AMERICAN SHIPS TO OPERATE GERMAN LINES A plan under which Aermican steam, ship cpmpanes would take over and operate with American ships the 60 pre-war -world trade routes of the Hamburg-American line, is being worked out by the shipping board, sub ject, it is understood, to the approval of the German companyl" The proposal was approved by the senate commerce committee by a vote of 10 to 4. London. Thirty thousand non-bol- I -r . . m i . . w.ohinvtAn tv,q tji?-. snevix . Kussians. aner cutting tneir - I v m k MOvinen Aa-At Xiat--4W V sa. with adjacent districts now Includes way tnrougn me owsneviK lorces m - '""7 1"' 3.801.235 inhabltAnts aRrordln tft r. Siberia and marching 2.000 miles, have coruuig W iWYicw rcceiveu w me Durham. An anonymous gift ot 5100,000 toward the fund to erect a woman's building at Trinity college as a memorial to the late James H. Southgate, conditioned upon the rais ing of a certain amount as yet not stated, was announced by the fund campaign committee. - cent issues of the Berlin press which arrived at Verkhne-Udinsk. published results of the census start ed Octoer 8, 1919 . state department from the American consul at Neuvo Laredo. - VETERAN NEWSPAPER MAN HAS DIED AT HOME IN RICHMOND. ALCOHOL IS BURNED VALUED AROUND FOURTEEN MILLIONS $100,000 18 ANNUAL SALARY OF BRITISH AMBASSADOR. - Richmond, Va. Henry Aylett Samp son, veteran newspaper man and poet, Fayetteville, A strong protest against the pardon of Chas. L. O.Hlg gins by Governor Bickett was made in a signed statement given out here by N. A. Sinclair, prominent attorney, who assisted the prosecution" which resulted, in O'Higgins' conviction of abducting a married woman. . Oran, Algeria. Fire which started from a match carelesslv drannnri in a warehouse here wis brought under srandson of Patrick Henry. control after it had destrnvAiT tnnnT thousand barrels of alcohol and other MANY STILLS ARE CAPTURED property causing a loss estimated at 70,000,000 francs. - London. The British ambassador died at his home here after an illness at Washington will hereafter receive of several months. He was a great zo'000 Pounas (iioo,opo) yearly. His salary will be 1,500 and enter- IN THE STATE OF ALABAMA. tainments allowance 17.500 pounds Premier Lloyd George made this an nouncement in the house of commons. NO FURTHER LOANS ARE TO BE MADE TO ALLIED NATIONS Talladega, Ala. Federal prohibition officers in Alabama destroyed 103 illi cit distilleries wlth a total capacity of 7,194 gallons during Februarv. ac- VIRGINIA RETAIL CLOTHIERS AGREE TO SMALLER PROFITS. UNITED STATES IS BLAMED FOR TROUBLES IN TURKEY WashinMon. "- Th e-nv--n ments wiir receive no further loaTls oflIce of enforcing agent. from the Ameircan government," Sec retary Houston announced. ' Loans made to- the allies to date tntal 9 RKQ R51 RAH QA v,- vti , . " v i - . rr . t, m - - iaiuuuu. oiame ior ine that are being experienced in settling the Turkish problem were laid at the door of the United States by Earl Cur zon, the foreign secretary, fn explam- Kinston,-Had the tobacco market Washington.-Howard Figg. assist- T Z Tr , 8 negoua- . V . tions to the house of lords. Washington, (Special ) E. D.' Smith of South Carolina will go to Greens boro, N. C, to make the principal speech in behalf of the plan of boost ing exports from the Southern states Hons' authorized by congress. and to prevent unfavorable action on the part of-the railroads in withdraw- FIGG COMING SOUTH TO ing fair rates to that section. - - AID WAR ON HIGH Richm6nd; Va. Charging that man- cording to figures announced from the hturers had systematically, and in many instances without reason, in creased the cost of goods, the Virgin la Association of Retail Clothiersahd Washington. Further against sale of merchant Tesl made by the Midwest- Gulf lantlc Foreign Trade and TrayJ tlon committee, in a letter to fi ate commerce committee. THE ENGLISH TRADES UNIOl CONGRESS VOTES NO STi London. The special trade congress, in session here, rotei whelmingly against the strike i and in favor of continued e2r. constitutional means tn pffort fJ tionallzation of mines. PLEA OF "LITTLE ARMY" MR IS REJECTED BY THE HC Washington. Pleas ol "little i men to reduce the military expeq were rejected by the house, wild ( proved a peace time esubiistmd 299,000 enlisted men and 1720 oers. SOUTH CAROLINA IS FACING A SERIOUS COAL SHORTA! Columbia, S. C South Carolia threatened with a serious coal far: reports from various parts of tie c Indicate. One large industry ben ready has-been forced to closet on account of the complete exhai of the local supply. VERY FIRMLY WORDED NOTE TO-BE FORWARDED GERM Paris. The conference of ami-. Furnishers, in annual convention here agreed to reduce their percentage if troubles profi fth sales of spring goods. COSTS THE NAVY MAY COMMANDEER . V . FUEL OIL FOR ITS VESSELS. dors have decided to send the man government a very firmly j ed note demanding immediate tion of the penalties promised for outrages suffered by officers of lnter-allied - commission to me ... States during the German evau of this region. AMERICANS CALLED UPOINTTO ASSUME A GIGANTIC TASK, Annapolis, Md. America must as sume some gigantic task of world ser rice or be "recreant to the consecra tion we made on April 6, 1917," Secre tary Daniels said here today, speaking to the midshlpment of the naval acad emy..' .- .., ; .; "The problem of world statesman hip today' he said, Is to find some task that will fire the nationaf im- agination and ennoble "national thusiasm. What shall .it be?" here been a communistic institution ant to the attorney general in charge last year every man, woman and child the department of justice's cam in the community might be richer by paign against the high cost of living $1,000 today. The final figures for the is going to visit the South. . season, announced by E. "Y. Speed, He left here. for. a tour of the south secretary of the Market Board of t 3pread the department's econo Trade, show that that part of the crop doctrine sold here brought $13,004,490.48. and a series that the . total of pounds was 28, 088,758. ' : - i v APPROXIMATELY 50,000 OF OUR DEAD TO BE SENT HOME Washington. The navy is prepared to commandeer the fuel oil necessary for its fighting ships if ' Its require ments are not covered at "reasonable" prices. In the bids , to be. opened for the next - fiscal year. Secretary Dan iels 'announced. While it is hoped that the exercise Washington. The bodies of abont my en nnA rt f Vi r a a j i n nf Lf V t S! will be returned to the United States o our commandeering authority under oi meetings or. chambers of oama th Iver t vi-tmt w v w n n iVtUVV OUU. 9,vUv . Will f- " v - " w uvvvolku J , commerce, civic and women's organ!- :,,r:f zationa iuwu irojuiaucuuy mierrea Secretary Baker said. overseas, Mr. Daniels said, "the American navy must have its fuel." . - . CMir.Ann ai nPRMPN DESIRE' w www m m m m v mm - i REFERENDUM ON PROHIBIT! Chicago. The Chicago city coOj voted 51 to 10 to petition tne ui legislature to withdraw its apprors the constitutional prohibition tsr ment,' that the question may hnrhrt Atl?oA (ho nptltion saw i w -sm-m mm a 9 mv f - purposeNras "to restore the sfc light wines and beers." Oxford PostofMce Looted Oxford, War savings stamps valu ed at $10,000, postage- stamps to the amount" of $5,000 and about s $75 in cash were secured by safe-blowei-s who blew open the safe of the Oxford postoffice here and made their es cape. , " , 's-:--;.j'-v:; ' Five strangers, reported to v have been RELIEF IS DEMANDED FROM PROFITEERING LANDLORDS New -York. Possibility of a general SUFFRAGE ACTION OF WEST VIRGINIA TO BE CONTESTED. DYE INDUSTRY IS RETARDED-. BY UNCERTAIN LEGISLATION Louis. The American dye In ttHVa Af 9Rft aaa noouuiBwra. 1U . West .Virginia I " w Aiucutau uyo in- not provided im mediately against profiteering land- ment after; unseating Senator Mont- f Independence, of this country, is being gomery "simply made the alleged rat-i retard6d trough the uncertainties of en FAMINE MENACES FIUME; NO FOOD IN THREE WEEKS. Flume, Famine seems to . be neai " :.S,SU. fS iflcation-a matter for the courts to legislation, according to an announce- K w,vvJUtiucrauon -ai a COnr Mi.Ma xti i . . . man marlo -C- n XT . been ssepn at T?VaTVHTift ic fofenoa h iMTo-rr- tti, ; , Ci. i m, uomu Association up- - onreye, . - - - - - . am D A AAA "V At .. . I the persons who office. The robbery was not discovered until the postoffice was opened. mo ociicuvrj. respeciiveiy OI tne Pof,,0.l 4. 7.x. ' meotnr Iv, to TlnrZ" W to be a violation of "the Mr. Shreye is the secretary of thd WMti7w nL-ZT maue constitutional provision ' for a two- flewly organized Dye Section, an im- ' VDU"91 VJlilUU. third. VrttA fr, . I TMrfant nart nf tVo. Wilmington's Ferry Boat w iimmgton,--Uhairman W. P. Mc Glaugon, of the board of county com missioners, and Chairman J. J, Knox, T -iwwo -ir 1 lULfi 1U ' r SYRIAN rOMfiDCCC ncl Anrro TO RPI PP.T PrtMUIl-rrrii.. rc tuc tdtatw , 1 wkwtnnbo I . w in 1,1 1 1 icemen vr rfcAtl SYRIA INDPPPNneKiT ota--- TO SETTLE STRIKE DISPUTES Washington. Here is article 10 of .mscw Nofoodha been broof the Brumwick board, will lea the peace Ttre9ty to entenc o v. .wi luicc weeits Italian ; tor onJueaa v-iiy, wnere tney .will naval units convey all merchant ves- sels from Ancona and Venice so that further seizures by rTAnnunitan forces are impossible. As . a. consequence there is, much suffering. There have been rumors that Capt. D'Annunz'o'a lorces will attack Croatia In an effort . to obtain supplies.1. witness the launching of the . new fer ry boat, J. J. Knox, which will be used xo connect Wilmington and Bruns- i wick, The boat Is named in honor of the Brunswick Chairman, whos efforts to procure a modern ferry service be tween New Hanover and Brunswick have been tireless. - - - - Beirut, Syria. The Syrian con- Washington. The 16 railroad unions Tha - u " i.. -:r- ".-uin.uo ucworeu ovria w uc .lsvvuluoxl.-ox rauwav -execu ";rrr?.r"e leaEU?:nn?et:- Independent sUte: .There were tires were directed bv the interstate r i hca it 10 vi : . im r.DiwTiwr. iNJUNCi' Enid, Okla. A decision of tb ed. States supreme court nd between the United States mr- uwAawwa tuivi waA making the south bank of th 1 river form the boundary line bet the states of Oklahoma and Tfl were cited in an opinion given by' rtm. eral Judge Youmans when ne i a temporary injunction to tne sonia Development Association & Sam Sparks and others. NEW MEMBERS OF THE LEjGj OF NATIONS ARE ANNOUN take to resoect and tres(rvft .o r""4 .ow . AUOT were . exrnal;aggre.sionhelerri7o SSiiJ L1. commerce commUsion to. make npmi .- - , vvvum;m,oi n is nsTKirTn mnA uauun inr gmtn an nan ui & egruy and .TisHn ----- .. .7 t . - -"u.vavi, ou- WdiceViii mTi-.- - J.n oi the icing of Hejaz, wUl iTeiy,to the.tri-partite board created !x? t members of the league, be crowned king. Palestine, Lebanon by the transportation act which win 'ase iortbrn Mesopotamia ' are in! attempt settlement of oVsputes wTtL- ggressicS ifT-f1 in the district where 'the out strikes. , . v ' SSS tly ,.idem,nkmot less than gation shall be fulfilled." I "7- forcing xne peace men to be submitted toPresident : ,7 I' lce to recognize Syria. Wilson ..who will Choose ; the board. London, With the official no tion of the accession of the W Nations -of. SwiUerland. P Sweden, Norway and Holland, two, namely Salvador and y of the Veraailles treaty invite come original members of tw have - definitely accept- b j has - signified Its intention oi the league, but Venezuela j declared its Intentions. .. - j : r -

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