?0i County is the Land! of p&oitaaKy tfoir m Vr&f B arid rublier; Dnvbotisofib! a c r v - , , a- - lie viLjj. ll w c BUSH Publisher The Only . P?civ Piifishcd in Pc!k Ccaaty jH Lhe Clsan Paper for the Hone Price 5 Cents trnlnme aavi iu. 10 Tryon, N; C, October 22, 1920. $2.00 a Year COUNTY AGENT'S DEPARTMENT ; . - " ' ' - x. - ....... . . ... - : . jimely Talks to Polk ounty Farmers, and others, on Timely Sub jects, br County Agent, J. R. Sams 'A 01' John B. Thrift. Sp, we. Lest We Forget While .what is now in my mind t0 the Farmers of Polk County.; : To My Friends In Polk County. itiipr season of crop time is When I say my friend I mean . ond forever past, in many m a general way, , every man, f Ljts it has been-one of the woman and child in Polk county. Qest seasons in which to grow Because so far as I have had op- ,ainy season and our trifling- people of the county. They have we are blessed with good all been drawn very close to me (ful crop for which every Polk there is another sense in which Ltv farmer should have a I use the phrase "FriendshipMn Leful heart. Early in the this connection, and that is in iason, rains prevented plowing relation to the work I am trying Id crops were gotten in rather to accomplish in Polk county, ite, and almost continous rains The wonderful fairs we have had revented the best preparation in every township, in the county u rultivation of the land, then and then the splendid round up e shortage oi laoormaKs it ai- wuuty iair ims ueea tne aireci, ost a miracie inat uie cipps are y uuui xw cumpaiu- eood as they arer The price uveiy m eacnot the township of 'r frr thP TIT PSPnT.' nrflTi IS CllC UUUlltV. VV Illlti 1 leei a.S SL3.L- lot flattering. It may be better ed at the start that all are my ?nd t I mean to put on paper Won and it may be i worse, friends, it is those who stick larmmg; it is as lunda ithat as it may; -let every body through thick and thin to the end mentally true and necessary -to 'et level in the boat, don't whine that count. I am sure that there happiness among Polk county I, io,v ,ef 'otioi. were manv at the oonntv fair wlm farmers and business men as hen that rifle practice was go- had regrets that they' failed to ing cane and cotton. I am eon two years ago last April contnoute their part to make it w vxxxats nur bd May and our sons andferand- even a greater .success than it " "T ' DmK w L .; i,,mCO tWwofor was. I regretted verv much ti both- We are approaching a JUU3 Ui CUai lllfe vx I , , 7 I J . . . i . .. . , U wf- rt nor. see blue and red ribbons ro nJ presidential election, the first J1U UUJ. C lllli. Wl MJ VJ VJVI. 1 . C3 I . , IT''- ofi croc wo Hi farm nroducts when I knew one after the - great world war. Uv,;v cnfloV fUT, nf there. were dozens of farms nro. vlu lsauca paseu mto ms- rice of cotton-we would have ducing better stuff. And that is uevrf"" uniaiimiar issues are .. thenrimGobiGct of a fair tiS :rt ue setueu issues, xnat norjoay a UUCU wujJO vx vvbuvAi . r , ; ; o -I i . . - T . . have relieved the situa- everybody to bring their best to- nucl1 poui. uisa.ume . ,t v .- i. i. 4. rtw: ior serious renections ana much inn nrrt L'nrvT Tnu nnuc sit nninB i ucliici iui miiiuaiaiuii. liici c is . o w lifo Dlentv of corn for instance in Pyer instead of political bitter- L u, r; f T oa Polk countv that would show im ness- It ls also a umque .election k coureeous men- and wo- well the' great InterriatMal bee. 0e fact ; that . our W-tt cotton is low and we corn and hog show to come off vomers, wives, aauters sweet Vnrfi..mm, it.ictiot0 next December at Chicago. HI. hearts etc. will for the first time W if ,nrl o-Pt hnv W I wanted that class of corn' Dut under the constitution of the L.it.. i. .. AAi'infv w; 1,0 ofJ United States as amended cast nieinme eise. v" -"" v, F,iv- I It is now wheat sowing lime, every iarmer should pre- are and plant wheat sufficient make his own buscuits ! It on't take much land, well pre- ared and properly fertilized to .mm FROr.l OUR FRIENDS MM TtlE COUHtfiV Items of Interest Gathered From Varicas Sections of Pcjk Ccunty by Our Corps of Faithful orrespondents. Lynn business men of thisxity and has Dr. Pratt will preach in Lvnn a large circle of friends. -Spar- .Sunday night Oct 24th it being tanburg Herald. his regularappointment. . ; tuMn iiiti lllblllll It's to.be hoped that thenew The women of thi3- town church can be put m comfortable u i n i. condition for the winter. . Lj sli. .iu ' i. . J. R. Pmtuff of Spartanburg, accepted the inevitable with very a stock holder m the new Ham- grace 1 mett Mill was in Lynnlast week. There ws a big crowd out to Pat Hampton of Atlanta, Ga., the debate last Saturday night one of Polk county's worth boys, but speakers were ' scarce there passed through Lynn last Sun- being only four present, but the day on his way to Columbus . to speaking was fine and the" au visit his sister Mrs. J. A. Feag- dience was well entertained. De ans, bate next Saturday night on the W. .S. McCall has purchased subjet of the Indian and Negro. n l7'v. 4-mnnw inn Tfl 1 J ?i 1 place just hitch up old Dolly and 7. caA' . " Mvery uouy.mvitea. let your wife take your arm and " raaiey ana lamny ot j joe Morris of Cliff side was m walk right up to the polling place Spartanburg were guests of Mrs. this vicinity last Sunday. and vote and then without any Bradley's father W. A. Cannon Mr. Branscom and wife were ong exortations about anything ia,sz unaay. : ih Columbus one day last week. quitely return to the home where L Mrs. Jl Twity Thomson spent Miss Jennie Robb and Mrs. the good woman will go aboutf last weeK-ena at the home ot L . x&o.y attended Sunday School her dinner for the husband and Y Thompson. dervice at New Hone last Sun- children as ever and will take the Mrs. Sarah Williams visited her c ay. Prof . Kreider delivered an same delight in s her household daughter Mrs. Major Hutcher- c loquent address, also Prof . Cobb affairs as she did when disf ran- son hear Columbus last week- c f Columbus made an inspiring chisedtand this old; world, will end. ; : I talk upon the importance of rock on just as she did before - :. . ' . dhildren attending the Sunday making her jdurneyround . the Beautiful incite simplicity was Jchool and of parenis, duty m sun in ;three huriclred Vandi sixty- wumg.i "f4" tkking them to church and Sun- hve days and six'hours and turn day school. Every body appreci- ven hen to ies growing it could hot be per- their mdern vote. Some people suaded to do so. They missed aiways . magme evil aneaa. some hansome prizes and the Now don't anybody get ; scared satisfantion of wmniri such about our women voting. I Vp orH also th satisfaction of would feel perfectly safe for every helping their township win that ma? inPolk count7 to stay ho.me voted together. every side to the . sun every of Mr. and Mrs; E. B. .Harrison, J J .11 - 1 lxl nmlvon ."I $25.00 cash prize for the town- lu puu curxi ur PiuWun section "Yr"fe" """Paw Tnf tv,o mnk'h, fnr W ana let the women green as four. Then that crop of vetch fv "PV J .1 thev are in the art of votinc? eo ndoats wheat or rve should not this year is passed but .another tney are m the art ot voting go p udtb, wneat or rye snouia not milTuq t do the voting on that dav. Now U neeected. Think now of year will soon roll around, l , . uying hay next spring and per- know it is a Dusy time out men tin differentiy This doubt laDsnomonPvn. ,,,nnnf : nf lnw and women need recreation just 7?!. .2?T? :; " r r ; a mnoh thev.need tb work. The iess Wlil naPPen m many insian- yi cwi coram to ouy witn ana - TI' "Jj; 1 , ces. hmk of the hungry work stock Iarmer no u f 'Vs has God bless the woman if she opinion on any subject, an religious, political or what not auu ixixxxgxc xxi txxau gi.eai J.J.XG1XUXJM - ... . , , . countv fair last week and mix ie acre or less, and good land, n 1 . 1 . . u pieasea to see so much cane r "7 : . T7 . it tmt i nil tw vntino- is anv and the serious part 01 the mat- r " ; - t. :: way. jusl expressing our mai- twenty-f our hours .and, we will to Thomas DeWitt Cannon, both eM - v Mrtrrr t -knrf- 01 this city, ine weaaing was that- we behave somethincr like thisiindSlet eve fieS vftter 6and defwsit hior hlghoon 0 I ml ' 1 ' 1 1 her vote as he or she feels duty 1 ne wnoie lower noor 01 tne hound to do. And "let no one nouse was um,wn into une question the motive or right of was lovely, m its decorations of the other to do so and when the fmk and green,, a profusion of election is Over let all! esteem lovely' dahlias and ferns being and love those who expressed used. Pink tapers burned dur themselves differently at the nm the ceremony. hallotthoY as brothers and sisters The cermony' was performed inst tne same as if thev had J the bride's uncle, Dr. R. P. w" -In ! ' k 1 "XT "T f xl' omitn ot Asneviiie, in. m tne presence of relatives and a ;few intimate friends. To the strains of Mendelsshon's wedding march, played by Mrs. Lloyd B. Har rison of Greenwood, the wedding party entered. First" came the bound - to help and to serve- one an- charming maid Of honor, MlSS othnv m time of need. Hunger, thirst, Annie Harrison, sister of the bride, dressed in black satin with ;.,'.:si Th;t All Undeittand. i:.e ar;etj iaiipiuiie.s is one of the radrvt'Is iiiid. juyst;r;f.s,, yet be yond the grammar and ilie etymology there is forever a .fundamental fact that men are brothers lu the blood. uB re or less, and good land, -T-"f . , 71-1 71'2 . I has she not the ririit to exnress , crowa 01 neignoors misseu niuca - . " lid Dea hav tlnic full in thppnnn- y. This sa trrpnt time to save ler " .icv.ci -j, 'i ' ,..,- ay. L,t tn It It is missed for good andall time ' "'V'i."! . 1 , , ' il"",Vi j fi, .nnq ,mn Tio-nt nave nrP at ISSUe. OU II UIC WUIIUUx wants hat a the ns v nnoQiWo enil he and the good you might have done : , saved this beautifuT fall weather some one else by a friendly grip toxprer xrunny , ea tnis beautiful fall weather , ; , , . , :fs. - Tha subject differnt from her. hus- ry Vionrl cVicilrP ia'n.lso lftst. The I. 1 . 1 1 ll ? 5 band, iatner. oroxner. sweet coming wgeuier ui uxci lcumcio ; t . of a county in agreat agricultural heart or any other person and meeting once a year does much to neruiu, uruuner See also that the fodder, from prnand cane is saved and all rhe Cane Seorla nrnrrt ohnpVs t. ane heads, when rine are equal t ?g value to corn, so see rr-i: like a yellow dog who would, at. VJlV , VKV- . I J ll 1 . 1 ' V ' ' promote agricultural progress in sweet heart or what not, feel (J that they do not mould and mthe field. 1 Am, let me call attention to sickness and weakness speak for them selves. We can" tell when our brother has need of our aid, through his ap peal Is mute, or Inarticulate, or In an outlandish .tonmiA. T2chanire. Nutritive Value of Tomatoes. . The nutritive value of tomatoes, ll sllzht But because they contain Val- osh'e mineidl salts and acids, added to their delightful 'flavor, tomatoes ha?e become very popular as an art!-- cle of food. Tomatoes are composed of nearly 95 per cent water, leaving very little solid food to contain the elements tat give the greatest nutri tion, such, as , proteins, carbohydrates--anJ fats.' . .. . . . Conveys Idea of Meanness. Thrifty habits of the rural New Eng- going to waste in fields and fl,of tr,ftflQ roal trarxnm tempt m uie least tu cuexte nit, xixfc wmv yivuwiivw -- o - 1 . ; j 1 1 " " ' - " friaAMW'anA Qopial relations Wlfe nxother, Sister Or daughter iand deacon have resulted in the per friendsnip social relations . version of the noun arid its use as a like the COUnty and Cemmunity c T verb IS weir understood. To "deacon fairs. Let's begin now and next "Ci ax.uuu. . , 1,: with it would be so nice for every- each other to make the Polk coun- on our next electwn.day to v;. rTu get up soon in the morning and best county fair in the old North a . early breakfast txr. aU r milk old White Face as usuaT, uieii get every tixxxxg m gwu .i guards, can, dry and make into vinetrar. The time oainnrr io ttVi ar xrAiT somethinsr to - save. Fall season is here, in a few more the mountains will be tiut- ;inSon their Roval robes -Re- ho hnororv rr orpt. thft little fftrd , o "w. uguiii iiuuii uxxvwix". I CUXXX1JXXXXXCXXW3 111. V UUI luo u ikjuiw i wiv ir'r is nnnvnonViinrr A nrl hat i ho VnTri fim tho omrncrp anfi prank her tncs are restricted wholly to the ae- ' "ffuuviiiug nuu ww w 1 I CXClH V C vv llljr IJCVl. w 111 Liiv . . uvii I va w.v bD " i jet trimmings and carrying red dahlias: Then came the little ring bearer, Martha Reid Bed- -A - 1 mger, ot. the JBeigian uongo, Africa. The bride descended the stairs with her father, by whom she was given in marriage and was met at the foot of the stairs by the groom with his best man, Mr. James L. Pruitt of Due West. v ; ; - ; The bride wore a handsome coat suit of brown duvetyn, with accessories to friatch and carried a bouquet of pink rosebuds. Her only ornaiiientwas a n old fashioned crnlH en hrooph an heir- n in 1 -F la 4-n. imrrr If- In ffin h an A whOTl I ' bom. hence, "deaconed" yeai. To loom given her by her grand- "deacon? strawberries, a custom more mother. ' , Honored in the observance than In tHe After the wedding, Wedding breach. Is to put, the largest ones on . ton. and to -deacon" land la to extend cake and ices were served and one's fence to include a portion of the the bride andgroom left f or their highway. 1 ? ' ted theseood talks and we feel s ure they will be benefited by same." : A few of the Melvin Hill peo I le attended the fair, at ' Colum- ,4 dus last TThursday and ay it was " just fine. l - We are anticipating some good peaking here this coming Thurs day afternoon when the Hon. W. E. Chambers honors this little town with a visit. Foster Head had the misfor tune of losing his horse last' Sunday. ' Mrs. Huntley has gone to spend ome time with her daughter in Rutherford, who is quite ill with oelegra. Several persons here are com plaining of having "bad colds V. All streets here are dust streets t this writing. Philip Henderson of Gaffney - was in this section last Saturday. Heard In New England. Many primitive New -England should be makinp- nreDara- miinitv fair held at Trvon on the ud and say come' along .darling l0ll for the same-Fall is the 8th. of October. But I beg to and let's go to the election. I 'est time, the time when our pass the compliment over to Nel- know its going to sound strange earts should he o-lnrl thp time 0 TonVeftn lv onrl Miss Mave hut its here and we must eret used weShonlrl p. 1U1CX4WXXCUX1V UXXUU lyXXC jp letye, WIIU Willi UlCll MUUUU1 W li- OUU JUQl OO fev ""u- w . er Of everv crnrA on1 rnf f opt L, J r.1o Ka1naic (Toooroo. all it riorht. at the" start. Then let r the Preservation of life the honors. . ; , i I" Mary or Salley or what ever her u nealth and the continuance We had failed up to a very late name may be, climb into the ail t.r !tnn.l. . i. J. T 1 . .' i i - rU.;a.r ' rf-P AAiiwiA'ana tviics4- 'folra 0u "catii, water to quenuii aay to enlist anyone in tins tuwii- vux&y. yx. wuibcduc wiwv thirst nnd lrood on1 tlio Li.: tv,nn Wflleftn ToVcftn lipr lfnitt.inof alnni? and vou mav . KrM.u,A. U11U vw I JSI 1 1 II UUI) W11C11 AltlOVii uvuv uvi.."...... , -q . sness within us that He and Miss Flentye did get the har- have to get out and run back after aiantiy cares for us: though hess on I never did see such pul- the seam needle or an extra ball ? flagrantly forget Him. - Imp-: " Next year Tryon town- of yarn, bii never mind and keep J. R. Sams, ship will put up a sure-enough sweet it all goes in the life time Countv Aerent: kair. . , land when you getto the polling oneymoon to Florida and other ints. Upon their return to the city Mr. and Mrs. Cannon will be at home to their f nends at 103 Irwin Avenue; ' : : . ; 150th young people ;are rvery popular as was . shown by the large number of . wedding gifts and . telegrams received. - Mrs. Cannon,4 as Miss Harrison, is member of one of the oldest fami lies of the state. . She is a grand daughter of the late Drr W. - A. Harrison of Reidville and a grand- niece of the late Dr. W. H. Camnbell of Charleston. ' and is i - - . i ll.S'r ZT. loted by-la-host'of 'friends .al si?e ofrthe shadow varies each night over, .the state, -, Mr. Cannon is whenthe moon la Tisibie.r . . jone of the most promising young ricnltnral population, and among these ire utterances whose provincialism 1 lot apparent to the speaker whose ear-' la, become familiar to them.' Get nf Is com inonly used to express" In . .roduily and In - remote districts "dn :el'xlfc still ' good form In the best' Mr-cles. - -n ;-,..' More '-vspaper Astronomy.. ' .n English newspaper, quoted in ' Popular Astronomy, undertakes to an swer the question "Why Is . the Moon Kot Always , Round?" and . enlightens Its readers ... in Jhe following terms: "It Is. ...The reason It changes In ap- Sunny View. We are having some" nice weatyier for cotton picking time. Mrs. J. L. Jackson visited her mother Mrs. N. L. Lynch. John Bradley called at W. P. Helton's Sunday. Miss Esther Wilson was the guest of Lola Gibbs Sunday. Several from here were at Cane Creek Sunday. . It looks like there is going to be a wedding in Sunny View to see John Bradley and Miss Mag gie Jackson sitting back talking 1 atW. D. Helton's last Sunday. Arthur and Clyde Ruppe were visitors at Coopers Gap Sunday. - Miss Mary-Helton, Mattie Mae Williams and Arkansas Jackson, visited Myrtle Bradley Sunday after-noon - Hobart Whiteside and some girls were out joy riding Sunday. A good crowd attended Sunday school at Coopers Gap Sunday. Mrs. A..H. Lynch visited her parents recently. Rev. Bud Jackson will preach at Coopers Gap the .fifth, Sunday in October. Everybody invited to come ' - . " ' r.u Few Care to "Rust Out." The person who has quit work cause of old age alone, should ces bade, because to rest Is to rust, end la rust is to dla." Excianga,

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