THE TRYON NEWS, TRYON. N. O. POLK COUNTY NEWS C. BUSH, Publisher Published every Friday at Tryon, North Carolina Office Phone, 99; Residence, 45 Entered as second-class matte April 28 ai me post omce at rryon, JNortn viuuuiia uiiuer act oi iuarcn o, lov. i Foreign Advertising Representative " I THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION ! SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 PER YEAR UHniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiinHiiiiiiiiiiiiininiics 1 1921 MAY 1921 1 UiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiin gniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiic Ism t w t f si Do you (mow you can roll SO Aood rigarettosfor lOcts from ono bag of ii 8 115 122 129 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 2425 31 4 11 18 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 71 141 211 281 niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiHiiuHniiinnriiiKiii GENUINE BulC Durham are on the way leading' to the i chaingang. After all the parents ought to be punished for the way i they raise their boys. It seems that there will he two crops of fruit now. Jwr. Editor we wish to correc the statement in last week's issue that Mrs. T. E. Pace has received a second order for eggs by the 100 and not by the dollar as printed. . TOBACCO NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS If this article is mark ed with an X it denotes that your subscriDtion nas expirea ana this is the last paper you will receive until we hear from .you. If you wish to continue receiving the paper it is necessary 1 - ' to renew bet ore Thurs day of next week. Saluda. B. W. Fields, and wife of Sebring, Fla., are preparing to move their art shop to Saluda the first of June. Mr. Fields is now a guestrat Mrs. Garreri's and is much pleased with Salnd Tfc Fields are not, entire strangers south studying cupie nave Deen send- people. "is wieir KoaaK picures to them to be finished. v Geo. Reeves and wife, of Columbia, were in week. Miss E. S. Herriot. DroDrietor W M. A. of the Melrose Inn has arrived and is haying the yard fence painted. Dr. Keer and family are now boarding with Mrs. P. H. Ward. Red Cross Meeting. The regular meeting of the Red Cross was held at 3:30 on Tuesday afternoon at the1 Boys Oiub. Art interestiner letter was read from one of the bovs in Ward, L. I., at Camp Oteen, ex pressing appreciation for ' the strawberries and cake sent by the Saluda branch of the fled Cross. V The treasurer reported that she had sent twenty dollars to aid in the Chinese famine fund. Lecture at Seminary. W. H. Eastman, lawver and lecture of Grand Rapids. Mich.. gave a learned lecture at Bern ard Hall last Friday night. He spoke interestingly of our sun and her system of planets includ- ng our earth, he also sDoke miuwmgjy oi me other suns which we call stars. Mr. Eastman is tourinc the science and ; Sunny View. ? We are'crlad to see the beauti- t ul sunshine, this morning seems as if spring has come yet. - Several from this section at tended Mothers Day exercises at the new church beyond Colum bus. Bill Jackson and wife, took dinner with his father, J. L. Jackson, Sunday. , Mr. Bagwell from Asheville. gave . an interesting Sunday school talk to the Sunday school at Coopers Gap on last Sunday. We welcome him again. Bowen Wilson and familv. visited the former's parents Sun day. ; Maggie Jackson will leave Tuesday for Chimney Rock, where she will spend the summer. Noah Lynch was the guest of Mary Heltcm Sunday af ternOon. Maggie and Arkansas Jackson spent Saturday night with their brother Bill Jackson. Mrs. Geo. Bradley who has 1 'a been sick for some time, we are glad to say is improving. Hope sne will soon be well again. Emma Helton was the after noon guest of Lucille Taylor Sun day. J. W. Wilson, wife and little son, Waldon, visited at N. E. Williams Sunday. Notice of Summons. s ' , . . - - State of North Carolina, Polk County bupenor Court. ' Bank of Landrum vs. Mrs. Lillian lioore and husband,' James Moote, Mrs. Pauline McKiney and .: husband McKiney, Charles T. Gur ley, minor, Ralph Gurley; minor; Roy , vjuney, minor, tuiu vruiaui uuney, minor, and W. F. Swann, Guardian oi unanes r. uuney, Kaipn- uuney, Roy Gurley and William Gurley Alias Notice ; of Service of Summons by Publication. " The defendants. Mrs Pauline Mr- Kiney and husband McKinney, Char les T. Gurley, Ralph Gurley. Rov Gur ley and William Gurley will take notice that an actibn entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Polk County to foreclose two mort-, gages executed by George C. Gurley to the Bank of Landrum; on the 20th dav .... ' f of August 1909, recorded in Book 5, page 250: and on the 15th. dav of De cember 1909, recorded in Book 5, page 400 of the Records of Deeds for Polk i county, respectively, securing certain indebtedness described therein; and that the said defendants will take notice that they arerequired to appear at She office of the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Polk county on the 11th day of June, 1921, at the court house in said county, and answer or demur to' the complaint of the plaintiff which1 is now on file, or the plaintiff will an. ply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. ?--This 4th day of May, 1921. J. P. ARLEDGE. ' 4 Clerk Superior Court. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE The undersigned having been duly appointed administrator "of the estate of Kate Panther, deceased, late a resi dent of Polk County. ' All persons hav ing claim against the said Kate Panther, deceased, are notified to present veri- dersigned on are before the 1st .day of Anril. 1922. or this nntire will ha rtlooH T J V - w w vt mm w WA MVft in oar oi tneir recovery All persons settle same1 forthwith. April 1st, -1921. j uiJN r ajn, Administrator, NOTICE OF BOND SALE. Notice is hereby given that bonds to the amount of $20,000, running for a period of ' twentv years, bearing interest at a rate not exceedmcr six ner cent4 fnr the erection and equipment of a new . school buildinor in the special school district comprising the incorporated town of Saluda and a portion of public school district No. 17 in the Township of Saluda, will be offered for sale at the office of the Board of Edu cation in Columbus Polk County, North Carolina, on Monday the 6th day of June, 1921. Said bonds will be sold to the lowest bidder, at not . less than par, un der the provisions of Article 39 page 5674 of the Consolidated Statutes of North Carolina. NOTICE ana Dy vim-,, tained in 7 VlrtUe of hii wife, to .,d A.I'S. -HP T mi Wife, to A t An:. : a toberl913. to secure a LN terest. which u i 127s to ' " (VI teresvwhich said mortgLT & fice of Regnster of deeda , 18 of O deft having .t of said debt : ln thP " DC" 81 Public ' "i " aer.xor cash, at the Court bZ" uiitjjr; m wiumbus N r e ar if May 1921 at 10:30 oVWwi1 tK ! Itofdcon Situate in Tryon TownsV,; : . '"v, fa u " 8tne. the Southwe.7 IW Poster property, and runnW ' ik Foster's line South 86 A win, a stone. Dora Foster's eicO . "nuur ana - j. --""r lour v. wife (4.74) chains to a Dine Bnlm mreea West f niiv . i chain. "iiy ior hum with his hne North -4- twenty five hundredths (6.25) chai. ,ix of beeinninc- " ' Chmtoth. .7 , w-iuiUK lnree ' m bein part of land conveyed to B r --uiiuiit,a. tlipp and ; Mine una described ,v 7 Wm. Covil and wife to muJ T. ,n d ft! Annie Jackson, and recorded . in w. coros ot folk County, to satisfy t interest nrnviH .-j . . ine debt . "ui mjf e This 6th day of April 1921 , a. l. hill ' E. A. EMBURf debt. By WALTER JONES. Attorney. Plenty of Herrina. A fisherman says that a shoal of berrlnff is sometimes fire or six miles i - . long; ana two or tnree mues brsad. JO A telegraph company has increased its rates 20 per cent. This will re mind somebody that he is a man of few words. Philadelphia makes 100,000,000 bed sheets a year, beating the world at producing Philadelphia's own best loyed article. Automobile Camp Proposed. E. J. Wheeler, president of thP Saliida Yat tounst association, passed tnrough Saluda Tuesday. Mr. Rev. Leonard fiill nf .w ' "ee,er tallied with citizens the Evangelist of kin. Mn teblishing an automo- tain. Presbytery is holding a T ? t0UnSts in Saluda- inousanas of people tour south iiivv tint: o ri L Lile rrpo. . . byterian church tw- wI 1 ln .wmter and tnni in the services both at ten in " sprl?? and a P in Saluda ing and at eight in the eveW wtou d cause most of these tour are well attended and much god t0v,terry in SaIuda for re is being accomnlished " r.efshment and supplies. "The To, nr ii TT , un can association is one of th tak jt associations in te UdSd for an operaSon " y and.the proiect deserv- "is ox, notice. iauae cowart who formerly Nobody suspected Enver Pasha of being a Jokesmith until he began to show Turkey's parallel to Ireland. That betrayed him. A Paris doctor says men could w' along very well without their stom achs. Wonder if he's willing to try getting along without his. It is saldthat Turkey bars diction aries. And a casual glance at the Turkish names and language makes mis oar entirely reasonable. uop If it is a farm, a summer home, an orchard, vineyard, timber land, or in , fact, any- 1 v' thing in the line of Polk coun- ty real estate, you should get in touch with us.-' v ; 'NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Intfc.Q Polk County. - Inth'S A. J.Ballard Bef the V8. .Paroleee Ballard. Minus Ballard. J9h p.,, Tom Ballard. Jack Ballard. C Reuben Ballard, Jesse Ballard. CynthLSf Mintie Ballard. Nonie Ballard, N. Lyda Ballard Alex Deal. Kphrair. ClJ Faster. Mai-M n; : L " r4 t and Dean Ballard. Under and by virtue of ait erder .f the Qtrk tte Superior Court ;made in the aUr, JJ! Proceeding on the 1st day of April 1921 whirT the undersigned was appointed CommiMi the Court to sell thereinafter d partjtion. the undersismed Commissioner will J at public auction to the Highest bidder for J at the Court House door of Pplk County lumbus, N. C. on the th day May 1921 "at M o'clock A. M: the following described tract erp to' WJ- iywtl oemg and situate in the Tin of Saluda, County of Polk and State ef Carolina and bounded and described as feikn to wit: Beginninar en a stake. Hall's corner: ? and running thence with road N. 82 W i Hl nd 10 link, to a stone. J. L. Hart s cern,r: thew 8 " - 21 E. 14 poles and 15 links t stake. McKee's. Hamer's and Hart s crnr thence S. 66 E. 10 poles and 15 links to a stake it McKee's line. Bale Pace's corner; thence with kit lineS. 33 W. 10 poles and 11 links tea stake his corner; thence with his hne S. 65 E. 3 pales' ud 22 links to a stake Hall's corner; thence w'th Hall s line S. 22 W. 7 poles and 15 links t. the be ginning, containing 148 square rods, more or 1 This April Ith 1921. WALTER JONES, Commissienc Tirpiii 1 & Tryon, M, C is Fishtop. Another fine week for farming worked in Saluda nostoffiPA t t running the economy shoe shop u Another in Henderson villp has passed. The friends of Marvin Patter son are glad to know that she is improving rapidly since her operation in Hendersonville Mrs. B. I. Hazard formerly of . oaiuua, is rne guest of Mrs. H. o, .Lane. Mrs. Lee Hart wpnt tn tanburg Monday to attend the lunerai 01 Mrs. Robt. Gaines Mrs. P. H. Bailey has returned . irom Cowpens. J Fred Bailey and wife are visit- . relatives m Cowpens Dr. and Mrs. T P : of Savannah. Ga.. nri oi.,Jl for a few days preparing their &en hery th home for occupancy this summer rattlr one day iat week. , Frances White and mother of L Jesse Case is in attendence at Chester, were in Saluda last COu. : - week to have some repair work We have been informed that a done on their summer home stl11 was cut an another place Mrs. Hardin, of Atlanta W emolished about 1000 gallons of visiting her daughter, Mrs. Gm. stuff destroyed on ver Turner. JJP 01 xne mountain near the old Mesdames. E. E. Pnl w JJ. Pla three or four on Q . - - -wva VIA -avaxnmn, ua., ana P. A. Ryan; of New Orleans; are running the race-House this summer. v . Belle Besseliew, of Savannah, is to be at home at the Pace - House this summer. - F- C. Berthisel and family from Fla., have moved into the Gordon House.;, The Saluda folks keen rpnrp. a .. - . r 1 sentatiyes tor nshmg pretty much all the time. J. and Posey Henderson Wnf to &aiuaa Saturday, T. E. Pace has iust rfiirnnH xium ct visit to - see t.hP MnPDr aoctor (Mr; Williams.) Walter Hooper, of Henderson county, was a caller in this tion last week. ' The Misses Estelle race, and Alma Newman, have returned home from the hia. school at Columbus. Horace Jones oneneH season here by killing the first O $625 F. O. B. Detroit WatHen one of tnt feaSS ich is harnessed internal combustion engine lomical of Pwer m the world -the farm each individual "It. will nnt-fliA .' - . . puhis producpToduc It will ncient production bassis y I0r tnat 1S whyat a farm ls-on to an ef- N0TICE OF MORTGAGE SALE Y Whereas on the 7th day of April 1920, William rack and Saphrony Pack, his wife executed tt E. W. Dedmorid. C. E. Shore and J. A. Stetlmw undersigned mortgagee that mortgage which is ef record in book 17 at page 38 of the records f mortgages for Polk County, to secure an indobt dness of 400 evidenced by rfotes referred to in ui4 mortgage, and default having been made in the payment ox said indebtedness, and the whili amount thereof being now due under the termi if said mortgage. Therefore by virtue of the power of sale eta tained in said mortgage, the undersigned will ra MONDAY MAY 16. 192 at 1.-00 o'clock P. M., at the court house door of Polk county in Columbus. North Carolina, offer for sale to'the highest bidder for cash, the land conveyed by said mortgage which are bounded and described as follows; . Situate in the town ship of White Oak, county of Polk and State ef North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Grajson Aneage, w. M. JLewis and B. T. Price and bounded as follows: . - ' Beginning at at stone and pointers at place ef red oak corner (gone) J. M. Lewis and Grayson Arledges corner, and running with Lewis N. 3 E. 63 1-5 poles to a stone and pointers on the specula tion line thence; N. 86 W. 88 poles to a stone on the easxDank of a small branch, thence; with the branch as follows: S. 87 W.18 poles. S. 10 W. 12polei S. 5 y. 8 poles. S. 82 W. 4 1-4 poles to a poplar near the head of the said branch, thence; S. 21 14 W. 20 poles to a chestnut, thence; S. 59 E. 20 24 poles to a pine, thence, S. 76 1-2 E. 12 3-4 to a pine on the west edge of the Allen Tread thence; with the said road and Grayson Arledges line as fol lows: N. 47 E. 20 1-2 poles E. 17 poles. S. 74 E. Poles S. 63 E. 12 poles. S. 73 E. 7 poles to a stake oh edge of said Allen road thence; N. 11 IE. 3 1-5 poles to the beginning, containing 38 acres. Tract No. 2l On the waters of Thompson spring branch, and bounded as follows: beginning on a dead white oak on Garrett's corner, and run ring with his line S. 80 W. 48 poles to a white oak, his corner, thence with his hoe S. 10 W. poles to a black arum, his corner thnr with iev- eral of Garrett's lines of 40 acre survey N. 78 14 W. 13 poles to a dogwood. S. 60 W. 13 poles to Spanish oak on top of a ridge; thence N.87W. 32 poles to two blackjack bushes on top of ridge; thence N. . 56 1-2 W. 15 pole a stake and naintm in Garrett line; thence N.80 poles te a pine and pointers thence N. 60 E. 24 poles to a black oak (down) Whiteside's corner; thence with his line and p ing his corner E. 72 poles to a stake; thenco to the xixmnxi containing 42 acres. , This Jlth day of April, 192L W E. W. Dedmond ; v ' - . C. CShorlo V xr t j . J. A. Steelman J W. Dedmond, Assignee Mortgts . . lllSiwy, one man bursted out another's brains with a nuce ana is now in Henderson- Ji-11? killed a white oieuve last week. - lS ar?und here eher go fishing Sunday or scowes the mountain sides hunting beS without permission, at that.the? more anstieaveaSStT 80 mu more. that he canbe paid able thefamer WorFfeter It willPen- enjoy life. n?ufs ln the S, giving him more time to TCYON, N. c. Lii AH kinds of Building Materials and Feeds at right E rices cn be had ... 7 calling on us. Hearon Lumber Co. Saluda. N.C. .Emerson Amended. If a man does anything well, tk world beat a path to his dor- uuees ne happens to be expert MmM . . . A. A. i ta.lfcels CmJMFWkf'

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