try yr- , - TTTT! ; PrtT.Tr nnTWTV NEWS I .' POLK COtiriTY NEWS C BUSH, Publisher .V Published every Friday, at ' Tryon, North Carolina Office Phone, W; Residence, .45 V Entered as second-class matte April 28 1915 at the post office at tryon, North Carolina under act. of March 3, 18J9. Foreign Advertising Representative THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION 1 SUBSCRIPTION ,$2.00 PER YEAR What Tryon Needs. J To the Editor of the Polk tounty News: 'v. ' v 7 W There are probably several Tryon residents who have small financial or commercial interest in Tryon's growth and prosper ity, yet" enough public spirit to wish for and aid them. Besides any improvements from pure water to good highways and sid e walks, promote both person al comfort and the city's welfare Judging from the complaints of our visitors Tryon needs good streets, sidewalks, woodpaths and resting places that face mountain scenery. They especi ally condemn the sidewalks and the abscence of crosswalks. Last winter on the Godshaw Hill sidewalk, not far from the Rail road track, I saw two elderly women trip and', fall,, over dead protruding .treeroota that are stumblingblocks to the unwaryL One was badly enough hurt, to express her candid; opinion of town authorities so indifferent to predestrian comfort and safety, and what she would do with her vote, were she a citizen.- Inasmuch as the city has the use of the railroad right of ' way for a sidewalk, 'it is its duty pot the railroad's, to fill up the mud holes which get a 'cussin" out after every "rain and thaw. There is also some complaint of the abscence of street signs surpurflous -to residents, but very convient to strangers. . These ; are easy grievences to remedy ai compared at least to ; av water supply, a telephone, ahef electric pliant, but if attended to they 7 would speedily Increase Tryon's attrac tions and its tourist population, and a larger percentage of it beJ coming resident. ,r In fact there is little reason why Tryon should not become one of the most popular and f re quented of the smaller southern resorts. But it will not be made so merely by "talking it over" now and again. E. G. Holden. Streets and Sidewalks. As stated last week the town officials at , their last, meeting af ter going over a lot of data and discussing pro and con de cided to have a public meeting in the near futurebr' ui' other words, just as soon as iriforma- tion can be gotten from the. state highway commission, as to their paving the highway; from state 1 ine, to Columbus. ' 1 as tnis nignway; is our pnn t cipal street and its paving by the state will save the town about , $30,000. Now the streets agreed on as needing paving first, are as follows: ist. uegmnmg at tne spring or thereabouts on the Landnim road and going to the bridge at the old mercerizing plant. 2nd beginning ax ine ranroaa cross ing and to topof hill and thence Melrose Ave. to turn beyond Bacon's residence. : 3rd. Begin ning at railroad . and going up Godshall Hill to top of hill. 4th Beginning at intersection near school house and going out .be yond Dr. Grady's ; residence. 5th. Beginning at Trade Street and going down past City Hall to beyond G. E. Bell's residence. All streets to have a -four foot sidewalk on one side with ex xepuon or meirose Ave., ana probably a part of Godshaw Hil to have sidewalks bri both" sides. O J j j 1 rr f i i owreeis to De zyiu .wiae Ot as phalt laid on a 6 concrete foun- dation estimates on, this work with" last year's prices as a basis was around $130,000 so you can see with the state paving the mam street, and ?nrices . down ro ml-4 to 1-by the time work " 1 V " could be started it wont cost us very, much tahave as fine streets as 'any town in- the country. Think it over, and lets put our town on the map. ; , Tax Payer. -s. : Saluda.; Joe Ashley is visiting his wife at the Mountain House. Donald V. and Ethel Anders; o f Hendersonville, spent the week-end with Mrs. J. W. Pace. Rev. Middleton; John T. Hipp, G. L. Thompson. A. J. Ballard, "Daddy" Hart with Margaret and, Elizabeth, went to Tryon to preaenmgr ounaay. Mrs. Grover Turner has re turned from Merri weather hos pitals Asheville. She is' much improved m health. Mrs. Ida Turneraccidently fell onday morning and broke her arm. ' -.. ; . : '- Mills Nabers was home Tues day. : ". 7. Mrs. Wm. Jones, of Columbia, is at her summer home on Green ville street for the summer. There are twenty babies at the lniant s and children s sam- torium this week. All 1 are im proving rapidly. 'Mrs. John B. Cannon, of Spar tanburg, spent a few days in Sa luda this week. ' . Miss Annie Laurie Peterson, of Spartanburg, spent the - Week witn mrs; u. . juiuie. 1 Rev, Frank Estes was jn Co lumbia this week. Ellis and little Harvey. are spending the summer at the Pace House. , gH. Z. ..Nabers, of Hickory Grove, S. C, visited relatives in Saluda this week. Rev. Marvin Wharton, of Hickory: Grove, S. C, led prayer meeting at the Presbyterian church Wednesday night. Horace Bomer, "of Spartan burg, spent the week-end with his family in Saluda. EW. S. Cobb county superin tendent of education of Polk county was in Saluda Monday on business. I Dr. A. G. Rembert of Wof- rord college has rented the Dan Pace cottage for the summer. ; Miss Selma Brown, of Co- umbia, is the guest of Miss Lin- wood Patterson. , Mrs." J. W. Johnson, of Gough. Ga., has returned home after a delightful stay in Saluda. i Hugh Ward, of Fort Motte, is visiting home folks. R. P. Hart has returned to Co- umbia after spending the week end with his wife in Saluda. Ed and Julius Bird have re turned to their home in East over, S. C. Miss Marvin Patterson spent the week-end in Hendersonville as the guest' of Miss Ethel Manders. Little Mae Ward had her ton sils removed Monday. She is getting along nicely. Street Improvement Greenville street is being smoothed and otherwise improv ed. The water which hereto fore' ran in torrents during heavy rams by the yard office is being earned away m an immense pipe. vMr. Mobley, of the South ern Railway, is aiding in this improvement. Children of .Masons. The singing class from the Ox ford Orphanage Asylum) will give a concert m Saluda, on Tuesday July 19, at Library Hall. The proceeds of this . concert go toward ; the maintenance of the Oxford Orphanage, where they arecaring for 375 orphan and destitute children. H. L. Capps, Chrm. Com. W. W. OTTI1.E' - notary public - Tryon, N. C. i AH kinds of Building Materials and Feeds at right Erices can be had y calling oh us. Lumbar Co. Saluda, N. C. iilir Our business continues to increase from day to day and. we wish to thank our friends for ir patronage. Remember,,you s can always get the very best in-groceries "and feed of us at sure enough live and let tionas follows: All National Biscuit Co. goods, 20c si....... .... French's Mustard, per jar.-x. - ...........:. ." ocmiuiiiei maim jrure Sweet Mixed Pickles "12-oz : Peanut Butter 2-lb Fruit Jar. Beechnut Peanut Butter.. . . Beechnut Tomato catsup Welch Grape Juice, pint Bee Brand Spices .....i Bee Brand Flavoring Extracts ........ ... . --13C Vienna Sausage Caa . :..:J........,.. Lunch Tongue. .....:................ . 129c ShiverJinger Ale .L .....U---.- ..... . ......... ..:..13c Fresh Bread Daily Perloaf... 1 Pullman loai:.I: I4dr u American 8hrub Appreciated. One American shrub which has been recelTed with great appreciation in England, and which rrews well there. Is the forteofu flame azalea, called by the botanlfts aralea ; calendulacenm. fh!s plant waa, sent to Europe many rears ago, and perhaps is not grown so widely now as It has been in the past, wing to the great influx of rhododen dron Tarlttics. . - -" . U '' ; : . . . ' . - MskM Mis M&3 ' ' '4 1 r-f .fr lift live prices. we quote trt- 1 deinco o-v, ...... y ft" ...... ... Save Money by malting your 0pDIlrQ ... ... Shock FreauentLv Doe Good. KeeD fear out of) your system, but don't be troubled i a little fright Anything In the nature of a shock or a Jolt-Is helpful if 1 doesn't come too late. It -Is the onijj .way that three quarters of the Inhabitants of this earth can ever be mtde to realize the necessity of.. doing hat is in them to do. John! Blake it) Chicago Daily Mews. HER NICE new3fflsban& STEPPED OUTlof the housol WHISTUNQ ue a bird. ' WHICH ALARttlED young wife. " ! 1 - ,: . 1 ESPECIALLY Vf HEN. i SHE FOUND shVd picked THE WRONG pllckage. AND INSTEAD jlof oatmeaL HAD GIVEN hilk birdsed. BUT DONT thii from this. THAT EVERY T. YOU'HEAR whittling. ; HAS NECESSARILY. BEEN ROBBINthe capary. OTHER THINGS inspire. - , . THE AJ.MO 8T hlnmaii male. v TO BLOW through his lips. AND MAKE shrill noises. : - r . - A RAISE, for eiainplo. , jr.'.-... . : r!v. . OR A day off w$en. A DOUBLE head jr Is o& r- : . - ; : : H ....... , - - . mo ior your cunsmera- 1 4c 10c size. ...7c 14c -, , 13c - 22c -58c 10 18 28c 17 and 27c .'38c ....... ............9c -....:-.---..8C B purchases . 9 .JTl oioqM s4pnxp ilsul isno -fios ma qoiqM uoisinAuoo isuaui u jo esnuo eq) eq jsjbi bui ;i jnq pej ja usjsddB pjBipeaitni-aTj qons 0Auq l.usaop omn iqia eq) ?u ooq Suojai oqx suoisiuauoo o;a'j pipp b pnas vm 8MQtr. iaqom Xisao sb nara -ora iqpi aq) b poo; Suojm oraog 80Oog Ouojm oa3 . OR AN Teryday thing LIKE A good dragi ON ONE of those smoketfj THAT SATISFY. WHICH CERTAINLY are THE REAL birdseeds FOR MAKING men TRILL THEIR pipes f or Joyy SO LADlfes if hubbn GOE8 AWAY whlstltog,, YOU NEEDN'T worry ALL'S WELll 1 ' !N' Totl ti WsmJ: : A :MewjL sansiy." you're wnswuig.i ; xou, know the in stant you light one that thd tobaccosin it are of prima se lection, both Turkish and Do mestic And the blend well, you never, tasted such' smooth ness and full-flavored body I -No wonder the "satisfy-blend" ia kept secret It can't be copied Did yoa know about ihm ChtfrTttld package of 10? LiGcxTT & Mtz&s Tobacco Co? mm n b "4 - - ? i. ; Thefollowmg-described' rn8' . irom William Fowler Mid ft, under Warrant of nZJ. II non-payment of assessed tax 70tt be sold as DroviH xes lue. w,n' i oe soia as crovidpri u "BUe,ni I xuesaay zbtn day of Juiy on o'clock a. m. at Mill s. ' 11 Tract of land described ?; C: Recorded in Book 35, pa.e L Reecords of Deeds 5f L n of office of Polk county, being bought of Green River lanH n 0 on October 27, 1916, containinX1 t iuB acres. I Ai. M or less, of the subdivision nf c.-J more nantr'a 1,J 1 Cftn, o lanua, miown as the bell farm in Polk countv m sold by N. C. Harris, Receive 0f r " ix wuupouy, py order of r M. L. REED, Deputr RAoKaVReCveuS the fnllnwinor HoowKJ . xi um Lawrence opicer Folk county v C; under Warrant of Distraint fnl J" non-payment of assessed taxes dup 2 uk: ouiu tts provided Dy section 31 d cu tuawujs, ai puoiic auction Tuesday 26th day of July 1921 at 1! o'clock1 a. m. at Mill "Springs, N ? 100 acres of land, lying and being Coopers Gap. Township, Polk JL! N. C, adjoining the lands of Mrs. En!' Lawtet, and Burgin Gibbs. J. W. BAILEY, Collector. By M. L. REED, Deputy Collect, RALEIGH, N. C, Office 0f 5g the following described property, seized frrvm .Trrir T.awtor Pnlb- j " uuuiy. r J TIT : J. - - T-v 1 ... '1 uimer vy arrant 01 wisiraint ior the non payment of assessed taxes due; will be sold as provided by Section 3196, jfe. vised Statutes, at public auction on Tuesday 26th day of July 1921, at 2 o'clock p. m. at Columbus, Polk county: N. c. 25 acres, lying and being in Tron Township, Polk county, ai joining the lands of John Rhoades and Bob Sellers. Also 100 acres of land in Saluda Township, Polk county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Mrs. S. A Tn-.n4. TIT T Iff 1 J. W. BAILEY, collector By M L. REED, Deputy collector. "RALEIGH. N. C, Office of Collector of Intend AV Revenue, June 18. 1921 the following deucrib. ed property, seized from J. Pace, Polk Count;, N. C, under'Warrant'of Distraint for non-piy. ment of assessed taxes due, will be sold as prov ided by Section 3196. Revised Statutes, at pubHe auction on Tuesday 26th day of July 1921. at I o'clock p. rh. at Cklumbus Polk County, N. Q Forty Four acres of land in Tryon Towmhij Polk countv, N, C, adjoining: the lands of T. C Mills and Von Kolden, two miles northwest rf Tryon. N. C. J. W. BAILEY, Colleetor 1 By M. L. REED, Deputy Collector. RALEIGH. N. C, Office of Collector of Interns! Revonue, June 18th. 1921 the following de scribed property, seized from Noah E. William Polk county. N. C, under Warrant of Distraint for the non-payment of assessed taxes due, will be sold as provided by Section 3196, Revised Statutes, at public auction oh Tuesday 26th day of July 192L'at-ll o'clock a. m. at Mill Spring-,' N. C, Lying: on both sides of Balm Creek, Cooper's Gap Township, Polk County, N. C, known as the Alfred Reel place, and containing 100 acres mere or less. J. W, BAILEY. Collector By M. L. REED. Deputy Collector "RALEIGH, N. C. Office of Collector of Interns A Revenue June 18, 1921 the following describ ed property, seized from B. F. Gibbs, Polk coontr, N. C, under Warrant of. Distraint for the non payment of assessed taxes due, will be sold si provided by Section 8196. Revised Statutes, st public auction on Tuesday 26th day of July. 1921, at 2 o'clock p. m. at Columbus, Polk county, N. C. One Hundred and eighty (180) acres of land at Columbus, Polk county, adjoining the lands of Monroe Henderson and J. A. Fugan. J. W. BAILEY. Collector , By M. L. REED. Deputy Collector. RALEIGH. N. C. Office of Collector of Jnternsl Revenue June 18th 1921--the following a acrid property, seized from Wm. Henry Pritchard Polk county; N.C.. under Warrant of Distraint for the non-payment of assessed taxes due, will be sold as provided by Section 3196. Revised Statutes, at public auction on Tuesday 26thday of July 1921. at 2 o'clock p. m. at CJolumbus, Polk couty; N. C Twenty Four, acres in White Oak Township. Polk County. N: C. adjoining the lands of Job" Fowler and others, 12 miles from Mill Spring, C. J. W. BAILEY, Collector By M. L. REED. Deputy Cdlectsr. RALEIGH. N. C. Office of Collector of Interns! Revenue June 18th, 1921 the following J scribed property, seized from Z. V. Edney Fo county. N.,C under Warrant of Distraint1 the non-payment of assessed taxes due. will sold as provided by Section 3196. Revised Statutes, at public auction on Tuesday 26th day of 1 1921, at 2 o'clock p. m. at Columbus, Polk conty' N. C, 1 Forty six acres of land, lying and beinf in Tryon Township. Polk county. N. C-. the lands of C. M. Howes. D. H. Tomlinson R. H, Hipp, J. W. BAILEY. Collator 1 By M. L. REED, Deputy CoV- RALEIGH, N. C. Office of Collector Revenue June 18th 1921 the followinpolk scribed property, seized from Otis Pack county. N. C., under Warrant of Distrain the non-payment of assessed taxes due, sold as provided by Section 3196. Revised stJuy at public auction on Tuesday 26th, day of . 1921, at 2 o'clock p. m, at Columbus. Polk eon N. C. Eighty six acres of land lying Columbus Township Polk county. N. C. ing the lands of W. B. Edwards. R. G. Hm and others.. J. W. BAILEY. Crt - By M. L. REED. Deputy Collec RALEIGH. N. C. Office of Collector JjjfS! Revenue June 18th 1921-the fo"0. scribed property, seized from Bob or R. er. Polk county, N. C. under Warrant of W for the non-payment of assessed taxes u be sold as provided by Section 3196. Revl.8 0f utes. at pubUc auction on Tuesday 26th July 1921,11 o'clock a. m. at Mill spn'T g. county, N. a Fifty acres, known as th Walker Place, adjoining- the lands of l. Crain; Township. sAlso 60 acres of land in Cooper s Gap adjoining the lands of Emma Alfred, an as the Thomas Early Place. . . Also 41 acres of Coopers Gap Township. joining the lands of Jim Sheamn. know Early Place. ruiecttf J. W. BAILEY CoH? y ByltL REED. Deputy CoU - lr

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