... """"" ' . - f v - , , - " " f - t- lUSH, Publfeher Volume XXVU No. U4 Tha-Ocly Paper Pcbfished in; Pdk fctyortfcica Wfcr'&Tfesa Tryon, N. : Ci( ;October 14, 1921 , - . . - f $2.00 a Year; OUR COUtM ftGBJFS Bffltm ilSf Timely Talks to Polk Ccsntj -Facers, zr.i pthtrs, ca TisscJj SbIh jects, bv County Hztstj J. IL' Stssi HUIIUE OF ELECTIOri. . ; thall be passed at three separate -Notice is -hereby jriven that -axil readincrs. on three seDarate davs electidri has been ordered and I and shall be Dtiblished for four will be held in arid for thejlilu-heeks in'a newspaper published hi; iac . rn w-JtiUi,r?i- 4-9e0 tt-a-f tt Cd-j- -"jciifc T UJL xrjf uii, ai tne : lowni ooiu luwxi, ana snail oe sup What I Saw Last Week. Well I did not see much, and t et l saw several things-of Inter est to me. The first thing to be mentioned is the splendid spirit, 1 founiLevery where in Polk coun ty among the farmers to 'stop the washing of their fields. At B. McSwain's I saw fields' that had begun to . wash badly entirely healed. 1 We 'will - meet there after a little to exchange Tiews among farmers and dis cuss ways and means of accom plishing these things on every farm. Then I took dinner1 with Mr. C. N. Hines f urthur- down in Greens Creek township, who is doing some splendid -' work in soil improving and building pas tures. He began the 12th day of last March and has - turned an old washed away gullied old field into a good pasture, and - healed the gullies with just a little brush, pass seed and elbow grease.' which every farmer can do who till, I then called on, Mr. Ken Miller, way over on tne river I near , Green Rivet church; and tad Mr. Miller alive and red hot after his gulliesr Within two more years he will not have a gully or bare place on his farm. Then I. passed K. Hamilton's place and I could not believe my eyes. So I tied up bid Dixie and looked Mr. Hamilton up and pat ted him on the back and called Aim all sorts of a good fellow be cause he had gone and done .what I insisted that he should do. That was that be take his mow is? machine andcut the briars and weeds on his old fields and put them over w the- raw places and gullies, and if you don't be leire that this will improve a place; just go along the road in front of Mr. Hamilton's place and see for yourself. And Mr. Hamilton has just begun what he means to do. Then just out the wad lives John Carpenter. He has been known as just - plain hhi Carpenter; but he has taken the second growth and he will be known in the future as Mr. John Carpenter. He has cleamed up his branches, and is preparingvto transform those hidious gullies looking down upon Ms house into living green. He is also starting the renovation of his old pasture fields into real pastures. - He is Planning also to put a coat of Paint on his house and install a wing plant and running; water jn his house and make his" yard Mo a beautiful lawn. Then who M say that Mr. John Carpenter Joes not live there. ' And who iOws what is in his-neadr It ay be that there may be a Mrs. ihn Carpenter there for all the iter knows (?) f I saw all these :gf and much in between fese (places. I i mention: these ngs to show how farmera are taking to the importance of lT for their soil and Prevent-: it from washing away; Our "smust be rebuilt and then by e use of legumes and'sod 'erops ever allowed to run down again.1 Pigs? in the pen .and i caringffor poultry and the iamily cow. It is ajso the season when the farm er looks both ways, while he is gathering in4 , his harvests, he looks back over hi fresh trodden ways through his fields he has come and should be able to measure up his. successes fail ures then look forwardwith re newed energy to the coming year Yes, October is the month of all months in the year to be gin planning for the next; cover crops should be sown, rye; oats vetch and many combinations of grains and legumes for soil im provements and hay crops next spring and summer to prevent those expensive .hay bills- that will have to be settled with hard earned cash. Then- the small grains crops must be looked af ter now, wheat; oats, rye, and barly should Have rtheir place on every farm. So October is not 6nly the most pleasant, most ar tistically beautiful, but the most hustling and most1 important month in the year, if there is suoh a thing as one-month -being more important - than another. So let us all think, act and enjoy the great and blessed month of October this year, if ' never V be fore and never again. Hema Tewn Paptr HetS -Hair: 7 -12 Hall, the regular votincr Dlaca in mitted to the voters of said town said Municipality, on -Tuesday, for approval and shall be-in: ef the 22nd day of November 1921, feci upon' its approval ; by the for the purpose of submitting to fvoters of the municipality at an the voters of said Municipalitv Section provided for by this - or the approval of an ordinance dinance; under the provisions of ( providing for the issuance of tKe Municipal Finance Act. Sixty Thousand Dollars of Im-f Section 9.:- That for the-pur- provement Bonds, which said or-iPOse of submitting this ordinance dinance is as follows: Tt . - The Fall Work. vtioDer is here, , the - season turns the- i green leaves to pink, yellow arid brown t uU, me season mat re- us of the strenirh o man- v' the season of gathering the SThAi , tne crips, oarms, Vouses and pantries, o "0 IS tha OMnAW. :iX:1rir . r'ghum, getting corn, pota- ana ieeamg sine For the first time in history the United States is paying tribute jto that rural conimuriity.iins.titu tion-r the "Home town paper" dunng the -week of November 7-12. i l After years of straggle the country editor--is coming to be recognized as one of the most important member of his com munity arid the Home Paper as an influence for agricultural fas well as urban -progress. 1 Good citizens in every state are4 asking themselves how they would feel if they didn't have home town paper and thousand's of them will pay their subscrip tion in advance between Novem ber 7-12, 1921, Early; 'planted wheat' makes the bes't yields. Farmers who co-operate in marketing are usually the pros perous farmers. Oats and Vetch-make a urood winter pasture and also hay in spring. When your county agent 'holds a- terradnsr demonstration, go and take your neighbor. After the5fairt art ' w over is the time to clean up news ana fence corners there K- will f be fewer insects next" year il you do a good job. 1 November 7 ' to 121 is "Sub scribe to Your Home To wn Paper " hv every.--state. :J Oeie- brate by paying up your subsenpr tioii. Thereothinlike ouf own community newspaper. Rev. W. A. Black.(A.i: Past- Bible Schooi simaay jnw Public yvorsnip ana p"v - -Bible Studiei; in 1 lift:; Wed nesdays at 4. pm. - Tourists and all citizens cordi ally welcome. Corps cf . Fslthfd crrespsr.dsnts. Will Gilbert went .to . Hendef -sonville Monday. J , - J. W. Pace and wife and Miss Ruby Kizerweirtrix)' Henderson ville Sunday, - , . Mrs; Borhiott and ' family who tothe voters of the Town of have spent the summer ihSaiuda Tryon an election is;, called- for: returned to their homein1 Sura- said purpose to be held at , the merville S." CJ on Wednesday: AN ORDINANCE Provide for the Issuance of Iraproveraent (Town Hall in said Town bf Try-r .TTftthprinP JniiAq iWrtt fhaxoMr J?mpT' &n The' 22nd'day. of end with MaryrSalley, Tberef. pnncipa. .. w.t November. 1921, ana H .Double- . pjtetcajf was in Hen- w. - . f'OT1" ' AR?5 dersoriville last week: . Whereas, it has become neces- and R. T. McFee and A. L.- Hnl T . , and side-walks in the Town of election, and S hew registration W a;vlslt-to st- George Satur- Tryon to take care of the heavy of the voters1 of said:fown isf-or-lWd;' ;: - traffic, on said streets and for the derea. - ixjng oisiance ngn-way ooys convenience of pedestrians who 5. Said ckctiddihaiLbehddun- nd the lmemen;are: fworkmg on constantly use the side-walks? der -tha1 rgenetal trbvidbns- of teleP?one hne in and around the heavy grades of streets and SubckSt ; ; v.: ; " - aide-walks being such that1 only Pal FmanceSAct d-C5Hapter' 56 p ,Lee Land and family have re- nara sunace streets - ana siae- tne' evisearDtatutesm iMonn w wiuo m, mwiu walks will stand for any length it Carolina, entitled"- "Municipal honaviUe S. U. ' ; of time; and. whereas, it is nec- Corporations; " .. ' Rev. Wi.HJ WilKs was in -Sal- essary for the town to issue I."IW. T(T:7 Ci'eafemiriv'prBposehida Wednesday. bonds for- said improvements, the dopti&rf thelOTeirrg or-1 Thomas Hughes 'and" Wife and which it is estimated -will cost dinance, thh theGldayof ron Charles left for their home in not less than Sixty Thousand Septemb lCZIi-i, ' ; ; iSummerville Tuesday:,, Dollars a thorizing said purpose. Now Therefore, the Board Commissioners of . the Town ofrl921 Tryon do ordain; j Any act&n'wrories- Section l. That for the pur- tioninthealiuirf3faid br. pbse of providing ;funds for the I dinance-inbst bey commeiced by hard surfacing, the streets publication v of the toWn of Trvon- serial cou- M. GBlAKE:-Clerk. the thickets.' c . - Ofiic'ers lUF McFarlarid; Fed-" . eriPPrbhibiHon 'Agtv "Wr W Owens and' G. Hi: Laughter" J of Salttdamadela' raid last Wedncs-; dayoverm the'edge of thef Big - Hungry section and 'captdredorie i of the. largest -Illicit Distillers5 ever 1 capttrred in Polk-'Cotirity5-v 'and wiiri it Wak f ound1, sufficieht' f evidence to corivjet one man 'L.1 Li pradley of ; that cominunityi - &''g&aa!-''btoih& fourteenth' birthday of on.the Bpth dcy ' 0S6ptMbSf? Evervhodv had a iro&a'iime."' i -. r W. B.-Hematiwttoto drum TuesdayV- ';Cv;t;f ? ; -Miss Lillian Herriotb went r to ; Heridersonville ; Mbnday.i ilz "fZ The High school debated -Jast A cool spell has come but no frost, so let everyone work while . the sun shines : and gather s up and store away ere colder weath-' er comes arid finds some of your stuff exposed ? and probably! be lost after'makingiC ; The rattlers we'believe will all; have ' taken - advantage . of the season. Who evertheardlof ,one being frozen? -: ; V - , ' Your humble servant' took & two days', visit" in Henderson; county last week among; friends? and acquaintances. Found all in best of spirits; though fruit. ,cat bage and turnips will be T scarceT Visited the county home,' found it to be - all the name - implica; IwdlkeptdtheVinmatesiwell'' 4: year. The roofs of 1 the business houses are being freshly painted ThereN will e a spook party at the Mountain House OctoBer-28, r Meatl Friday on the -question 4f&esol- pen bondaof the Town of Tryon x'otice is further given that H. JF X 13 moreQesuve to be designated as Improve- Doubleday has been appointed ' ment Bonds' be issued in asum as! Rejgistrar and : R., T. McFee .Mrs. 'f???8. not to exceed Sixty Thousand andA. i. Hill judges and poll view is visiting m Asheville. Dollars ($60,000:00), bearing in- holders for said- election ' and 5 a E. G. Holden and :wif e of Try- terest hot to exceed six per cent new registration of i all voters on spent Tuesday in r Saluda.1 per'annum and maturing within 0f said municipality has' been vMrs.-Julia Campbell Went to the maximum: period of twenty ordered, and' that I: the reg- Hendersoriville Tuesday (20). years. istration books for the registra- A. D. Turner and wife went to Section 2. That the probable tion ,of all voters of said-Munici- Hfendersonville Tuesday: ' unexpired usefulness of the pality will be open by said reg- John B. Arledge has been elects above mentioned improvement is i8trar at the Towri Hall, the yot- pastor at Friendship -for next wiy jr cAio. mg piace m saia municipality, Section 3. That in each year oh Friday j the 4th day of No while any of said bonds shall be vember, 1921 and will i remain outstanding, a tax shall be lev- open at said place for sevens con ied and collected, in accordance secutive days Sundays excepted, with law. to Day the nrinciDal from nine o'clock a. miintil five and interest on said bonds, as o'clock p. vm.t . except Saturdays given under-the auspices-of the tne same ian aue. wnen eaia oooks win De open un v e Section 4. That a statement til nine o'clock p. ; m;, and - said vited. of the debt of the Townof Try- books will beclosed for the- reg- The members of -the Epwdrth on has been filed with the Clerk istration of voters -on Saturday League! erijbya ;;MarshmaTldW of said Town, pursuant to the the 12th day of November. 1921. Toast at Crystal -Springs last Municipal Finance Actj and is This 30th day of September 1921. Friday night now open-to inspection. ' MG.BLAKE; lerk. Jhe regular meeting of Section . That the average vnPrTrp PTQTT7: rpfrj Ladies Aid of the Methodist assessedyaluation of property -m , - . . . , .m . church was held at the residence subject to taxation by the Town il ne egiswation . ooks, , lor of Mrs. HP. Corwith on Wed nf Trvon for thft thrpe fiscal the registration of all .voters years in which" taxes were ls !f i L l t-ii There has been another officer levied, being the years 1919, f" w ." added to Polk County to help en- land'1921as shown by state- meht filed with .said Clerk is "A;v74"u"w Saluda, arid the lawbreakers had n 4 aTnrovar of aTiordinance nrovid- iUVl" " . , XI iitL M IHI I jt-- " 1 T i j J- 1, n nrnminiv and an. That the amount of aee in some lawful occupation municipal debt of said munici- if they don't want to find' the pality outstanding authorized or 15?f??'-i??1, strong arm of the lawholdof tolie authorized asshown SSSSll-.i: said statemeni,.is.i,ssw,uu, oi r,'. r T -p ivpxler W W- Owens - will remain nnon fr spvpti pnn. J . r . IrexJer Y.- uweus wmcn amounr 3i,ew.w.is lor "rri-: and G. H. Saughter of Saludsi bonds issued for the waterworks ZTJllZ N.C. spent Monday, in-Colum- syscemoi ine wn, tne revenue n . t bns 0n business. from the water-works beinK suffi- .5S,SSk . -. i...J.......-.- cienttopay the interest on said oaww w; .vn oatu bonds and to create a sinking fund be open-unti mne o'clock p, m., !ff.. Jackson arrested Gather for their retirement at maturity, anasaia oookwii! peseaor ignter on a capu irvmiu witbxmt reporting totaxation for the!?nf yc8 ?I- derson County, and; while the toii DiirDose urday the 12th day of November Sheriff was commufiiating with BectioT ?: Thatithe bonds 19. i Sheriff of Henderson Co., his when issued shall be signed by Notace-isfuther'g; that a pnsoner made a sudden leap for the Mayor and Clerk of said f "fSST llb?rty' but at thw juncture there 4 kii w ed and that no one will be eligible was an officer by the name of G. either or all the denominations of to voteataaid election .without H. Laughter took pursuit after nn nn-:.'iA aa tj nn regwtering.- . . . Him and soon had the-" prisoner rr'Z Zr.- iii by the coat in the hands-'of 'the Sections. That this ordinance I ' . Registrari (law; after a lively chase through satisfied and almost self sustain ing, plenty of meat, ' corn-in4 abundance, and kept by Mrst - Sallie Johnson 5hy - can't.we , , have : one? . We1 4 certainly need' itand'our heeds arewhat'oriijht' 4 Perhaps some of:1 our readers" - ,51 Fred Stepp, whohas been in the army for nine year,1 visited, ten" " countries; but found none equal to the United States nor no plabe like bid North . Carolina. ' ; He ' meahs -to reenlist ' again ' as j he'"1, likes the1 way Uncle Sam treats ! ". him, has never been sick but" i little at one time in 1 all ' those -years. ' Misses Stella and Eva Pace also Emma Newman spent the week end with homefolks. ' Walter Hdopef of Mills river motored Over to visit Eva Pace Saturday and Sunday Ed Case will enter ; Stearns " High School today. ' J. B. Bradley and Posey Hen-, derson attended : preaching at Freindship : Saturday night v T. W.- Bradley filled- his 'ap pointment to sin: for the .Silver Creek churchunday,' Eva Davis came over with the; Misses ace and Newman ' oh their home visit. ? - C. C. Jones; J. B;iArledge-and ex-sheriff Robertson' ( will attend Charlotte court this week. A To try this metfco tf cotrtBatX cracks ta'farnlture tften beeswil nr m the consistency of putty, then press It tnttlirclr -vtspxioikyi "tneoth inc the stxrtsce orer with m thin knife. The. iMHOTOdini - woed - shoul J r then be takdpnpered with I fine candpmper. irwfiWlw :f s the tfntt -late tl .:.t s ' Enflland Welbbmee Vlrhle'.WeWef. ; To mtiiy -people the Vlrn!;cree r seems like rather a lowly and 'raeeV est plant, tnd yet It har recdTcdg warm welcome in England, where U to srown freely, ' rambling erer ; ; bclia Inss, rocks and walls. Jnst aa mucVc heme In English soil as In Anaexlf tardlnea musing Themaefvea. Ltttle Dick wan sltlnf his aunt, and seeing a goldfish for the first time was greatly amused and puzzled. Finally, running to his aunt, V he . exclaimed, gleefully: "Oh, auntla, de cirdlaej b Hralklng In de water r Dow-Wowlria MorteaT: ;: Country1 Notice "It i' f OrbMde? to tie horses to trees, as they bark atd ticj destroy tie. tree.! C:n I it ... - ) f T :Ml ?! t 1 1 ! 11 : '7 . - :

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