Eugene Brownlee Waverly M. Hester Tryon Real Estate Agency Wo have opened this business with office at the Bank of Trvon, and are prepared to take charge of your prop erty while away; also to make rentals and sales. We Will Be Glad to Have Your Property With Us :s Not Always Easy ?To apologize To begin over ?To admit error To take advice ? To be unselfish To be charitable ?To be considerate To keep on trying To Make New Year Resolutions and Keep Theui But it Always Pays * Resolve to begin the new year right and he thrifty. Show your determination to save bv opening a Saving account at this strong bank. Deposits made befcre the fifteenth of the month draw interest Tor the entire quar ter, which ends March Slst. THE BANK OF TRYON "Polk County's Oldest Banking Institution" Brown Satin A Style That Flatters No style so heightens the attractiveness of a pretty foot as the aristocrati'.' colonial. Particularly flattering are the new small tongue designs that show ofT one instep to advantage by giving it an appearance of patrician highness. For afternoon wear with new Spring costumes small-tont<ued Colonials with lower heels and in eith er patent, satin or kid lend, undeniable smartness. PROMPT MAIL ORDER SERVICE Special Prices in Silk and Wool Hosiery Wright-Scuggs Shoe Co. "The Shoe Store" Spartanburg, S. C Pruning and Spraying Done by an experienced hand and and at a reasonable price. See or write H. L. Carpenter, Uns.?m' HOME TOWN HELPSl> EFFECTIVE PLEA FOR ZONING Practically Impossible to Construct Proper Sewerage System Without Up-to-Date Arrangement. The value of completely zoning a city or village is demonstrated In many ways. One of these 1s in the op portunity it gives the engineers to de sign and build sewer systems on pre cise information as to the character, number and use of buildings that will occupy the district which the sewer system is to serve. The information derived from the zoning ordinance and the official maps will tell him in advance that the area to be drained is zoned, say, for a ilngle-family district. This means ta the engineer a smaller density of pop ulation, a smaller volume of sewage, shallower and smaller sewers. Without zoning, the engineer ia j obliged to estimate the type and In- I tensity of the development of any ; given district and design his sewers on the basis of his estimate. If in his estimate he did not pro vide for large numbers of apartment j buildings or hotels, requiring provision j for a much greater volume of sew- j age and deeper ba|ements to be drained, his sewers .will be found to | be Inadequate to take care of the dis .... - | trlet as it finally develops. The inadequate sewer Is distressing nnd costly, as it means the backing up of the sewage into basements, In volving the loss of property by flood ing, the erpense of cleaning out the filth and silt which are deposited after the water has seeped away and the menacing th% health of occupants of the buildings. ? From a Report of the Zoning Committee of the Western Society of Engineers. NOT YET NATION OF RENTERS Home Ouming It by No Meant a Lost Ambition Among People of the United 8tatee. Is home owning a lost ambition? Are we becoming a nation of cliff ' dwellers and renters? Not If we put faith In the figures compiled by the lately established bureau of housing of the Department of Commerce, ob serves the Nation's Business. Of 68 dtles of more than 100, OOP population but 20 show a loss in percentage of homes owned be tween 1910 and 1920 (the figures are from the census bureau), and the losses are more than offset by the gains of the other 48. Of the 20 where losses were recorded, four, De troit, Cleveland, St. Louis and Los Angeles, are In the first ten cities In point of population. Although In New York more homes are owned than in any other dty, the percentage is the lowest, but 12.7, yet even here the percentage has grown from 11.7 In 1910 and 12.1 in 1900. Manhattar presents the most striking situation. With more than half a mil lion homes, less thaji 11,000 were owned, little more than 2 per cent If home owning be a form of civic virtue, then Des Moines may gather m her chaste skirts about her as painted Manhattan passes, for the Iowa para gon among cities shows a percentage of home ownership of 51.2, a growth from 45.6 per cent In 1910 and 38.5 j In 1900. In only one other community of more than 100,000 inhabitants are half the homes owned and that Is I Grand Rapids, Mich. n ? i Old Houses Being Made Over. An era of remaking old houses runs across the entire country, according to Northwest lumbermen. > Following the building shortage of i late years has come an appreciation that any house, old or new, has untold possibilities of alteration. Architects have been called upon to produce in stances of "before and after" of ram shackle, barnlike structures made over Into charming homes. Old barns have been rebuilt into studios, sheds and ; warehouses into residences of taste. There is an enormous demand on the Northwest planing mills for mold jj ings, trimmings, shingles, sidings, in | side finishings, lumber and fancy I grained fir, hemlock or cedar for cab j inet work. Lumbermen declare this demand has come from the alteration wave over the nation, repairing and adding built in features. How Zoning Saves Money. It is estimated l?y the city engineer of the city of St. Louis that zoning would have saved the property owners about lf> per cent of the cost of sewer construction. If this saving is true in the case of sewers, is it not equalty true of the other services which combined make ! a mighty sum? Avenged. "Good heavens, man; pretty badly smashed up, ain't you? Anybody with you ?" "Yea, the chap who was trying to sell mi this used car." ? Harper's Mag azine. Use and Appearance. "Do you think your bathing suit is proper ?" "Proper enough as a bathing suit," replfed Miss Cayenne, "though per : haps deserving of criticism as | scenery." j Confidence Is a fine virtue but a poor | gamd. Dark horses frequently turn out to ! be white elephants. Greece wants $10,000,000, but is not alone in that distinction. What China needs in addition to an open door is an up-and-doer. Eventually Europe will be saved is aplte of ?very effort, H save Misery doesn't love company when ifs the company that make* the mis ery. i * The most Ignored man in the world is the bridegroom on hie own wedding day. The limelight le what eoablee the public to see through a coat Of white wash. % The finger for the bridegroom to put a ring around now le the trigger finger. Long and short sklrte are absolute ly equal ? on the bill that hubby tee to pay. Falling prices are like falling stare. | They disappear before they get down I to earth. . If women really had no souls, a let of new-fangled religions would starve I to death. ; "That's a darned smart man" is equivalent to saying: "That chap agrees with me." Food is so costly in Russia and money so depreciated that it takes a j roll to buy a roll. If tlie winter wind can't make the girls wear long skirt* Parisian ? tailors can't, either. The small boy cannot understand why "pie eating" should be considered hazing at Annapolis. The ideal optimist Is tie aick j physician who believes some ether ' doctor can cure him. Danger In Inflammable Roofs. The value of property destroyed by fires communicated through the root le reported as $223,000,000. Flre-preventlon campaigns are being launched In e number of cities as cue result of these figures. Indiana polls, Ind., began such a campaign early last year, with the result of a reduction in 1921 of $550, 000 In Ore losses and 850 in the num ber of fires. During one period, out of 1,199 fires in Indianapolis, 860 were di rectly chargeable to inflammable roots. Affected by World War. Am a result of a physical examina tion of regular army officers recently army surgeons have found dear evt dence by physical deterioration caused by strain incident to the prosecution of the World war. A large percentage etf the officers show either exceMlvt high or abnormal low blood pressure. TRUCK CHASSIS I New Price F. O. B. DETROIT The Ford One-Ton Truck Chassis has proved its ability to reduce transportation costs in practically every line of business where there is a hauling problem. It is eco nomical, efficient, dependable. At the new lew price you will agree it represents a value that has never before been offered in the commercial car field. Place your order now for reasonably prompt delivery. Terms if desired. Ballenger-Morris Motor Co. Tryon, N. C. K ?IWWUHII I ll"l ' 1 IIMIIIII in I IH W. F. LITTLE NOTARY PUBLIC Tryon, N. C. Tax Sale Notice. Notice is hereby given to parties named below, and all persons that may have a lien on the lands hereby described that the undersigned purchased at a delinquent tax sale in Columbus Polk County, North Carolina, on the 1st day of May, 1922, land listed for tax and describ ed as follows : 185 acres less 30 acres in Cooper Gap township, listed in the name of T. F. Mills, for the year 1921. 227 acres less 1 acre in Co lumbus township listed in the name of Peak heirs for the year 1921. 133 acres less 2 acres in White Oak township, listed in the name of W. M. Pack, for the year 1921. 116 acres less 6 acres in White Oak township listed in the name of G- W. Edwards, for the year 1921 Notice is given that applica- 1 tion will be made by the under- I signed to the sheriff of Tolk County for deeds to said land? I after the 1st day of May, 1923, the date when time of redemp tion will expire. P. H. BAILEY, Purchaser o NOTICE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain mortgage deed dated the 4th day of Nov. 1919 , by and between J. H. Johngon and Callie Johnson, his wife, to P. J. Henderson to secure a note for six rundred dollars, default having been made in the payment of the said note, secured by said mort gage deed, being recorded in mort gage book No. 18 at page 106 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Polk County, N. C. I will on the 27th day of January 1923, at 12:00 o'clock noon, at the court house door in Columbus, N. C. sell at auction to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described real estate: Two acres known as the old Mill lot lying and being in the town of Melvin Hill, Polk Co., N. C. and ad joining the lands of G. G. Huntly, Geo. A. Branscom, and others. This the 26 day Dec. 1922. P. J. HENDERSON Mortgagee o NOTICE Application for parole, of Frank Mills. Application will be made to the Governor of North Carolina, for the parole of Frank MHls, submitted at the Fall term 1922 of the Superior Court of Polk County for manufac turing liquors and sentenced to the roads for a term of twelve months. All persons who oppose the grant ing of said parole are invited to for ward their protests to the Governor without delay. This the 9th day of Jan. 1923. Thos. F. Mills. o FOR SALE? Wilcox Dairy Farm, two good cottages and barn, 20 a'cres, some good bot tom land. This place will be sold at a very reasonable price and on terms to suit purchaser. JAMES LEONARD. For Sale:? In the beautiful Pac oiet Valley, fine residence of seven rooms, two fine fire places, large porch, cement pillars and floor. Desirable locality. James Leonard. Hemstitching and picoting at tachment; fits any .machine. See B. J. Arledge, Singer Agent, Lan drum, S. C. 3 mo. pd tice! if you are looking for real estate, see me. I have acres and acres and town lots for sale. JOHN P. LOGKHART Tryon, N. C. OLIVER TYPEWRITERS? We have a number ofthese in excellent condition that are priced to sell- From $22.50 to $32-50. Calhoun Office Supply Co. Spartanburg, S. C. Notice to Dellqaent Notice is hereby given to ^ j named below, and all persons th I? may have a lien on the land hr<rjf| described, that the undersign p,., ' ~ chased at a delinquent tax sale in (> lumbus, Polk County, North Carols | on the 1st. day of May, 1922, land lu, ed for tax and described as follow*, fij Forty-two acres in Tryon towmhul listed for taxes in the name of w. & "i Beatty, for the year 1921. Twenty acres in Tryon townshi listed in the name of Loe Ander Hel ton, for the year 1921. Twenty- one and one-half acr^H listed in the name of J. H. Gantt for the year 1921. One lot in Tryon township list. d k '? the name of M. H. Paris tax for th? year 1921. One lot in Tryon township listed in $ the name of Scotland Harris tax tor the year 1921. One lot in Tryon townshjp listed in the name of Alex McDowell tax for the year 1921. Forty-two acres in Coopers (;ap , township listed in the name of J v McCraw tax for the year 1921. Ei^ht acres in Coopers Gap town ship listed in the name of P'-arl Shore, tax for the year 1921. One, hundred and twelve acres in Coopers Gap township listed in the name of D. H. Thompson tax for th* year 1921. Ten acres in Tryon township listed in the name of Mrs. M. G. Smith tai for the year 1921. One lot in Saluda township listed in the name of Lilly R. Thomas tax for the year 1921. One lot in Tryon township listed in the name of Jess F. Adams( tax for the year 1921. Sixty-seven acres in Saluda town ship listed in the name of W. F. Mes ser^ tax for the year 1921. Notice is given that application will be made by the undersigned to the sheriff ol Polk County for deeds to said lands after the first day of May, 1923, the date when time of re demption will expire. L. L. TALLANT, Purchaser. Tax Sale Notice Notice is hereby given to parties named below, and all persons that may have a lien on the land hereby described, that the undersigned pur chased at a delinquent tax sale in Columbus, Polk County, North Caro lina, on the 1st. day of May 1922, land listed for tax and described as fol lows: 13 acres less one-half acre, in Try on township, listed in the name of Nancy Lynch, for the year 1921. Notice is given that application will be lade by the undersigned to the sheriff of Polk County for deeds to said lands after the 1st, day of May, 1923, the date when time of redemption will expire. E. H. LYNCH, Purchaser. V NOTICE. Application for parole of Aden Green Application will be made to the Governor of North Carolina for the parole of Aden Green submitted at the fall term 1922 of the Superior Court, of Polk County, for the crime of manufacturing whiskey and sen tenced to the County Jail for a term of twelve months to be assigned be the county commissioners to work on the roads of Henderson or any other county for said term. All persons who oppose the grant ing of said parole are invited to for ward their protest to the Governor without delay. This the 19 day of Dec, 1922. Thomas F. Mills. o I Farmers Market / WE WANT Eggs. .. Chickens.... 60c 20 Hens Hams .22 . 1.00 . 2.00 Corn per bu Peas Tax Sale Notice Notice is hereby given . to parties named below, and all persons that may have a lien on the land hereby described, that the undersigned pur chased at a deliquent tax sale in Columbuus, Polk County, North Carolina, on the 1st day of May 1922, land listed for tax and described as follows: 13 2 acres less 1 acre in Col umbus township listed for taxes in the name of -Lionell Briscoe, taxes for the year 1921 Notice is given that appli- < cation will be made by the un dersigned to the sheriff of Polk County for deeds to said lands after the 1st, day of May. 1923, the date when time of re demption will expire. J. W. NEWMAN, Purchaser.

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