NOTICE Having qualified as adminis trator of the estate of Jaspe: Henderson, deceased, late or Flat Rock, North Carolina, thi is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to file same with me for payment within twelve month's from date or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This February 1, 1923. W. A. HENDEDSON, ' Administrator. o Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as adminis trator with the will annexed of the estate of W. S. Ridings, de ceased, late of Polk County. North Carolina, this is to noti fy all persons having claims against the estate of the said ceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Columbus, N. C., on or before the 1st. day of February, 1924, or this notfce will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment. This 26th day of January, 1923. PRINCE CLARK Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of W. S Ridings, deceased. For Sale. ? 300 acres, Timber land near Columbus, N. C., on Sandy Plains and Columbus road. Will be sold on reason able terms. L. E. Hutcherson. PRICE LIST OF DAY CLD CHiCKS All puru brid stock Buff Lotfhoons. Whin* L.ejc?iorns, K. I. Reds and White i'lymouth Keeks, per lltV $16. OO White Plymouth KocUs. V* hue v\ yan- t dottes, per 100 S1S.OO Custom Hatching per lob eggs, $b.00 BIBER POULTRY ND HATCHERY R. F. D. No 5 ;,oartdni)urg. S. C. O Wtta Girl Wife (reading paper) "Think of it James, a couplc got married after a courtshi] of fifty years." Jim ? "Poor fellow, too feble j to hold out any longer, I sup- 1 pose." O ? j THE METHODIST AND PRESBYTERIAN ?HURCHES OF TRYON. Sunday School at 10:00 A M., P. G. Moris, Superinten dent. s Reverend Fikes preaches on ; 1st and 3rd Sunday mornings at 11:00 A. M., and 1 2nd and ^rd Sundays at 7 :30 P. M. Reverend Yaadell preaches on the 2nd and 4th Sundays at 11:00 A. M., and 1st and 3rd Sundays at 7 :30 P. M. = ? o Columbus Presbyterian Church Sunday School at 10:00 A. M. Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. Christian Endeavor 6:45 P. M. The public is cordially invited to attend these services. o North Carolina was among j the first states to begin tick , eradication work and is about ; the last to finish the job. We Believe in COLUMBUS We believe in our "home town." We believe it is the best town in Polk Coun ty in which to live. We believe it is an ideal town in which to live and transact busi ness. We believe it is one of the best towns in public spirit and good citizen ship. We believe Columbus is destined for continu ously increasing pro gress and prosperity. With this spirit, we offer our services to the individuals and business institutions of our town tory, hoping to advance the industrial, commer acil and financial inter ests of Columbus and Polk County. Polk County Bank & Trust Co. Columbus, N. C. Capital .... 13,000 Resources over - 100,000 ! Honor Roll For Tryon Colored School. Fifth Grade ; Locket. . ? Ly Locket. red Tucker. i^ssie Fields. Daniel Zigler. Lucile Sanders. Ben Carson. Ophelia Carson. J. C. McClure. Fourth Gr;me Marrian Hannon. * Grace Mills Helen Mills Lillian Bobo. Jim Cole. Napoleon Cheek. Alexander Cheek. Mary King. Roy King. Eva Mills. Roy Mills. Archie King. George Fields: Jessie Zigler. Robert Kemp. JANIE BEATTY CRUMP, Teacher | Here lies the body of William ! Jay, Who died maintaining his right of way; He was right-dead dead right as he sped along, But he's just as dead as if he'd Been wrong. Good Philos i ! It takes 65 muscles of the j i face to make a frown and 13 t c produce a smile. Why wastr j energy, asks Lazy Larry. o Bring Back, W-oh Brine: i jOur Tommie bent over a gas j tank j It contents he wanted to see. He lighted a match to assisJ j him, W-o bring back matommi( , tome. o Cause and Effect "Whew! Do you call tlia* c-MTee? It looks like mud." "Why shouldn't it ? Only this j morning it was ground." Sherlock Dines i "Tnke it away ? take it away j v c-n't eat incubator chickens/' ! pardon, sir, but how d' | ^w it is an incubato' j ? .?" >y. Only a chicker -ut a mother could grov ! i,- be as tough as that one." I Signs For a Laundry? 4r. Litile's- new building, i Princess Theatre will soon be 1 completed. Saluda has lost two at [ tractive young women, whose I marriage recently took them to | other cities. Miss Marvin Pat | terson was married at ? Toledo Ohio, to Dr Clarence Hingle, they will rv-.e their home at Detroit, M:' Miss L.( a I Patterson, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Paiicron, was married at Hendersonville, to Mr. Ed ward Livingston of Ackron. Ohio. Rev. Mr. IVTilloi* per formed the cermony. they will live at Ackron. The many friends of Mrs J. R. Little, will be glad to know she is improveing from r relapse Qf t:e Mil. She is with her mother, INI is. Fleming Brown at Spartanburg. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sald ino, and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. New York City, have returned to t/.eir re] ective homes. They were much pleased with the wonderful 'climate of Saluda and hospitality as guests of f r\ s t n 1 Springs Inn. Almighty first planted :? g-;vien; and indeed it is the i: e i - of human pleasures; it . v\r eatost refreshment -to i s of man- Bacon. "\-\7a nrm ? ? ? ? ? J i .i u Tax Pale I^o'lce. No i e is ;ic.*8'--y given to parlies \cIav, and all ers I / i\e a lien oil I e La . r.t c*-. Jo.-k ri ed thai C e u:vic! "a '= ,.u \ .ased at a ?elinqucnl tax s.-Je in Cnlumbu i\ lk County, North Carolina, on the 1st day of May, 1922, land listed far ta\ and describ ed as follows: 185 acre.', les^ "0 acres in Cooper Gap township listed in the name of T. F Mr's. fcr the aarnt: of lVak aeii. . ? r i.he year 1921. 133 acres lebS 2 acres in White Oak township, listed ir the name of W. M. Pack, for the year 1921. 116 acres less C> acres i~. White Oak towns'" in listed in*! the name rf G V7. Edwards, for the year j;': Notice : {' at applica tion will ? ?:/ the under signed to ; ? ? ? :' ]* of Polk County for acc's to said landr after the 1st day cf May, 1923. j the date when time of redemp tion will expire. P. H. BAILEY, Purchaser o Tax Sale Notice Notice is hereby given to parties named below, and all persons that may have a lien on the land hereby described, that the undersigned pur chased at a deliquent tax sale in Columbuus, Polk County, North. Carolina, on the 1st day of May 1922, -land listed for tax and described as follows: 13 2 acres less 1 acre in Col- I umbus township listed for* taxes in the name of Lionell Briscoe, taxes for the year 1921 Notice is given that appli- 1 cation will be made by the un derpinned to the sheriff" of Polk County for deeds to said lands after the 1st, day of May, 1923, the date when time of re dem tion will expire. J. W. NEWMAN, Purchaser. o S'le cf Real Estate Under Mortgage. Under and by virtue of au thority vested in me as Trus tee by a ce tai-i deed of trust dated January 5, 1021, and re corded in the of the Reg ister of deeds for Polk county. N. C., in book of Deeds No. 16. on page 246, and executed by Taylor Whitesides to S., C. Ra- 1 \ . ? . VV ... vj, s .. ;?. ? ?- &A*Stl burn to pecure purchase mon ey in the sum of $782.50, and default having been made in tlie payment of same as is in j said deed of trust required, ;jand having been requested by j the holder of said indebtedness J so to do, I ? { I, the undersigned, 0. M. j Mull, Trustee, will on Monday, Februuary 26, 192S, !a< the court house door of Polk ?ounty, in the town of Colum bus, N. C., at 1 o'clock P. M. or within the legal hours sell by ; public auction to the highest i bidder for cash all the land in cumbered . by said deed . of j trust to secure funds with r which to satisfy the lien of (Uame, which land is described ? by metes and bounds as follows 1 . Beginning at a stone on the east side of Fox Mountain in Polk county, N. C., and runs | thence S. 24 1-2 W. 63 poles to i a stone near a small branch ; ! thence down the branch as fol-. | lows; S. 45 1-2 E. 14 poles, S. j 67 E. 8 poles, S. 31 3-4 E. 18 .poles, S. 1 E. 6 4-5 poles, S. ! 41 1-2 E. 10 poles, S. 88 1-2 E. 1 7 2-3 poles, , S. 14 E. 8 poles, S. j 41 E. 7 poles at old ford, S. 1 IW. 12 2-3, poles, S. 48 E. 16 poles, S. 62, E. 8 poles, S. 85 |E. 14 poles, S. 78 E. 18 poles, S. 5:1 E. 7 poles, S. 38 E. 8 poles, S. 7 E. 10 1-2 poles to fork of [branch; ' thence down the ( branch N. 76 1-2 E. 18 3-4 poles j to old line thence with same N. 7 W. 10 1-4 poles to a stone I thence N. 42 W. 32 poles to a j. stone; thence N. 20 W. 84 poles j to a stone; thence N. 53 W. 67 I poles to the beginning, con | taining 47 acres, more or less. I Tl is January 25, 1923. O. M. MULL, Trustee. LAND SALE. , A ^ By virtui]e of the power vested in me by a decree of the I Superior Court made by the Clerk of said court, in the ; special proceeding entitled Ly j ,iia Foster et al. vs. George Pack te al'\ I will offer at re-sale, the sale price of a previous sale having been increased as required by law, to the high je??t bi.ider for cash, at the i court-house door in Columbus, i S. C., within the legal hours of I ale, on Saturday, the 24th day | (1: y of February, 1923, land j lying and bdng in Columbus ; i Avnship, Polk county, state I of North Carolina, and de scribed as follows: Beginning at a stone, the old Osborne corner, now James i Hutcherson's and run with | aid line S. 86 E. 51 poles to a os L oak on said line : S. 100 poles to a stone; en N. 86 W. 10 poles to a .take; then with his line N. 30 W. 42 poles to a stake; then ; N. 37 E. 28 poles to a black oak; then N. 48 WI 63 poles to stone; E. 6 poles to the be ginning, containing eighteen acres, more or less, lying on the waters of Hooper's Creek ?and being a part of Patent ! 1013. This the 8th day of Febrary, j 1923. E. B. CLOUD, Commissioner N o NOTICE I i Under and by virtue oi the power of sale contained in that > I certain Mortage Deed by date of September 10th, 1921, ex ecuted by W. L. Henderson 1 and wife, C. M. Henderson to O. C. Harrison for $138.00; ! said mortgage is recorded in ; book. No. 17 at page 270 for the ! records of Polk county; default j having been made in the pay ment of said principal and in terest, I will at the court house door in Columbus on the 10th day of March, at 12 o'clock M. ! offer for sale to the highest | bidder for cash the following i described land, to-wit: Lying and being in Coopers iGap township, Polk county and adjoining the lands Of Eliza Jackson and * others, bounded as follows: Beginning ; at a chestnut oak on Ivey bluff, N. 40 W. 37 poles to a R. O. on | the creek bank on edge of road in the Eliza Jackson > tract, and runs with line N. 52 1-2 E. ; C>2 poles to a spruce pine stump j corner of same on creek bank, ! thence the line of said tracts N. 60 E. 74 poles to a W. O., corner of said tract in the Pat ten line, thepce with the Pat j'en line S. 25 E. 358 to a cheat I nut oak on top of ridge, thence i to the beginning, containing 41 acres, more or less. This the8th day of Feb. 1923. jO. C. HARRISON, Mortgagee. - m tsray and Decidedly fashionable and distinctly approprj. ate for wear with your smart tailleu these first days of spring Suede Slippers in the new shades of gn-y ari(j biege that have assuni. ed such costume impor. tance for spring, >0s$y in appearance yet styL ed with comfortable walking heels a variety of new styles interpre ted in Suede are now being oered. PROMPT MAIL ORDER SERVICE Wrigh "The Shoe Siora V) gs Shoe Co. Spartanburg, S. C A .* ? -? Li-rt r-Y- -:^s M. G. BLAKE M?atv.iA .. ? x? JULIAN CALHOUN Rea' Estate End Rents Bla Office Cver Drug Store houn ? I ? I II I %* . JBIJ1 Watchmaka; Engravers FARfeLit' ci LONG JSuc.c^cts to Bsteers Iwublry Store iOo W. Street Manufacturers of ii gi. Grade Piatinum and Dia fhond Jewelry Mfg. Jewelers Diamond Setters SF-/?.KlArvLtRCfS. C - j r+t v? . ? - w . ? - OC- ? ?*= ~" 7 ? ? -V tW *&! % . F ?54.- ? y u wiU agree ra- c that has [ . ." red in the Place your oly prompt 3 j.esired. ?