Eugene Brownlee Waverly M. Hester Tryon Real Estate Agency We have opened this business with office at the Bank of Tryon, and are prepared to take charge of your prop erty while away: also to make rentals and sales. We Will Be Glad to Have Your Property With Us the universal tractor Nothing Like This Low Price Has Ever Been Known Before No farm tractor ever offered more money value, or more work value, than the Fordson Tractor at this astounding new low price. No farm power unit you can possibly buy will do more for so little? and no farm, regardless of size or location can afford to be without a Ford son Tractor. ^ Place your order now ? there is no time for delay or comparison. Price alone makes your choice the Fordson. After that, performance will prove to you, as it has to 170,000 owners, that this light/ compact Fordson is the most efficient power plant ever hitched to a farm tool. Let us prove it to you. Write, call or phone today. Ballanger -Morris Motor Go. Tryon, N. C. Aurora Borealis Record. Th<- record ."iroru bore;iMs lasted for r? > A ?!?.:?; ?-;?!! oil ^au gels," We-*.* I' !i;i had one nicknamed "do;;' an;, i h?- Scotch dubbed one "unicorn." i ,-,t l * . : \ The I; 1 1 1 _ - of medieval times was iln- ;t. u'uaype of modern poet Iaureu??\ In iho time of Charles I the ap; *intinent was put on an offl cial basis and since then has bMR filled by many poets. Snail's Peaceful Way It w?ul() require 14 day? to travel n nalle at snail's pace. "Sweethtiiit." It Is not exactly Known when or ; how this word came iuio use. The term was originally written in the form of two words, itfid It is found in literature as early as 1290. Where Cvstcro R"!cs. Men coii?.iionly think uceordlntf to theU* .inclinations, speak according to their learning and Imbibed opinions; but generally act according to custom. ?Francis Racon. Spring and Easter M&BBB 5S turnery! In a Most Radiant Variety of Late Modes Select your Easter hat, now while you have the choice of so many becoming selections. Each one perfect in it's fashioning. Specially priced at? $2.95, $3.95, $4.95, $5,95 to $10.95 that your business re quires. This courteous consideration of every depositor has givevn us a steady growth during the years we have been doing business. We solicit your act :ount on the basis of service. Polk County Bank & Trust Co. Columbus, N. C. Capital - - - - 13,000 Resources over - 100,000 If you must knock and pound -^get a hammer and build some thing ! . o ? NOTICE North Carolina Polk County - E. W. Hally burton vs Hortense Hallyburton x Notice of summons by publi cation. ? The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above hagf been com menced in the Superior Court of Polk County, N. C., for ab solute divorce from the defen dant, will take notice .that she is required to appear at the Court house in said county on the 23d day of March, 1923 and answer or demur to complaint of said action or the plantiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said com plant. Tf^is 28th, day of February 1923. H. H. CARSON Clerk C. C. Polk Co.^ o For Sale: An Invalid's chair. Inquire at News office. 5-w Corona Typewriters sales in creases monthly despite compe tition. A dealer wanted in ev ery community. Write us about it. CalhouQ Office Supply Co., Spartanburg, S. C. For Sale : ? or exchange thirty acre. Mountain home, in sight of Avery County Court house. 1-2 mile R. R. schools and churches. Modern 8 room house, garage and 100 bearing apples trees, good grazing land. This place is 3900 feet up. Ideal summer home. What have you to offer. Addrehs A. L. B. Care of The News. o TRYON HILLS SUBDIVISION. Fifty beautiful lots in this sub-division are now ready for sale. This ridge adjoins the Pine Crest Inn property and extends eastward. Streets and roads now being surveyed and opened. Prices are right. Blake & Calhoun, Real Estate and Rents. ' Giving Prominence To Children's Easter Footwear x For the younger generati<5h, special emphasis is placed on th* ?><.. lection of shoe styles for growingfeet. We've renognized our re. spun.-, bility and are winning many new friends daily by providing the tyj^ and style footwear to intelligently fit every childs' requirment. Brir L' the children to see the new Spring Easter styles ready now. * * "Onyx" Socks for Children PROMPT MAIL ORDER' SERVICE Wright-Scruggs Shoe Co. "The Shoe Store" Spartanburg, S. C G. BLAKE 'UL'*H CALHOUN Real Estate and Rents Office Over Drug Store Blake & Calhoun Holmes-Calhoun Seed Co. Spartanburg, S. C. Dealers in highest quality GARDEN SEED, Poul try Accessories, Buckeye Incubators and Brooders. ,Mail us your orders. A post card will bring a catalog to your door free of charge. Better Seeds ? Better Crops 0 Lovely Styles Herald Easter's Approach Featuring Many New Arrivals in Every Department ?; i Grace is Paramount in Women's Wear for Spring. A bevy of lovely Street Dresses in ^4 BA and 0110 7C Crepes and Taffetas, specially priced ^17il w New Trimmed HATS Gage Rawak Paige " I Knickerbocker Vogue Featuring hats for dress, sport and street wear. Larger hats are coming into favor for Spring wear by leaps and bounds. ? Gage Sport Hats will be a feature in Smith's Millin ery department and at'very moderate prices. Van Raalte Veiling in new Spring designs and colors children's spring a feature Waist sale Dresses Wash Suits and Rompers , A collection now most complete in style assortment and price. Children's Dresses $1.25 t0 $5.00 Boy's Wash Suits $1.25 t0 $5.00 Children's Rompers $1.25and$1.50 Gingham, Chambray, Linen and Sateen. at a Special price of $1.00 By special quick action we were able to duplicate our order on the lot of lovely waists which were on sale a few weeks ago. If you missed the first sale, be sure to take advantage of this one. Real Hand-Made BLOUSES (2 Special and every stitch by hand ?dainty and very becoming styles, lovely materials and trimmings,- roll front and round neck styles. Paisley Blouses $3.45 up f For prettier summer frocks? Voiles, Crepes, Ratines The most complete showing of wash fabrics and summer cotton goods this store has ever presented. ? " Voiles 39c to $1.45 Crepes : 29c to $1.45 ^ _ Ratines 59c to $1.69 Rest Room for Ladies Prompt Mail Order Service it/z *Cc. o Spartanburg WOKE South Carolina