vj-svTr || APRIL. 3 ;$sS9 $ UAfcUTi resources ;C?f?W stook_ Utadfridid Profit. Loans and Discounts.. Overdrafts 5*A a n?h Vtiv1?\ *T/vil 1 4* Total -^Hr; 52 - ,. !"'-' : . aboVe showing we want *0, ? ? ? ^HSt' * .* ' ' The Great American - a Kvcrjr now then some enterprisiag journal the value to the nation of the great i warn how much we owe to the Iowa h, |iou> song over the virtues of some insect .** Stnf few ? re the suggestion that it is time we gaw a Wie ttoaBPtot the value to the nation ^of the W pare not let fancy roam -into th? field J?eF bnQiiiu love, her ?othering of th? nation^ tor ^ ^ bo,,.-iu.l?. this writing, bat we do not h^tate t<> aay ^that her jietual contribution to the BationV wealth la worthy of P",e rw fins country m UnwmWaaiy u**1 - ap tjiaa'wyage pay of domsro ,, ?rvants ? May waW^Q ***** lg2S2??3S^ irne than that after the wage* WWW Eased on this ratio wa.And tfcafc ltfirelntion incnial labor the housewives It ion seem so rarely to be ~~ (inoome eighteen and OH women be visa&Hsed in for Uiem more |(|f the home, the % , | unostentationilj shaping view the nation she mm It up to date. > : ,)f monev value we may toaSgg 'S&kb% patient guardian! , out her weary day. gently ' tfia nation,' in dry I 1 1 ll 1 1 n 1 1 1 connection with the packing industr 1o thosedfcpoi^ioW criticism. >i this iW jlBWlfii | The llii 1 >21 . "ff. appeals "5 S'JWW if. True the bosmflW jr npriod,- bnfc ?WiW' >swmm niriimt pfropfflrtkm to?W>* 1-..1 ont of ?ew.r.. remarkable tntaltot* JJ? '?? ii:r.t the gigwUo. * c ! out impossible - i ;sy have complained \ have Been justified, -?:r.e very ab>e business * i'ho packers haVe been ' 'Vfl. and while- tins. iw* ntonst is ever ready ^ 1 ns when they appear - tonally nleased to niter a deserved, .as it it $& ^m?7wmtwmm f ; The .doetttotf of being preached by politicians, bSt vBOfc by, statesmen. They vr misinterpret and give A wrong oonateetion to the utteran4 . negwdvisea tnafcmmerica 3qp ner * ineeptio^- avoid entangling her The reaaon^ifeluigton ?? ; that advice- was thatjyMMriea : was coming out of . England, .. breaking away from the mother OTMtoV fni could not aiftgd to be involved in. European al liances with'l^ercOTntrieaand thus mow mete rof the mother'# & preudiceandahger. the cbieftai tfce British (v ssBpSJE ? E - ? ? ?* . heads of chiefs, by bearers while ifctor. steady tbe.WBbrdlla Jkj attached to th? iippernw?t^?rtt ,?nnon*,\gbae another umbrell ? (Old hen on the top, tfcek* iurrouzuteti ? bjr numerous *hid? CHANGES IN tfflS rnnfefc animals capable of moteii . are ,