APPEAL to polk county HOUSEWIVES. Appeal to all housewives of Polk a >u n ty to send their dis carded winter clothes to the fs>ir East Relief was made his week by E. W. Dedmond 0f Columbus, county clothing E hair man for this great hu lanitarian organization. y{ r. Dedmond points out that we are discarding our ?winter clothing we can save hu Irian li^es by sending it to the Near East Relief instead of putting it away in the attic or Inset to provide a breeding ground for moths. Most coun Ities of North Carolina have iust finished their financial ' campaign and the state is re ported nearly over the top in this respect. Dr. E. C. Brooks, state sup erintendent of education, is clothing chairman for the pre sent drive and has* has the act ive assistance of Josephus Dan iels, honorary state chairman and Col. George H. Bellamy state chairman. Gov. Morri son has issued a proclamation declaring May 1st Bundle Day and asking all True Tarheels to send a bundle of warm clothing to the Near East Relief. Many school teachers of this county, at the request of Dr.?| Brooks, have organized their classes into a corps' for collect ing discarded clothing in- their respective communities. Cloth ing can be turned over to Dr. Dedmond or sent to the Near East Relief clothing warehouse at Raleigh. Polk county's goal is 300 pounds of clothing in which there is still some wear. . Palm beach suits, straw hats and summer clothing cannot be used as the climate in Armenia, closely approximates our New England states. Many.1 children and adults were found last*win ter who had dragged them selves for miles suffering from acute rheumatism \ simply for lack of clothing. l3)?S JEWELRY REPAIRING VHrnrfk REPAIRING Vht Store tf . J Diamonds, Pearls, Gems, Jewelry, Watch es, Clocks, Silverware. I Prompt Attention Given to Mail Orders. 148 E. Main St. SPARTANBURG, S. C. The Aug. W. Smith Co. Offers Dependable Goods at Fair Prices No matter what you contemplate purchasing in our line, it will be to your advantage to get our prices first. f \ Special showings of Women's Dresses? * *? Priced $10.00, $19-75> $24.50* This includes dresses for Sport,, Street and Dress wear in the most approved styles, fabrics and colors. Capes are priced in a wide range of popular prices from $19.75 to $69.50 Including new fabrics, styles and colors. Two-piece suits? * i Smart styles, Best fabrics - We are proud of our Housefurnishings and Drapery Department? In this department you will find many every-day necessities for the and a complete up-to-date line of Draperies, Upholsteries, Curtains and Nets? We will be glad to send samples and prices of anything you may need in this line. / Summer Wash Goods ? * Voiles, Crepes, Ratines, Ginghams? A complete .line of all that's new and desirable. Our prices are the lowest. Order samples and compare our prices with any you have seen. Always glad to show you. $24.50 up ffest Room for ? Ladies ? Prompt ? ' ? Mail Order Service TORE1 South Carolina j ? . "N?