MRS. J. MITCHELL GAINS 30 POUNDS Long-Standing Stomach Trouble Completely Overcome by Tanlac. "I was sick for a year and lost thirty pounds, but the Tanlac treat ment ended all my troubles; I re pained my lost weight, and my won derful Improvement was the talk of all my friends," said Mrs. James Mitchell, 107 10th St., Columbus, Ga. "I suffered with chronic indigestion, became dreadfully run down and weak and I fell off until I was little more than a skeleton. My nerves were frightfully excited and I felt that life held nothing for me. "What others said in the papers started me taking Tanlnc and the way It built me up was astonishing. My f indigestion has disappeared, my nerves are steady and I get plenty of sleep. I can work all day without getting i too tired. Several of my friends have taken Tanlac on my advice and all have had splendid results." Tanlac is for sale by all good drug gists. Accept no substitute. Over 37 ( million bottles sold. ? Advertisement. I The Fishing Hog. I have my loves and my hates. No words can record my aversion for the person (is he man or devil?) who snares the little tish under size, whose abortive selfishness leads him to con- ' tinue when the creel Is full, and who catches the mother at spawning time. To me he is the human wolverine, the fish glutton; and for him I have loath- | ing as well as hate. ? From "Old Black Bass," by Albert Benjamin Cunning- , ham. FOR OVER 40 YEARS HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE haj been used successfully In the treatment of Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE con sists of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts through the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces, thus reducine the Inflammation. Sold by all druggists. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, The Unnecessary Sex. Mother (leaving Egyptian room In museum) ? What did you think of It, dear? Dorothy ? Well, it was all right, but I don't see why there were so many mummies and no daddies. ? Life. Got Their Money's Worth. Nevada Paper ? The beautiful ren- 1 ditions of several numbers by . Miss Martha Scraggs was well' worth the admission fee, which was purposely made small. ? Boston Transcript. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ANS 25$ AND 75$ PACKAGES EVERYWHERE TOO FEW PEOPLE HEED DANGER SIGN Observations of an Illinois Worn an, Who Says Her Family's Good Health Is Due to Prompt Use of Black Draught. Saint Joseph, 111. ? In speaking of the good health record of her family, Mrs. Asa G. Ollls, of tills place, says that for symptoms of torpid liver "the first thing we do Is to take Black Draught." "It Is the best liver tonic I have ever known," declares Mrs. Ollls, "and the rest of the family seem to feel the same way. They take It for sour stomach, Indigestion and constipation. "Too few people pay enough atten tion to constipation, which is the be ginning of most ills, but I have used Black-Draught for constipation and it regulated me, and I can recommend it for that.'' As Mrs. Ollls so truthfully says, constipation leads to a great deal of sickness among those who do not un derstand its dangers, and who neg lect prompt treatment. The poisons which constipation forces your blood to reabsorb may cause much suffer ing, and greatly endanger your gen eral health. Thedford's Black-Draught (purely vegetable) has been found to relieve constipation, and by stimulating the action of the liver, when It Is torpid, helps to drive many poisons out of your system. Biliousness, indigestion, headache, and similar troubles are often relieved in this way. It is the natural way. Be natural ! Try Black Draught. Sold everywhere. Price only 25c. >lkUiily'iili ar OUR COMIC SECTION * U This Happens Only in Dreamland UAO A FUVJKTf DREAM UA ST M\GHT Folks \ v okempt \ W AW \ce CREAM JOIHY AWO \ reuT UMO?(L *TK EDG?. OP TVV ^Aftte WuT>rr a Stufcte coo o' goaa t>ARy?0 iUEOE V GrOSHt o <y (^y\o t 9RjOP9?& a dime ow m' floor \WH?U 1 VUUVPAMIU* *iU! YAM M HE N6VEG, 9AH>, MU6T IT LAH. Y0&4. <*W it wheu we our \u -tvv .^otUAiM'V" Gees (5 UP A ?VJ4 Yo AMOTH6R. GUM ou nvv STfieer se^, m w?u-f kaw vjevj noose o\wr eosr Me as kauch as \ THOUGHT It U)0?. GOIUG Y0\" kiovu, . VJHO EVER. UfcAW? OF AkHWW UK? THAT? fWww H??HfcrOnk? Quo wsseu* t askeo^ veu-ea how HE UKEO tW HOME PAPER- AM' Ht houereo. vG$?*x\ \ ooux see how *tW EOlXDft >AAJ4WieS t" GET our SOCK A MEUlSH <=WeET IM TH)S QO\ET UU ~^H6M V KVJCUJ \ VMOZ. OREMMU* <SO V WOKE UP ? CWK^C) You Said It, Felix J can tit uwk oc t I VMAT 16 "TvMS - A SUNCVA OC I UGNPTlAN UlEfcOGLNPUlCfe ? MO, PBESUlL.tT 15MT - IT -5AV6 [To LEAVt AN EXlt?A <^UAGT OC MILK ' i $m!? Type write- tPis w/h-lya - NO WONDER ME LEPT A D02EN ESOS" DONT BLXME "tPE. MILKMAN ? WE. can't ALWAYS <S-UESS BisuT V", Cro" ?dj" frin"d HAI^ONIES genuine pa^( AVE your interior walls tinted Hi..-, the exact color. Exercise your own good taste in just the color tones to bring out the best features of every room. There is only one sure way. Instead ofKalsomine. or Wall Paper ^ Literature. "What lias become of the dialen story ?" "Nowadays they tell it In slai.g." Baby Ceased to Fret After He Had Teethina "When my baby began to cut his teeth he was so fretful and feverish I couldn't do a thing with him. It took all my time to nurse him and I couldn't look after my housework," writes Mrs. Annie Reeves, Route 31, Roswell, Ga., "but as soon as I began giving him Teethina he stopped fret ' ting and has given me little trouble since." Teethina is far superior to sooth ing syrups and similar preparations for quieting a fretful child. It con tains no opiates and is therefore per fectly harmless. Weak, sickly chil dren thrive on it. and doctors recom mend it. Teethina can be had at any drug store or send '30c to the Moffett Lab oratories, Columbus, Ga., and receive a large package and a free copy, of Moffett's Illustrated Baby Book. ? (Ad vertisement.) Her Easter Eye Open. "Your wife is a dose observer, isn't j she?" "If you spell it c-l-o-t-h-e-s." GENIUS OF THE SIGN BOA After AH, What Is the Small of an Apostrophe ' 3etv/;er Friends"? Some years ago I w it i;,,j a painting genius while h.> artistries on a master^. <, : ?j ^ and Gent's Restaurant. '? "Pardon my inquisitiwmss.- Saj "but why do you put th?? before the s?" "The which before ?!i<- v v; questioned courteously. "The little curly-taile?i :n.,rk . that e and that t. Son,,. ,;l|| j. apostrophe." ? "Posserphe, is it? Well. yming ler, I seen and I make .liu^ hundred times, and I never knew i it had a name. Posserph**: That good one; I'll have to spring it o gang. Some painters always join after the s, but I always put it !?.-? the s. because I think thut it I. more artistic there. Or li^rwise, don't make no difference where pift It." ? I)e Laval Monthly. Music and Food. "They didn't pay much attentioi my speech at the banquet ?iv?ti in honor." "No," replied Senator Sorgli "But they liked the food and music was fine." "Did they play 'Hail to the Hii* "Maybe. But it soun<l?>?i r<> me a like 'Hail to the Chef.' " This is the time when you must positively use care in selecting foods? when you must use care in selecting articles of food, to be sure that you get the real food values that help build up good health. You must have the vital elements in foods if you want to keep well. These vital elements cause the food you eat to assimi late ? it means health and growth in children ? also in grown-ups. It means replacement of worn dut tissue, the building of lost bodily vigor. In fact, it is absolutely neces sary to life itself. Many food authorities agree that pure baking powder and good plain flour are much better for food value and health than many self-rising flours. For the best of health? for the most economical results ? r%se only. /plain flour and gooes baking powder. YOU, AS A GOOD HOUSEWIFE know that the time to add anything to flour is just before v?u begin your baking, not months before ana you also know that no prepared mixtures such as the self-rising flour can be as fresh ? can be as certain in results ? as the good old fashioned straight flour and pure baking powder. For best results use?/ Calumet Baking Powder and a good plain flour.

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