POLK COUNTY NEWS C. BUSH, Publisher H. M: FRASER, Editor Phone 99, ' Published every Thursday at Tryon, North CzroSina Entered as second-class matter April 28 1915 at the p:>st office at Tryon, North Carolina under act of March 3, 1879. ? - ? ? ? - f ? ? . A- 'v". ' ism ^ Hfc-r-rciitative I XT . AN panss ASSOCIATION ; SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 PER YEAR TRYON IS YOUR TOWN Make me what you will? I shall reflect you as clearly as a mirror throws back a candle beam. _ If I am pleasing to the eye ot the stranger within my gates; if I am such a sight as, having seen me, he will remember me all his days as a thing of beautv, the credit is yours. # . Ambition and opportunity call some of my sons and daughters to high tasks and mighty j privileges, tb, my greater honor and to my good repute in far places, but it is not chiefly these who are my strength. My strength is in those who remain, wno are con tent with what I can offer them and with what they can offer me. It was the greatest of all Romans who said: ''Better be first in a little Iberian village than be second in Rome." I am more than wood, brick and stone, more even than flesh and blood ? I am the composite soil of all who call me Home. I am your town. ? Selected. o Clergy of Seven Counties to Meet Tnmsters of seven counties of North Carolina will meet the last of this month for a two days Conference in Henderson ville. The meeting will con vene Thursday morning, May Si, at 1 :30 o'clock at the Fruit land Institute. The counties to be represented are Madison, Buncombe, Trransylvania, Hen derson, Polk, Rutherforton and - McDowell. Following is a tentative pro gram : ? Progrgam Thursday, May 31st 10:30 A. M. ? Devotional ? Dr. E. E. Bomar, Pastor First Church, Hendersonville. 11:00 A. M. ? Welcome Address ? N. A. Melton, Moderator of Carolina Association and Principal of Fruitland Insti tute. Response to Welcome ? Rev. J. R. Owen, Pastor Mars Hill College. 11:30 A. M. ? Enrollment and introduction of brethren. 12:00 M. ? Fellowship and dinner period. 2:00 P. M.? DevotionalRev. J. B. Grice. Pastor Calvalry Church, West Astyeville. 2:15 P. M. ? The pastor leading his church ? (a) In community survey. (b) In every member can vass. (c)In organizing his forces. 8~: 30 P. M. ? Stereopticon views of our mission fields, follow ed by an address on "Our World Task," by Rev. J. T. Bowden, Pastor . First Church, Marion. (c) In his pulpit. Friday* June 1st 9:00 A. M. ? Devotional ? Dil lard, Union Mills. 9:15 A. M. ? The Pastor ? (a) In his study. (b) In the homes of his -peo- 1 pie. (d) In cooperative work. 10:45 A. M. ? Intermission. 11 :00 A. M. ? Address on Evan gelism? Dr. R. J. Bateman, First Church, Asheville. 12:00 M. ? Fellowship and dinner period. 1 :30 P. M. ? The Pastor's Dif ficulties and How to Meet Them. Arrangements have been made with Fruitland to use a dormitory for the night and for i the meals. A charge of $1.00 will be made for bed and four meals. In order that provision may be made for every one, those planning to attend should notify Prof. N. A. Melton, I Fruitland Institute, Henderson ville, N. C. This is to be a great meet ing. Everybody come and en joy the fellowship. o Long in Uce. Tin Is found In the East Indies, Ho livia and Cornwall; In casslterlte or tin-stone, a compound of tin and oxy- j Tin was known to the ancients, ?t has been found in Egyptian ttmbn. County-Wide Mill Spring I Seems as if the rain is pre venting the farmers from get ting along with their work. ? Another ice cream supper was held Saturday afternoon in the grove the proceeds will go to repair the Baptist Church. A new piano has been pur chased for the Baptist Church It will be brought to the church Monday May 14th. Born to Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ruff Friday, May the 4th, a baby girl, also a baby girl to John S. Smith Saturday, May 5th. , . Miss Leona Lynch was the dinner guest of Miss Lona Bell Smith Sunday. Miss Mary Bishop, Mrs. Rufus Collins and Mr. Author Blanton are on the sick list week. We hope they will soon recover. * Memorial services will be held at the Baptist church next Sunday, May 20th.^ Din- j ner on the grounds. The new school building is i being delayed on account of j brick. Miss Dorothy Lynch and Miss j Sallie Walker were the dinner j guests of the Misses Francis! and Grace Constant Sunday. Mr. Albert Lynch has recent ly finished a new store build- ; ing and has opened up' a new j stock of goods. Mrs James Hadden of Ashe villo has been visiting her fath er and mother, Mr. and Mrs. vi ray son Arlectge and sister Mrs. Avery Elliott. She is j expecting to leave socn for j Ohio. Rev. H. C. Freeman filled his regular appointment at the M. E. Church Sunday May 13th. He preached a very good in teresting sermon. Mrs. Hernv Wilson is visit inn: her mother at Inman, S. C. Tryon Route 1. Fishing seems to be the chief I sport this week. Mrs. Catherine Sitten and i Master Rual Hunt are spend- 1 ing a while with Miss Sallie and Mr. John Carpenter. Mr. Joe Carpenter has re turned to his home in Tenn. Mrs. W. C. Heague received j the sad news of the death of j her mother, Mrs. Rufus Wal .Irop of Inman, S. C. The Misses Ruppe and | brothers were ^siting rela- ! fives Sunday. Lynn. The Tryon Hosiery Manu- j fact u ring Company making things look brighter as the pro cess of cleaning up and repair ing goes on, after a shutdown of many month^. They have moved their office here from Tryon. The plant has been running nearly at full capacity News Notes since starting up this Spring. Clayton Constant has recent ly accepted a position with the North Carolina State Highway in Rutherfordton County _ and returns to Lynn over the week ends. W. F. Swann, United Stp^ Deputy Marshall spent a 'XK days recently with his fam!^ Mr. Mally Thompson and family moved back to Lynn from Tryon and are now living in the Thompson homestead. Miss Kate Martin and Miss Miss Grace Moss of Grove, N. C., have recently joined the Hosiery Company force. R. H. Metcalf is visiting his brother, J. H. Metcalf of Lock hart, S. C. o COLUMBUS Mr. F. M. Burgess left for Raleigh last Sunday. He will be away for several days. Mr. Tom Green has sold his houSe and lot in Columbus to W. A. Bridges. The Columbus Board of Trade held its regular meeting on Thursday evening May 22nd, ? n the High School Building. C. I). Elliott spent the week jnd with his family in Colum buu. ' The children of Mr. and Mrs. Otis L. Wilson gave the latter i surprise birthday _ party on Sunday. J. YV. Cash, who has been en gaged in t'he mercantile busi ness here in the old Lambright uore building has removed his itock of goods to Forest City and will operate a store there. Mrs. W. C. Hague of Mill Spring was a visitor in Colum ns Saturday. The Polk County Bank and Trust Company have negotiat 3d a deal where-by a Brick Garage Building will be erected jh their lot at the corner of ^eake and Mills Street. \ The estimated cost of the building will be $3,000.00. When this ouilding is completed, a total of approximately $20,000.00 ' will have been expended in per manent improvements on this block in the past 2 1-2 years. The Columbus Mercantile Company is erecting a bunga low type of dwelling on Peake Street for Prof. J. W. Mcintosh at a cost of $3,500.00. Work is progressing rapidly and Prof. Mclnlrsh expects to be domicil ii in the new building within sixty days. i Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Blanton of Shelby and Mrs. J. B. Blan ton of Mooresboro, N. C., were week end visitors in Columbus at the home of Mr. Fred W. Blanton. Mr. I ?ee of the state depart ment of agriculturer has rented E. B. Clouds residence on Walker Street, and expects to move in next week. Mr. Lee wiil conduct a survey of the ?JifFererit; types of soil iin Polk County. Mrs. Otis L. Wilson left for to The Popular Price t? Fay I You want them good. Styleplus arc good clothes every way. You want them stylish. We'll say you have never seen more style for the money. You prefer to pay a reasonable price. We want to sell more suits at a moderate profit. Styleplus is the answer for both of us. Styleplus. are guaranteed? by the maker and by us? you should worry. Styleplus wear well and give complete satisfaction. We have a fine selec tion for men and young men; if Tryon, M. C. SSM! she will spend some time visit ing her daughter Mrs. Arthur Cantrell. Mr. P. 0. Lewis of St Peters burg, Fla. was a business vis itor in Columbus Tuesday. Mr. W. W. Byrd of Spartan burg, S. C., was in Columbus Tuesday. Spartanburg Monday where COLVMBUS BAPTIST CHURCH Preaching Every 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sundays at 11 o'clock. Every ^Sunday night. S. A. STROUP, Pastor. o - VALHALLA The Asheville Citizen of Sun clay last rather overdid itself in exploiting three of our neigh bors ? Mr. Dwight Smith as teacher of oratory in the new University: Mr. Chas. Colin Mackey, teacher of ' piano in the same institution and Mr. J. C. Bushnell as a 32nd degree Mason. The first two, of course, hailed from New York. Mrs. J. C. Bushnell is stop ping in Saluda for a while. Rev. B. L. Blackwell, has rent ed "Bonnie Brae' Cottage and "Rose Cottage" for the sum* j mer will move in next j month. Mr. Blackwell is head of the Has toe High School for Girls in Spartanburg and Mrs. Blackwell was the directress of the children's chorus at the Spartanburg Festival. Mr. Patterson of Spartanburg has rented Rev. J. F. Black'fc small cottage for the sum mer months. - i Mr. E. H. Tomlinson has been ! sojourning here this past i week. Mr and Mrs. R. J. Cheney re turned recently to their sum mer home in upper Vermont near the Canadian border after i spending the winter and Spring] here. Mr. J. Wallace Mackay ? j known on the stage as "The ! Jolly Jester" ? spent the week | end with his sister-in-law, Mrs. j W. P. Mackay. Miss Nellie Johnston leaves ' this week for her home in De- j troit after her usual month's ; visit here. -o In a communication received j from Division Passenger Agent Wood, in Asheyille, he makes j the statement that the Shrin- | ersare rather dilatory in secur- j ing their accommodations to Washington in special Pullman cars leaving Asheville on June 4th, which^ cars are to be used for sleeping purposes while in Washington. The advertisement that ap peared in this paper last week quoted a lower berth rate of j $15.00, good for one or two peo- j pie, an upper berth rate of $12.- j 00, good for one person, and drawing room rate of $45.00, : good for at least four persons. The demand for Pullman cars all over the country ts heavier than can be met by the railroads, special trains coming from all points in the United States to Washington. Mi\ Wood feels that the Shrin ers who expect to take advan tage of these sleeping car ar rangements should send thei* checks without further dek in order that there may be : no failure on the part of V railway to provide such accoi modations as are desired, b. it is feared that many 1-' comers are going to be d' pointed for, as stated in the be ginning of this article, the sup ply of Pullman sleeping cars is extremely limited. AH requests for reservations should be accompanied by money order or check and for warded at once to Mr. J. H. Wood, Division Passenger Agent, Asheville. As I I U 3c d t.o ->r. ij Hencll?:?i* : '('op Arrest-;! ??d for Ta!;!;.g Ivrihe." W<; are remind-;' ed of the oid Joke about policemen having a snap because the public t pays tltem for protection from vice,;: ?nd vice pays them for protection from the public. ? Boston Evening Transcript. Faithless Husbandi Evade Law. Wife deserters in Nottingham, Erfg Inud. cannot be ^arrested on Sunday, according to the statutes. As a con sequence fx) per cent of the warrants taken out against wife deserters arc r.o? served, though a reward Is placed on the head of each man. The faith icy.: husbands leave the city 0:1 Mon :!;i.v monr,;.g and do not return again (Jin i l S'jnduy. ^Minwu F0 LITTLE NOTARY PUBLIC Tryon, N. C. Build up your credit and strength, en Financial Standing, By? 1st. Forming a banking connection with this L-nv. * ' K , 2d. Meeting all your obligations promptly. 3d. Forming the thrift habit, and setting aside a part of your weekly income as a ?uard against future needs. THE BANK OF TRYON Polk County's Oldest and Strongest Bank. Eugene Bro*,'n!ee Waverly M. Hester Tryon Real Estate Agency We have opened this business with office at the Hu ?;K of Tryon, and are prepared to take charge of your pre., erty while away; also to make rentals and sales. We Will Be Glad to Have Your Property With Us . ? ? m i linn i M. G. BLAKE JULIAN CALHCUN Real Estate and Rents Office Over Drug Store Blake & Calhoun i Holmes-Calhoun Seed Co. Spartanburg, >S. C. Dealers in highest quality GARDEN SEED, Poul try Accessories, Buckeye Incubators and Brooders. Mail us your orders. A post card will bring' a catalog to your door free of charge. Better .Seeds ? Better Crops The Saving of Water Is a Great Necessity! How is your plumbing? Let us figure on your work. SCUftCS' MINGUS JUSTICE. For Sale! ? \ A. B. Chase Upright Piano Mahogany Case instrument, ittl used. Mrs. Grant C. Miller, Tryon, N. C Very jiahquiSE Shoe Styles are Always Shown Here First. It is natural to assume that will come here first to see th-* new sh ?o styles. Everyone <i< ? ; Intimate coata.t wilh the s.y ?*' center.-; rind rapid -action in curing the best modes places ii<'s business on a par with the ? ; New Yo.*k shops. Lartfe buyi'K factories, too, make for rapic moverne.it o"f stocks, Summer's chosen color an ex quisite gray seude with gray ki'l trim, turn sole and new Spanish heel. Beautiful Hosiery to Match? Watch our Windows Prompt'Mail Order Service '."ii. iSl: W...

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