is jr " - r r > *, '?if '????'ij . y .. * ?!?! /XovavvAjA''? * ?< < ' *>/,'>' '-"i? M ,% *> .. ^Vfy4kK-W..tS ..< v ? ??: ?? : :???? ^ ? * MS l ??'??: ??'?'? ???? Kit ji % < ' v ' % W$s i , 0? *fi . SSgfe&i ?W jM jHOWJlfjafW YORK m :.*?? .V/V J.\ 0^y ma > ;-V, 1 k\ ? '** '**> "i.. ?; * II xi#. ^ crnTPaiyJ el* cr^iZAttaiT JL. tzasztj &Q&4.J a r+r. JJ WcJfvVLJr WORLD-WIDE ALTRUISTIC WORK DJ the BUREAU "f COMMERCIAL ECDNDM1E5 j&fTlX ftWM &URJTAJ/ G per cent." Mr. Holley evidently has a sincere admiration for t lie talents and activities of the bureau's dean, Miss Boggs. It transpired in our conversation that she has means and accepts no salary. It was ap parent that he took solid comfort in the fact thai! she had fifty years of life ahead of her in which to carry on the work of the bureau. Asked for details about the young woman, he said, "Look her up in 'Who's Who'; she has more activities than I can keep track of." * Anita Uarda Jlarts Boggs, according to "Who's Who," is indeed a young woman of activities. She was born in Philadelphia in 1888. She is A. B. (Bryn Mawr, 1010) and A. M. (University of Penn sylvania, 1011). She was a founder in 1013 of the bureau and was a special collaborator with the United States Bureau of Education 1915-19. She is the educational representative in the United States of Canada, Australia, Argentine, France, Great Britain, Japan and Bolivia. She is associ ate director of the department of public service of the Motion Picture Theater Owners of America. She is councilor for the American Ihdians; Fellow of the American Geographical society; member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. And finally she is the editor of Vision, a quarterly. The transportation of the bureau's films to the ends of the earth and the showing of the pictures would make a story in themselves. The films go every Imaginable way from pack train to bullock cart, from dog sled to motor truck ? incidentally the artist has taken liberty with the truck photo graph and has put on the screen the picture of a crow that will be shown at the evening perform ance. On the Yenisei river in Mongolia the sail of a vessel serves as a screen. In Siberia a screen is stretched between telegraph poles. - Some way op other the films go everywhere; some way or other they are shown wherever they go. / / \ i . ? J A ? j .. IMPROVED uniform international Sunday School ? Lesson 1 _ P U F1TZWATEH. d. p.. ^By RE ? ? RShip in the Moody -Teacher of English Bible in uie Bible Institute of Chicago.) Tin ion. m?. w..?rn N.w,p.P*r onion. LESSON FOR JUNE 3 JEREMIAH,' THE PROPHET OF COURAGE ' T pqsON TEXT-Jeremiah 35:1-18. rm den TEXT? Watch ye, stand fast ta^he Mtt quit you like men. be stronS. ?^^R^TokT-sr-^o Honor TJUNWRheTOPIC-The Story of the B&hTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC -Jeremiah, the CoUrage^ufn\^ toPIC young people AND adult topic ?Jeremiah s Service^. Hie Nation. Teremlah was one of the last proph ets of Judah. He saw, the nation go into the Babylonian Captivity and Je rusalem destroyed, after which he went into E?I>t. ' Ifc was a lonely misunderstood and unpopular P>"l"e' He was most bitterly hated and p 5 i cine to every Womnn v. ; , V" ;J ^ pH* ic^ iC t.H you may use my letter , else. Iam passing t hr-i . - ? y} of Life now and I : OAvfS Compound in the hou. when I feel the n< > Alice D. Davis, 2'j"j Jamestown, N. Y, Often some slight <] cause a general up^t whole system, inoieat toms as nervousness, ambition and general v Lydia E. Pinkham's V ? * triiief pound will be found a s; rr!-l! for such troubles. In r - 'asesft removed the cause c th- trouble, 'Pf-'hli 0f| ? :v ? -ch St* act MAN'S BEST AGE A man is as old as his organs; j can be as vigorous and healthy; 70 as at 35 if he aids his performing their functions. Keq your vital organs healthy LATHROP'S The world's standard remedy for k4q liver, bladder and uric acid tro^j since 1696; corrects disorders; st:.~_rj vital organs. All druggists, three aa Look for the name Gold Meda! ontiq box and accept no imitation Shaw Ccrrec: "Until the Aiii<':\?-:.r.< word 'stunt,''' \vrif?*? article on \\ . . hardly he said tr performim have adapted it from "stunde." N, 'j minute. Dr. Scholl'i Z:no-padi w..i M they remove the cause ? heal the irritation. Thui y< u av J jo.'eoj from cutting your corr.s ^#*s iht^ Ing p a, r ox ysjr 5 . 55 yearn ai.j;V exterminator . Cockroaches and ? ftl ? , Don't waste time trying ' v with powders, liquids or a. ) J preparations. 4klfln^* Ready for Use-Better ^ %<*. box, 85c ' .fflg SOLD EVERYWHtB