Get your stock and poultry in conditon for the fair Hay, Cotton Seed fiV3eai, Hulls, Oats, Shorts, and all kinds of Feed. Phone or mail your needs to the Farmers Supply Co Land rum, S. C. W. M. LAMBR1GHT E- L- BROOME COLUMBUS Mr. J. P. A rledge of Hender sonville was a business visitor in Columbus en Saturday of last week. Misses Marie Burgess and Vada McMurry have returned Wo their homes % inv Columbus after spending the winter teaehing in the Saluda Sem inary. Mr. J. Austin Newman of Washington, D. C., who is em ployed in the U? S. Railwoy Mail service is at home to spend his vacation. Mr. New man expects to return to \\ ash ington about June th. Mr. J. W. Arledge of Lan drum, S. C., was in Columbus on Saturday of last week. The many friends of Sheriff G. L. Thompson are glad to hear the report that his, con dition is much improved, and that he expects to be able to resume his duties in a ? short time. The last meeting of the Parent-T eac her Association was held in the School building Friday evening. May 25th with an unusually large ^attendance.' Mr. Cobb gave a very interest ing talk on "Country Schools". This was followed by several musical selections on the Edison. Then Mr. Mcintosh gave a very beneficial talk on /'Our Library open every Fri day afternoon during the sum mer months from one to five o'clock. A committee was also appointed to care for t^ie camp us and keel' the grass mowed 'during the summer. After the appointment of different com mittees to serve during the next year the Association ad journed to meet again the first Friday afternoon in Sept. at 3:30 o'clock. The town of Columbus has given the Melrose Power Com pany a franchise to furnish power and lights here. The transmission line from Tryon is well under way of construction, and the poles for the distribu tion of the current have al ready been delivered on the job. ,The Company expects to be in readiness to furnish power and lights to the citizens of Colum bus within the next 30 days. Mr. O. A. Myeri resident Manager of the l3kie Ridge Power Company, was in town on Tuesday of this week trans acting business for the com pany. Mr. Myer states that work is progressing rapidly on their water power develope i.aent at Turners Shoals on Green River. Mountain View It seems that the farmers are getting behind with their work on account of so much rain. Rev. J. J. Ruppe filled his regular appointment at Moun tain View last _ Saturday and Sunday and preached a very in teresting sermon on"Christ be ing Crucified". After the ser mon with the choir singing as they went and the rest of the congregation following, all marched cut into the cemetery where they paid their respects to the loved ones laid there, by decorating the graves with flowers. It was beautiful to see the cemetery so clean and the graves decorated withbeautifu flowers. The pastor had every child go to to their parents and those unaccompanied by their parents came and stood with him; after they had gathered together they sang a song, then were dismissed with prayer by Bro. N. C. Burgess. Several from Inman, S. C., at tended Memorial Services at Mountain View Saturday and Sunday. i W.v/i Messrs Jonas Biddy and J. T. Searcy of Coopers Gap were visitors at Mountain View last Sunday. Misses Lilv and Margie Arledge spent Saturday night with their sister Mrs. W. W. Burgess and attended Preach ing services at Mountain View Sunday. J. T. Searcy sang for the Mountain View people last Sun day. THE METHODIST AND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES OF TRYON. Stfnday School at '10:00 A. M., P. G. Moris, Superinten dent. Reverend Fikes preaches on 1st and 3rd Sunday mornings at 11:00 A. M., and 2nd and 3rd Sundays at 7:30 P. M. Reverend - Yaadeil preaches on the 2nd and 4th Sundays at 1 1 :00 A. M., and 1st and 3rd Sundays at 7 :30 P. M. o t -ii ? work inA .. ways meal tiiae. ilc.-al.'it FARM LOANS Secured Promptly JO HN R. BURGESS Ativ-at.Lcw Columbus, N. C. FOR SALE? Wilcox Dairy Farm, two good cottages and oarn, 20 acres, some good bot tom iand. This place will be sold at a very reasonable price and on terms to suit purchaser. JAMES LEONARD. For Sale: ? In the beautiful Pac ioet Valley, fine residence of sever, rooms, two fine fire places, large porch, cement pillars and floor. Desirable locality. James Leonard. o NOTICE North Carolina, Polk County. In ih;> Superior Court. Edyle Frisby, Plaintiff vs. Randolph Frisby, Defendant, The defendant above named will tak.- notice that an action entitled ::s nbove has been commenced in ihr superior court of Polk County iiie object of which is an follows: The Plaintiff prays for absolute divorce from the defendant, alleging a; grounds for said divorce the adultry of the defendant, and the corner, in the Northern mar gin of Laurel Avenue, and tun ning thence North 5 deg. West 49 poles to a stake in the spec ulation line; thence with said ilne South 88 degrees East '>5.2 poles to a stake, -corner ot liable Mason's upper cottage iot; thence South 33 deg^ East 17 16 poles to a stake in tne road, corner of said lot; thence North 75. 1-2 deg. East 6.06 noles to a stake at gate, Gould's corner in North mar inn of Lanier7 Street, as sur veved by William Strong; thence in the North margin ot Lanier Street, aAd 15 feet from its. South 49 deg. 53 minutes West 62 feet; thence South 43 deg. 30 ' minutes West 55 feet ; thence South 18 deg. minutes West 61 feet; thence South 32 deg. and 26 minutes West, 75 feet; thence 300 South 24 deg. 18 minutes West 44 feet; thence 59 deg. 1^ minutes* West 29 feet ; thence South 0 deg. 09 minutes West 65 feet to the junction of said Lanier Street with said Laurel Avenue; thence in the North margin of Laurel Ayenue North 43 deg. 40 minutes West 158 1-2 feet to the place of be ginning, containing- 6 acres, morer or less . Also including all water privileges, water system, rights of way and easements described in deec from Charles E. Erskme and wife to Joseph Hellen and be ing' the same land described m a deed dated June 5, 1906, to Frank Hellen by Joseph F. Hellen and wife, duly recorded in Book 21, page 588, in office of Register of Deeds for Polk County, N. C. This 14th day of May, 1923. JOSEPH F. FORD, Trustee. o ? : Notice of Commissionerrs Sale Pursuant to and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court in Polk County in the case of A. J. Cowan vs. Annie C. Thorne and husband, L. D. Thorne, the undersigned com missioner will offer for sale at the Court Houses door in. Co lumbus at 1 o'clock Wednes-' day, the 3rd., day of Special Civil term of the ? Superior Court of Polk County, ? June 20th. 1923, to the highest bidder for cash the following described tract of land: Beginning at stake in road South of Packing house and running with ridge road N. 38 E. 28 ch. to stake i thence N. 4 deg. 30 minutes E. 15 ch. to a stake; thence 3 ch.; thence N. 25 p. 6 ch.; thence N. 45 E. 13 ch. to stake at intersection of road running by rersidence; thence with said road by resi dence S. 85 W. 6 ch. and S. 68 E. 4 ch. to stake; thence N 6 W. 19.2 ch. to stake; thence N; 30 E. 7 chains N. 47 W. 5 ch. veyor, Aug. 1920 sub-rljv,.,! , N. 72 W. 3 ch. thence S. 70 Wt U. S. Realty Auction c0 Jh,?r 21 ch. to stake; thence S. W. ;to be registered.) ThjJ ? with road by wine celler 12 known as No. 14 on x:ti(| ! chains to stake; thence N. 82 and being the same bun-h- ! E.16 ch. to stake; thence S.I this day of party of 65 W. 100 ch. to stake; thence j part, mortgagee. /'n(! S. 70 E. 57 to stone; thence S. described in Morta^ 70 E. 55 ch. to stake in ridge Annie C. Thorne to \ 0rf road; thence with said road N. Cowan dated January i 22 E. 14 eh. to the Beginning, 1921, and of record in containing 38 1;5 acres morel page 234 of the rccor.'h / or less. For further descrip- j deeds for Polk County. tion references is made to plat; A. Y. ARLKbfjjv made by S. B. Edwarrds, sur- i ComrmV OCTAGONAL STRIP SHINGLES Distinctive Roofs ? Artistic 2 -color designs in the finished roof! the big feature of the new Barrett Eve;' ?Octagonal Strip Shingles. / These shingles are octagonal in form and surface: with mineral in rich fadeless shades of red, green o blue-black. Merely by interchanging strips of the colored shingles, many distinctive patterns are obtained. You must see these shingles to appreciate their beauty. Come in and let us show, them to you. They're inexpensive too ? and the Barrett bbd insures highest quality. J. T. Green Lumber Co. Tryosi, M. HJLJU.V.'! Southern Railway System Special Notice to Shriners On account of the Imperiai Council, Ancien Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, to i'C be held in 1 Washington, D. C. June 5th, 6th, and 7th, 1323. The Southern Railway System will sell to mem bers of their families, upon presentation and sur render o/ identification certificates of the required form, Round-Trip Tickets, at the rate of one ana one-naif fare for the round-trip. Tickets will be on sale June 1st to Oth, in clusive, and have final limit expiring June 30. 1923. The fare from Tryon will be ... $28.00 The fare from Tuxedo will be 27.25 The fare from Saluda will be 27.55 Round-trip Pullman fare from Asheville Lower Berth, $15*00 Upper Berth, : 12.00 Drawing P/v"nn, 45.00 Special Tram Going: Leave Asheville, 5:00 P. M.(E. Time) June ?!:!>? Arrive Shrine Park (Alexandria) 1:30 P. -,! ( E. Time) June 5th. Returning: Leave Shrine Park (Alexandria) 1:30 A. M. Time) June 8th. Arrive Asheville, 5:00 P. M. (E. Time) June (Note ? Special ears and special trains will not into the Terminal Station, Washington. I! but will be 1 aken direct to . Shrine I 'ar?:- I? Alexandria, Va.) . \ . A limited number of Pullman cars have been assigned to Asheville and App'.cations for must be accompanied by check, or money order, as no reservations will be made. The Pullman rates- quoted above cover your trip from the time you leave Asheville until your re turn to that point, including sleeping and livin? privileges while at Shrine Park, Alexandria, Va. At Shrine Park feeding arrangements of hij-'n 'class, baths and all comforts of home will 1,0 found. . ' Buy your Pullman accommodations promptly. J. H. WOOD, / " * Division Passenger Agent 42 Haywood St. Asheville, N. C.