If***! LOANS i- ?iiJ'.u'&t Promptly ?' \ C* ?-.. ' .?' ~ruth 0 deg. 09 minutes - - J 65 feet to the function of ; said, Lanier Street with mli Law*!' Avenue; thence in the North margin of. .Laurel Aver" ^orth 43^ degMO minutes W< ,58 1-2 feet, to the place ginning, contawnijur '* 6 morer or less .? Also in all - water ^privileges, stem, rights r of way easements describe(L? jit rr-jm * Charles E. J?Kiif wife to Joseph JHeiJSi an ing the same .^knd describ a deed dated June 5, 1906,. to Frank Hellen by-^,osepfe^F.; Hellen* aiid wife, dufeytffiWfed; in Book 21, page 5887 i& office of Register of Deeds forlPWk County, N. C7 This 14th day at May, 1923. JOSEPH F. FORD, /Trustee. ? * #1' NOTICE OF SALE. Whereas ^default has be^n made in payfhent of the in debtedness secured by ^tha%j certain deed of trust executed by M. C. K. McCraw and Curtis McCraw to the pndersighed, dated June 24, 1921, and of rec ord in the office of the Register; * Deeds for Polk county, I will fore on the - day $oi. e, 1923, at J2^p!C;l^JcSf nooj? uie court house door in tfye wn of Columbus, County - bf i oik and State of North.,. Caro lina, offer for : sale to\;lhe4ugti , est bidder for cash- all the fql j lowing described tract :.&f land to- wit: Lying and being "in j Cooper Gap tqwnship, .^pmityr] of Polk and Stdte of -North Car olina, described as follows: Be^ ing a part of patent No. 1024 on the waters of Laurel Creek and adjoining the lands of R. C. Jackson et .jgL',: Beginning on two ashes bnthe west side of Laurel Creek, J. A. McCr$w&*| corner and runs thence with Jtfs line south 74 deg. -west 60 p3les to a chestnut .oak, his corner; thence west 40 pol^s to a sour wood, his corner; thence . -wjjjjbj his line south 10 deg. west ft I poles to a Sanish ? oak, R. " C. Jackson's corner ; thence with Jacksoris line a? .follows : itaith 56 east 56 poles to. the fdrtTof, branch ; thence down the mean ders of branch south 40 east: 16 poles Spu ibr.? ? poles; south 58 east 20 poles to the mouth of the branch, R. C. Jackstin's corner; thence up Laurel Creek with its meanders to the beginning" ' ' This the 21st day of May llfe3.? 7 J. FOY JUSTICE, Trustee. Notice of Commissioner!* Sal$ Pursuant to arid '-fly virtue ^af a decree of :the .Superior Court in Polk County in .the case ?: of A. J. Cowan vs. Annie C. Thorne and husband, L. DU Thorne, the undersigned com-, missioner will offer for sale at the Court House door in Co lumbus at 1 o'clock Wednes* day, the 3rd. day * of Special Civil term of the Superior Court of Polk -County, June 20th. 1923, to .the highest bidder for cash thQ follows?* described tract of land: Beginning at stake 'in South of Packing house "-MA running with ridge road N?;S8 E. 28 ch. to stake; thence* *N. 4 deg. 30 minutes E. 15 eft. to a stake; thence .3 ch.; thence N. 25 E. 6 ch.;. thence N. 13 ch. to stake at, intersection of road running by rersidence ; thence with said road by reSI^ dence S. 85 W. 6 ch.'and S. 68 E. 4 ch. to stake; thence N 6 W. 19.2 ch. to stake; thence N. 30 E. 7 chains N. 47 W. 5 .ch. N. 72 W. 3 ch. thence S. 70 W. 21 ch. to stake'; thence S. * W! with road by wine celler chains to stake ; tAtence N.*"82 E. 1G ch? to stake? f"thence*JS. 65 W. 1QQ chP. to. stake ; theg?$ S. 70 E. 57 to stone; thence. Sk 70 E. 55 ch, t?> stak;e-in jroge road ; . thence wffch sfcid road N. 22 E. 14 ch. to the beginning, containing 38 1-5 acres more or less,. For fnfthi^ descrip tion reference^ , is unade to plat made by S. B.rtage from Annie C. Thome .to A. .. Jfc Cowan dated ^Jainjdry 1st 1921, and of ipecord in^Book 17 page 234 of 5the ^seords . deeds for Pqjk County. A. 'Y. -ARWSDGB^ . ?' ' Commissioiielr 6?^.. 2 av if'-vt or y. .iin? C '? i "w hbov.'s" \ tf * fa diam. T' ? 1 ? __ lasts unt&*nuis4%hat following morn ??* Tire Indians form a circle. joining azM^itiove by abort side In M ring, humming a sort of chant without words or- meaning. . The girl* accompanied by an eU|er ' ai' t 'ibtl of chaperon, and carrying a long staff to aupport bar becauae of the weakness Induced by her long fast, weaves In and out of the dfcnec joining in tho step. ? ;^&*?he na&rpsoctoda lata into the aright, the girl1! family giro money and other possessions to the dancers to kssp then moving and to Induce oth Oft to ioin 'in. ? lie greater the num ^erof dancers the greater the popu larity ; df the iamlly. Shortly after .'ftldnight a feast la given by the girl's relative?, and all participate. ? , ?The ceremony doses at anurias when '? tlhe^glrl fa taken to *hur tepee and a t tired in bunches of sagehruah In wfcloh money Is conceded. She ap pears before the assembled dancers outside and throws the money to them amid a wild acramble. A can of water Is then Washed} sn*? fcer head* as the concluding ceremony, after which die ^SiVead^ta reoetve a proposal of ii ? f taaaaa^msiM^eBBM U Ffo t Btbjr to Be Mftf ^ '' 1 ' I . Little Winifred OokCf nnd her moth Lfr^, lift. f? of Attentat <*a. Winifred is the tat baby tp be chris tened by radio andptto ceremonies took place orer WSB, an Atlanta bro&dcMtlng station. Pafi Creditdrt After 20 Yean Bothi Bade Hrbora at an* wonsfrfc <9*0,14 bnslneje man met Tuesday night for what prob ably was the most peculiar feast ?ver attended by any of . thorn. It was ar ^ ranged with mystery concealing thej identity of the hoot, bat each gnsst nwu a creditor? whom bo repaid after ^tO yean of efforts to "come back." The presentation of cheeks for the ' principal with interest for two decades recalled to each of the guests the '?&&E?%St?3S la buslnsss hi IMS an* loft for the ^aSriiMtedi'hir the toestmaster, who bed arrange*: the dinner at Ws tele graphed lefcaej*,' the hoot explained that W had'sMfcOftM aft ,4 produce. ;??** *:&oset*rg, Oia. :~ : / UULtf^ his itrajqpa. $o -'regain a * footing and flM*n>d creditor for ahnUbtjr 3 n- '* v . * ?' 1 .t ir^PM'imdnWsMri toil Risk* ? ited Strfen fcaili i*??> \ Mtnrt m. Hod Co and BqmU. Only S.1S0 paid their own transportation. How Jo^fc? Married men aTe^i bet tor riiklhea bachelors, says the presi dent of a New York bonding oompaay. ^jrwarsar s Ml Mor? th*n 8,700 ' ' -oyijpf i? Set in Accident W-.', ;? ? fjft ? runaway neridoat dislocated .at. ^ * years ?*< NOTICE. The Board of Education of Pplk County, N. C., will, on the 19th. day of June in the town of Tryon, N. C. at two o'clock P. M. consider plans and spec ifications from architect? and contractors for a ten room school building in Greens Creek Township, and an ad dition of eight rooms to the Saluda School Buildihg. Equal consideration will be given to each and every person or firm who ' presents himself. This 4th day of June, 1928. E5. W. S. Ctibb, Clerk to Board of Education. 0 NOTICE The Ballenger-Morris Motor Company have sold their Auto mobile business to the Kilpin Motor Company, effective June 1, 1933. Accounts payable to the Bal lenger-Morris Motor Company were not sold to the Kilpin Motor Company and are pay able to P. G* Morris, Treasurer of the Ballenger-Morris Motor Company. Those having claims against the Ballenger-Morris Motor Company will present same, at once. . . . Those owing accounts to the Ballenger-Morris Motor Com pany will please make settle ment immediately as it is nec cessary to collect all accounts in order that we may wind up 6ur' affairs. Ballenger-Morris Motor Co. o The Bible. ^ Men (hat no longer hold the Bible la esteem?' "which," ur Macaulfcf so trnly said. "If everything else In ear language should perish, would alone suffice to show the whole extent of Its beauty and power" ? do not wlah to stand on resplendent mountain peaks, but are content to be In the ralley without the companionship of light.? Joseph S. Auerhach. Brokere Partial to PeeJee. Among the way evpoaees im *nb street brokers bsre to face every year is the item of flowers #ith which they brlfhtcn ill adora their offices. Stua mer and winter, aprlaf ttl tell, hip bnnchee < if upeMlre posies ill kepi oa hand la anaay o? the reef UUigfi > Lowly ?ff*rt The world au>Tos aloa# aot Merely by the *ifa*t!c~ shores of Ha hers worker^ but by the acirofate ttay poshes of erery honest worker what orer. All aioa may gtra some ttey pash or other, and feel that they are 4atav sssiathlaf for ? hf?l-4ali Richard Green. party Contrd. Whatever party is in coutr^ J ttglsl&tlve body exercises that w Mfactlte party organization J tkat the majority party hat* Itf on every legislative commlttj ?S a rale the destiny of legui^' ffits la the hands of the coq^J wfcleh they are referred. Power of StronQ Conviction All the strength and forca <# comas from his faith, in thing! % Ha who believes Is strong; ^ doabts Is weak. Strong co^ precede great actions. . . ^ 4??p, living -convictions ruli _J&mes Freeman Clarke. OCTAGONAL STRIP SHINGLES J X DkHnctive Roofs? Artistic 2 -color designs in the finished roof! That's the big feature of the new Barrett Ever Octagonal Strip Shingles. These shingles are octagonal in form and surfaced with mineral in rich fadeless shades of red, green or blue-black. Merely by interchanging strips of the colored shingles, many distinctive patterns are You must see these shingles to appreciate their beauty. Come in and let us show them to you. They're inexpensive too ? and the Barrett label ^insures highest quality. J. T. Green Lumber Co. Tryon, N. C. The Kilpin Motor Company E * Try on, N. C. 24- Hour Service In order to render an efficient ser vice to the public , we have inaugurated a 24-Hour service at our Filling Station, believing it to the interest of the public to be able to buy gasoline and oil at any time? night or day. Tire and battery service, free crank case service, free air and water at all hours. .. V ? ? 'i ?mi /i ? ? - ? v - ? . 4KB&&V ..; *$ ? i,.. . - ? *."?*?.*>. '< . - "?> %? .' >.' '??*,>,. v ? ' .v . ? . ?- - ' y-~-? k. : rfv *'? ' ?>* ? * * ^r??V7' - * . : (- ?*>? ?: -??*" ".; . * ? . " '? * . -'"^V ?$;* v> ' .-* -Ps - .{\tL * Attractive Wedding Jewelry and Gifts for the Bride ? ' % . .. ?* ? . i?V* ??? - . ' ? * ?? :? ; /* ?? - ? N This store prides itself on the quality and character of its Wedding Je*' elry. An Engagement Ring or Wedding Ring that we provide carries w|1 " - it the assurance of unsurpassed quality and value and beautythat lives (Pr" ever. " _ ' ' Our Silverwear Department l? ;mw literally crowded -? . with the very choicest, most useful articles. * Dainty patterns of fine quality Silverwear in a most unusnal and pleasing assortment . FARMER & LONG ' v,. ' - ? ' ' : V Shop here and get(the Trade Week benefit L JEWMJJRS ^ 103 West Main Street ? W ? f ^ Spartanfe&g,, S. C. \ titSr* * y u>.y -? i T ifiy it*?' 2r*% SHtiiyif^ . , raft r ii ' ? tw V*?j- >_c.y >. - -*&?' Vy- ??->?" - *T~t- ?fii4 ilrtV "1 ' in^fTiirTTr ? TgrTiniMiTrS ' - rTfri ? ""IT ?"Tir' ' fi'i l jfr ^-y- "? ? ___ ?_