Use just iurnm ME OF DRINKIIIS MIUC Impress, Century Ago, Forbade "Robbing Calves of Food." * Washington. ? A hundred years er More ago the empress of China, by Im perial edict, declared it selfish 'for hu man beings to drink cows' milk. The august old ladjr thought it deprived eaivee of their natural food. Thus without knowing it, perhaps, she cre sted a dietary regime for Chinese children from which they are only now about to be released. About a decade ago the Chinese be gan to take notice of the use of milk by missionaries and, in the vicinity of the mission stations, began usiog their own cows and water buffalo as food sources. Once started on a milk diet, the trend has been growing by leap* and bounds./ Importations of condensed milk, milk powders and the sale of ice cream in the foreign cblonles of the large cities have" turned the attention ef the Chinese to milk drinking habits sad they have now begun to study the benefits that might come to their chil tdren if the old empress had not issued the edict. America with its billions of dollars invested In dairy .cattle and products and machinery factories is looking to * Ctilna as a big outlet, and its hopes are about to be realised, according to the World's Dairy Congress association. A type of letter being received from the Far East by the association has just arrived from Ellwood Varney, an American, milk expert of the Liberty dairy at Shanghai. 'There is no better opportunity in the world, than right here In China," writes Mr. Varney in a plea for aid in getting American dairy school men to the Orient. "The kind of men wanted are the sort who are as much interest ed In the future of dairying as they are in fattening their own pocketbooks. We do not want *he self-seeker. We want the doer and the giver and he will find himself richly rewarded." Mr. Varney's chief, Mr. Tee, owner of the Liberty dairy at Shanghai, a Cornell university graduate, is going to attend the World Dairy congress In Washington in October. He is going to take back to China with him a large number of purebred dairy cattle to es tablish breeding stations similar to the horse-breeding stations established in the United States by the government. German Called "Swine" Is Told He Is Lucky Berlin. ? It Is no crime here to call a German a "swine," however touchy Hans, in other places, may feel about the epithet. A local court has just decided that the appellation is not even offensive ? in a legal t?ense. A Berlin police official recently wa? transferred to Munich. He wasn't very popular in Berlin, and the Zedtung und Mittag, in reporting the transfer declared "Henceforth Munich will havt the swine." The police official, oddly enough, , felt aggrieved. He sued both the | writer of the article and the editor of : the paper. Both insisted that the term "to have swine" meant luck. The judge ruled that no offense was Intended. There is no record that Munich considers herself in luck, but the police official Is said to feel he la out of luck. Famous Bible Bought by Radio While at Sea New York. ? Announcing that he had purchases of rare books totalling $1, 250,000, Dr. A. S. W, Rosenbach ar rived on the Olympic. One of his ac quisitions was the Gutenberg Bible, which was bought by radio while at sea. The Bible was obtained from James W. Ellsworth, New York City, who is said to have paid $14,800 for It. The new owner did not reveal his pur chase price. He brought back several collections from England, France and Italy. Great Glider Contest to Be Held in Summer Washington.^-An international glider centest will be held during the sum mer on the Pacific coast, the National Aeronautic association announced with a statement that the event probably i would be held at Oakland, Cal., be tween July 10 and Aug. IB. ' Horse Killed; Rider Unhur}. Tylertown, Miss. ? E. Q. Goff, a col ored preacher, wbs uninjured when his horse -was struck and killed by lightning here. The colored man'si watch chain was melted and his cloth ing torn from his />ody, but his watch continued running. Fined $6.49 fer Stealing Newspaf?r. ; Baltimore, <*McL ? Found guilty of , stealing a newspaper from a doo? -step, ' Eugene Rohm, a sailor, was fined $6.45 here. Divorced, Sues for Courtship Pillows Peter Schntz of Hananjtond, Ind., recently obtained a divorce from his wife, Eva, on chiirges of cruelty. A few days lat? >r he filed suit against her for po sses sion of the sofa pillows and < >ther furnitare. It was said thai t the wife kept the sofa pillow s In memory of Peter's courtship . 1 1 J ... - Much of Europe's adversity it* occa sioned by perversity. : The law concedes that a man If In nocent until proved dead brok*. If anything will keep a man oat 'of rats it is running a motorcar in them./ i '? ? Any people can govern itself after It learns to reconcile Itself to govern ment. Public opinion is Just a private opin ion that makes noise enough to attract converts. *" ? I Solution of world problems draws steadily nearer, in spite of all states men can do. A conference is a gathering where everybody expects the other fellow to make concessions, v About the only time when the aver- | age man ever gets to feel Important is when he puts on his lodge uniform. No one man can know it all ; but he can be interviewed a few times and | get the notion that he does. The swelling caused by the sting of the presidential bee is always in the head. A psychologist Is a waiter who knows you will be ashamed to pick up the silver. Civilization continues to hope that sooner or later it will be able to draw another long breath. One small boy can talk more* radio | in five minutes than his parents can absorb in five months. ? There arg a lot of wicked things a nation can do, but success seems to Justify most of them. ! Ancient patriots got their loot frofo the enemy; the moderns get It from the taxpayers at home. The bloom of youth Is charming, un less it blooms a little higher In one cheek than in the other. At times we suspect that the only difference between primitive man and civilized man is a shave. Surrendering liberties in time ef war is much like bobbing hair. The hard part Is to get them back. Hard news for husbands! A new bullet has been invented that adds 1,400 yards to a wife's range. One reason for so much domestic | discord is too many eight-hour hus bands and slxteen-hour wives. A cynic is a bird who figures out hfs opposition to a proposition solely on the basis of who supports it When the average man picks tip the newspapers he has scattered, he thinks he's a gfreat help about the house. The world isn't really growing bet ter. It JuBt seems that way because you don't hear the word "sweetie" so much. If your brain can't earn you a legitimate living, try your muscles. They were not given to us for orna ment An eye specialist says that green quiets the nerves. The long green certainly ha# a soothing effect on most of us. When one girl of a set gets mar ried, the others at least have the con solation of telling the world how #ld she is. How times change Just a few years ago there wasn't anything else quite so grand as" sliver buckles on harness. You never can tell about the styles, and a few years from now the girls may be buying freckles at the corner drug store. Western man designs a one- wheel vehicle that will go 250 miles an hour. After which, the pedestrian will be virtually extinct Russia in the last five years has Just naturally degenerated to a point where it is practically the only quiet spot left in Europe. Raleigh spread his coat for a lady to step on. The modern holds his seat In the car and spreads his feet for a lady to step on. Berlin has put a tax on gluttony in restaurants, and the first thing they know, all the Berlin gluttons will be eating at home, Just for spite. The uncovering of $15,000,000 worth of relics Jin one Egyptian tomb indi cates that archaeology has its mod ern, practical business side also. Good mi mners as our fathers under stood thee 3 may be defined as a' code of courtea y that the children of this generation know notlilng about A Lond on doctor says every man ought to ' be in bed at eight o'clock. Nonsense. Man Is too much of a tom cat for an; v such regimen as that The Rna sians need American cats to cntch a horde of mice and nutQy of our dtizet \s would give up their nightly bac k fence concerts tm help the poor B? >l?hevfk. Drinking Coffee in Bagdad. For a cent one gets a cup of coffee ta Itagflad coffee shops, and, in addi tion, a narghfle, in which Sliirza tobac co is smoked. The coffee shop is the Bourse for the natives. ' Home-Grown Orr?n blossom. At a wedding at Baildon, near Brad ford, England, the orr.n^e Mossom car ried by the bride and worn on her gown was taken from n tree reared at her home from a pip of the first orange ??ten by her aa a child. ? The Only Reason. / "I ain't got no use fo' money," said Charcoal Epli, ruminatively, "ceptin* dls hyar way. Suh, hit sure do lead de way t' co'n beef an' cabbage an' a toll o' coal." ? Richmond Tlmes-LHapatch. ' ' ; V Ancient Jewish Coinage. i The first allusion to T^wish coinage Is found in the Apocrypha In I Mac cabees, 15, where It is related that . Simon, the high priest, was granted permission' to coil* money bearing hie own stamj). ' i mwfci Many UnnecesBary Deaths. From 12 to \i years have been added to the average human life In the last half century, due to the ,pr ogress of medical science. But 600,000 persons still die in the United States anuallf fr6m preventable diseases. Napoleon's Lucky Day Napoleon regarded the sm,n,| nf f. month us his lucky day. ^ made consul on August 2, was orow JJ December 2, won the battle* ?f Wtz December 2 and married rhe ar!? duchess of Austria April 2. Miss A. M. Thibodeau - 4 The well-known Toilet Goods Specialist, well give you a Free Massage in your home by appointment : I t ? J To Neglect Your Skin is to Forfeit its Beauty. We have engaged Miss Thibodeau , for the WEEK of JUNE 18th to call on a number of ladies in Tryon each day , to I give FREE ?u as sage and individual help and | advice on the care of the skin . 1 ' % I This is an Exceptional Opportunity I ^For One Week Only J Step into the store, write or phone us. We'll do the I rest. Understand the massage and advice are FREE 1 MISSILDINE'S PHARMACY J THE REXALL STORE I OLDSMOBIL ~ You need an OLDS to see and ,appre. ciate the mountain scenery of North Car olina. For a demonstretion 1 phone or write G. R. LITTLE Distributor for Polk County SALUDA, N. C. Trinity College Summer School June 15 to July 28, 1923. For teachers, College students, and graduates of standard high schools. No afternoon classes. No class of more than thirty-five students. 1 Ample dormi tory room. Primary and grammar grade demonstra tion classes taught by North Carolina teachers. HOLLAND HQLTON, Director. Colloge stafion, v Durham, N. C. REV. JOHN GILL LANDRUM was no ordinary man, and the tpwn of LAN DRUM named in his honor is no ordinary Village. LANDRUM, surrounded by fertile farm lands, blest by the pure breath of mountain breezes, beautified by nature, will have a wonderful fu ture when properly advertised, and better known. Collins' Deparment Store Is Here to Stay, and assist in placing . your water system, and make improvements, thus enhancing the value of your Real Estate and causing your town to grow v xu and develop. Before J. D. COLLINS' store is * here six months you will see strangers stop and Dresses for Children g^0p -n Lancjrum that never bought here before, and the other merchants will reap' some benefits of the additional bus iness which SPARTANBURG COLLINS is bound to bring to LAN DRUM. \ ? ' IN ALL the Carolinas you will find no. Store' so advantageously equip ped with Hats, Shoes, Clothing, Dress Goods and underwear bought at under price, and sold at much less price, because COLLINS buys for cash; because we own the biggest store in Spartanburg, and pay no rents; because we have no partners ^ith w{iom to idivide; because I buy direct from Manufacturers and pay no middlemen's profits; be cause very often when a factory gets in a r tight place and needs lubri cating cash with which to oil the wheels of their machinery, they call on Collins, and I buy the whole product -of the Factory less than the Factory's cost of production. Then to give our Customers the benefit of our SPOT CASH, and" superior methods. I want a chance to show the TAR HEELS of North Carolina towns how much they can save by shopping in LANDRUM. * A I CTrys You have good reason to be proud of your Town as well as tfie distinguished Gen H?l<^ I klii tleman from whom it was named. We can emulate his example, and remember: "Lives of great men all remind us, we can make our lives sublime. So in Dartine leave behind us foot prints on the sand of time." J Forget Not Too that to secure the largest, the best, and the greatest returns you but have to drop your Pennies, Dimes and Dollars in the COLLINS' STORE SLOT at LANDRUM COLLINS ' ? ~ ' ' * ? ? -? Spartanburg, Greenville, Landrum and Laurens