r* i i/v . ? ? >r * K E E P K 0 j i 1 The Undersigned Banks Are In SympaJ Plan. Our Cotton Farmer Frieil Thfe Participating Receipts M .. Us For Loans In AddW - ? ' ; , . Of Delivp . / # ? : Be Masters t Sign The C# The busine'ss Farmer Deposits His Income, Gives His Check for the Outgo and Notes HoW Much He Makes Deposit every cent of your money in our bank; draw out enough cash for your small current bills, and pay all bills of any size with separate checks. By doing this, you have in your , pass book a complete record of your money paid out. ? A cancelled Check is-a receipt. Let The Bank Do Vow Bookkeeping ? ? In Union There is Strength' but in Coopera tion there is Strength and Activity * Sign up with the Co-ops of Try on DIRECTORS. F. P. BACON. W. B. STONE . J. B. HESTER. R. M. MCCOWAN B. L. BALLENGER. D. E. CONNER JOHN L. JACKSON. REV. J. F. BLACK . T.T. BALLENGER. ' FRED E. SWANN. N. B. JACKSON C. M. HOWES , W. C. WARD :i?r ? ? A Fanner's Bank * i / . ' ' I i ? i * ?? This bank has always used its facilities and N resourses to help and encourage the far mer. While we strive to help all our cus tomers in their financial problems we are ? particularly interested in the farmer. \ , , Co-operation in marketing, financing and buying is the solution to better the far mer's condition, This bank stands ready , and willing to do all in its power to help its patrons. - * An account with this bank assures you of our backing arid* co-operation. ? ' t ? , No loans are made by this bank to any of. its officers or directors. ? ' ' ' ? * ? ^ : ? ? ? ? * / f 6. H. HOLMES, President . J. T. WALDROP Vice President WALTER JONES Vice President W. F. LITTLE Cashier V. A. BLAND AssL Cashier FOSTER THOMSON Asst. Cashier PEOPLES BMW AND TRUST CO. Member American Bankers Association & North Carolina