Alaskan Waters Henderson, President's Ship, in Here, In Alaskan waters, is the transport Henderson which carried President Harding and his party to the northern territcry. He has expressed the desire to have the Henderson take him from San Diego through the Pan ama canaL At Monroe Doctrine Centenary CARICATURING CURZON Mis (Jouverneur llo'es, grthit-grundtMlUgtiler c n i 'resilient Monroe, un wind : lit? statue ol the former president to commemorate the centenary of the .Monr-v il'H'irine, at Los Angeles, Cal. Many celebrities, diplomats of Latin A:n?Ti'';in countries and others attended the ceremonies at the Monroe Doctrine OnU'imial and Motion Picture Industrial exposition. * ^ ? \ ' , h ' \ \ Balloon Helps War on Gypsy Moth The unfriemny leeling In Russia for the English is illustrated by this caricature of Lord Curzon which led a procession In a t recent anti-British demonstration. i GERMAN BELL OF RHINE \ ?' 1 v? !"?? ?!??!? which kills off the moths. Twenty-five pounds of the powder is ' ' d over one acre in five> minutes. Checks Up "Health by Radio" Talks -?..??I lis, en i.. i.ealili lei-lyres er Uw '^'checked up for ac >*leep Well," and "How to Feed the Baby, tnej . gervice, who Is > I'.v Iir. B. J. Uoyd of the United States P^^'^^rvice Known in tins photograph indicating on a map Health by Radio*." Tliiis, ( lie largest bell in the world, regarded as the finest work of art In belleasting In existence, has just been finished. It Is to replace the famous bell of the cathedral of Cologne de stroyed during the war by bombard ment from the air. The bell was paid for by popular subscription and Is called -the German bell of the Ithlne. It bears the legend : "St. Peter, I have been called to the defense of the German land, born of the German wof, I call all to unity." HE CHOSE TO BE A COP -Nesioi .ut'utu^a, iii., swi ui the late Representative Nesty Montoya of New Mexico, has been appointed a private in the Washingtoh police de partment. Formerly he was his te ther's secretary. t' ? "A Blind Girls Also Now Enjoy Camp life 6 :V' For the first time, sightless girls are this summer enjoying camp life just like the thousands of summer camp ing girls of normal vision ? hiking, swimming, boating, calisthenic drill, even to building the camp fires, doing the dishes and caring for their own beds and clothes. The experiment Is being conducted at Camp Munger, near Lake Barnes, In the Palisades Interstate park by the New York Association for the Blind. The girls in the Illustration ure taking a boat ride before their dally swim. I Navy Fliers After Schneider Cup I , MADE WOMAN'S RECORD Mrs. Bertha A. Horchera of Ran som, Kan., was less excited over the fact that she piloted an airplane higher thnn the elevation of Mont Blanc, ut St. Louis field, to make an official world's record for a woman, than mbny persons are about their first aerial hop. Mrs. Horchem at- ! tained an altitude of 16,300 feet, 4<50 : feet more than three miles. Mont I Blanc is 15,781 feet high. IN SOCIETY SOON Miss Evelyn Gordon, attractive and charming daughter of United States Attorney and Mrs. Peyton Gordon. Miss Gordon makes her bow to society this eomirtg season. le;ads soviet infantry General VXsilievitch, commander in chief of th?? iafantry of the new Red army, stationed at Moscow, with the peaked helmet of the soviet army and the designation of his rank on his cuffs. 1 | Here are the* American navy's entries in the Schneider Cup race to be ran at Cowes, Isle of Wight, England, September 27 and 28. They sail on August 18 on the Leviathan and are taking navy planes with them for the race, a Curtiss racer, a navy Wright and a TR ship. The race, which is for seaplanes. Is run In two events, one of landing and taking off from the water and of ease of aiding at anchor, and the other a test for speed over a course of 240 miles. Our entries, left to right, are: R. Irvine, T. W. Wead, D. RIttenhouse and A. W. Gorton, all senior grade lieutenants. j 1 Where Mark Twain Was Born % I I The birthplace of .Mark Twain ut Florida, Mo., a short time ago was Just saved from the wreckers, and moved across the street from Its former location. Then the Idea of a memorial park for Mark Twain was started. It Is well on the way now, and, it Is hoped, will soon be presented to the state or nation as a permanent memorial to tlfe great author. The Mark Twain home is a slab-shingled, ill-constructed two-room cottage. London Girls Wear Silk Wigs An exclusive posed picture of Eve and Caryl Howe, the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Howe, wearing silk wigs, the latest fad in London's social circles. These young debutantes are extremely popular In the British to*-' tropolis. 1 ^