flh? mlt' W ^Wfty. |hwd Isn't oui\? -lately down and out ?-1&e stops Mis sL'ug he had a share. if there v*re no small townn H would liinre town* feel superl#? 4it tilt ouiv thing that bn tie prewar level la the cdal j* ciD't tell by the suit a man ^ 1 bow mm) ho 1?? there are In hii m can't mak?- that every day uy| r.way atu/r work on a cold living jfaior people always are hattf t cordially by those who feel neaS I ti them. ^?otbef ose^ (,nr problem Is try (o figure ort how much longir i am uw It. burglar who stole a wrist ^ must be jotting ready to rt> his earnings. |f|?#Ter Europe signals w(|h One for war, It -.sures the other H , gio for more food. Hck town h a >lace where eveiyw knows the fellow in the well i salt ii a stranger. sign of mechanical progress p#dMtriar> hare to be mended than automobiles. don't cost you so very uleu you have a few dost whw have sworn off. | twenty he thinks ha ean s^Vf t}e I; it thirty he btging to wish ko I arc part of his salary. , pet politician is a man who istfethe world believe his empty I ti merely an open mind. _ pages herald t)ie return shirt for men. But where i eid-faahioned 5-cent soda? i ill probability the average person little more punctual in borrowing tbs In paying the debt 1 1 fanny thing, but the sliver lln* I ii tlwayg discovered first by the wko live outside the cloud. itelv all the men who know (toielve world problems are busy for newspaper syndlcatea. ill these archeologtsta on the U high time Paris announces lummy styles will be all the is some complaint that the ion of hospitals is not keep wlth the motor car produe difference between barbarism denization appears to be lelly a matter of improved fire * *y 1,500,' XX) Bibles were sold Bin this country, but the people f* tctlnf as If they read that commuting ever become? ^ toe suburbanites will certalji Mfsot ha^lLg to wait on the elds for* cast a Mf boom In yfear. Any boom of that ptrmtSfcion to cut out lte *'? total Indebtedness is 1 ttJW.OOO.oto, which shows that ' ^ not only terribly old, but slow. ' tofce of York might have lees IJ4 *bout his household expenses P would ito^ being a duke and 1 W> ?ome where. Tear the Nobel peace prlss J ti a woman. Tet Kipling says P4 taatle of the species li mors I* thia the ma'.el *orl4 was \ ^interested in ttos V*1 (A Tutankhamen's tomb? lUtothsr mummy" ? until It was thwi was millions In it. York Times says "Anthra * 1 Lure 17." But let's pretend i ( 10 wt won't feel so bad about ' ^ 8? without a necessity. tfom ?twin another angle, the movement may * success. Innumer 1 turned their backs to It. IfjJ* **era* of the driver who pedestrians in a safety away Is, general * larjf streak of yellow. th?t American modistes -bustle from these th% moiiste's profession *** lugfe monument, or sev buys $10,000,000 J^te for resale to farm *1 *111 surely suggest that '^??CiSrh witk 00,11 iw ** Asphyxiating Ra.a. You can asphyxiate rats that Infest the garage by giving them carbon monoxide gas from the engine exhaust, advises a federal bulletin. Attach a rubber hose to the exhaust pipe and put the end into the hole. The gas will kill the rata. NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to the power of sale K contined in^that certain mort gage deed executed by Alfred Edgerton and Susie Edgerton, his wife, to The Bank of Tryon on the 17th day of November 1917 and of record in the office j of Register of Deeds for Polk County, in Book 12 at page 572, ; to secure payment of the in debtedness and interest therein j set forth, default having been made in the payment of said in debtedness and interest, the un dersigned will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at ^the Court House dodr of Polk County, in Colum bus, North Carolina, on Friday the 17th day of August 1923, at 1?. o'clock Noon the following described land and premises, from Columbus to Tryon ; conveyed by said mortgage, to wit: That tract of land lying and being in the township of Tryon, County of Polk and State of North Carolina and known and designated as follows: Adjoin ing the lands of C. C. Constant. Beginning at a sweet gum on the east bank of road leading thence South 61. 1-2 East 26 poles to a stake; thence North 37 East 13 poles to a stake; thence North 61 1-2 West 26 poles to a stake; thence South 37 West 13 poles to the begin ning, containing two acres more or less. This 16th day of July 1923. The Bank of Tryon, Mortgagee. Now In Progress We are calling this a "Bargain Jubilee" because it has been several years since we have sold as good merchandise for the prices we are asking during this sale. Our buyers spent last week in New York and secured many special purchases at much under value. In addition to that, we have cut the prices deep on all Summer goods in the house. That is why we are calling this a "Bargain Jubilee and you will surely find the bargains here when you come. ~ > Wash Dresses at Jubitee Prices You have probably never bought Wash Dresses for so little money as we are selling them now. Our buyers spent last week in New York buying early Fall goods, and while there they found several of our best makers had small lots of their best selling styles in Wash Dresses left. We bought them very cheap and pass them cn to you, with a small profit added. They were so much cheaper in price than those we had in stock that we found it necessary to mark down every Wash Dress in the house from 25 to 50 per cent to get as good values as the new Dresses we bought last week in New York. Come early. You can now buy two or three Wash Dresses for the price of one Dress ten days ago. One lot of Womens Dresses at $1.00 each. These are Dresses ? they are not aprons that some peo ple call dresses.Sizes 36 to 44. One lot of Dresses at $2.98 that sold for more. Some, stout or large sizes are in this lot. One lot of Dresses at $3.98 that have been selling regularly at ?6.50, $7.50 and- $8.50. One lot of Dresses at $5.95 and $6.95 for Dresses you have been paying more than double the prices for. Our higher priced Cotton Dresses are at cut prices ? prices One Lot of Women's Gowns at 59 cents These Gowns come in flesh and white. They are embroidered in front and are made much fuller and longer than you find cheap Gowns made. They are worth 89c and our price is 59c. [ One lot of Flesh Step-Ins, made full and good values at 50c. Table Cloths and Napkins at Jubilee Sale Prices Select any of our Table Cloths or Napkins and take off 25 per cent during this sale. Jubilee Prices on Bathing Caps at 10c These are not the kind of Bathing Caps you get in the 10-cent stores. They are Caps we have been selling at 25c, 39c and 50c all season. Now we make a price of 10c for choice. Towels at Jubilee Prices ? All White Bath Towels, size 22x42. They weigh full four pounds to the dozen, at only $3.00 do? en. You could not buy as large heavy Towel as this at $3.00 doien when cotton sold at 10c to 12c per pound. 39c Towels, 3 for $1.00 50c Towels, 3 ^for C. $1.25 75c Towels, 2 for $1.25 Jubilee Prices on All Trunks Trunks are all higher than when we bought ours, but we will give you 20 per cent off of any of them during our Jubilee Sale. Jubilee Prices on Grsss Rugs GRASS RUGS... ? This means the prices are less than you have seen for good heavy imported Grass Rugs. 27x54-inch Grass Rugs at 49c 36x72-inch Grass Rugs at 79c 6x9-foot Grass Rugs at.. $2.39 8xl0-foot Grass Rugs at $3.39 9xl2-foot Grass Rugs at $4.39 Women's and Misses' Linen Khaki Knickers, new shipment of best styles and makes at the lowest prices. ?' Childrens % length 50c Sox at 25c. One lot of All Silk $5.00 Red Sport Skirts at $1.00 each. One lot of Infants White Corded Coats at $1.00 each; worth much more. One lot of Infant's and Children's White Dresses at $1.00 i each. Some are slightly soiled or mussed up from handling. They were much higher priced than $1.00 and the first time wash ed they are good as ever before. Women's, Misses and Children's Raincoats and Capes less 25 per cent. Every one who goes to the mountains should have a raincoat. Bathing Suits at Jubilee Prices During this sale you can buy any of our Bathing Suits for Women, Men or Children less 33.1-3 per cent of the prices.We have extra size Bath ing Suits as well as the other sizes. Jubilee Prices on Children's Dresses Your choice of any Child's Dress in the house less one-third of our original low prices. Mothers now is your chance to save big money on your Children's School Dresses which they will need in September. Jubilee Prices on New Sweaters Most of these Sweaters were bought in New York last week at bargain prices.You get them like we bought them ? namely, very cheap. One table of all Wool and Worsted Slip-on Sweaters at 95c for choice. One lot of new Sleeveless Sweaters at $1.98. One lot of new Sleeveless Sweaters at $2.50 One lot of new Sleeveless Sweaters at $2.95 Take one-third off the prices of any Sweater in the house that has been here over one week.? New Wash Silk Dresses for the Jubilee Sale at $9.85 * r / . . * " ? These are new Dresses bought in New York last week at a big reduction. We are adding a small profifit and only asking $9.85 for them when they would be cheap at $15.00. Several style^ to se lect from. Children's Spring Weight Coats at Half Price Children's all wool Capes and Hats to match at $4.95 that sold for much higher prices. One lot of women's extra size Wash Skirts, whites and colors, at $1.79; worth double to make. One lot of 75c Black Sateen Petticoats at 49c AH hats Going at Jubilee Prices During the past jveek we received a lot of fine White Hats ittd also colored ones bought special ly f6r oiir Jubilee Sale. You have not seen hats like we v^ll now sell you for so little money. ClkiiCE OF ANY HAT IN TH? HOUSE AT $5.95 We have neVer offered our fine H^ts so low be fore, but this is our first Jubilee Sale, and we want every one to remember it. Monday morning you will find one $25.00 Hat, several $18.50 and $20.00 Hats and a large lot of $10.00, 12.50 and $15.00 Hats all at $5.95 each. Our cheaper grade hats have all been marked down to very low prices for our Jubilee Sale. Auto Coats at Jubilee Prices $1.00 to $7.50 When horses were in style we called them Dust ers, but times change. Now they are "Auto Coats.' They will pay for themselves in one auto trip by protecting your clothes from the dust and dirt. One lot of Linene Auto Coats at $1.00 each, bizer 34 to 46. One iot of Auto Coats, made of good grade Linene, in regular and extra sizes, for $1.98. One lot of pure Linen Auto Coats at $2.95. - _ Auto Coats at $4.95. These Coats are line made and are worth $7.50 if bought in a regular way. Extra size pure all Linen Auto Coats at $4.95. You don't find stoat auto coats in many stores. These are wonderful values and are easily worth double our price of $4.95. * " * * setting defor *