$ Happef ts ibeth. X>l b'"i ; ijave a party. km? [tractiVeY 11 evennitr- Mrs> E. pla}'1'11/, m, , rick. Mis |an* UiMA Wil Stone. a . Gerald lssKl Thuls" m > Dabbs, . rushing of ?*m week end " 31,- t ? - ?nijr was | eonmvti' ? *.ili X'le ? w Pharn;;i. , . ?l Mrs. ' !..,'.uv Mor familv retimed batur- ? L a niotar trip to Alex- 1 to visit n ki'ives. j^nieUa'M of Ashe 'ed in tlui Innne of her , C. Wan i iast week. U Lane spoii: iast week f Saluda wit ii his Rrand * Mr. ami Mrs. H. B. Fowler of Lynn is her cousin. Alene Clyde Mo tea If spent end in Spartanburg ier cousin -Miss. Ada s. md Mrs. \V\ C. Ward pily motored to Spartan ; Sunday to visit rela lard Mrs. Henry M. i r and two sons, Henry ' Jljam have returned '? to ; iame at Sumter, S. C., t .ending a week with Mr. I s. R. M. MeCown. land Mrs. Richard For- I |and two little boys and D. Boy kin. of Sumter, lire the guests of Mrs. Ber T. Clement. , L. A. Avant and chil eturned Monday from a (weeks visit with relatives arlotte. Announcement Wakefield, M. D. of te will be at Mill Spring jay, August 14. His is limited to eye, ear, 1 throat diseases and glasses. ?3-w ? LOST Somewhere between for Shop and the Tryon Club on Friday July ck pocket-book contain M. Initials M. W. B. if returned to Mrs. Blackford, Richards Grady Avenue. ? o Services at Trvon Churches NSCOPAL CHURCH. f.C. P. Burnett, Rector. Jay Service s : ft Communion ? 7 :30. "ling Pray- r ;:nd sermon Communion of 1st Sun the month.) 11 A. M. af tern i >ii 5 o'clock and 1: recessions for iek METHODIST AND , presmticrian I CHURCHES of tryon. Way ScW.-nl at 10:00 A. G. Moris, Superinten Fend F:" preaches on ind 3rd - mornings V-00 A. M. atul 2nd and Ways 7 M P. M. fftrend : : n. pices next Sunday at 11 *00 Lk at th? U) hodist- Church ^acrame:r, of the Lord's er . adr>' Metered at this "?All ai*c i : > ted to worship ! us. wongrejr;. A.. Blac today S, -lson- T "bUc Wo: ^stian I } Church. ? 'sister. :i 10 a. m. Jr. Supt. ! ;, t 11 a. m. . " or 7 :15 p.m. |ble President. Stur P- m. Wednesday, ^ON ba y\ 1ST CHURCH. Ibices eavi- Sunday morn F U o'clock BONE HARMS FOUND HI EKGLAKD ABc PREHISTORIC Antiquarians Verify Fact of An cient Life in Britain. London. ? 'the fact that prehistoric humans existed in the British Islef has been verified again by the reports of two learned committees just pub lished in the Anthropological Journal, Manchester. These reports absolutely vindicate the authenticity of two bone harpoons which were found beneath the peat at Holderness. Yorkshire. One harpoon is 4^ inches long; the other, 10 inches. Their Interest la great, as from certain peculiarities they are now proved to be the work of Maglemose men ? so called from Maglemose, Denmark, where many extraordinary relics of very early man have been uncovered. The age of the Maglemose man may be any thing from 10.000 to 20,000 yfears B. (i, when the North sea was dry, when land connected Denmark with York shire and Scotland and when the Dog ger bank was covered with forests. Leslie Armstrong of Sheffield, a dis tinguished anthropologist, read a pa per on these harpoons at the Hull meeting of the British association last September. Mr. Sheppard, curator of the Hull museum challenged their authenticity, declaring them to l>e forgeries not more than thirty years old. Subsequently, they were careful ly studied by two expert committees whose reports have now appeared. They were compared with four har poons from Kunda, Esthonia, which are "unquestionably of Maglemose date, and were proved Identical with them in type, color and chemical condition of th* bone. The lines of cutting were also Identical. The two harpoons are declared gen uine, and Prof. Sir W. Boyd Datokina, one of the greatest living authorities on anthropology, writes: "I have no hesitation in saying thnt the charge that they are forgeries Is absolutely without foundation." Further confirmation of his view is afforded by the discovery of a very similar harpoon under the peat at Bethun?, in France. The harpoons a*e in the possession of W. Morfitt of Atwick. Similar har poons. with other bone Implements of the Maglemose period, have been found at Oban, in the famous Mac Arthur cave. Liners and Reindeer Carry Mail to Alaska Seattle, Wash. ? The Alaskan mall service stands alone In the annals of postal deliveries in that It uses virtu ally every type of transportation. Ocean liners take the mail to Seward, up-to-date mail cars carry It to Ne nana, dog teams and river steamers take It to Icliturod, anio trucks dis tribute it to out-of-the-way places and fleet-footed re:mk?c-r assist in hurrying letters to Nome. St. Michael and Golivin. Now seaplanes are soon to take their pla^o In the service to coast towns. Leaving Seattle, mall for Interior Alaska is carried to Seward by steam ship. At th:?t point !r is transferred to the rallror fl will, h takes it to Ne nana, 200 miles in'-nd. This takes nine days from -pat tie. *At Nenana the mall Is made up for the mining and trading camps. In spite of improvement, the old obstacles of Ice and snow, whirling rapids, glacier-crusted mountains, storms and mosquitoes wage their fight against the mall carriers, who make their deliveries with remarkable regularity.. Two Million Held as Slaves in Abyssinia Geneva. ? The League of Nations has been informed that there are more than 2,000,000 slaves of both sexes in Abyssinia, the traffic in which is re ported to have been increasing every year since the war. Abyssinia has announced her intention to apply for admission into the league, but it Is stated that abolition of the slave traffic will be the first condition im posed before the application is con sidered. Seagull Finds Purse Lost in Ship Disaster Vineyard Haven, Mass. ? A seagull has salvaged the pocketbook of Oapt. Daniel J. Miller, Jr., of Bath, Me., who was saved after his command, the collier Seaconnet, sank in Vine yard sound April 29 with a loss of seven lives. Ed Dalen, a fisherman, was crossing the sound when he no ticed a gull pick an object from the sea and drop it. Dalen investigated and found the pocketbook with Identi fication card inclosed. it Modern Solomon Lets Dog Pick His Owner Solomon's baby trick was out done In a New York city court, where Mrs. Ann O'Connor said the Pomeranian was hers. Mrs. Rose Cohen Insisted the dog's last name was Cohen, and when Magistrate Sweetser allowed each woman to take turns call ing the dog, the P?n answered either name rea ~" Then the dog middle of tile fl said "Go," and the Pom to Mrs. Cohen. Mr Swoetser said she could 1 Read Your Home Paper First From 8 to 12 pages of good, clean reading each week. Al f \ so we have a fine cut and ad service for free use of our pat rons. See sample below. I We also do all kinds of job printing at Franklin Printing Price List Prices.? The only; way to be sure you are buying printing at a price fair to you' I and us. Polk County News; - ^ ' ? / . ?? < \ ? arn?mt Pj pLn(l3t Shtep'r igh Class ty'llT rL^?.c x l