v* ?* Local Happenings Miss Mabel McFee spent Sat urday in Greenville. Miss Maggie Stevenson of Florida is visiting Mrs. James H. Rion. Miss Cantrell of Spartanburg ia visiting her sister, Mrs. N. B. Jackson. Camp Battleship opened again last week for the Y. W. C. A. members. Ray Jackson left Saturday for a two weeks stay in St. Louis. W. C. Ward left Monday night on a business trip to Chicago, Wisconsin and eastern points. Miss Rose Wilcox returned last week after visiting friends in Henderdsonville. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Marriot left last Monday to spend a few weeks in Columbus, Ohio. Miss Elizabeth Grady return ed last Saturday from a brief visit with friends in Asheville. C. J. Lynch returned last Sun day from a visit of several days at Glenn Springs, S. C . Misses Mae and Ctyra White head of Union have joined the house party at Mrs. Kennedy's. Mrs. S. B. Wrilkins and Miss Katherine Wilkins of Spartan burg visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Wilkins last week. Mr. and Mrs W. Y. Wilkins and son Billy, nrotored to Spar tanburg yerterdav to visit for several days. Mrs. Presson, who has been visiting her mother. Mrs. W. J. Gaines, visited in Spartanburg last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Oke have moved from the Bushnell cot tage into their new home on Broadway. John Sloan, now of Aberdeen, N. C., is expected to arrive tin Try on this week for a visit with his father and friends. T. T. Ballenger, of Atlanta, who has been visiting his son C. W. Ballenger returned yes terday to his home. Mrs. Mary Macnaughtan, sis ter of Mrs. F. P. Bacon arrived yesterday from Paris Island for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Bacon. James Brock, who was serious ly injured when run over by an ! automobile recently was remov ed from the Tryon Infirmary to j his home last Monday. The Christian Endeavor will ! meet Sunday evening at 6 o'clock on Godshaw Hill for a picnic sup per. Members are urged to luring their baskets. ! . Miss Eleanor Butler of Balti more is visiting relatives in Try on. Miss Butler will visit her sister in Atlanta before return ing to her duties in Baltimore. Mrs. Smith, formerly Miss Dorothy ? Doubleday , arrived Tuesday with her infant daugh ter for a visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold Double day.. Mrs. Juliet Mosley of Atlanta who has been visiting her brother C. W. Ballenger left Tuesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ivichard Ballenger at Hickory and Blowing Rock. Mrs. J. N. Jackson, Miss Mar tha Jackson, Miss Genevieve Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. J. Nelson Jackson, Jr. and chil dren returned Wednesday morning after a three weeks stay at WrightsviMe Beach. Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Buckner, of Asheville a boy, Sunday, August 19. Mrs. Buckner was formerly Miss Kathlyn Morris, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Morris of Tryon. John W. Roe, professor of French, and Spanish at Syra cuse University stopped over in Tryon to visit Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Saver before returning to his duties. Professor Roe has been spending the past two months in Porto Rico. Word was received this week announcing the marriage of Miss Grettle Cordell to Frank L. Porter at the home of Mrs. W. C. Shepherd in Buford Colorado on Saturday, July 28. The young couple will make their home at Winden^ere Ranch. Mrs. Por ter will be remembered as be ing an annua] visitor in Tryon for the past six years. She is private secretary to Mr. Par rotte, and Mr. Porter fs man ager of Mr. Parrotte's ranch. Mrs. Neil Blue of . Rocky Mount, N. C., sister of Mrs. S. ?. Sloan, was painfully in juried recently in an automobile acci dent while enroute to Tryon. Mrs. Blue was accompanied by her husband and two small' daughters. The accident oc curred near Fayetteville, N. C., from which point Mrs. Blue was removed to her home too badly injured to conttnue her trip. Mr. Sloan received word this week that Mrs. Blue'a condition was not serious and that she was improving. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mack Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Rhodes of Hendersonville, and Miss Lank ford of Saluda spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Morgan. W. C. Ward motored to Chim ney Rock /last Sunday accom panied by his sister Mrs. W. A. Lane, his two neices Miss Julia Averill and Miss Clyde Metcalf, and his little daughter Alene. Mrs. W. A. Lane of Tarbors is visiting relatives in Tryon. Miss Jennie Graham of Gas tonia and Mrs. Landa Gentry of Landrum were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ward last Monday. o MILL SPRING ? Rev. Lambridge of Lincolnton assisted the pastor of the Bap tist Church in the revival ser vices until Saturday. The pas tor is still holding these ser vices. Much interest has been shown. / / Some of our people went to Columbus Sunday to hear Dr. C. E. Maddry, Secretary to the State Mission Board. He has just returned from a tour through Europe. He told of conditions there which should make America more thankful. William Edgerton entered school at Mars Hill last week. Miss Mollie Dalton is visiting at Granite Falls. Mr. Will Walker of Lumkin, Ga., is visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Brisco of Columbus spent the week end with parents here. Miss Estelle'Ross of Landrum spent last week with the Misses Egerton. Mollie and Eva ac companied her home Friday to stay for a few days. C Sir. ? Sprenci oy ?"'hone. ?Ttieiv I* ii<* ?Iflinitf i?vi(i f*nci' thai disease.- are spn-sui l?y the mouth pieces of telephones," says tiie minis ter of health. Bridge Hat Had VicisaitudM. London bridge, over the Thamea i river, In London; England, has beta : burned down and rebuilt six tlmea. History of Palmlatry, The so-called science of p almfttry was known to the early Chinese, to tfea ancient Greeks and wn? somewhat popular on the Continent larlag tilt Middle ages. Front Evil Manfully. Evil once manfully fronted, eta? j to be "vil; there is generous battle : hope in place of dead, pastlvt ailttry; ! the e"il Itself has btcomt a Had at good. -Carlylt. , n I'-T.i .? r.? .?> ' ,r.' ^ \ . ? 1 1 . .?.? ?? . ? ' |l|. ,? dr ill * | ij I > ti ? ?.????? ?r revers <' 'i ? ?? v?' "? future ? il> c | at the last. The attending physician j whispered to the group: "I fear he 1 i Is nearin? the (ireat Divide." "Tell j them not to divide* until I get there," i whispered the dying hanker. ? Forbe> I : Magazine. j ^ NOTICE OF SALE. I 1 i Pursuant to the power of I sale contained in that certain mortgage deed executed by George A. Gash and Nannie Gash, his wife, to M. W. Page on the 28th day of January, 1 1913 and of record in the office 1 of Register of Deeds for Polk County, in Book 9 at page 199, to secure payment of the in debtedness and interest therein | set forth, default having been ! I made in the payment of said indebtedness and interest, the (undersigned will sell at public 'auction to the highest bidder, for cash at the Court House door of Polk County, in Colum 1 bus, North Carolina, on Friday the 17th day of August 19?3, at i 12 o'clock noon the following , described land and premises, j conveyed by said mortgage, to j wit : ! That tract of land lying and ' being in the Town of Tryon, a5==S==T?!==^ ~j County of Polk and State of North Carolina and known and designated as follows; Begin ning at the Northeast corner of Mrs. Alice Missildine's lot and extending thence Northerly along the Lynn Road one hun dred and sixty-six (166 feet; thence 86. 39 min. West one hundred and twenty-nine^ and feet: thence South 10. 5 min. East one hundred and sixty-six (166) feet to the Northerly line of the said Mrs. Missildine; thence along said line Easterly one hundred and twenty-three (123) feet to the place of the beginning. Being all of lot One and sixty five and five tenths (65.5) feet of lot Two of Hadley Subdivi sion of the Town of Tryon. This 16th day of July 1923. Walter Jones M. W. Page, Attorney. Mortgage. The Bank of Tryon, Assignee and owner of mortgage. o ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having qualified as admin istrator of the estate of D. C. Westbrook, deceased, with the will annexed, notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the said estate are required to present their claims to the undersigned - within twelve months from date and^ failure to do so will be plead in recov ery of any such claim. Notice is further given to any person or persons owing said estate to make immediate payment of the same. This the 6th day of July, 1923. ANNA GREEN, Administrator. . C. 0. RIDINGS, Attorney. o ? : ? NOTICE. North Carolina Polk County Having qualified as . admin istrator with the will annexed of the estate of J. G. Hughes, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against the -decedent to exhibit the same to the* undersigned admin istrator on or before the 31st day of May 1924, or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to the decedent are requested to make settlements to the under signed administrator at once. This 31st day of May, 1923. J. B. HESTER Administrator with the will an nexed. | Administrator's C. T \ - Wachova Bank ^ Company having qualfi V. , Administrator with W:ii ? ;nexed of the Estate of ! McKee, deceased, !?>? ??% i County, North Carotid P* is to notify ali persons L Claims against the Est * ^ said decease,! to exhibit 1), " I to the undersigned on ?iV T" the 20 day of June lto?*1 | this notice will he pieag ? bar of their recovm ,1 persons indebted to tn' ^ I Estate will please make ^ (mediate payment. 1IE I This the 11 (]av nf t j 1923. ' (Wachovia Bank an J Tru