POLK COUNTY NEWS C. BUSH, Publisher H. M: FRASER, Editor Phone 99, Published every Thursday at Tryon, North Carolina AcJt'Tt' in ? '?< i HK AMERICAN y'Sr-CiATiC PETERSON REVIEWS POLK COUNTY FORESTS. (Continued from pag 1) t^oyision is made for a con tinual growth of young timber those incomes and the employ ment which the citizens fincj in harvesting those product? will suddenly cease. Polk Countyshould also be in terested in the preservation of her forests from the standpoint of the water-power develop ment, possibilities within her bpundaries. According to water-power engineers one of the very important factors in any water-power development project is that there be a steady run-off of water from silt on the area drained by the stream fur nishing the power. We have been blessed with an ample mean annual supply of rainfall well ' distributed thruout the year/ Nature has clothed our hills and mountains with an ideal forest cover. The rain fall is retained in the spongy leaf litter, and humus founVl on the forest floor to be released in the form of clear springs which collectively make up the head waters of the larger streams. The tourists and recreation seeker is attracted to our coun ty by its healthful climate and the charming scenery of hills and mountains richly clothed with verdant forests. Remove the forests and one of the pfeasant features of our county is destroyed. Since our well being and the prosperity of the county is de< peiident upon the forest to such a large extent it is the duty of every citizen to help protect it froi[n its gratest enemy, fire FfrS not only injures a large number 6f the mature trees thlis rendering them less valu able for lumber but it destroys th? yopng growth which are the treesof the future. Des troy the young trees and the ettd -of the supply of forest pro ducts which furnishes a large numlber.of our citizens with em ployment, is in sight. Besides destroying the young growth and killing and injuring the ma ture-timber, repeated fires burn off: the leaf litter and humus Having the bare soil exposed to the drying effects of the sun. fall being released Instead of the rain absorbed and theri gradually in the form of clear orrents as carrying springs it runs off in quickly as it falls. large quantities of silt with it. As. a result not only is there damage from erosion and floods but conditions for the develop ment of water-power are made less encouraging. Allow fires to run thru our forests and soon the hills and mountains instead of being attractive to tourists will be unsightly and repulsive. The county has taken a step toward the protection of its forests from fire, in that it is cooperating with the Forestry Division of the North Carolina Geological and Economic Sur vey in the prevention of forest fires. A system of Forest War dens has recently been organiz ed within the county. Thru this organisation it is hoped that the loss from forest fires to the county will be reduced to a minimum. In order to ac complish our aim the coopera tion of every citizen is needed. The fall fire season is approach ing and every person visiting the woods or living in them should be very careful that no forest fire be started as the re *uLt of, his carelessness. FfiftjrY BOYS AND GIRLS ATj,Cl?UB ENCAMPMENT r*-"(C'6iitinuen attaining Kiiiuiml i* portant step " The Bank of Tryon "Po!k County's Strongest Bank" J. B. HESTER, Cashier. F- P. BACON, WANTED In Columbus At Once A modern Hotel for both Tourist and fummercid men. More good merchants. A modern cotton gin system. A resident doctor. A Drugstore. And more citizens, and every other business that goes with the above. WE HAVE Helped others to start. WHY NOT YOU? A new Cannery and Garage now going up. \ ~ small water system now in operation. Electric lights being installed. Two miles of cement walks TWO STRONG CHURCES And The Onlv STATE ACCREDITED HIGH SCHOOL In The COUNTY for further information address the Board of Trade, or POLK COUNTY BANK & TRUST CO. Columbus, N. C. THE BANK THAT BACKS THE FARMER Capital, Surplus and Profits $15,500. Resources $120,000 J. R. Sams, Chm. of Board L W S. Cobb, President Fred W. Blanton, Vice Pres. and Cashier Frank Jackson, Vice Pres. M. L Arledge, Ass t. Cashier. M. G. BLAKE JULIAN CALHOUN Real Estate and Rents Office Over Drug Store ? Blake & Calhoun For the Carpenter or Home Mechanic Good, Sharp Tools not only make the task easier to do, but they aid you in taming out a better piece of work. The Blue Grass Tools we ofier for your approval are the highest quality we can get, yet the prices are very moderate. Farmers Supply Co. tT WE'RE READY FOR YOl/R f whenever you are. If ^ .! rush or emergency job, say the word ami we'll fj busy right a way. Our men** tools are at your disposal- ? stuck out on the read or in ?0' garage, phone ?.:* and A "Trouble." BISHOP'S GARAGE Landrum. S. C. APPLICATION FOR PARDON OF VIRGIL McGUINN Application will* be made to the Governor for the pardon of Virgil McGuinn convicted at the Fall Term of Superior Court of Polk County, for the crime of il licit distilling, and sentenced to the roads for the term of two years. All persons opposed to grant ing of said pardon are invited to forward their protest to the Governor without delay. Dated this the 23rd. da) August, 1923. jn? Rv S * &>Cl o 0 For SaJe : Herford Selling on account of not w* ing to inbreed. Apply ^ Lee, Landrum, S. ('. ? | For Sale : ' Touring Car Old styk Solid 2* leith" cushions, good F# Valhalla Fi X ?