local Happenings. , f Ha tun olt motored to tow?' K"!'" /;'sl ,, Su?day fi, fas brot::' : " f>. Ham L hi* ?nu)t','"r ' 'd sister. J/r and ' ?7'n^ Cain re Ld 'Mme in St. U>ws. S- ' >lem a motor L to Se" > 1 ' with her Jijer 3/. i?. Mi'Cown. Mrs. 0ent* *ul ''""ain i" Tryon ^ few day- bet ore going to mm for tiu winter. Mfay Jack. <01. returned from a n-ip i?? St. Louis, Mo. ? p. 3/arn\?. t returned Jast idsy 'after tending a few I jn fiiiiii!1.-! Ohio. Li; Will i ?. L'nion, S. C., ^the n-ir K-end with his lily- . * . )|arv 3l.v. naughtan, who . been visiting her sister , f p. R'uo.m left yesterday f^rhonu1 : Marshall have Inhere wntly looking over I situation ,f placing a new r through h-re. It was red here several | 5 ago ;l j some moonshln l^re disturbed by officers of flaw near Saluda and in the r from i ? ..tlicers one of the P^shiners got rattle snake pen. I - T. Htri'-.Tson lost perhaps In \.^ n -:0W *n this se^" fWl Wu i: >J*' ea^ng wa^er fcu' and Newton EJ u iuad of melons to IK* Saturday. I Ac school commenced Kfavv''ith a I 2ll\ HAVE YOU NOTICED? The Full Page Advertisement In This . Weeks Saturday Evening Post. | "A Banquet in a Box"? (Norris Variety Box) We have this in stock to gether with a fresh assortment of Norris Candies. MISSILDINE'S PHARMACY The Rexall Store Tryon, N. C. Lost :-One gold bar fraternity pin. Reward if left at this of- 1 fice. * | APPLICATION FOR PARDON OF SAMPSON S. PICER. Application wil be (made to j the Governor of Nortn Carolina for the pardon of Sampson Spic er convicted at the FallTerm of j the Superior Court of Polk County, for the crime of illicit distilling and sentenced to the roads for a term of eighteen months. All persons opposed to grant- ! ing of said pardon are invited to forward their protest to the Governor without, delay. Dated this 23 day of August, 1933. Sampson Spicer ~ * By S. N. Black Attorney. I NOTICE To Zeb Carson and Lelia Car- j son: You are hereby notified that | on Monday the 1st day of Oct- j ober, 1923, the undersigned will apply to the Clerk of the Su- 1 perior Court of Polk County for the appointment of three ap praisers to lay off and assess the value of not more than two ; acres of the land in Green's i Creek or Columbus township conveyed to you by the wiW of John M. Carson, for the location of a school building. This the 30th day of August, 1923. E. W. S. COBB, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Polk County. W. F. LITTLE NOTARY PUBLIC Tryon, N. C, I The News $1.50 a Year. Are You Suffering With Photophobia When the retina is intol erant of the light or the iris is sluggish symptons' are produced known as photo phobia. In such cases we often pre scribe tinted glasses, butthis is often a case for other* treatment. We will advise you properly. R. E. Biber OPTOMETRIST 103 W. Main St. Spartanburg, - S. C. ow Easier Than Ever to Own at through the' make an ? will enroll you and start you on the way to owner* ship. We will put the money in a local bank, at in' terest. Each week additional payment. Soon lus tne interest paid make the car yours. So plan to get out into the fields and woods ? down to the bench or stream ? the family and you? in the Ford Sedan. It is ready for business or pleasure anytime you step into the driver's seat and put your foot on the starter button. ? It is a car for all weather with real comfort for everyone. And now it is within your reach. Come in today ? get full details. v? Kilpin Motor Company Tryon, North Carolina He Has a Bank . / 1 Have you taken the step necessary to insure you anii yftUfr if family the happy home life that is the birthright of every Americari? It is the man who has the forethought and the will power to start a sav ings account when he is earning money ? and saves a certain amount each payday ? who lives a normal life in a happy home. Let us help you get started with an account today. You will thank us many times over in the years to come. No loans are made by this bank to any of its officers or directors. G. H. HOLMES, J&SEfc&K W' F" L,TTLE President Cashier J. T. WALOROP V. A. BLAND Vice President Asst. Cashier WALTER JONES FOSTER THOMSON Vice President Asst. Cashier PEOPLES BANK AN0 TWIST COMPANY Member American Bankers Association na&j Tryon, North Carolina MILL SPRING The series of revival ser vices at the Baptist Church came to a , close last Tuesday night. There were ten addi- j tions to the church. The Bap tising will be at the regular | place. Sunday Sept 2, at 10 o'clock. The revival at the j Methodist Church started Sun day night. "Mr. and Mrs. Grayson Ar- 1 ledge attended a famjily reunion at Hendersonville Sunday. Mr. C. G. Walker recently moved his family to Landrum. The following boys and girls were our representatives in the encampment at Columbus for club boys and girls : Grace Wal drop, Mattie Fae Gibbs, Leona i Lynch, Marjorie Walker, Gor- j don and George Gibbs. They all reported a good time and are i already expecting a repetition j of the same next summer. Mr. J. H. Hadden of Asheville ; is visiting here. His wife and daughter will accompany him i home shortly. Those who expect to be in the j High School department of the Mili Spring High School the ensueing term will have a chance to go to Columbus High j School for a month, beginning with the opening of that school next Tuesday Sept 4. The School Bus will be used for the coijVeyance. It will j leave the old school building at ! 8 o'clock Tuesday and each day | for a month. All the pupils 1 are asked to be there strictly at this hour. As our term will be only seven months this gives the pupils the advantage of eight months which Is necces sary for the completion of a years work, in high school. # Congregational Church, . W. A. Black, Misister. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Nelson Jackson Jr. Supt. Public Worship at 11 a. m. Christain Endeavor 8:00 p.m. Alice Andrew*, President. Bible Study, Wednesday,. 8: p. m. * \ r50~ GOOD CIGARETTES IP GENUINE SQf "BULL" 1 f ?%l|f DURHAM f ^ TOBACCO Snapfftj Sbffa ?FarFsUt MENS SHOES i Bank on it, these are the best stylen in Men's Shoes for Fall. Created under our own supervision, they have all the ear marks of exceptional quality, find leathers and sensible stylings. The moderately low prices will prove a revelation. $7.50 to $10.00 10*. OFF 4 ' A % on all shoes for two weeks. Ladies Shoes, Mens Shoes, Children's School Shoes,- in fact every shoe in our stock at a reduction of 10 per cent for the next two weeks. All new 9 stock and the most popular styles. This is your opportunity to save, on your shoe bills for fall and winter. I Andrews Brothers