POLK COUNTY NEWS C. BUSH, Publisher' H. M: FRA5ER, Editor Phone 99, Published every Thursday at Tryon, North CaroNna H,ow often we have heard the statement, "When the busi ness-men of Tryon finally de cide to 'get-together' this com munity will begin to flourish?" Resort towns, both summer and winter, in all sections of the United States have learned (,r are learning, and profiting by the value of sticking together" and working toward one com mon interest, ? the upbuilding of the community. No better reputation could be given any community than that its citizens always work together for the benefit of the community in which they live. No community can prosper as it should when its people are disposed to stand apart when called upon to decide a question affecting the general welfare. Harmony is the greatest factor in upbuilding. One of the elements contrib uting largely to the amazing growth of Florida resort towns has been the disposition of the business men and civic organ izations toward "sticking to gether" and working hard to put over every worth-while proposition. Tryon is fortunate in the lo cation alloted to it. It is for tunate in the climate vouch safed it. It* has men of ability and energy to build it up. But if there is not the ability to work together in the utmost harmony and with the utmost solidarity of purpose, aH of the other things will be of no avail I in creating here such a city as j we all hope to see here in the next decade. SOIL EROSION CONTROL j : (Continued from pag 1) English Ivy (Hedera helix) ! is fine because it roots all along ! the length of its stem, making the best binder in the world. It is ornamental and not weedy. Easily obtainable through nurserymen and com mon in Tryon gardens. We cou>d supply some. Virginia creeper (Ampelop sis puinesisfolia) is to be recommended for all the rea sons that English Ivy is, and it j is even more plentiful. It grows wild in the woods around J Tryon, is common in gardens, I and obtainable in large quanti ty from nurserymen. We ! could supply some also. Terracing, staking, covering ? with brush might all be tried | also, and in connection with reclamation by planting. Ob- ! viously no annual plants, such as the ordinary cereal and le gume crops and other cover crops will be of any effect, un less the first year while seed ings of permanent soilbinders j are growing. Clover, Japan clover (Lespedeza might all be uned at first, perhaps, but the idea is probably not to be rec ommended. No propogation from seeds should be attempt ed. The thing to do is to get voiy; permanent binder plants right in. I have listed them in ascending order of importance. Vines will be the best, I should say. The Httle plant which you sent me is loosestife (Lysi- 1 machia quadrifolia) which is one of the two representatives i of the primrose family which we \ have around Tryon. It is com mon in June throughout the | piedmont, but as i had no ! specimen of it for my Tryon herbarium, I was glad to get it. ! Donald C. Peattie Assistant Plant Instroducer. o POLK COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION (Continued from pag 1) ? Mr. D. W. Sims. 3 :40 ? Questions and Answers. (Any one who has a ques tion on Sunday School work is requested to ask it.) The county officers are as fol lows: Nelson Jackson, Jr. County President; J. R. Sams, Vice-President; W. W. Creas man, County Secretary. County President. County Secretary. Township Presidents, b. Appointment of Com mittees : Comfrnittee on Nomina Committee on Place of Next Meeting. . c. Record of Attendance. 1 11:35 ? Steps of Progress ? Ml*. D. W. Sims. 12:15 ? Offering for Support of County Sunday School' As sociations. 1 2 :25 ? Announcements. 12 :30? Adjourn. Dinner On The Ground. Every I body Come And Bring a Basket FOURTH SESSION Friday Afternoon 2 :05~ Scripture Reading and Prayer ? Rev. W. A. Black. ' 2:15 ? The Teacher's Work Be tween Sundays ? Mrs. C. i W. Morgan. ) 2 :40 ? Report of Committee on Nominations and Election of Officers. 2:45 ? "Hitch Your Wagon to ?AN AIM" ? Miss Flora Davis. 3 : 1 0 ? Song. 3:15 ? Some Essentials of a| Progessive Sunday School j o ; BIRD MOUNTAIN FARM Continued frpm page 1) | stance, he has live pastures, in i which he has sowed Dallas igrass, red top clover, carpet grass, white clover. Lespodisa |and other varieties of grasses, I from which splendid pasturage results have been secured. His herd of ten or twelve Hereford have pastured here from early spring throughout the summer without being fed, except at ; milking time. He also has j some ten or twelve sheep and1 a large number of hogs of the Hampshire variety. There are several acres in a splendid vine- 1 yard on his farm from which a large yield of Niagara and Del aware grapes was harvested t'lis season. He also has some 30 acres in alfalfa, from which was realized in the total cut tings this year almost a ton to | the acre. There are 30 acres i here in cotton, and the boll | weevil has not been able to do | any damage in this high alt i- | tucle. The stalk and fruitage \ of the cotton will compare favorably with any field in Spartanburg county. Mr. Gentry has about 100 old bearing peach trees and about ! 800 apple trees bearing. In ad dition' he set out last spring 3500 young Elberta peaches, and will plant about 400 more apple trees this fall. Soil Improving. Mr. Gentry is a great believer in soil improving, and is prac- ( ticing his belief. He lias here 1 about forty acres in peas, which will be turned under to 1 further enrich the soil, and i when the pea vines are planted, 1 vetch and rye and other winter ; cover crops will* flourish about j them. Manager Peck n ell of the farm, j who has been here for the past three years, says that every j year 30 oi 40 bushfels of peas [ are sowed, ami turned under. SpeciaJize on fruit Production Mr. Gentry and his manager during the coming farm year j will specialr/e heavily on fruits j and then in order will come the general farming and cult i \ation of grain and forage crops. Bird mountain farm is a busy ! place every day in the year, j and t here is a refreshing di versity to Bird Mountain. The old beaten path of everything, in cotton except a roasting ear patch or two in the bottoms, is missing from this picture of progressive, modern tiHing and 1 building up the soil.? Spartan- 1 burg Herald. SANDY SPRINGS Rev.J. W. Hardin fiWed his appointment at Sandy Springs church Sunday. Miss Elsie Tanner left for Brevard Institute Monday. Lionel and Byron Lancaster spent the week end with home folks. A. B. Turner made a busi ness trip to Spartanburg Tues day. O. C. Smith of Spindale' at tended services at Sandy Springs Sunday. Misses Cora McjYIurry and Edna Turner were the guests of Misses Elsie and Roxie Tan ner Sunday. W. W. Rodgers who has been visiting his father and sister recently returned to Atlanta Monday to resume his studies at Georgia Tech. College. Limestone plants are taxed each year to take care of Sep tember orders. Farmers are improving their lands by grow ing clovers should give their orders for limestone as early as possible. PENNY COLUMN . j F)hone Your Wants To The Polk County News # For Sale: ? Pony,- pony cart, harness and saddle at reason able price. Address P. 0. Box 301 Saluda, N. C. No.2 3-w-pd o Pigs For Sale : ? Lot of six weeks old pigs at reasonable | price. See Mrs. John R. Smith, ! Columbus, N. C. 2rwpd. o [ For Rent: ? Nice room for lady, beautiful Pacolet Valley. | If teacher, bus to and from jschool. $3.00 per week.! Phone Vernon W. Patterson, I Care of J. F. Black. No-2-tf . j From Morning. Till night., 'tis saleman's delight to cut off SERGE without stopping. There is not a day but they ; roll 'em away. Like water for- 1 ever a dropping. WHERE SERGES ROLL ALL WOOL high grade SERGES AT COLLINS DE I'ARTMENT STORE sells for less, because we bought direct stripped of all middlemens pro- j tit from a Big New England Woolen Mill. J. D. COLLINS. Landrum, 0 NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I. A. H. Lynch forbid anyone under the penalty of the law to hire, harbor or keep my son Pharoah Lynch a minor. A. H. LYNCH. o Bundle Day? Tuesday 11th, is the day on which we sell remnants in bundles. Also special prices will be made on Clothing, Shoes, and Hats. ! Flour, C. S. Meal and many other tfoods will be sold at re- j duced prices. SI'INDALE STORE Spindale, N. C? A PERFECT THOUGHT had its origin in tha fertile brain of a manufacturer who built on scientific principals a BLANKET that will create and retain warmth^ the $6.00 kind only $3.98 a pair at COLLINS DEPARTMENT . STORE. PRETTY PLAIID BLANKETS at $1.35 and $1.95 KOLLINS BIG STORE beats ^em all on BLANKETS j. d. Collins LANDRUM o ForSaleJ! FOR SALE ? Wilcox Dairy Farm two good cottages and barn, 20 acres, some good bot tom land. This place will be sold at a very reasonable price and on terms to suit purchaser. JAMES LEONARD. For Sale:? In the beautiful Pac ioet Valley, . fine residence of seven rooms, two fine fire places, large porch, cement pillars and floor. Desirable locality. I James Leonard. For Sale I| For Sale : ? Cow, bed and other household articles. Call after one o'clock at old Leish Place. Floyd Clapper. o FOR SALE ? One two? horse Sparwling buggy with harness. Apply James L. Smith, Tryon Route 1. 2-w-pd. o ? FOR SALE ? Abruzzi seed rye in any quantity up to 50 bushels. Apply James L. Smith Tryon Route 1. 2-w-p o For Sale : Herford Bull. Selling on account of not wish- j ing to inbreed. Apply Joseph Lee, Landrum, S. C. o For Sale: Old styte Ford Touring Car. Solid leather cushions, good tires, running Valhalla Fruit Farm. M. G. SLAKE JULIAN CALHOUN Rea! Estate and Rents Office Over Drug Store Blake & Calhoun Fashion Now Turns to Black Satins Style creators and style authorities give Black Satin Pumps the lead for Fall. The Black Satin one strap, the beautiful strap trimmed in Black Suede with the cut-outs, and the dainty gored strap effects in the Boxwood, Spanish" and Louis heels are the newest creations. ? \ Variety has always made our store the most pop ular place to shop. May we expect you to shop here today? The Tryon Transfer Company A long felt need of Tryon and vicinity; Prompt and courteous attention to Baggage, ! Express and General Hauling. We Haul Anything, Anywhere as Cheaply, Quickly and Better 1^, . Two Phones Office 148 Residence 31 ' Money is Powerfy Material prosperity means a high more enjoyable standard of t ^ living n forming a banking connection Wja 1 strong instutition, you will be taking ^ portant step toward attaining- iivm/, pendance. 8 '""??? % The Bank of Tryon "Polk County's Strongest Bank" I J. B. HESTER, Cashier. c p .. F" P> bAC?N, IW WANTED In Columbus At Once A modern Hotel for both Tourist ana Commercial men. More good merchants. A modern cotton gin system. A resident doctor. A lJrug Store And more citizens, and every other business that goes with the above. WE HAVE Helped others to start. WHY NOT YulJ? A new Cannery and Garage now going up. \ small water system now in operation. Electric lights being installed. Two miles of cement walks TWO STRONG CHURCES And The Only STATE ACCREDITED HIGH SCHOOL In The COUNTY for further information address the Board of Trade, or POLK COUNTY BANK & TRUST CO. Columbus, N. C. THE BANK THAT BACKS THE FARMER Capital, Surplus and Profits $15,500. Resources $120 000 J. R. Sams, Chm. of Board E. W S Cobb, President Fred W. Blanton, Vice Pres. and Cashier Frank Jackson,' Vice Pres. M. L Arledge, Ass t. Cashier COLUMBUS BAPTIST ? Cull the flock, for "boarda CHURCH ' who don' t pay are expensive. Preaching Every 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sundays at 11 o'clock. Every Sunday night. . S. A. STROUP, Pastor. If you win at the fair, da crow ; if you lose, don't pa Find out why you did eiiiJ The judge wi) explain. J ENROLLS YOU Why waste any more time longing for the pleasures you can get out of a Ford Car? Start now to make the Touring Car or any other type you may select, your own. Soon you will have it to drive anywhere you want to go? ?camping ? visiting ? picnick' ing ? or to your work. Under the terms of the Ford Weekly Pur* chase Plan you can enroll for as little as $5. We will deposit your payments in a local bank at interest. You can add a little every week. Soon the payments plus the interest, will make the car yours. You will be surprised how little time it really takes to get a Ford after you make the start. Don't put it off?Enroll today. Come in and let us give you full particulars.

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