utal Happenings and V':" K".. . . -t \\c< K [ 1;K ? . TP I 111 11 i^l}, v!:' i r:: " j> I' Searles re tlio winter hi CH'r hi s t!- 'vi..' , V:>- ! ? , * K f.Ra- " , n i Mrs J' " ri ,< :?< '? aafr!' t ^Tv, aD ?' W** " V' : . I'tfc? v' ' ' W: U ' % * ? ? ? LiK - '' k%. ?? jel I ^ 1 1 * Chapel Hill viN'k to re el- w i.n has been Averill has ;?( .\roriMck Baptist s.-ptember 12 !;. 1\ Bel lie. V,". Cat hey nVy in Char of their Air- and Mrs. j.'i (!. nu-hter Miss ih?'ir homo I ? iitlcd visit I :: and Spar- I I A. Ca they f ".'v^hrville. .nt! son. Wil li ? \ * wilh her r Liviugs uho has \MM-ks with f. W. Hal :?>: inurnment of m? r hooi re .eilr.ye work \\ r \Yarl had as ?1r 1 M... II ? " !>!? 1 lor:: ?> !:l-' yr. .\:.c ' ::: . tlu ' " v. 1 " ' ?? i- r . ? ' ? Mr and Mrs. | i?klyn are v. iiiioii- in [ ,!rs, Ander i.niiail Miller L - ? , . vires ot winter l'?2. ^ Why I'M etMKl busi . ... v . !!? trend of f ", ; and n-'ws about Itryon route one. Evi- Howards entered rrille" O'i!"-'' !a-t week. Epworth League Lv:r.-r> :ir- '? 'ae made by onh Lt-auti*- t?? install a rfo;;n chureh. Ifo: this ;m :r.? were an ! th- m? * t i::ir held last trviibr Th?- meeting was j to Mia! cam*--.. Iced tea i ft* w-r- rv.'d. si Mr- . s Page and ti ? :i th-- route last incrr. P3 th- *n Joyed the at Sih - r Cr?- k last Sunday. ? 0 MILL SPRING ? Lizzv I);ilt(?n. Eva and ffo-rtc !. ft Thursday for ?h -r- r 1 1 ??? y entered Gii.b.< ar.?l Ilttl" niece, Ko v i - j t . - ] his mother if- 0.' ! - h<\ wfefc. pd:--* : t v< ral ladies ar ? v. o. Edgerton : ' ; nri"->s^ of making *-?2 Hirii--r hr\s returned ! - - n-!- r. . wfj ? t? ? she at- j "* -i'hi i' >! ? c:,ntr??n have t^"ir hnn ? near Spar- j !-r _ ;i couple | ? 0 LYNN brents Teachers Association. t'-'ii'-s of Lynn 5 *?"'!?! in order ?;y-< Assocla '"?'irrinity. The '*"N ?' -r- elected: ij\ A ! TT- ndricks; ,',rv Ballard ;; ^ v t. nood. '"N v' r i .Mde for a i the dormi \% r. >?' i . r ??V (, v"- given a I':'" vision was ih.' ti achers rv. , ? ^htain' d to nil give i,. : '? ' >:irn??d to r\ " " afternoon, Mock at the shoals ? ? ? ; ; ? ' i in Rock ' ' !v s. c.. TOf? ; ' ' ' i.i-a . week. ^ y.'j : lU":rinten .. 1 ? r Com-. 44 i I ? ? o; of the ntN 1 SJt 1 'iturday. '"li ester, : U ?)i'l vis ? ? It.uU Hill, t * " ^?'ru i;i ; -rinten* ^v- Hp',. p?v r Com Vj XAu-.Vil. ' Friday y ' ??" iU'.hv \n?-er ot ".V ? *. F'n" >' '?> !o;>r of k! ??.?.-..?viiuy. Y\; '? 'i.'.Vv "f the i it'll ' v>: / right ***,*. *'?" tof V.\ l!l ,;,r" t* to.. 'v' nt. ^Tl.r M tvu. VUue l '^V'auv. visited the ^ W.S \UsV vctflt. Missildine's Pharmacy and Tryon are practically synonomous, They have known one another for thirty years. ONLY THE BEST MISSILDINE'S PHARMACY The Rexall Store Phone No. 4 Tryon, N. C. F. H. Bryson spent the week end with relatives at his home 4 in Flat Rock. K- B. Glenn made a business trip to Hendersonville last Monday. 0 ? Comparing the donations to the Japanese relief fund as made by many communities and cities far larger than Tryon, this community is to be highly commended for its gen erous and quick response to the em ergency call. Tryon gave nearly as much as one i city of many times its population i and gave more han anoher that is five times the size of Tryon Both of these cities have large tourist populations that increase their totals to a far larger degree. Polk county has always been ready to stand by in any emergency call for funds and ; has repeatedly shown its willingness to subscribe more than Its quota | when called upon for help. Once again Polk County has gone , ' Over-the-Top" nad maintained jts war record for answering the call. 0 CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. | State of Nor^h Carolina Department of State To All to Whom These Presents May Come ? Greeting: . Whereas, It appears to my satis- ' faction, by duly authenticated record i of the preceedings for the voluntary j dissolution thereof by the unanimous l consent of the stockholders, deposit- j I'd in my office, that the Ballenger Company, a corporation of this I State, whose principal office is situa- j tod in the town of Tryon, County of I Polk, State of North Carolina (Fred j E . Swann, Sec. being the . agent | therein and in charge thereof, upon i whom process may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 22, Consolidated Statutes, entitled "Corporations," prelimary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dis solution: Now, Therefore, I, W. N. Everett, Secretary of State of North Caro- | ? _ I lina, do hereby certify that the said i corporation did, on the 13th day of September 1923, tile in my office a a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said con- i sent and the record of the proceed ings aforesaid are now on file in my office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, 1 have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 13th day of September, A. D. 1923. W. N. EVERETT, Secretary of State. PENNY COLUMN Phone Your Wants To The v Polk County News For Sale: ? Pony, pony cart, harness and saddle at reason able price. Address P. O. Box 301 Saluda, N. C. No.2 3-w-pd FOR SALE ? Wilcox Dairy j Farm two good cottages and barn, 20 acres, some good bot tom land. This place will be sold at a very reasonable price and on terms to suit purchaser. JAMES LEONARD. For Sale: ? In the beautiful Pac ioet Valley, fine residence of seven rooms, two fine fire places, large porch, cement pillars and floor. Desirable locality. . James Leonard. FOR SALE ? One two-horse Sparwling buggy with harness. Apply James L. Smith, Tryon ( Route 1. 2-w-pd. o NOTICE Under and by virtu re of the j power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by J. C. Laugh ter and his wife E. F. Laughter M.G.BLAKE ""-IAN CALHOUN Real Estate and Rents Office Over Drug Store Blake & Calhoun Another Premium For the Fair j We will give one pair of Hamilton J Brown Ladies Shoes, value $5.50, j I for the best Loaf of Bread baked | ! from Pinnacle Flour, the finest 1 i bread flour. i | | Hamilton Brown Shoes are all leather. Pinnacle " I Flour is always fresh and clean. | : j i Also 100 pounds of Pinnacle Flour t j for the best half dozen bitcuits | t baked from Pinnacle Flour. j Both are sold and guaranteed by,' i I Andrews Brothers | TRYON, N. C. | We Are Glad to Serve You! 4 ' * In the routine of its daily duties the bank takes each : as it comes and disposes of it conscientiously, sincerely and liberally. No transaction is too small to have full measure of service. The changing of a dollar bill is not looked upon as an an noying incident. An account with "The Peoples" is assurance of modern and comprenensive service. i Ladies Rest Room. Reading Room Capital $25,000 Surplus over $6,000 Resources over $200,000 No loans are made by this bank to any of its officers or directors. W. F. LITTLE Cashier V. A. BLAND Asst. Cashier FOSTER THOMSON Asst. Cashier PEOPLES BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Member American Bankers Association Tryon, North Carolina G. H. HOLMES, President , J. T. WALDROP Vice President WALTER JONES Vice President which deed bears date of April 26th 1922 and which is found of record in the office of Regis ter of Deeds for Polk County in Book of Deeds in Trust No. 20 at page 313, to John R. Burgess Trustee to secure the payment of a certain note in the sum of One Hundred one and 50-100 dollars with interest, and de fault having been made and de mand for payment having also been made I will in pursuant to such power of sale offer for sale and sell to the highest bid der, for cash, at the court house door in Columbus, Polk County, North Carolina, on 1st If you are in need of a stone, large or small, see our line when in Spartanburg. A nice fresh stock of both marble and granit. West Main street, opposite the Cleveland Hotel. MECKLENBURG Marble and Granite Co. Spartanburg S. C. Two or three good local agents wanted in this territory. Will Defective Vision Interfere With Your Success Watery eyes or headaches are usually the first symp toms of eye strain' Many a person has made use of a dangerous eye drop or head ache powders when they should have consulted our competent optometristabout his trouble. Our examina tions are as careful as the pricing of our services. R. E. Biber OPTOMETRIST 103 W. Main St. Spartanburg, - S. C. day of Oct. 1923 at 12 M- the following real estate: Being the same land described in the deed of trust mentioned herein and being bounded- as follows: Be all the lands described in a cer tain deed from Elizabeth Sel ena Jackson to J. C. Laughter found in Book 36 page 391 for the records of Polk County. This the 8th day of Sept. 1923. JOHN R. BURGESS Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE. The Board of School Com missioners of the Tryon Graded School District will sell at pub lic auction to the highest bid der on the 20th day of October 1923 at three o'clock P. M on the premises of the new school property, in Try on, N. C., all* of the land west of C. W. Mor gan's road comprising about seven (7) acres, more or less, belonging to said Tryon Graded School District, the same hav ing been purchased from W. B. Weigel. Terms of sale $500.00 cash at time of sale and the re mainder to be paid upon deliv ery of tender of a good and suf ficient deed, or within thirty days. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. This 12th day of September 1923. Board of School Commission ers of the Tryon Graded School District. No. 3, 4-w. BATTERY SERVICE is what you will get here. Drive right up and have your auto bat tery put in perfect -shape. We repair, recharge, test, rent, sell and otherwise handle auto bat teries in a real service way. We specialize in this line. BISHOP'S GARAGE Landrum, S. C. WkytoOwna 0N840NTTO Here is t chance for you to get started toward greater profits ? or to build up a business of Your own ? and it costs only $5 to make tne start j Everywhere, Ford One-ton Trucks and Light Delivery Cars are saving more than this every year for their users. So, as soon as your truck starts running it will quickly take care of the purchase price and add new profits as welL It will widen the area in which you can do business, enlarge the number of customers you can serve? and keep your delivery costs down to the lowest point. Start now toward the ownership pf a Foid Truck or Light Delivery Car ? use the roo Under the teqns of this ? 1 Plan, we deposit this W Enrolls money in 3 local bank at You interest. Each week you add a little more ? this also draws . interest. And in a short time the yjn I truck is yours to use. Come in and us give you full particulars^ Kilpin Motor Company I Try on Worth Carolina