OF THE POLK COUNTY NEWS Tryon, N. CM September 27, 1923 $1'50 a Year Our Fall stocks are now at their best and in every depart ment you will find "Trade Event specials which means We will give you Lower Prices on these Specials during Trade Event. , > * ' ' ' - - " We give you Trade Event Coupons for every Dollar spent with us during Trade Event. ? Brilliant Modes in Dress Hats l , Featuring the modish all-black and the black and color combinations. ' Panne, and | Lyons Velvet are the favored fabrics? i plumage and embroidery the* leading trim mings The season of the social whirl has arrived, [ and the selection of the dress hat for Fait I occasions is to be settled. When you make | your selection from this assemblage, you I do so with the gratifying assurance that ev 1 ery single mode is_ authentic to the last de tail. - i And M<.>t only individual but exclusive? showr. in fact for the first time. There arev [ the n -V.V variations of the French cloche shape, there are the charming bonnet type j pokes, the dainty little brimless styles, and the arge wide-brimmed hat of panne. Charrning contours, lovely coloriugs, beau ? tiful rich fabrics and exquisite style. What j more ?? uld one want in her hat than these? j *Hun ! v.jsof other hats at? $3.50 to $8.50 at $9.00 to $35 We are the exclusive Spartanburg agents for Irene Castle Dresses s Coats Irene Castle is the best dressed woman in A merica. Come and see these lovely clothes. They are no higher priced than any other good grades of fine tailored dresses and coats. Here you get styles that are new while they are being worn in Paris and oth er style centers of the world \ , Buy Cotton Goods Now N. V Don't wait, they are bound to go higher. We have not raised our prices on Sheets, Towels and Pillow Cases. They are the same now they were in June, when we all thought .there would be made a large cotton crop. liow we know the crop will be small and prices are bound to be much higher. We don't know how much longer we can keep our prices down, so the wise thing to do is to buy now ? before our low priced goods are all sold. ? ? If you are a large woman and hard to fit ?visit our Stout Department. Here ycu will find suits, dresses, coats and skirts that are made to fit large women and to make them look smaller. If you let Liles fit you once you will see our clothes made you look - more stylish and smaller than the clothes you find in most stores that are large enough for you. We also have Hats Sn> our Millin ery Department that are designed for large women specially. If you are large and hard to fit let our Graduate Corsetiere fit you in Corset? you will be pleased. Betty Wales Many a style of the moment owes some thing of its charm to a memory of yester year. A gracefully draped Betty Wales dress makes' effective use of silk brocade, a material that furnished a rich setting for youth and beauty of olden times. Frills ~of eiru shadow laea' are quite in harmony. Attractive piping, peasant sleeves and lace are notable in the desing of another fasci nating Betty Wales model. The material is the popular Lurie crepe. Every Betty Wales Garment unconditionally guaranteed. 4 Automobiles to be Given Away In c P' i ranburg's Second Big Trade Event which P<^3d Sept. 25th and closes Oct. 6 at 5 p. m. 1 - and New Chevrolet Touring Car ?' Brand New Ford Touring Car to je given to out-of-town shoppers lNew Chevrolet and 1 New ForcT to be given to Spartanburg City shoppers - ?reat Bargains are being offered during this b Big Trade Eveut ' Partial ,g^owin? seventy merchants who. are DEPARTMENT STORES White-Park-Belk CO. Greenewald's Inc. Floyd L. Liles Co. August W. Smith Co. Hobb-Henderson Co. The Carolina Cash Co. Sanders Racket Store SHOES SfORE8 Wright-Scruggs Shoe Co. Kinney's Shoe Store Mimnaugh's Nissen's Shoe Store GRORCERIES , The Chapman Piggly-Wiggly The Split Nickel Hardy Bros. Basketeria J. W. White/ Rogers " & I^ayton Littlejohn Bros. Wm. A- McPee DRUG 8TORES Ligon's Drug Store Wilson's Drug Store Heinltsh Drug Store Kenned's Drug Store FURNITURE STORES * Vogel & Son Herring Furniture Co. Hammond-Brown Wall Co. Maxwell Bros. & Jones ' -V .> ?- ' !-*? - ' MARKETS W. P. Brown AUTOMOBILES C..D. Entrekin Earnest Burwell City Motor Car Co LADIES' READY TO WEAR STORES The Outlook Standard Cloak Co. JEWELRY ' W. E. Biber% Farmer & Long Rufus D. Lewis Paul E. Crosby Spigel Bros. MILLINERY Cohen & Co. Thom & Rumble MEN'S CLOTHING STORES Cannon , 6 Fetzer Co. * Meyerson's Inc. Harry Price . H. Lee Smith Goldberg's -MENS AND WOMENS READY TO WEAR Carlson Clothing Co. Edw. A. Farley Baker's Inc. . Superior Clothing Co. HARDWARE stores . Boyd Hardware Co Montgomery & .Crawford Spartanburg Hardware Co. SODA PARLOR8 The Elite Bishop's Soda Co. ELECTRICAL . S. C. Gas & Elec. Co. QIL, 'GAS, AUTO ACCESSORIES . * Willard's Filling Station City Service Station Odom's Battery Service Co. Wallace D. DuPre Magnolia Oil Co. , ARY AND NAVY 8TORES J. H. Sheridan BOOK AND OFFICE SUPPLIES Calhoun Office Supply Co. -DuPre's Book Store 8HOES SHOPS Economy Shoe Shop BAKERIES Becker's Bakery STUDIOS J. F. Manning PAINT 8T0RE8 Ballenger Paint Store FARM IMPLEMENTS Hutchlns & Co. ? M?rnmammmmamsmai Seventy Merchants In Big Trade Event Equal Prizes to be Given People Living In and "Out of City. Seventy " ' Spartanburg merch ants, representing practically every * line of business in the city, are par ticipating in the trade event being staged here September 25 ? October 6 1 _ Two Chevrolet touring . cars and two Ford touring cars are to be given away as prizes. One Chevolet and one Ford will go to shoppers living without the city or Spartan burg, and one Chevrolet and one Ford to shoppers living within* the city of Spartanburg. Thirty-six merchants were in the Trade Event held in June, and the fact that practically double that number are participating now is evidence of the satisfaction given. The giving away of one car is a big event, but to give away a fleet of autombiles, as the Spartanburg Mer chants propose, is something un heard of. ' Trade event opened last Tuesday, simultaneously with John Robinson's circur. For eleven days there will be a bargain feast such as the "City of Success" has never before. Every body within Spartanburg's trade area and even beyond is invited to come to the Metropolis of the Pied mont and do their shopping between September 25th and October 6th. As in June, the final reature or Trade Event will be staged on Mor gan Spuare, Saturday afternoon at 5 o'clock *of the closing day, when the prizes will be awarded. Europe is recctvirs American music by radio, but is riot dnncing to It very mOch. Still, Solomon fn all his glory prob ably didn't seem quite so majestic as a traffic cop. He who doesn't hrsitnte, in caution, before, crossing a street.'!*; in danger of being lost. ^ Abonf h!I some girls Know nhout a needle is that one has jto change ft after each record. Early morning sunlight on the snow under the oak tree Is worth living in the country to see;. The bloom of youth is charming, un less it blooms a little higher in one cl|pek than in the <4her. If_yOu can truthfully say he never hadvan enemy in his life he never amounted to much In politics. Automobile production Is setting some new speed records. For that matter so are the pedestrians. Thve ar? two kinds of people, those who nave tender feelings, and those who are not quite so selfish. Usually a man who wants to change the .Constitution could do more good by improving his temperament. ? / A perennial smile indicates that Na ture has equipped her with a sweet ? disposition or a good set of teeth. Whn the JageUons Were. The Jagellons were a dynasty that reigned over Lithuania, Poland, Hun gary and Bohemia. The line began with Jagellon, who became king of Po land a a Ladislas III or V in 1399, and ended with Sigismund IL, who died in im \ Are You Afflicted With Movie Eyes? When you go to a moving pic ture show don't sit too near the ront While you are looking at the pictures your eye mus cles are ' constantly employed and your iris made active by the continual change of light If this causes your eyes to be* come inflamed, seek an exper # -ienced optometrist. R. E. Biber OPTOMETRIST 103 W, MainJSL Spartanburg, - S.C.