Chicago Gets Coffee Cargo Direct From Brazil Navy Has Most Powerful Seaplane of Its Kind * ? 8ti iiiii Steamship Delos W. Cook of ltio Janeiro. Brazil, unloading t>,U -.000 pounds of coffee in Chicago. This is the fjrst ship to make a direct voynge from South America to Chicago, ai 1 her cargo is the largest shipment of colTee that ever reached that city. Cabinet Members Caught Unawares EARNS HIS NICKNAME jpmmmmjm ^ MM Jm w 1 ? VXn>J>i mmm ?m The most powerful single motored seaplane In the world. It is the Navy Wright 2 (NW-2), enteral ([ Schneider Cup Seaplane race at Cowes, England, Sept. 28. The NW-2 has made more than 177 miles m j10Ur her trial flights. earns bravery medal English Mines Get Iceland Ponies I I Entirely oblivious to everything about them, Secretary of War J^>hn \Y, Weeks and Secretary of the Treasury Andrew \V. Mellon, following the mak ing of a formal picture of President roolldge's cabinet, just remained seated on the White House lawn when? they held what seemed to be a serious con ference. It Is seldom that two cabinet members are caught so entirely un awares in a photograph. and Fled Captain "Kescue" Knndall of the S. S. President Fillmore, whose photo- , graph is shown above, received four S. t O. S. calls on his latest trip to the Unit ed States from Knrope. The captain always answers mils for aid and, ow ing to his numerous rushes to help persons in distress, has been given the sobriquet "rescue." I i I MAY WED AN AMERICAN Hum Miss Sylvia Rosenthal, fifteen-year old St. I'aul, Minn., girl scout, who rescued from drowning the eleven yen r-old son of Dr. and Mrs. John l'arker of New York at White Bear lake, St. Paul. The girl was on her way to a scout meeting when she saw the youth topple from his canoe. He had been struck on the head with his paddle and without waiting a moment Sylvia dashed into the lake and In doing so broke her wrist. Despite this she succeeded In effecting a rescue after a struggle with the drowning youngster and dragged him to shore. INTERESTS THE ORIENT After a long and doubtless seasick passage, one of several hundred Ioelaud ponies, Imported from Reykjavik for service in the coal mines of South York shire, gazes sadly at the earth as he is swung ashore at Hull, England. This Is the Rival of the Saxophone After being held in Siberia by representatives of the Soviet government for six weeks, the American-owned ' gas schooner Iskuin arrived at Nome, Alaska, with the two Ited guards who had been placed aboard to watch the crew. The government charged the American traders with entering Siberia without proper clearance. After much dickering, the crew finally captured the Ked guards and made for Nome. This photograph was taken on board the Iskum. How France Has Rebuilt Lens 8 w