!\ We have a big new basement which we are filling with real bargains of (-very kind of merchandise too numerous to mention in full but we give a partial list below Our Bargain Basement is to be a permanent part of our store so come to see us >mv ' > . v old time. Shoes For Men Women and Children ? ' I Beginning with Shoes, we have one lot values to $2. 75 for $1.69 Another lot values up to $5.00 for * $2.48 Don't fall to see these shoes. Still another lot values up to $6.00 for $3.79 Also one lot values up to $4.50 ' . for 1 $2.98 , "J S ? I ? All told we have several hundred pairs. Automobile to be Given -Away ^ % v " ? We are going to give someone an automebile. Get tickets ? for what you trade or pay on account. Date of this will be an nounced later. Ready-to-Wear One of the most important things yo.u may select from our big assortment is Winter Goats, Coat Suits, Silk and Wool Dresses, Capes and Skirts. On . the Main Floor. We are offering a nice selection in all of these in wide range of prices. We have twelve styles of Ladies Coats in $15 value for $9.95 and equally as good values up to $30. Children's Coats $2.75 up.^ Ladies' Coat Suits as low as'$f0.00. Ladies' Ssrg3 Dresses as low as $4.50 and up to $30. DRY GOODS . .. / - Se\jeral hundred yards Arkwright Ch; ml-ray, k Melvaie Plaids and Manhattan Percales IV r 10c per yard. Quilt Calico iOc the yard. Any num t ber of Gingham Dress Patterns, 5 yard.- lerfik 85c the pattern. Special prices given on many other dress goods on the main floor. [ Bleached and unbieach- 5 doz. Children's Sduwi ed Domestic 10c. Dresses, 0 to ll-'s, !rc. Work and flay Cloth 19c Women's bed ium si.j - S Sheets, 81x90, $2 qua!- pers 89c || ity, $1.50. Hickory Shirting 3 yus. P Curtain Scrim 10c per 57cts. yard up. 'Remnant bundles weigh One case Jacquard Blan- ing 5 pounds SI. 25 kets $1.75. Worth more. Hosiery 10 els. up One lot Men,s P. B. Coats 3.00, 3.75 and 4.50. One lot Boys' P. B. Coats, 2.00. 2.50 and 3.00 One lot Men's P. B. Overcoats, several dozen, your choice for 6.00. Several dozen one-piece corduroy suits, sizes three to eight, new and nobby, for 1.95. " For a limited time only we have selected from our $15 to 30.00 values a number of suits that we will ofier for 11.48 to 19.85. This is fresh stock, durable, dressy. From our 25.00 to 35.00 Styleplus values we have se lected a number of brand new Fall Suits that we will sell for 21.50 to 28.50. These are guaranteed all wool and hand tailored. Only 5 dozen heavy weight overalls 2.00. value for 1.50 _Only 2 dozen Men's Trousers 1.50. A Men's Dress Shirts 69c. Men's Work Shirts 69c. 'No doubt wou will want something in furniture. On the second floor you will find beds, mattresses, springs, dressers, sideboards, chairs rockers. * . ? ? i * * Big Reductions on all following but Too Numerous to Mention Prices Pajamas, night shirts, underwear for all, dresses, middy blouses, shirt waists, boys' pants, gloves, pocket books, purses, ladies' belts, men's belts, knit caps,, middy ties, petticoats, scarf and. cap sets, wool and silk scarfs, towels, handkerchiefs, ties, hosiery, . night gowns bloomers. ' Sugar 11 lbs the $1 Lard the bucket $1.25 Coffee 5 lb $1.00 * . . . . | ? , " ? V ~ '? N One lot of Seconds in Men's Felt Hats, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 We Jiave over One Hundred Styles in Men's, Women's and Children's Sweaters. v. ? + 1 ~ ' ilf WWilii iMIUnf^TifW ifMlMiiUTi" fi' I ii r