Something to Think About ? t(. Uncle Bben, "if apt to he ? trip dat don' let u0V tvliab .vou's g'Ine or when git buck." vflU *?0*' voo': Colors Worn by Jockeys. Ttiere are re. or.N to show that King Henry VIII n-; r!X as 1530 dressed bl9 Jockeys in v.'Iors, but nothing to P^ve that thf- e? .'ors "'^re always the J,nie. In !"??- ?' hockey club posted s notice to ?"'t that several own erso{rnciM v > had selected colors ft) be "orii ? jockeys. Some of lie colors i-' ? -??<? are still In use by the same Amines. _ ? OJcl Experience. Xhe stni /!-'?< r ? xiifrlence of niy ljfe BiS one tl:- > n.\iiV in our orchard. I viS sitim r.r.i't'r a pant apple tree. presently I ?'?? und started away. Scarcely h;j- i I !>?ne four steps ere a larye dffl'i !'r.:!n'!i fell to the spot rbere I IiatI sitting. I did not venture umler -load branches again far some thu*>.?nilcngo Journal. Sun Dials. Ilie sun i' ;>? i* tirst mentioned in tie Book o! N umIi 38 :S, and may tjTe been f ? ; <-! after the plan of a famous 5i::i : J India in the form if a stT!*e> ??: v-m?s. The remains of mob a sun ili.i! f;.;ve been found amid ^ ruin? "? !'?'? ir*'!l. The modern m dial on!;. from the prim itire ones, in r' r is more accurate ly placed mi .] n*ov carefully made. Women A.-e All the Same. It is a fun:;.\ thing, but while you ajplivhie r.n ii Iiito men and artists, tomen art* ail * t 1m* same; they're all mists of a kiii'! and women as wellj jut woman is i.?*;ter thnn a mediocre an, but no \y>u a\ is as good as a {fcver man.? I'r^.ii "Last Week," by Jiora P. Vin<-v Attention . Farmers ? This back ri-r.lially invites you to bring. <T mail your checks recivt .1 fur cotton and other farm products to us either for can'i or credit. If you art' a m.-utlu-r of the cot ton growers a sociation, bring your wareho: -'1 receipts or bill of ladiiic to us and we'll advance the >?'>'?. 00 per bale and send your papers on to Raleigh ino - xpense to you.) We are always friendly and ready to serve and to give in formation for th.' purpose of furthering thr best interest of our farmer tri- mis. Come to see us, let us s.-rve vou. Polk County Bank & Trust COmpany Columbus, N. C. Resources Over $175,000.00 ) R. Sams, Chm. of Board L W. S. Cobb. President frank Jackson, Vice Pres. fad W. Blanton, Vice Pres. and Cash I L Wedge, Ass't. Cashier. Hood Eyesight 1m We Your Content? can furmsh you glasses will strengthen and rest Hour eyes. Ofttimes when the **Ver of g noses secure the ^oper aid ai tr.e proper time 's able to do without them bis eyci become again ^mal. We r.rv eye author tiei. R. E. Biber optometrist 103 V- . KAm St. IVtanbun s. c. Scientists have got the hook for the book worm. ? ; 1 l'l. ' _ '-i The semi-detached female It the foal menace. Airmen today are trying to put the *eop" In helicopter. The knee-length skirt is the shorter and uglier word for style. Keeping up appearances Is largely a question of keeping In debt. The famous anvil chorus doubtless voiced the jazz Instincts of Its day. Why should not the censors cut all the stupidity out of the movies, too? Stop, look, listen, and then learn hew deep the water Is before you dive. The "off" in so many soviet leaders' names seems particularly appropriate. Hitting only the high spots is safer -when aviating than it is when motor In*. Radio will reach Its maximum of popularity when it starts broadcasting money. If progress had been left to the knockers man would still be in the ?tone age. Judging from the divorces, it ap pears that self-love Is the only love that lasts. The premier of Poland, who weaif DO tie, will probably also claim hi wears no man's collar. Itfe getting to be so only extra beau tiful women can kill somebody and hope to escape punishment Many a bettor on the races has beei unable to break himself of the habit until he has gone broke. The young graduate is discovering that among the necessaries of life the most important is a living. "Bat less sugar," says a doctor. Ttje first prescription ever written on which the patient saved money. The war didn't even settle how properly to pronounce the names at some of those European towns. Unfortunately the political forecast ?at an amateur may look as well on paper as the forecast of ap expert. Carpenter's Department Store Rutherfordton, N. C. "Distinctive" Millinery The marked originality of this Part - sian model for Fall, with the droop ing feather high on the crown, is a hint at the real distinctiveness of the millinery assembled here for this Autnmn season. Here yonr eye will be delighted by models rich in originality; hats ihat yon can wear with the satisfaction that comes from knowing that your hat has individuality, becomingness and attractiveness . And yon m?y be snre that every model is new and absolutely correct in design and material. "Tomorrow 'a Millinery" is helping thousands of women select the best and most charming things in hats. Are you taking advantage of this FREE fashion Service f Ask us about it. Well'dretsed women wear bats with this label ? hb The Tryon Transfer Company p '?"K felt need of Tryon and vicinity; ExrJ?""1'1 and courteous attention to Baggage, Ss a";i General Hauling. / We Haul Anywhere as Cheaply, Quickly and Ke l4s Two Phones %9 . .?? ? ; Residence 31 The careless in street traffic should be earless. : . v ? If Europe doesn't soon get right* It will get left ? ?. 1 x,. Germany Is a wonderful country. II still printing marks. " ? rrr Scrapping warships is better than ; to have warships scrapping. lA hundred reds in the country are not worth one red sent out of it What ever happened to the oW iShioned dime novel that didn't coot 1.75? Columbus was the first HJuropean Who encountered difficulty in touching America. Dress reformers apparently hold that the form divine should not be divineble. The most useless period I9 man's Ufe is the week before vacation and the day after. One trouble about being a "mo# beautiful" woman is having to live op to the reputation. Four brakes on the car if all rlgl#, but for a certain class of drivers then really should be eight Packing autos is real science, say* a headline. Nothing, however com pared to parking them. Sometimes life seems to be Just t 'oposition of finding the kind 0 1 ouble you can stand. A writer says Alaska is a region fa vored by providence. Thafs a fact ! It onoe belonged to Russia. I Unfortunately, the joy- riding can usually kill the wrong people while ! tile joy riders go on "iding. ' An economist says music helps In letting the work done. This does not, however, refer to chin musle. It seems that the best way to at tract attention at French beach resorts i is to wear a modest bathing suit. Of course insects have brains. How else could they figure out Just where you are going to have your picnlct A huge camera has been constructed to take a picture of the sun. It is | feared the proofs will shew it moved. That old proverb about the lest haste the more speed doesn't get very > far* In these days of cros^couadqr fflgbtsi One trouble with these coast-to eoast flights between (town and smv set is that the coasts are so doggoned t*r apart When a loafer gets down to the notnt that It Is work or starve and he decides to work, he Is on the trail to ?If respect. 1 ? BP mere taw enforcement Is the rg most desirable, perhaps it would well to raise the speed limit to * miles an hour. Another way to avoid work is to o*r ganise a propaganda campaign of some kind and find a few rieh pepple who wish to be useful. The American woman probatbly wflj , not care two raps about the doctor's statement that too much athletics Is Baking her knock-kneed. They say that men's clothes need re taming. It ls> however, the men that aaad sufficient independence to wea* wfcat is good and comfortable. Compared with 1022, automobile pro duction has Increased, this year, 4fT par cent. But where Is the pedestrian who can Jump 4T per eent farther t When the millennium shsM have ar rived, civilization will have readied the point where agriculture will stand as the highest and noblest vocation o4 m. The government may call off dawn to-dusk flights for the rest of the year, but it is doubtful if it will be as suc cessful with some of the dusk-to-dawn high fliers. Those New York doctors who say that Americans eat too much Ice cream are going to be out of luck as far a* popularity Is concerned, at least until tha "heated term" ends. Prof. McAdie of Harvard has issued a long list of Instructions on how to avoid lightning. Meanwhile a lot of politicians are daring the presidential lightning to strike them. Considering that the government has compiled statistics on everything else. It would be interesting te have some figures on the number of fish caught In proportion to the bait used. Who says the perils of civilization ara not worse than those of the jungle? That Cincinnati hippopotamus never wodkl have died from swciiowing a tennis ball If It had been en its native i. Harvard professor presents a long Hit of what nrt t? to it one would ? oapa being struck by lightning. A oopy of the list ought to be in the arssr satklis i ? L ...? Jt.J ? Counterfeit $1,000 bills are in clr- j eolation. Have a care! Fortunately, few of the class prophe- . cies will ever come true. Almost any system of government 1 will work if the people will. No strawberry shortcake should be I less than three stories high. Europe doesn't need dictators so much as it nee?s a guardian. A great deal depends at the railroad crossing on where you come to a dead ?top. Dollar gasoline would at least re lieve the congestion in the emergency wards. Ice cream prices are up and the j price of coal shows no signs of losing Strength. A happy land is one where every body is so poor that nobody can envy anybody. 1 Some men take up pipe smoking In order gradually to break off the tobae 'co habit. The autolst who swings around a corner on two wheels does himself a bad turn. 1 1 If there is any color more hated In this country than Russian red it Is parlor pink. Almost any man can waste a lot of useful time making a garden and still live longer. Old timers can remember when ce dar block pavements were spoken of as "improvements." I Scientist says that violin playing is a hair tonic. Well, a lot of it is unde niably hair-raising. 1 The treasury plans tp abolish the 2 dollar bill. The 5-dollar bill has taken its place of late years. 1 We take It that no girl who win? the prize in a beauty contest is ever ; surprised at the verdict. mmtm ?? ~ "Intelligence tests" would nndoubt ' edly be all right if a little Intelligence j were used In making them. ? I With the temperature in the Yukon ! at 120 in the sun sealskin underwear must be very much de trop. Nobody Is more popular than an *utomobile prospect unless It is a poli tician with jobs to distribute. - ? * - % j Vesuvius is having a first class erup 1 tion, proving that Italy continues to ! know how to attract sightseers* ? 1 Its reappearance on bathing -beaches ! recalls the fact that the human knee Is a pretty tough looking Joint Dome Informed student of Chinese history might tell he world where a Chinese government goes when it falls. ? - An expert says that dishwashing beautifies the hands, but the majority will continue to nse their favorite lo tion. Perhaps, after all, the easiest way to save your pride Is to tell the kid that j you haven't time to help him with his algebra. Iff a serious question whether a J white elephant on your hands ever i seemed as big as white shoes on '? your feet ____ An artist says an Impressive paint i ing can be bought for $100. For that matter, a framed $100 bill would he | impressive. One thtng that always can be cocmt ! ed on is that all the "Detour" signs will be In place by the opening of the i vacation season. J Artificial rain and synthetic thun der will be forgiven if the scientist can make sortie sort of arrangement for perpetual June* 1 ? ? "? Europe Is overcrowded, says ft British anthropologist, but the Old 1 World has always been able to find j room for an argument fc? ? i " i ? ? | The boll weevil Is a curse, but now j that so much artificial silk Is being ( made, It won*t be necessary to make so much of It out of cotton. I The theory that Americans best brains are In the business *wld Is j revived by a scientist's announcement 1 that a man thinks beet with M feet on ft desk. i i An American admiral denies the i Einstein theory entirely. This is one I controversy In which neither partidp- j ! ant can hope for much more than our moral support. Regular steamboat service on the up per Mississippi is re-established after ! seven years, binding St Louis and St ! Paul In a kind of holy? or at least saintly ? alllancet More than 180,000,000 hairnets pro duced in one Ohinese province were used In this country last year, most j of them to make a bobbed bead look like something else. For another thing, it is a simple matter for a wife to shoot her hus band and get away with It She easily, thftt O a for Sale at Bea K?* Dirt tnovffig> a ps0^ A. C PlttAWPy11 p ? II. !?*?"?"* S5* wW?-? ?^?c. Phone i?v? _ Prepare Now You know that sooner or later Winter will be here, so why not prepare now to have your home warm and comfort able. The price of the best Coal is less now than it will be next winter and you are sure of deliv ery when you want it. Wood W. S. GREEN TRYON, N. C. Coal Another Premium For the Fair We will give one pair of Hamilton | Brown Ladies Shoes, value $5.50, for the best Loaf Bread baked from Pinnacle Flour, the finest bread flour. Hamilton Brown Shoes are all leather. Pinnacle Flour is always fresh and clean. Also 100 pounds of Pinnacle Flour for the best half dozen biscuits j! baked from Pinnacle Flour. . V.; % Both are sold and guaranteed by TRYON, N. C. ''3?P -? ?

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