POLK COMi Y NEWS C. BUSK. Publisher H. M: FRASER, Editor Phono 99. Published every Thursday at Tryon, North Carolina Advertising Representative ' 1 ..Vir.H : AN ruEss ASSOCIATION The farmers of neighboring coun ties have realized the importance of cooperative marketing of farm pro duce in car loads lots. The Polk County Farmers Federa tion has within the past two weeks secured the services of P. C. Squires, a man who comes to our farmers federation with highest recommen dations from other similar organiza tions which he has been largely jn s/rnmental in making successful. The farmers of this county, will be m'ven an opportunity to make Polk County one of the truck producing counties of Xorth Carolina. The farmers of Henderson county, our neighbors have recently awaken ed to th>4 value of cooperative farm ing with the result that ? new fed eration warehouse will soon be erect ed in Hendersonville. "The salvatjon of the farmer ' states the Hendersonville News, "must come through profitable markets for his produce rather than through credits and his rapacity to borrow from the banks because when he borrows a pay day ' must come. Abundant crops and starva tion prices are not the back ground of our economic welfare. The far mers' wealth must come through profits on his productions. He has often sold at a loss because of lack of unity that resulted in an unorgan ized marketing system. The federation of Fletcher an<T Buncombe, of which the local fed eration would be a unit, has clearly demonstrated the value of co-opera tive marketing in West North Caro lina. The federation is now unable to supply the demand in car load lots. It is in touch with the big markets but can supply them only in a limited way. A larger field to draw from will enable it to fill its full mission of usefulness to the farmer. Its operations thus far have helpd to move the surplus from the usually glutted local markets and as a consequence a brighter day has "already dawned upon the farmers f of Henderson and Bun combe. The opportunities for more-! profitable farm operations will in crease in proportion to the support given the federation." SEND IN THE NEWS -Suggestions To Correspondents About Writing News Items The Polk County News is the only newspaper published and circulating in any community in Folk County. Contributions of news items from any section of this territory are wel comed. ; Anything of interest to any num ber of people in this territory is suffi cient to be written and printed. Typewritten letters are preferred. If this is not possible, then write plainly. Use plenty of paper. Always begin letters by dating thus: Tryon Oct. 10. Correspondents should bear in mind live important points WHO, WHAT. WHEN. WHERE and HOW. That is. tell WHO it's about, WHEN. WHERE AND HOW it hap pened. Tell those five things first and briefly, then enlarge as may be nec essary _.Tell what's going on among your own people and your neighbors. Birth, deaths. . marriages, per sonals, reunions and social gather ing are good copy. Be careful in spelling names and iriitals. Names are important. * Mention everybody connected with the news item. ALWAYS sign communications. Not necessarily for publication, but as an evidence of good faith. No at tention paid to annonymous, unsign ed communications. o Magic Word. A Whit tier mother was teaching her little son to >ay Amen at the end of his prayers. ;u*<l the child suddenly iisk^d: "Mother, what does Amen mean*" "Amen means the end, my dear." the mother explained. A few days later the little one was disobedi ent and the mother gave him a severe 4 lecture. She fell he ought to have u whipping and talked on and on, to nerve herself for the ordeal of admin istering the spanking. Imagine her surprise when suddenly the child be gan ofying "Amen, mother. Amen." . The Adventure of Work. NN e are in grave danger in these ? lays ol dividing life into two utterly unrelated portions, iind the true func tion of play as something that is es sentially ^creative and life-renewing in the fullest sense is being forgotten. The best work must ever have In it the ^*pirit ot' Play; that is, the spirit of mP venture. Great work, as another rriter has said, is play itself.? Cape n -?.<-/ ? . * r . '/t ! Farm Federation News and Reviews By P. S. Squires' CHILDREN LETTUCE CLUB Motoring down the mountain side with Mr. J. R. Sams the other day after a bountiful dinner at the hospi table home of Mr. McMurray, the idea occured to the writer that chil dren should have a part in the Ice berg lettuce campaign now under way, and a suggestion that a Chil drens Iceberg lettuce club be or ganized, met with instant response from Mr. Sams who offered to head a prize list with five dollars. His co worker, the manager could do no less, and the matter had only to be mentioned to 'Mr. Jackson, when this enterprising business man of Tryon dug down in his pocket for the third five dollar bank note offered as prize money. Fifteen dollars was subscribed with no effort and no doubt this publicity will bring other liberal response. Rules governing this contest will be published in an early issue of the News. Looking over the current number of a New York Produce trade paper the manager was not a bit jealous to find that, his idea of a children's let tuce club was not original. I find from this paper that a car of lettuce arrived in Chicago from Colorado, Sept. 28th, and it is worthy of some attention by reason of the fact that it was grown and packed by mem bers of the boys and girls Iceberg lettuce club of Buena Vista. The quality of the car was reported as tine and gave ample evidence of the fact that there are a lot of embryo lettuce growers that should make a name for themselves within a few years. The Polk County children's Ice berg lettuce club may not get in shape this year to load a refrigerator car of their own growing but the manager will see that there is a market for their crop. P. C. Squires Item One. / Manager Squires 8 pi nt the early part of this week investigating the lettuce market . of Asheville and found to his surprise that every head of lettuce exposed for sale in both wholesale and retail stores came from Colorado. Calling on Mc Connell Bros, wholesale produce merchants Mr. McConnell, for the in formation of the manager opened up a refrigerator car of Iceberg lettuce just in from Denver Colorado. This lettuce was packed in crates holding three and a half dozen head and is selling at seven dollars and fifty cents per crate wholesale. Mr. McConnell kindly gave the man ager a few heads from this car to place on exhibition at the Polk County Fair, so that prospective let tuce growers may see what the Ice berg lettuce looks like. The price has advanced and the retail mer chants will probably have to sell this lettuce at twenty five cents per head. Going the round of the fancy re tail stores three heads were select ed of the best that could be had at a cost of twenty five cents per head. At the County Fair Thursday a photo will be shown of eight heads, Iceberg lettuce grown In Onslow county North Carolina. These heads were grown from cast away plants and received no attention whatever. Taking root t after be ing thrown away. ' At the close of the lettuce season these heads were discovered and grouped in a cold frame for the photo. The eight heads, self made iceberg lettuce averaged two pounds and two ozs. each. The two best heads that could be found near the door of the car at McConnell Bros, store weigh ed one pound each and the heads that were purchased at the retail stores in Asheville averaged three quarter pounds each. The result of this visit to Ashe ville should be a source of great help and encouragement to those who are about to take up this very important truck crop. ^ Item Two The Federation Manager would like to meet every prospective Ic i berg grower at the county fair on Thursday, Come prepared to state what acreage you will grow of the Iceberg. No farmer will be asked to plant a larger acreage than he can properly take care of. The largest individual acreage sub scribed thus far is- one acre, and down to half and quarter to Iceberg if the soil and location seems suit able for this crop. Detailed in formation will be published, show ing every feature of the work from making the - seed bed and sowing the seed to the cultivation, harvest ing, grading and packing, so the novice in this sort ot gardening BATTERY SERVICE is what you will get here* Drive right up and have your auto bat tery put in perfect shape. We repair, recharge, test, rent, sell and otherwise handle auto bat teries in a real service way. We specialize in this line. BISHOP'S G/UMGE Landrum, S. C. need not hestitate on account of lack of experience. Item Three. A total of fifty acres of Iceberg lettuce should be subscribed during fair week, which if the crop is suc cessful will mean forty to fifty re frigator car loads of Iceberg lettuce to ship from Tryon during the spring months. This crop may;, be followed by corn or later truck crop. o LANORUM Misses Julia Carroll and Aileen Pritchard were shopping lr Spar tanburg on Saturday. Supt. Claude I. Truluck was elect- j ed vice-president of the County j Teachers Association held in j Spartanburg on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Langley of Greenville S C., spent Sunday in town with their daughter Miss j Janet Langley Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mallory and j Miss Nomie Mae were Spartanburg J ?istors on Saturday Miss Julia Ray spent the past week-end with friends at Boiling Springs. On Sunday morning the Carolina i Special ran into a Ford roadster on ' the crossing at the Methodist ' Church, fortunately no one was hurt. * Miss Evelyn Lambrlght who attends Greenville Womans Col lege spent the week-end at home i with her parents. Mr. Archie Blackmon and his sister Mrs. J. V. Thompson spent j last week with 'relatives in Kershaw, i Clifford Mallory returned this ? week from Erwin Tenn. o ' , Consolation. >" About trouble, there'a this : A dead i man has solved all his earthly ^ prob- | lems.' 4 j Varieties of Tomatoes. In crossing different <rar,e*,es of tomatoes to obtain red fruit one parent must be red ; to obtain pink tomatoes, one parent must be pink and the other pink or yellow, and to produce yel low fruit both parents must be yel low. Snow Effective B""*icade. To test penetration of rifle shots snow walls six feet six inches thick were erected In France. Rifles were fired at a distance of 55 yards, la ; each case the ball was stopped at s penetration of five and a half feet. Venetian Grand Canal. The Grand canal is the name glroi to the principal canal and main water thoroughfare of, Venice. It la nearly two mlleg in length, Is In shape like the letter "S,H and divides the city into two nearly equal parts. The "Ca* nalassa," as it is called In Italian, la spanned by the Rialto, and Is lifted with palaces which, although appear* ing stained and battered In the day time, loom up grandly In the moaa light f . ? , Dodge Brothers Motor Cars Longer springs in the new model assure riding comfort. The new 1924 Model Dodge will give you the utmost in service, sat isfaction and savings, Telephone or write for demonstra tion of the 1924 Dodge Touring car 8. L. BALLENGER, Dealer Tryon, N. C. LI NCOLN Get Behind the Wheel The Seven-Passenger Touring Car $3800 F. O. B. Detroit Ten Body Type# Driving the Lincoln brings a new sense of complete mastery of time and roads. Rid' ing under all conditions and at any speed, is a smooth, even flight. 300 operations accurate to one quarter thousandth of an inch; 1200 operations accurate to one half thousandth of an inch, 5C00 operations accurate to one thousandth of an inch; make the Lincoln the most accurately built car in the world. Tryon, Kilpin Motor Company, TNr THE AUG. W. SMITH CO They are priced very moderately. SEE THEM THIS WEEK SPARTANBURG, S. C. AUTUMN'S FEWEST COATS interpret a host of style ideas. . There's the indespen sible Utility Coat, in clining toward swag ger stripes? The dress Coat with flared con tour?Or the tube-like silhouette. Which of these will you choose? They fashion them selves of the newest and loveliest fabrics, including: MARVELLA ARABELLA VELLONA CERONA ORMADALE FLAMINGO CAMEL'S HAIR KASHA NJUBS . HONEY NEW And attar mtorialt REST ROOM FOR LADIES WrEh maid in attenance on our second floor. Use it to your own convenience. SMART SUITS FOR AUTUMN Many of the Suits now selling are trimmed in the finest of the fashionable fur trimmings? Caracul, Beaver, Mole, Pitch, Wolf and Fox. , Colors include Cocoa and deep Brown shades, BlacK ?and Grey tones. These suits are of the highest type in styles and quality. Each one is a dominant value ?Tailored suits without furs are also included. SMITH'S New Wool Frocks To have as chicr lines in one's practical, every day frocks as in one's more formal ones is an achieve ment of which to be proud. The simplest Coat Dress chosen here will be ultra smart. Many or tne new ones are of twill or rep, well tailored. A httie less severe are Wool frocks of unbelted linen with a flare here or there. The colors are this season newest and most popular shades. Silk Dresses For Every Woman Silk Frocks for autumn do surprise one. When their rTe 8 their backs are full and vice versa. fcvery crepe dress shows its Satin side and when it is not i ? '? ?fte? enlivened with a plaid of silk. These ternoona^ ' W smart women will wear for af Children's Fall Coats Soft, fleecy plaids, new Chinonillas. Sport Plaids. Bolivia] d many new Coatings are featured: many Fur collars and ?^?ers pla'n' every girl is sure to find the Coat she is looking for and at a moderate price. SEND For SAMPLES of Oar mods and compare them with othars. be Glad to Send you samples. PROMPT MAIL ORDER SERVICE We'll butterick patterns rod r*u> *"? wmrm maw* arrived

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