fflMIMW nervous mm jtdsffoinen How SteWai Restored to Perfect Health by Lydia E. Pintiam's Vegetable Compound Memphis Tenn.-"Two years ago I '."mnlotely run-down and mynewea were a wreck. I could not sweep a room without resting. I could not do my work except a little at a time, and the doc- 1 tor's medicine did not help me. One day some one threw your little book on to my porch, and in it I reaa several testimo nials of women who had beenlike myself. ront7ieht out and got me a bottle of vdia E. Pinkham'* Vegetable Com rnund and before I had taken the whole S that bottle I knew it was helping me. t took six bottles, and then in about three months I took two more. Now I am in nerfect health. I do all of my own work Ld could do more. I can truly say that I know Lydia E. Pmkham a Vegetable Compound gave me my health. ?Mrs. 0 j. Hinckley, 316 Union Ave., Mem phis, Tenn. Lvdia E. Pinkham's Private Text Book upon "Ailments Peculiar to Women will be sent you free upon re auest. Write to The Lydia E. Pmkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Masa^ Thia book contains valuable information. A Stride of Twenty-Five Feet. ?Thf average ostrich can outrun the A rah horse, if the bird will con tinue on a straight-away course. The fact that wild ostriches like to run in circh's invariably leads to capture, as fl ftell trained Arabian horse will fol low the shortest course, knowing that ultimately the fleeing ostrich will turn In his direction. In full flight the ndult ostrich often shows a stride of 20 to 2" i feet, which affords one ex planation of its remarkable speed. ? Nature Magazine. * MOTHER! GIVE SICK CHILD "CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP" Harmless Laxative for a Bilious, Constipated Baby or Child. Constipated, bil ious. feverish, or sick, colic Babies and Children love to take genuine "California Fig Syrup." No other ^ laxative regulates &? the tender little m bowels so nicely. It sweetens the stomach and starts the liver and bowels acting with out griping. Contains no narcotics or soothing drugs. Say "California" to your druggist and avoid counterfeits! Insist upon genuine "California Pig Syrup" which con&ins directions ? Advertisement. An Easily Effected Loan. "I Wonder why some people are al ways borrowing trouble." "Probably because it isn't necessary to put up any collateral." ? Boston Transcript. ? G^'ttinc ri^h quick is as difficult as It Is dangerous and exciting. Back Given Out? It's hard to do one's work when every day brings morning lameness, throbbing backache, and a dull, tired feeling. If you Buffer thus, why not find out the cause? Likely it's your kidneys. Headaches, dizziness and bladder irregularities may give further proof that your kidneys need help. Don't risk neglect! Use Doan't Kidney Pills. Thousands hare been helped by Doan's. They should help you. Atk your neighbor! A South Carolina Case J. P. Griffin, chief of police. North Sk, Belton, 8. C., says: "I was troubled with my kidneys and was annoyed with sharp, pierc ing pains through \ my back. When I jfe bent over, stltche* ^ caught me over my hips. My kidneys t?a c t e d irregularly and the passages of ine secretions were often painful, i bought a box of Doan's Kidney 1 'lie. Every pain disappeared and i nave haborn, poultry specialist of the Florida college of agriculture, to be a mis taken Idea. In fact, the birds that have been given sulphur In their feed for some time are better able to stand long wet periods than they otherwise would be. The primary purpose for which sul phur is recommended is to modify the attacks* of sorehead, according to Dr. Sanborn. Sorehead ? a disease of poultry that is similar to measles which affect children, in that it never attacks the same bird more than once ?is considered one of the very worst troubles with which the Florida poul tryman has to contend. Some states, after conducting experimental tests with a number of remedies, have ad vocated tlie inoculation of the poultry with a serum. However, Florida has never conducted any such tests, but its specialists have learned that sulphur Is a practical remedy. Dr. Sanborn recommends that the sulphur equal 1 per cent of the mash, with which it should be mixed. It is particularly recommended for growing chickens, serving not only to modify the disease but: also as a food. The sorehead attacks are only mild when sulphur is fed because the chicken's body and system are kept In a strong, healthy condition. Hopeless Task to Raise Young and Old' Together Some place it is stated that it is un wise to put new wine in. old bottles. A modern version would be that, it is unwise to put young chicks in quar ters occupied by mature stock. It is almost a hopeless task to raise young and old together. The conditions are not sanitary, the chicks are badly In fested with lice, and the hens get first chance at the feed. The chicks get trampled under foot and what few live don't grow because they have little op portunity to eat. Successful Poultryman Picks Choicest Fowls The poultry raiser who does best is almost always the one who carefully picks out each* year only his choicest specimens and breeds from these ex clusively. As a natural result, his flocks become better and better each year. By the same token the man who is breeding for heavy egg-productiou should pick Out his very best, layers to be used as breeders, and in the course of a few generations the habit of pro lificacy will become firmly established in this family.; * Henhouse Draft Brings on Many Poultry Diseases "Forestall a roup epidemic by stop ping up draft-producing openings In the henhouse," suggests G. L. Stevea* son, professor of poultry husbandry at the South Dakota State college. "Plen ty of fresh air without drafts is high ly desirable. Drafts and dampness produce colds, which fun Into roup, pox, canker and diphtheria. The air supply in a henhouse may be more readily controlled by having the south tide equipped with ventilators. SAY "BAYER" when you Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago ) Pain Toothache Neuralgia Rheumatism Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions* Handr "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also Duties of 24 and 100 ? Druggists. Aapirlo la tho trad* mark of Bayor Manufacture of Mono*ceticaclde?ter of Qallcyllcacld TKAOa Two pleasant ways to relieve a cough Take your choice and suit your taste. S-B ? or Menthol flavor. A sure relief for coughs, colds and hoarseness. Put one in your mouth at bedtime. Alwmyt keep a box on hand. mark SMITH BROTHERS Sfi COUCH DROPS igSfflffit Famous sine# 1547 Gat From Wood Watte. Utilizing wood waste for generat ing gas is claimed by a Swedish saw mill operator to save 75 per cent of the fuel used when the chips and saw dust are burned directly under the boiler. Adfled to this economy is a large production of valuable by-prod ucts, including acids, wood alcohol and tar. A FEELING OF SECURITY You naturally feel secure when you know that the medicine you are abont to take is absolutely pure and contains no harmful or habit producing drugs. ?uch a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy. The same standard of purity, strength and excellence is maintained in every bot tle of Swamp-Root. It is scientifically compounded from vegetable herbs. It it not a stimulant and is taken in teaspoonful doses. It is not recommended for everything. It it nature's great helper in relieving and overcoming kidney, liver and bladder troubles. A sworn statement of purity it with every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root. If you need a medicine, you should have the best. On sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to try this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper.? Advertisement. Poetic Interpretation. Poetry interprets in two ways: It interprets by expressing with magical felicity the physiognomy and move ment of the outer world, and it Inter prets by expressing, with Inspired con viction, the Ideas and laws of the in ward world of man's moral and spir itual nature. In dther words, poetry is Interpretive both by having nat ural magic in it, and by having moral profundity. ? Matthew Arnold. Cuticura Soothes Itching Scalp. On retiring gently rub spots of dan druff and itching with Cuticura Oint ment. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Make them your everyday toilet preparations and have a clear skin and soft, white hands. ? Advertisement Tetting Out Conditlona. "My hat is in the ring!" exclaimed the aggressive politician. "That," said Senator Sorghum, "Is a prudent niove. Wait and see what happens to the hat and maybe you'll decide to postpone going in after it." BABIES LOVE M&wsiairf svmip Tk bfsats' uJ OMm'i Kagifalo Pleasant to give? plsesalst to take. GaartntMd purely veg stable and absolutely harmless. It quickly overcome* colic, diarrhoea, flatulency and other Kka disorders. The open published formula appears oa every label. AtAHDrugghk Reduces Strained. Pnffr An kles, Lymphangitis. Port Kvtl, Flstala, BoUsTSw^iif a; Stops Lameness and alley* pain. Heal a Sores, Cots, Braises, BMtCkAfes. Xt la a Safe Antiseptic tsd Does not blister or remove the hair and horte can be worked^ Pleasant to use! 92J0 a bottle, delivered. Describe your caae for speciel Instructions and Book 5 A free. W. F. Yoog, be* 510 I*nn St, SprisgfaU, Kan. /rVTC DISFIGURE YOUR* Looks / \5t Don't espariment on them, uu MITCHELL EYE SALVE for ipaady relief. Abiolutaijr asfa. at all druggists. Toothache Instantly Relieved decay retarded. A cement that seals up the cavity. (A dentist's formula) not merely a temporary _ filling: for the tooth, which will last for weeks relief, but a real or months. Do not confuse this with toothache drops, gum or wax, which brings only tern pory relief. Sufficient for three to five teeth. Send 86c. CUFTY CHEMICAL CO., MADISON, IND. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPENING, TH08I desiring plain h