BEST *Time- TnW remedy for GAJLLS STRAINS lameness ?W mil &MM ?/ Hwttt aniCattl* ?>11/ Says Inn R.TIutchinra.Durham j S C F?r 15 veare I have used C* ' * r ,\fr\:can Mustang Liniment Mi and 1 ', V ~V':u 1lj,"ment (or family gssvx, -r:v^"lrNrf 25c- -50c- -$1.00 frlJ bv Drug and General Storms MEXICAN 07 WAIT TILL . HUE DOWN SICK rjj? rrxrj to you feel a little under t:v weather, get a bot tle of (iudt-'s Peptc-Mangan. ruj-j wait tiJ you're down sick, ftke Gude's as a preventive of ill. ^__]t wil! on rich your blood, and yd up your energy. Your drug ptiias it, in both liquid and tablets. r . T_- 1 To.aee for yourself IriaJ 1 aOIclS heaJth -building rift! C'jdr- Prpto-Man^an, write today tojererou? Triul i'a.-kafe of Tablets. Send H goaty ? ju.-; name and address to I J, Breilvrl'ncn Co.. 53 Warren St.. N. Y. Gude's (fcpto-Mangan Jonic and Blood Enricher . K They allknow the value of Resinol TW toothing hcAiiof ointmeat M for Um ??fertry member of tha family becauaa Um lac proper4..?* that make it to efiactive foff Mtoutw, mak? it ideal foe icr&j Sor?* Cc3 Botk Scritchu Fdona Wound* Pimp lei Cold-aore* Cha finp Stin|l P0?? At all druggists. Ill Malaria Out of the System ,jh f |iGOOD TONIC AND APPETIZER CONTAINS NO QUININE till OHer: Mail this advertisement with i. far a full ?ire battle to the Babek Company. Hon, D. C. "Money back if not aatisfled." [ Sarcasm I< a weapon which should piravn\ in |,|.( n ninrrled forty-four u* Mv fatii-.-r used P, lack-Draught j ^ 1 vvas tu . rri?*d, and gave it to ? ii i f?rty-f .*jr years of my mar toj" ?* ?[ i,.a*l a place on our Kftp ii * Is the ?niy ^ia Uv>r iri'*i];f'ine, we use. We liver, sour stomach, >n . . . I don't think ?:?K vithout It, know ?! no for us, and the ' It Is just as today as It was 's use. My boys use ^??ltlsfied It's the best !?"> have eve?r used." 'k-Draught Is purely '? and acts in a i?anv,.'"' wny' 1 W.f. n'^s persons have s P.lar-w t'1 M^e use ?* Thed uWlfan vou should have trvinK this valuable J* for t h?T It '? . ? your druggist and avoid counterfeits! Insist- upon gen uine "California Fig Syrup" which contains directions. ? Advertisement. BAR CLAY ROOFS IN JAPAN Earthquake Causes Order Forbidding Use of Heavy Materials for House Coverings. Inquiries for copper roofing to be used in rebuilding the devastated Jap anese cities have been made of the Copper and Brass Research associa tion. It is understood that these in quiries are from sources representing the Japanese government. Except for modern American construction in Tokyo and Yokohama, all houses were roofed entirely with large, hand-made day tile. These made a very heavy roof, which, when the earthquake tre mors first came, caused heavy casual ties by falling on the fleeing people in the streets, and. by their weight brought about a complete collapse of fnany houses which might otherwise have resisted the earthquake shocks. It is understood that the Japanese government has already issued an or der forbidding the use of ln?avy roof ing materials and Is endeavoring to obtain roofing of the lightest possible weight which is at the same time fire proof and earthquake proof. The attention of their experts has been drawn to the possibilities of cop per roofing, in view of its light weight and fire-resisting qualities. Then the Storm Broke. Eleanor ? "It looks like a storm; you had better stay for dinner." Robert ? "Oh, thanks! But I don't think it's bad enough for that" HEALTH FOR WORKING WOMEN * * Let Lydia E.Pinkham'sVegetable Com pound Help You to Become WelL Thousands of girls have to work in homes, offices, stores, mills or facto ries who are physically unfit for work, with often an aged or invalid father or mother dependent upon them for support Standing all day week in and week out, or sitting in cramped positions a girl often contracts some deranged condition of her organic system which calls a halt to her pro gress and demands restoration to health before she can be of use to herself or anyone else. For these distressing weaknesses and derangements these girls have /found health to do their work in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. # ? Brooklyn, N.Y. ? "Like many girls, I had troubles every month," says Carolyne Mangels,