The Most Successful Treatment of the Century for CATARRH Tablets or Liquid Sold Everywhere reduce inflamed, swollen Ints, Sprains, Bruises, Soft Bandies; Heals Boils, Poll Evil, Qnittor, Fistula and Infected Sores quickly as it is a positive antiseptic and germicide. Pleasant to use: does not blister or remove the hair, and you can work the horse. $Z50 per bottle delivered. Book 7 A free. W. F. YOUNG, he., 510 Lynan St., Sprimtfeld, Msss. Drive MalariaOut of the System A GOOD TONIC AND APPETIZER CONTAINS NO QUININE Special Olleri Mail this advertisement with 50 cts. for a full size bottle to the Babek Company, Washington. D. C. "Money back if not satisfied." ACOLDTODAY^DONT DELAY AT Alt CSJ6CISTS ?T CASCARA(o) QUININE j, ? W 1 Cures Colds in 24 Hours% La Grippe in J Vca/s | W.K4. Mlt-L.CO.,OCTROrr. , . B SAFE SfiRC DFPENDAStr Cuticura Talcum Fascinatingly Fragrant ? ? ? Always Healthful Saap 25c, Oiatmeot 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c. HURT? For burning or ?<?*!? lid*, and to relieve inflamma tion und ?orencs* ,u?e Mitchell SaJve. according to direc tions. Soothing, healing. HALL a BUCKEL 147 Waverly Place Mew Tork An English Custom. "With all clue deference, my boy, I really think our English custom at the telephone is better than saying 'hello,' as you do." "What," asked the party of the sec ond part, "do you say in England?" "We say: 'Are you there?' Then, of course, if you are not there, there is no use in going on with the conver sation." Sure Enough. "I read in the paper last night," said Professor Pate, "that a member of the old German aristocracy had turned to burglary as a regular business." "Why do you say 'turned'?" snarled J. Fuller Gloom. MIDDLE LIFE CAUSED PAINS Change of Life, for This Lady, Brought Many Disagreeable Symptoms, But She Found Cardui Helpful. Morganton, N. C. ? "When I? had change of life, I suffered with my back, Bides and head," says Mrs; J. M. Fisher; of this place. "It seemed like all the blood in my body rushed to my head. My face would burn and I would get dizzy when I would stoop over. I was so easily depressed and suffered quite a lot of pain. I was nervous and easily upset. "I heard of Cardui and ... sent for a bottle and took It. I wasn't sure I was better, but I knew I was no worse, so thought I would try another bottle. After the second I knew I was better. I took about four in all, and then two more later. "I certainly was helped." "That many of the disagreeable symptoms attending "the change" may be relieved, has be?n proved by the experience of thousands of women who have taken Cardui. Certainly every woman Is much bet ter off who gets through middle age with as little suffering as possible, and the assistance obtainable from Cardui Is valuable, indeed. No woman enter ing or approaching this critical period should neglect giving this well-known tonic medicine a fair trial immediately upon its need being Indicated. Cardui is for sale by all druggists. HELP FOR GIRLS WHO WORK Mrs. Lodic Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Helped Her Tyrone, Pa.? "A friend told my hug band how Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound had helped his wife, so my husband bought me a bottle because I was so run-down, had a nervcus weak ness. no Strength in my Dodv nnd rains in my I t siae so bad that i coul.i hardly do my wr-k. Before I was mar ried I used to work in the factory, and I had pains Just the same theri as I have had since I have done my housework. I would not be without a bo! da in the house now. It has stopped the pains all right and I have founa out that it is a wonderful body builder, as it has made me well and strong. It is going to be the 'old reliable' with me hereafter, and I am always willing to tell other women how it has helped me. You can use this letter as you wish as I can hon estly say that my words are true."? Mrs. M. Lodic, K.F.D. No. 4, Box 40, Tyrone, Pa. Letters like this bring out the merit of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. They tell of the relief from such pains and ailments after taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Are your horses cough ing or running at the nose? If so, give them "SPOHN'S." A valuable remedy for Coughs, Colds, Distemper, Influenza, Pink Eye and Worms among horses and mules. An occasional dose 4'tones" them up. Sold at all drug stores. SPOHN MEDICAL: His Preference. "Howdy-do, Mr. Smith!" saluted t4;e j motorcar dealer . "Thinking of buy ing a new air?" "No, I reckon not," responded Sand storm Smith of Rampage, Okla. "I'd rather have a second-hand one that has been broke to drive." INDIGESTION,GAS, j UPSET STOMACH 'Tape's Dlapepsin" is the quickest, surest relief for indigestion, gases, flatulence, heartburn, sourness or stomach distress caused by acidity. A few tablets give almost immediate stomach relief. Correct your stomach and digestion now for a few cents. Druggists sell millions of packages of I'ape's Diapepsin. ? Adv. Scli -made men don't always make themselves agreeable. Loosen Up That Cold With Musterole Have Musterole handy when a cold starts. It has all of the advantages of grandmother's mustard plaster WITH OUT the blister. You just apply it with the fingers. First you feel a warm tingle as the healing ointment penetrates the pores, then comes a soothing, cooling sensation and quick relief. Made of pure oil of mustard and other simple ingredients, Musterole is recommended by many nurses and doctors. Try Musterole for bronchitis, sore throat, stiff neck, pleurisy, rheu matism, lumbago, croup, asthma, neu ralgia, congestion, pains and aches of the back or ioints, sore muscles, sprains, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest. It may prevent pneumonia and "flu." To Mother t: Musterole is now made in milder form for babies and small children. Ask for Children's Musterole* 35c and 65c, jars Better than a mustard platter CONDENSED NEWS FROM THE OLD NORTH STATE SHORT NOTES OF INT?k?8T TO ' CAROLINIAN., Kinston.? Elisha B. Lewis, of this city, is cn route to Mexico City to , negotiate with .Mexican government officials in the interest of the Wood men of the Worlds He is a member of the national camp of tho fraternal order. Durham.? A $50,000 damage Bint has just been started here by Miss Rachael Smith, young lady who was seriously . injured in an auto accident which hap pened here April 29, 1923. The suit is filed against J. T. Salmdn, Marvin , Clark and Thomas Salmon. j Wilmington? W. H. Wright, Wil mingtonian, died at a St. Louis hos pital as a result of gunshot wounds said to have been inflicted by his wife, ^ who is being held by St. Louis civil authorities pending the coroner's in quest. Lumberton.? Lacy Lindsay, son of Will Lindsay, of Rennert, this county, died in a Fayetteville hospital as the result of a pistol shot wound. Luther Jackson surrendered to Hoke county officers, admitted that he fired the shot. Shelby? Cleveland county is mak ing rapid strides in agricultural prog ress and is now the fourth largest cot ton producing county in the Old North State, will more than likely have a county fair next fall suitable to such an agricultural leader. Wilmington? The case of Lieuten ant Governor W. B. Cooper, Horace Cooper and T. Cooper, who are under charges in connection with the failure of the Commercial National bank of Wilmington, was continued until Jan uary 26. Southport. ? The body of Pickney S. Hawes. postmaster of Supply, a vil lage 16 miles below here, was found in a field about 150 yards from the road in which his auto was standing, tho location being near Shallotte. Carthage.? Fire of undetermined origin burned tho place of business of the City Cafe, the dry goods store j of O. B. Flinchum and the grocery j store of T. C. Black, and at one time threatened to destroy the principal part of the business section of Carth- } age. Kinston. ? Adults as well as hun dreds of children are being vacinated , against diphtheria here in the most ; spontaneous and widespread immuni zation campaign in the history of the local health department. Authorities said it was impossible to estimate the number of persons given the first treatment since the wholesale vacci nations started. Orensboro? Episcopal laymen from the counties of Guilford, Rockingham, Alamance and CasWell met here, and were addressed by Rev. John M. B. Gill, of New York, secretary of the field department of the national coun cil; Rev. Charles B. Scovil. formerly of the diocese of California; Rev. John E. Gribbon, of Winston-Salem, and George W. Orr of "Winston-Salem. Tigh Point.? Homer Swain, garage employer, is recovering from painful injuries he received when he elected to strike a telephone pole with his* automobile in order to avoid the prob ability of colliding with three young girls on a wet pavement. The acci dent occurred here in the city and the car was wrecked, the injury to the driver consisting chiefly itf cufs on his faCe, sustained when the glass of the windshield was shattered. Charlotte? Heavy rains in the mountains of North Carolina the past few days, have failed to materially effect the water shortage in the resor voirs of the Southern Power Company, and the program of curtailment of power service effecting industrials in this state and South Carolina, con tinues without change, it was announc ed at headquarters of the power com pany. Charlotte.*? A poultry show with 1,500 fowls on exhibit is planned for j November 26-29 by the Charlotte Poul try Association. Birds from all over the South are expected to be on dis play. Releigh? Examinations for trained nurses in North Carolina will be held in Greensboro, at the O. Henry hotel, December 4, 5 and ?. Applications must be sent 10 days prior to this date to the secretary, Mrs. Dorothy Hayden Conyers, Greensboro. Davidson. ? Governor Cameron Mor rison and Frank Page have eccepted the invitation extended by President W. J. Martin, of Davidson college, to ?peak on November 12 ? the occasion of the official opening of the new Da vidson college highway. Dunn.? Plans are being drawn for a 50 room modern brick hotel which G. F. Pope and L. A. Tart are planning to erect at the corner of Cumberland street and Clinton avenue. Messrs. Pope and Tart recently purchased the lot upon which the old Christian church building stands. Burlington. ? David DeMoss, aged and highly esteemed citizen, died at Rainey hospital here, as the result of being run down by an automobile, while attempting to cross a street. It .was raining and the driver of the car failed to see him until he was struck. High Point.-^-Miss Elizabeth Webb, daughter of Federal Judge and Mrs. E. Yates Webb, of Shelby, has been elect ed by the National Student's Council of the Y. M. C. A., meeting in Atlanta, to be one of its representatives on the general committee of the World's Student Christian Federation, for two va*rs. r. I \ That's what Millions of women have done with CALUMET fk? doonomy BAKING POWDER i Being uniform, and dependable it never spoils any of the in gredients used on bakeday THE WORLD'S GREATEST BAK1NO POWDER Safes2% times a? much as that of any other Atand BOILER FLUES MILL CASTINGS AND SUPPLIES BELTINO, PACKINO AND LACINO WOOD, IRON AND STCCL Bring BNGINB ROfAIRS In auto for quick work. LOMBARD IRON WORKS, AUGUSTA, GA. BVY NOW? NEWLY DISCOVERED BRIGHT leaf tobacco lands. Tracts of 20, 40 or 60 acres; very reasonable terms. Write BAG WELL & SANDFOnn, HAMLET, N. C. Man or Woman Can Make $20 per day In spare time showing sample and taking orders for famous "Poco" Leatherette i and trench style coat for men and women. I Among those who read this ad will be book- j keepers, cashiers, clerks, timekeepers, ma chinists, salesladies, traveling salesmen, who would desire an extra hundred a week. If you have ambition and wish to make money | in either spare or full time, write for In formation. THE POE CO.. NORFOLK, VA. WANTED? BOXWOOD BRANCHES 8 to 15 Inches long, ton lots or less. A. B. PRICE, 926 Virginia Avenue, S. W., WASHINGTON. D. C. WANTED? POULTRY AND EGGS Highest market prices paid. Ship to Green ville and get results. Write, wire or phone TEXTILE PRODUCE CO., Greenville, S. C. GET THE BEST NORFOLK OYSTERS, |6 per bbl. f. o. b. Norfolk. Give us your bust- ! ness. Correspondence solicited; satisfaction , guaranteed. Wainwright & Co., Nof-folk, Va. ; Man has very little use for advice which does not conform to his own; opinion. Usually the more the law costs the less justice there is In it. Doctors Prescribt It Says for Rheumatism, Sprain*, Sort Throat, Chilblains, Etc. Dr. S. Wood, Jackson, Mo.?' "Mexican Mustang Liniment is a meat excellent preparation. In my practice I have used It for Rheumatism. Sprains, etc., and it ntvtr/aiUd to tfftct a curs." Dr. J. L. Gonn, Ashland, N. C.?" After 20 Tears' experience I will say that Mexican Mustang Liniment is tbe feast remedy for C intra I ut* that I have ever tried. 1 often prescribe it." Dr. W. A. Proctor, Homer, Kj. ? "It poseessee artat virtue. The more I use it the better I like it." CDrr Write for beautiful SOUVENIR PEN-j ? CIL, sent absolutely fret with complete directions for asing Mustang Liniment for family ailments, and for livestock and poultnr. Lyon Mfg. Co.. 42 South Fifth St.. Brooklyn, H. Y. 25c - SOc - $1.0Q Sold by Drug and General Stores Standby MEXICAN f 848 M USTANG LINIMENT Avoid & Relieve COLDS INFLUENZA MALARIA BY TAKING U ti a Rtllablt Court! Invtgoratina Twit Resourceful. A member of the staff of one of a :haln of banks tells this story: "A customer at one of our branches called at the office and cashed a check on her own account. "Shortly afterward she returned and asked to see the manager. 'She ex plained that, unfortunately, she had lost the money somewhere in the town. Would t|ie manager kindly stop pay ment on her check." Aspirin Say "Bayer" and Insist! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not get ting the genuine Bayer product pre scribed by physicians over twenty-two years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Toothache Lumbago Earache Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" only. Each unbroken package contains proper directions. Handy boxes of j twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug- ! gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. | Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer i Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of j Salicylic-acid. ? Advertisement. Flapper Corn. A gentleman farmer, had a friend out to look the place over. After in specting the tractors and one tiling and another they came to a small in closed corn field. "What is this variety you have sown?" asked the visitor. "Flapper corn," was the reply. "Flapper corn? I never heard of that. Is it something new?" "No, I had. it last year. That is when I gave it the name." "And why do you call it flapper corn ?" "I can't see the ears." Sore and Inflamed eyes, sties and granula tions healed promptly by nightly use of Roman Eye Balsam. 35 cents. Adv. Truth may he eclipsed, but cannot bo extinguished. ? I Born m Ireland. An ined in a ??:?>?? <>i a^r.l*.. "Did ]in>'?n?v . malice 7" ??I If Mi'! n?.i ? ; . Struck iii?- hi- 1 After lli*' <,"Ui i i.a ! , sel : "Wi-.i-'v \U.t born?0 ??( rnvland." "Yes, but what part 7" "What jiniM. ! i?--r< 'Vra' 'II:. irie, si v cour>o. i * >rU i . r?* l''ist WOMEN! DYE FADED THINGS NEW AGI Dye cr Tint Any Wei V. Shabby merit or Drape rv. Diamond D) yes Each 15-cent pa?*!:'a:.v of "liwa Dyfti" contains i"Rs $<> >?; that any woman can dye or t'.n: old, worn, faded t h i r ; r.r'j-, k* she has never dyed before, any color at drug store.? Advertii m en t. Vast Lake of Pitch. In the thirteen odd million ?qcJ miles of territory which cvmprises t] Iiritish empire there are many markable phenomena. one of the oo| interesting beinjr the Pitch lake Trini'dad, in the West Indies. It a natural reservoir of valuable minen pitch, 100 acres in extent, fr<?m whit 200.000 tons of asphalt arc exporw annually. About half way acroi Kenya colony, in Iirit ish Kast Afric is Ma^adi lake, a vast natural depotf of soda. The lake is ten miles l^sfl two or three miles in vviiltli. and from the mountains that surround II It has the appearance of an iimnfla ruflled white sheet. Cuticura for Sore Hands. Soak hands on retiring in tin? hotsudl of Cuticura Soap, dry and rub in Cs ticura Ointment. Her.iove surpla Ointment with tissue paper. Tliis l only one of the things Cuticura will d* if Soap, Ointment and Talcum are use for all toilet purposes.? AdvertNer.ffll Elderly people have soen overvlnii hnt the world, so some of tliora rravi a sood deal. A Standard External Remedy of known value ? s..fe and c.Tcctiv It's "Allcock's" ? the original and gei nine porous plaster.? Adv. Riches may have wings, but f?oveil is seldom a quitter. Every woman is a judge and mi unto lier own husband. V^XXNNXNXX^^nxnxnnxxxx MOTHER pt XNXXV^^? - tute for Castor fVfC rT8 ^asfona 1S a Pheasant, harmless Substt Syrups , prepared for T?etbing Drops and Soothing Infants m arms and Children all ages. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of ****** 'reconKEcod iL Proven directions on each package. Physicians everyw ere TXAOI iwo pleasant ways to relieve a cough Take your choice and suit your taste. S-B ? or Menthol flavor. A sure relief for coughs, colds and hoarseness. Put one in your mouth at bedtime. Always keep a box on ha id. MAFU* SMITH BROTHERS L &R COUCH DROPS Famous sine* 1847 (orunqt

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