>aees Week POLK COUNTY? the Gateway of Tryon, N. C., March 13, 1924 $1.50 a Year * v.,* \ ? ",?**? A ?obus Board of rade Has Arbor Day orse Water System c Road Improvement? A. Meets ? Locals , Board of Trade of Co , held a meeting in the auditorium Wednesday Ma.f'h 5th, with the1 st attendance in its his Sndorse Water System ' orgaiiization went on re s being in favor of the ijsed water system from Oak Mountain and urged town authorities to install lystem. It also endorsed inlpdiK'd support in obtain* the proposed lake. Today plans theoo w lHdllww designated as arbor day. -ding to the plans the en [ommunity will meet in Co at eight o'clock this fting, organize into small jg and set out shade trees the streets of the town n the Court House Square, [rge Road Improvement the meeting, Highway ber 19 leading from Colum to Rutherfordton was dis ed and a motion ma^e and led unanimously that the, for of the Town and the tident.of the Board of Trade this matter up with Mr. [ler and Mr. Page with the of getting the unspent jey, which was left over constructing the hard road from the South )lina line thru Tryon to Co t)us, expended on the road lutherfordton. It was stat \,t the meeting that Mr. Kis had written the town auth that he had sufficent _ belonging to this coupty Dp soil and take out a - few curves .on - the Rutherford road, butnot enougfrto a new road according to recent survey. This route fer being sand clayed ' will a much needed outlet, dur all kinds of weather , to therfordton thence into fhway number 20, leading Asheville to Wilmington, present condition of the from Columbus to Ruth ordton makes it almost im isible to travel over in an ;omobile during rainy weath in summer or winter. ? P. T. A. Meeting ?The Parent-Teacher Associa Bn held its regular monthly Beting Friday afternodn Birch 7 in the school auditor- j ?n with a large number of par- j ?ts present. '? ?"he devotionalexercfses were ?lducted by Mrs. J. W. Mc ?tosh, after which the pupils ? Mrs. J. A. Feagin sang two ?ngs. ?One of the topics for discus vn at this meeting, "What to ? with the child in school,"'1 fcs discussed from both the Bacht , 's and the parent's point I view. Mrs. J. A. Feagin ?ok the teacher's point of view Biile Mrs. II. H. Edwards took ?e parent's. ? Miss Gluyas the Home Econ ?urs teacher gave an interest ?K talk on Home Economics in ?hich she outlined the work rp ?rired by the State in this , de ?rtment. This was followed ?'a round table discussion. ? After the program a short Business meeting was held in ?hich the various committees ? d the "Grade Mother's" made ?*eir reports. I Attend State Meeting I Supt. E. W. s: Cobb," Ruth fohb, anu Miss Ghiyas^ left Ponday for Ilaleigh to attelid Ips State Education Associa |10n- Ruth Cobb is to repre ?ent the Western North Caro lna district in the State spell ng content to be held* there, as ^ was ono of the successful ?oritestarUsl in the preliminary held at Asheville last tetober. Sadies Auxiliary. p?e ,La(lies Auxilliary of the umbuy.-Tryon Presbyterian ^urches met with Mrs. E . W. ' at her home in Colum s Wednesday afternoon: ine organization of the Aux i SALUDA ' / \ Some alterations have been I ma^es recently in the Princess j Theatre wnic\ improve the in side appearance of^the theatre and increases the seating cap acity about twenty-five percent, i The projection booth wa^ mov \ed back also which is thought ,will produce a clearer and bet I ter picture. ftfrs. W. T. Moore has return ed from Greenville where she visited hpr mother who had been quite ill. * Mrs. Jane Strothers was a Spartanburg visitor Friday. The call of the Automobile Show which was held in Char lotte last week was irresistible to some of our men and we learn that G. ft. Little, M. A. Pace, Roy Ward,* Ernest Thompson and Mayor Bailey, drove through to Charlotte. They report a spendid show. It is said thai this show was the second largest in the United States. . I , We* are glad to welcome to our town A. P. Westbrook and fam ily from AsheviMe, N. C. He with his family will occupy the cottage of John T. Coates. The Maconic Lodge of Saliva will meet on 'Friday night at 8:30 P. M. in their hall over the store room of Q. C. Sonner & Co. It is expected that Third Degree work will be put on and some brothers from neighbor ing towns are expected. _____ _o IMPORTANT FARM MEET THURSDAY, MARCH 27 K There will be a meeting of considerable importance to every farmer and business man I ift Polk jQounty on- Thursday,. March 27, 'at Columbus. In keeping [ with the State-wide Live-AttHome Campaign a specialist from the North Caro lina State College will be pres ent to make an address and an swer questions in regard to the value and workings of the cam paign p|ans. , ' There will also be discussed the latest measures for combat ting the boll-weevil and meth ods of growing cotton under boll-weevil conditions. The invitation is extended by J. R. [Sams, County Agent urgently includes all negro cot ton growers. home Tryon. will be Tryon illiary' was perfected and work for the year discussed. Mrs. McCowij x>f Tryon was made chairman of the Tryon circle and Mrs. Cobb chairman of Co lumbus circle. The next meeting wili be held the first Tuesday in April at the of Mrs. Schilletter in A Missionary program given by the ladies of ~.,_ circle. Mre. Schilletter is president of the united or ganization. V h I Miss, Gertrude West left Thursday for.Spindale N. C. where she has accepted a posi tion as senographer for Mr. K. S. Tanner of the Spindale Mills. Miss Sarah M. Padgett has resumed her duties as Demon stration Agent after having sp^nt a week at her home in Flat mkf , ? . ?".! Mr. 'Robert N. Ldhdis of the U. S. p. left Sunday for Nor f ork after, spending a thirty day furlough at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs* J. I. Landis. Mrs. Nelle McHough and Miss Esther Gluyas spent Saturday in Asheville shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Blanton and ft?r. and Mrs. H. F. Sikes returned Tuesday from Monroe where they spent several days. Miss Vada t McMurray, who teaches in the High School at Grovelr C., jcame home Tues day on account of the death .of her "aunt, Mrs. LoganH. Cloud. Thlfe Baptist Missionary Sociey of Columbus will meet next Tuesday * afternoon, March, 19, at the Baptist Par sonagje. This meeting was post poned from last Tuesday. Mrs. logan H. Cloud Died Last Monday Death of Columbus Woman Saddens Community Mrs. Logan H. Cloud, aged 45, died ^t her home in Colum* bus last Monday night, her death coming as a shock to the entire community. Mrs. >Cloud ^ad not been in goodhealth for the past two years altho her condition was not considered serious until the "day preceeding her death. Mrs. Cloud, who before her marriage to Mr. Logan H. Cloud, February 21, 1904, was Miss Carrie Lawter, daughter of the late M. R. and Sarah Lawter. She was bom In IJuth- j erfordton County M?y 11, 1879. Besides a host of friends, three brothers, and one sister, Mrs. A. L. McMurry of Colum bus, the deceased is survived by her husband and four chil dren ? Forest, Eunice, \ Opal, and Dedn. Mrs. Cloud was one of the most beloved women in the community and her passing leaves vacant a place that can never be filled. She was a faith ful wifej and a most loving mother. The bereaved family have the deepest syspathy of the entire community in their gr^at Tbss. She was a life long member of the Baptist"churcR7a teacher In the Sunday School and alfways took ?n active part in all church affairs. Funeral services were con ducted at the Columbus Baptist Church Wednesday morning at twenlve o'clock by the pastor, Rev. S. A. Stroup and her former pastor Rev. T. H. Posey. Interment was made in thej Baptist Cemetery. v PEA RIDGE There are still a few cases of measles in this vicinity. Mrs. P. D. Williams is im proving from an attack of pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thomp* j son made a business trip toJ Tryon last Saturday. Dexter Thompson has re- J turned home from Detroit. Mr and Mrs* W. G. Egerton were callers at J. B. Dalton's Sunday afternoon. Miss Ellen Edwards spent Sunday with her cousin, Mrs. Arthur Thompson. Mrs. W. G. Voorhies \ enter tained a number of young folks last Saturday night in honor of her daughter* Miss June on her birthday. Games were played and refreshments were served. J Mr. and MrsT^ohn Carswell and Mr. Grayson Pritchard of Landrum Route Two visited Mrs. W. M. Fowler last Sunday. Mr. J. T. Edwards and two smal> sons motored to Ruther fordton Sunday. Miss Sallie and Miss Julia Byars of Spindale spent the week-end at their home in Pea Ridge. Mr. Lewis Hodge spent Sat urday night as the guest of W. M. Fowler. v n Mr. Tom Byars and children and Mr. George Russeell of Spartanburg were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Fowler on Sunday . i Mr. R. B. Fowler visited Mr. Linn Conner last Friday. Miss Maggie Byars of Pea Ridge recently left for Cliff side where she will be employ ed in the cotton milt. Mr. W. M. Fowler visited at the- home of Mr. and Mrs. Ewell Bradley last Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Linn Conner visited Mrs. W. M. Fowler on Sunday. Mrs. Lizzte Byars and .small daughter visited Mrs. E. 'Bay lor last Friday afternoon. The infant of Mr. and Mr*. W. M. Fowler is reported to be quite ill. About fifteen- thousand rural boys and girls in North Caro lina obtained benefits from or ganized club work Iastv year. The number should be larger this year. ^ - - \ j Greens Creek F; ' Want Road j W. H. Stearns Seeks Advice ; on State Expenditures on t County Roads : ? ? i As a result of the efforts of the business men of Try on and others interested in, the ' hard surfacing of the Appalachian High wayv the interest of the farmers of Green's Cre6k com munity has been renewed in the improving of the county road through that section from New Prospect to Columtus and continuing on to Ruthjerford ton. / The attention of the highway commission hai been recently calted to the condition i.of> the Green's Creek bus road as a result of W. H. Stearns, county hligKway commisioner has written to the State Highway Commission re questing information as 'to the amount of money sp^nt on Colum which pounty. stated State roads in Polk Some months ago it wai that there was approximately $50,000 remaining of the ap propriation made by the State for this county. Green's Creek would like to have a po rtion of this amount spent on roads that would serve them direct ly. Their attention has been called to the fact that 1;he par ticular road they desire to have improved is not eligible to State aid, but the continuation of the road from Columbus to Rutherfordton would bi eligi ble under the county- 3eat to county-seat plan as out lined by the State Commission. The Fifth Sunday Meeting to be Held at Greens Creek Church, jttarch 29 -3t). Justice Sunday C. Luns 1:00 Devotional service by T. M'.r*,Kestetr < ? - 1:30 sermon by Rev. Jones 2:00 Organization 2:45 Report from churches 3:00 Stewardship, T. L 3:30 Adjourn 1 Evening Service 7^30 Devotional 7:45 Special songs by Jones Quartet and others 8:15 Old time singing (Congre gation) Sunday Morning 9:30 Devotional Service^ J,. J. Ruppe 10 :00 A Standard School, M. C. Lunsfbrd 10:30 B. Y. P. U, Wofk, Rer. Hunnicutt 11:00 Sermon, Rev. M. ford ^ Dinner 1:00 Financing the chjirch, A. I Justice and others 1 :30 How to enlist me robers in the work, J. H. Gib is, Rev. Walker A representative frcm every Baptist church in the county is expected. A large 'attendance is urged. Will Present Pfc.y. " " "Mr. Bob," A comedy in two acts will be presented by the faculty of Greens Cresk High School in the new Gree ns Greek Fridayy evening Marci 21, at 8 o'clock. The cast is as follows .-Rebec ca Luke, A maiden tyly,Miss Bessie Hamilton, Jenk nsfi Miss Rebecca's butler, Mr Archie Feagan, Miss Rebacca's maid, Miss Stella Williams, Robert Brown, Clerk of Ber son and Benson. Mr. O. J. Zeigler, Phillip Rayson, Miss Rebecca's j nephew, Mr. John Ch ristopfier, Katherine Rogers, Phillip's counsin. Miss Estheir Gibbs, friend, Miss Edith Miller. , The thread of romance which runs throughout the play is sufficient to make it quite in teresting. A small admission fee will be charged and the proceeds used to buy equipment for School building. ' 6 the new Having found that milfc now ha* a market value, farmers supplying the newly built Hersephoe Cooperative Cheese Factory in Henderson County are making plans to buy a car load oi bure bred Guernsey cows reports County Agent E. F. Arnold*. / j. MILL SPRING R 1 Deputy Fire Warden v. b. Hyder together with ; several other men deputized for the work succeded in extinguish a woods fire last Tuesday even ing after it had burned over about two hundred acres of timber land. Considerable damage had been done before word was received by the fire warden^ of the fire, # Miss 'Maggie Sue Edwards has been spending a few days with her sister. Mrs. Arthur Thompson on Pea Ridge. Miss Minnie Womack visited Miss Vinetta Hyder last Tues day afternoon. ? Ifred Wormack was a caller at the home of V. B. Hyder Sun day evening". ' A. A. Edwards and V.^ B. Hyder were dinner guests of W. E. Elliott last Wednesday. There have been several cases 'of measles and pneumonia on the route recently, but we are glad to report that all those who have been ill are now !m proving. School atv Lebanon Is pro gressing now that Miss Ellen Edwards who has been ill re cently has returned. Mrs. J. R. PhiWips visited her daughter Ajjrs. F. P. Womack recently. James Fowleij accompanied by his daughter MiSs Lizzie Fowler of Green Hill spent the week-end with R. L. D. Gilbert. Several people on the route enjoyed a fox hunt last Friday hight. J. M. McGuinn was a bus! I ness caller in this vicinity recently. a? | PROHIBITION AGENTS v STAKE TWOr MORE RAIDS -f Increased activities on the part of the prohibition agents in this section brought to an end the 'career of two mlore large 'stills y \ last week, with the discovery and subsequent seizure and des truction of a complete still three miles from Saluda and another on Warrior Mountain, ab9ut 4 miles South of Saluda. About ?00 gallons of beer was found at the distilling plant near Saluda and about 800 gal lons on Warrior Mountain. The latter plant was a complete cop per outfit. The officers report ed the finding of about five gal lons of liquor buried in the ground near the latter still. Ar- j rests will be made later. . a 1 EXHIBIT OF ETCHINGS BY AID AT INDUSTRIES A collection of etchings by George C. Aid, that have been displayed with many high awards '*in exhibitions , in various parts of this country and abroad are being exhibited :for the next two weeks at the Mountain Industries. Hie subjects chosen by Mr. Aid cover a fairly large area in cluding scenes in Belgium, Venice, Florence and France. Some of the most successful plates are those etched by the artist in the chateau county of the Loire. Mrs. Jno. Foster s quite ill at the Try on Infirmary. Mr. Grant Mills was recently stricken ill with pneumonia and is said to be in a serious con dition. N It is reported that Miss Nellie Champion and her mother who have been doing rug weaving sold about ejghty dollars worth of rugs in January. Mr. 0. E. Wilkins and son Robert were business visitors in Landrum last Saturday. ^ Mrs. Bessie High visited Mrs. Jack Thompson last Saturday. Mr. James Green who has l>een very ill recently is said Uf b? improving. N ' Reverend I^e Thompson will hold 1 preaching 7 services at Peniel Qn Sunday. t*. ? ? . ' / / ' *? C Prof. Cobb. Outlines New System At Lynn Real Estate Sold-HUH on Part Time-Rumors of Lake-Locals Professor E. W*. S. Cobb, county - school superintendent addressed the patrons of the Lynn -School at a meeting held last Saturday evening in ? the school building, pointing out the value to the community of the consolidation of all schools into township schools. This plan as outlined by Mr. Cobb would place at the dis posal of a central school ? larger source of money there by enabling the schools to give jthq children the Mghest type of education obtainable. School buses would be used to tran sport pupils to and from their homes. The majority of the community schools in ' the county at this time are fnaking use of the bus and with tnls new. system, according to Mr Cobb only one or two new ones would have to be placed in operation. A few of these present ex- / pressed themselves as being thoroughly in favor of the move while some desired mort time to discuss the matter. Real Estate Transfers Some real estate has changed hands recently in the vicinity of Lynn H. G. Cannon sold six acres to W. M. Newman. Miss Lucy Peet of Chicago bought a tract tJf about four acres from W. H. Stearns upon which she expeots to bttild soon. Hosiery Mill Slows Down. As a result of the curtailing of operations at the Tryoa Hosiery Mill several of the em i ployees have left to seek woifc in other mills. It is said that as the hosiery mill goes, so goes Lynn. .Officers of the mil have stated that the present situation is temporary. Lake Rumors. ? Rumors are being broadcast ed to the effect that there is a lake project under contem plation in the immediate vicin ity of Lynn. It has been stated that the lake will have its head at the Highway bridge and will extend for several miles down the valley toward the C. J. Lynch farm. Owing to inclement weather no services were held at the church last Sunday night- Ser vice hours have been changed from 3 :30 o'clock to 7 :30 The robins have not forgot ten the old days when the guests at Mimosa fed them in the eauly Spring. We notice that they are returning again this year which incidentally is a good Spring omen. Were it not for the boys with their bean shooters and, air rifles we would have more of these vis itors. Now that almost every family in Lynn has had the measles, the epidemic seems to have abated. 1 Charles C. Foster is reported to be Quite ill at his home. Artis H. Ballard, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ballard left re cently for Fort Pierce, Fla. Lucian L. Hicks of New Pros pect, S. C. rendered some valu able service to his uncle H. G/ Cannon and family during the recent illness of that family with the measles. 0 * ? ? I SILVER CREEK The farmers < in this section have been delayed in plowing and other farm work owing to the snow and bad weather. Mr. Cleaver Williams, super intendent of school is having success with the Sunday School here. Mr. Barney Quinther of Shelr . by will good have the interior paintimT of the church com pleted. Mr. Walling Bradley sings , the ffrst and third Sundays in f each month at Silver Creek. Miss Valma Constance is vis itig her sister at Beaumont S. , C" ' yj