Rejuvenated |r Prominent retired merchant ?ays he feels like new man since Tanlac relieved him of his trou> bies. Can now outwalk men 20 years younger. - R. E, Bovd, 5000 Fourteenth St, N. W., Washington. D. C., for forty eight years prominent hardware mer chant in the national capita!, hut now retired, lends his name to further the cause of Tanlae. \ "Indigestion and stomach weakness of a very pronounced type had troubled me for several months prior to last October fifteenth,'! said Mr. Boyd, re cently, "but since that date the Tanlac treatment has made a new man of me. Nqw I eat heartiljr, never have a sign of indigestion, sleejp like a log, and get up mornings feeling like an athlete. Today I can outwajlk men twenty years \ younger. Tanlac alone put me in my ; present fine physical condition, en abling me to get more real pleasure than ever before out of meeting and mingling with friends. Tanlac has re juvenated me completely, so to speak. It's the finest medicine I ever ran across." Tanlac Is for saie by all good drug gists. Accept no substitute. Over 40 million bottles sold. Take Tanlac Vegetable Pills. To Study the Boll Weevil To study the life history and be havior of the cotton boll weevil, a laboratory has been established by the United States Department of Agricul ture at Florence, Sfi C. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills ar? not only a puryative. They exert a tonic action on the digestion. Test them yourself now. S73 Pearl St.. N. T. Adv. After half a dozefn personal scorch lugs of his own, a man extenuates the misstep of others, i Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ANS ^ AND 75* RfXKAGES EVERYWHERE CORNS Lift Off-No Pain! Doesn't hurt ore bit! Drop a little Treezone" on an aching corn, instant ly that corn stops hurting, then short ly you lift It right off with fingers. Tour druggist sells a tiny bottle of Treezone" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the foot calluses, without soreness or irritation. BABY CHICKS, 18c ? Youn* strain Leghorns, Owen strain R. I. Reds. They live, lay and pay. Satisfaction guaranteed. SIRES POULTRY FARM. SALTERS DEPOT. S. C Clear Your Skin With | Cut i cur a Soap to Qeuse Ointment to Seal Fuad, m King of Egypt, Makes A L t or the first time since the reign of Cleopatra, a ruler of Egypt vlslteO Historic Sinai the other (lay when King FuaU Journeyed there. He is shown here (the short, stout man) with memDers of his suite arriving at El-Arich. Above are shown some of the thousands of natives hurrying, afoot and on camels, to greet the monarch. Sir Esme Presents His Credentials Sir Esme Howard, the new British ambassador, leaving the White House after presenting his credentials. Colonel SfteniTl, aide to the lYesident, and Assistant Secretary of State Wrighr are wttte blm. American Mummy Older Than King Tut si ^ Mr. and Mrs. Earl H., Morris, ot the American Museum of Natunal History, with a mummy which tfl*y estimate !s four hundredfyears^ olfiler tfian that of Tut-Ankh-Amen. TjJkey found it In New Mexico*, Making Feet Strong for Walking The majority of students of Wellesley college, Wellesley, Muss., do about flf* miles of vilklng a day, and this needs good, strong feet, A series of ei< %rcl*es has been Introduced to strengthen the foot muscle* TRAVELED IN A CRATE This is William Greenly, whe wai packed In a crate an*' shipped by freieht. collect, to his home at Fort Worth. TK% youth waa? broke, and t tying to reach his home from Ttrcson, Ariz., tramp* friends- crated him and: shipped the crate, marked: as contain* ing 4Mishes/r~ BUREAU BY HIMSELF This i?Dr. Kobart Morse Woodbury, director of statistical research o* the children's bureau* Wasliiagton, which includes investigations and report*, on: all matters pertaining &t>. chili life* and welfare of Americ&n: peopfe is thS'onlymaB li^ this flureau. PROCLAIMED CALIPH > * ' ~ . King Hussein Ibn All of the Hed jaz has accepted an offer of th? caliphate from the Moslems of Me* opotamlo. Trans jordanla and the Hed jaz, who have proclaimed him calfpb ' ASK your lotil dealers ? ommeiri a pracu^ orator. If y va are ut^ gecure one you can do tV; yourself, tinting and your walls to gi'.e buutitul rt^J Instead of Kahomint ar^jj Buy Alabosfmr from joar local dealer,, wfrire and ready to mix with cold water and apply with a witab:? ;.r:* Each packa^r has the cro?and circle printed in rtu I Valuable CargiJ I Wife ? Horace. i j fnlly, won't yoir>--r?'!!:^:M-l I Fido with us ! ? iV'ir.^y j Children Cry for "Castor? A Haanless Substitute for Castor Oil* Paregoric, ^ and Soothing Syrups ? No Narcotics! Mother: FletcWs Cfcstoria has been In nse> for over SOymrs to relieve babies and1 children of Constipation, Flatuleaey, Wind Cotte and Diarrhea; allayirc Feverishness arising there from, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels aids the assimilation of Food; gfring natuj?l s** opiates.. Ttu? genuine :e4J^ ^wo pleasant ways to relieve a cough Take your choice and suit your taste. S-B ? or Menthol flavor. A sure relief for coughs, colds and hoarseness. Put one in your mouth at bedtime. Ahrmjs keep a box on hand. SMITH BROTHERS S.B. COUCH DROPS sfnca 1647