^resting Features for the Entire Family ? Uave \] ouTKis Habit? I Bq Marqaret Moris on A GOOD mind B y,.;tr> "f married life, It Bfnvn' ft"1 ?"r Mrs- William If ! ,vt her husband's present 1\ I [,(vn pv. n the first Christ ? one year >!"' '"ft Hilly's book E, gjivavs h book ? until the c?vy of "Ral> ? 1," ji;?i i.ffn lost, and, with in invtliins to Killy, she 1% possible t?? duplie&te It. V s the poet from whom he ?L quote all occasions ? there he was wont to say, who ?nfered ? nt' tfl* OP- FoRLmCD L?A7 He*. RCAP 6AR. F1APS OR A fH6 SKIN ?D6T &}U. 6r. AV0RtUESSSe7 OR Report fife ^ a stA?o\uc?r 6R SOWfe SKATC5 ^ 0Rk Tft?AV)RL felM>] DR. -QrtSAvtfe*. ^ ttOCK ffwtf , Oft. T>H Books tablespoonfuls of butter, one-fourth of a pound of truffles, heat In a saucepan with one ounce of lean ham finely chopped, and a sprig of parsley minced. Add one and one-half cup ful* of brown stock and thicken with one and one-half tablespoonfuls of arrowroot, blended with cold water. Mushrooms in Pepper Cups. Remove the stems from "green pep pers, cut a slice from the top and take out seeds and membranes. Parboil, place each pepper on a slice of toast and fill with mushrooms broken into small bits and pressed firmly into the cups. Place the toast and peppers on a grating or rack in a dripping pan and bake in a hot oven fifteen' to twen ty minutes. Season with butter and salt, with a dash of pepper on each cup. Tla-ut TvWwtAfc. (?X 1934, Wwrtern tffwapaper Union.) fl Young Lady Across the Way 1 Book _j tibf night that covers me, us the pit from pole to pole, i whatever gods may be ej unconquerable soul. ? Henley. IPANY GOOD THINGS CAPON is most delicious eating. Re following recipe may be iu to stuffing and sauce. Oyster % is especially good : ? Capon With Savory Stuffing. I the liver of the capon with one ? chicken livers in very little 'ud press through a colander, fe one pint of bread crumbs with wer In which the livers were i: press out superfluous moil ed add while hot, six tablespoon ?f butter, one tablespoonfol of H parsley, six chopped XBnsb l lessoning to taste and lastly tfth one well-beaten egg. Fill truss for roasting and cook oven, allowing fifteen to minutes to a pound for ft !?pwi. Serve with : Truffle Sauce. ' trough a colander with two - - wm?m By f. A. IPALKER "\ ?" ftlNG PUSHED ASIDE who today hold the exalted earth, and about whom lory writers j.en entertaining, ln anil iiir>" morning, a new a new char*? ?' W*%?' delight la the ilw^u. air. ft' AJ>m? and Eve? ?W w"lps and pushing . '4. T. -vAitj HsU place. They are crowding out their elders, the faithful, the great who have brought us the latest inventions, who have taught us how to beat the air and fly swifter than eagles; how to send our voices around the world 1 Destiny has marked these new Adams and Eves to continue the work of their progenitors. , ' The elect are not yet known among men, but some morning their names will be flashed across the sky and the news will tell you that here and there new stars have risen, and dimmed the light of the old lum inaries, upon whom we have so long depended for guidance. It; is only when our! old idols are gone that we seem willing to endow other human beings with life and consciousness. It comes hard at first, for we real ize that we, too, are being crowded out by the new Adams and Bve^ and that we must eventually take our places In the ranks where the march ers are slower and their numbers grow thinner with the passing years. (? by McClur* N?w?p*p?r Syndicate.) A ? not good I/>0KING. piner (critical The young lady across the way says what Doctor Coue takes in at his lec tures goes to charity but she supposes he makes a lot of money on the sale of his medicines. '