x . 1 Holiday Grocery Bargains j ? i Prepare Your Holiday Dinners With i ? * Groceries From The Rippian Way PAY CASH and PAY LESS Here's a complete line of groceries both staple and fancy ? also fruits, nuts and cakes. Stocks conveniently arranged so that you may do your Holiday Shopping with the least expenditure of time, effort . and money. New Crop Nuts? 0 ' A complete assortment of all the most favored kinds. Mixed Nuts Special, 4-Oc per lb. CLUSTER RAISINS, 18c Per Package CITRON PEEL FRUIT CAKE DATES . PLUM PUDDING SEEDLESS RAISINS . FIG PUDDING SEEDED RAISINS MARASCHINO CHERRIES DRIED FIGS . POWDERED SUGAR GLACE CHERRY GLACE PINEAPPLE The Rippian Way Tryon, N. C. . , ^ .V. FOftwi K ? fl J Santa Suggests Motor Delights! J ? Your motorist friends will appreciate practical gifts. Give them Automobile Accessories ? the little things that go a long way to make motor comfort. In this convenient Shop you will find many suggestions. Motor Meters Horn Buttons Pedal Pads Eagle Wings Water Pumps Step Plates Nickeled Bumpers Champion Spark Plugs Windshield Wipers Foot Accelerators Radiator Caps Luggage Carriers Tires, Accessories and Parts EXPERT MECHANICAL ATTENTION CALL US Next time your battery needs recharging call us. Our telephone number is * 15 We are equipped to give you . ONE DAY SERVICE On Battery Charging - saving you money on rental batteries and giving your own battery a better longer lived charges than is possible with old two or three days charging. Try our one day service. Kilpin Motor Co. Phone 15 Tryon, North Carolina 1 Sole Agents Buttericks Patterns Prompt Mail Order Service Aug. W vhb ^ W ? ? B|#1M mj Spartanburg, S. C. Order Our Samples and Compare with Others ~ THE DIFFICULT GIFT ? On Every Xmas list there i6 at least one gift which requires more thought than any other, for which we want to select the out-of-the ordinary thing. DO THESE SUGGESTIONS HERE FURS Very appropriate for Xmas gifts. Carried in Stone MartinJ Sable, Squirrel and Fox in all colors and RtvlpQ $11.95 to $100.00 Fancy Kid Gauntlets, $2,95 to $5.95 . Sterling Silverware? RememberableJGIfts SeyvingSets, Baby Sets, Candle Sticks, Vanities. Cig arette Cases, Baby Cups, Perfume Bottles. Dry Goods Department Plenty of]Gifts Hemstitched Damask! Cloths, $3.50; Towel Sets, 2 towels and wash tsg, $1.50: .yanity ane Buffet Sets, Maderia$3.45 to $6.95; Large assortment of guest towels, white and colors 35c to $1.75 each, tv * MILLINERY WHIMS fashionable Fall Hats,- Half price. SWEATERS For Women Children! and Infants. Very Special value. Exquisite Silk Undies Jersey Silk Bloomers $3.00 to $4.00 Vest to match, $2.00 to...' $2.50 Step-in Teddies and gowns ^ _ J3.50 to 122.50 Crepe de Chine, Satin backed Crepe, and Jersey Silk Pajamas _L.'. .J10.75 to 119.75 " . ?_!_! ?. '?/ * ? Silk Fibre Scarfs Very Special $1.95 Fancy Hand-Embroidered Ladies Handkerchiefs 50c Men's Pure Linen Handkerchiefs with In'tial 3jto Box $1.00 to $1.50 box. / Men's Silk'and Lisle Hose 35c, 50c and $1.00. $14.5- -Dresses? $14.95 In wool, silk, flannel aud satin ? a dress event seldom excelled at Christmas time. Husbands, daughters, sons and wives facing the annual question * 'what shall I buy V * Say it with these articles. J - ? 11 H r . ?. ? M&j# SKsbpSS *t ***?y mm r:~ ?