\ \ T' 'p*? f, m ; ' . ' *v' . H? ?r " ' ' ? t ' < ; ' " I ' L vL. 1 NOTICEl^OF ADMINISTRATION. Having qualified as administratrix of the es ate of D. B. Lancaster, deceased. this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present- ihem to the undersigned for payment within twelve months from . _ this date or this notice wi'l be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said ehtate 'ill please make immediate payment. fhis 4th day of December, 192".. MA URINE LANCASTER. .j Administratrix. V.' . 1 7-14 i. I ; j State of North Carolina, County of Polk. Having qualified as Executor undei the will of Jno. W. McFarland, de Ceased, late of the County of Poll and State of North Carolina, this is t.> no ify ajl persons having claims ag sinst the estate of said deceased tc exhibit them to the undersigned al - his residence in Polk County, Finger ville, S. C., Route No. 1, on or before the 5th day of December, 1926, oi this notice will be pleaded (in bar ol their recovery.? All persons! indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. '' - This 26th day of November, 1925. 15 H. C. CALVERT, L Executor of the Estate of Jno. W McFarland, Deed. 7-14-2C State of North Carolina, County ol Polk. Having qualified as Executors un - der thq will of Arch B. Calvert, de ceased, late of the County of Spar tanburg, and State of South Carolina ^ . thia is to notify all persons having claims^ against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Spartanburg, S. C., oa 01 before*" the 30th day of November 1926, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please f'REAL ESTA SAFE BUY IN DENTON YOUR LOT AND GIVE US BUILD YOU A HOME ON AGENTS FOR THIS 45-.A - OPMENT. ? ' WE HAVE ACREAGE IN TO 1,200 ACRES THAT I VELOPING WITH LAKE SITES AND GOLF CC FARMS, HOMES AND BU: FEEL LIKE PROPERTY DOUBLE IN PRICE IN TI SO IT WILL PAY YC g.:, - SEEKERS TO GET BUS-1 SULT WHEN THE RUSH E Blanton Office in Pa Columbus, I The Mounts^ City < fo: I l<f' - st t ' ' MAKE TI f- ' \ | I: ? I:" / .- PF U f-A IR u B i TOILET ARTICLES, ? STATIONERY, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, SAFETY RAZORS, TRYO Phone 174 I';; p -' v. ' II V H Hi* I * - '. .. .r " i wmmm make Immediate payment. This 24th day of November, 19&3. CllAULES L. O'NEALE, ANSEL S. CALVERT, Executors. ! NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER'S ' SALE. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned Commissioner under and by virtue of an order of resale made by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Polk County, in that certain Special ' Proceeding entitled "J. T. Ammons, Administrator of Leander Brown, deceased, vs. R. B. Brown and others," will Oil Saturday, the 23rd Day of January, 1926, ?e between the hours of 12:00 o'clock i noon and 1:00 o'clock P. M., at the i Court House door of said county, in > Columbus, N. C., expose to public sale t to the last and highest bidder, for . cash, all the following described tracts , or parcels of land situate in Polk . County, N. C., and more particularly t described and defined as follows: ' I ""First Tract: An undivided three fourths (3-4th8) interest in and to that certain tract of land containing 50 acres, more or less, lying on the waters of Bullens Creek, adjoining . the lapds of N. L. Whiteside, N. E. Williams,, and Fred McBrayer and G. I W. Justice's Speculation Lands, said tract being known as the Betsy Brown aU hnmo nlapo nnH knnwn ar t the Jack place. Second Tract: laying on the Coo pers Cap Road, adjoining the lands . [ pf R. B. Brown and J. B. Jackdon, - being the artct conveyed to Leander ( Brown by Thomas Rull, and containr ing 1 3-4 acres, more or less. Both the above mentioned tracts will be sold together and the bidding ' will commence at the sum of $264.00. This the 21st day of December, I 1903. > J. T. AMMONS, Commissioner. ? W. C. McRORIE, Atty. TE BULLETIN y SPRING PARK. PICK OUT 5 YOUR PLANS AND LET US TERMS. WE ARE SELLING lCRE RESIDENTIAL DEVELTRACTS RUNNING PROM 6 S SUIT SUITABLE FOR DESITES. HOTEL SITES, HOME 1URSES; ALSO IMPROVED SIN ESS fKurusniuNs. WE r IN THIS SECTION WILL IE NEXT TWELVE MONTHS, >U INVESTORS AND HOME r, AS YOU KNOW THE RE COMES. & Greene >lk County Bank North Carolina with Natural Advaatogaa BaaaaanHBaM art the New Ye off Right US YOUR DRl Headquarters for fiOLLINGSWORTI CANDIES 1-2-3-4-5 lb. Boxes ggagsaglis^dsaasa^@ i , 4 . . 7e make a specialty < UESCRIPTIOI Ask your Physician Wonderful Line BER GO FOUNTAIN PENS, ETC. S/ PATENT MEDICINES, HOT AND COLD DRINKS, TC PAPERS, MAGAZINES. N PHARA c ' . . * . \ i " { ?' - ' ' ""'rr' vK " " I ' V> ' */ * ' ' ' I" I?|?f~ : NOTICE TO DELINQUENT TAX PAYERS. Notice is hereby given to partie vmed below, and all persons thai i:<" have a Men on the land hcreii d ; . bed, that the imdiuslgned pur ch c r:l at a delinquent tax sale il Columbus, North Caiolina, Poll County, cn the 4th day of May, 1925 land listed for taxes' and described ai follows: 1 lot In the town of Sa luda, listed in the nam s of Paulint Montgomery, tax for the year 1924; 3 "lot in the town of Salt da, listed ii the name of Mrs. Jane Wilkes, ta: for the year 1924; 1 tovn lot in Sa luda, listed in the nane of J. O Th irse, tax for the year 1924; 6 acrei in Saluda township, listec in the nami of R. E. Merrimam, tax for the yeai 1924. Twenty-five acres in Soakers Gaj tow nship, listed in the name of Bai ley Heirs, tax.for the yeur 1924; 8 1-1 acrss in Tryon township, listed in th< name of Duff Jackson, ta;: for the yeai 1924; 21-2 acres in Try>n township listed in the name of R B. Holland ' I ? ? ? J - <1* I 1 IL. taxi ror tne year 1924; ioib 111 un Town of Tryon, listed in the name o James H. Paine, tax f>r the yea: 192ji; 84 acres in Green Creek town ship, listed in the name of Gus Mar tin,j tax for the year .924;. 1171-1 acres in Green Creek tow nship, listei in the name of W. G. G -eenway, ta: for the year.1924; 50 aces in Greet Crejek township, listed in the name o A. R. Ridings, tax for th? year 1924 25 acres in Coopers Gt p township listed in' the name of An anda Logan tax for the year 1924. Notice is here by kiven to Marion Logan. L. L. TALLANT, 24-7-14 _ Purchasr. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having quilified as adn inistrator o: the es ate of J. J. Rupp<e, deceased late c* Polk County, Noith Carolina thiSj is to notify all yersons hacinj claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them t > the under signed at her residence on TVyon R No. 1 on or before the L5th day o: December, 1925, or this notice wil be pleaded in bar of their recovery All ipersons indebted to said estate will please make imm sdiate pay ment. ' This 5th day of December, 1925. MRS. J. M. 1 tUPPE, Administrator of the Estite of J. J Ruppe, Deceased. 12-106tp Polk County Game Law. Below are the open-season dates foi shooting in Polk county, as fixed bj law: Deer?October 1 to Feb uary 1. Squirrel?August 15 to February 1. \QUail?November 15 t< February I lS. j Ruffed Grouse?Decemb ir 1 to Feb I mi o rtr 1 I UU1 J Wild Turkey?December 1 to Feb ruary 15. Dove?November 1 to March 1. - A - A .f. A I VVTTTTTTVVvVTVVTTVTTTTTr . I 4 " I am expecting to clcse shop < '' after Jan. 1st- ! :: i; W. H. HAWKINS The Watchmaker. < I v+++**-r+++++++ : t-+**t +++++ . I | W. F. LITTLE : I NOTARY PUBLIC ;; ! " Tryon, N. C. !' ar "11 IG STORE &i VJS y of - ODS INDWICHES FRESH DAILY, . I )URISTS' INFORMATION BUREAU. j ( 1ACY Tryon, N. C. \ " ' | . The polk county news. ~ / Woodcock?November 1 to Janu ary 1. Pldver?September 1 to December 16. Ducks,, Qeese, Brants, Snipe?No vember 1 to February 1. Opossum?October 1 to February 1. Non-resident state license, 110.50; written permission required. Bag limit: Twemty-five doves ant ducks; & geese or brants; -6 wood cock. All wild birds (except game birds] ?English Sparrows, Crows, Black birds, Jackdaws, Hawks, and Owls ar< protected throughout the year by lh< state laws. Robins and larks ar< protected by Federal law. NOTICE OF SALE. Pursuant to the power of sale con tained in that mort gage deed execut ed by G. D. Jackson to R. F. Belne on the 22nd day of April, 1922, and o record in the office of Register o Deeds for Polk County, in Book No 18, page 54, to secure the indebted ness and conveying the lands thereii described, default having been mad) in the payment of said indebtedness the undersigned, as Assignee of th< 2 said Mortgage Deed and owner of th) 1 said debt, wllj sell at public aucuoi t to the highest bidder, for cash, a 1 i he Court House Door of Polk County f oh Monday, the 4th day oj January ; 1926, at twelve o'clock, noon, (he salt >, lands described in said mortgage, ai follows: Three certain pieces, or tracts, oi land, lying and being in TVyon Tqwn ship, Polk County, State of North Car olina, described and defined as/ fol lows, to-wit: . First Uract: Beginning at a stak( in Ballenger's line, running thence * with an old road S. 53 34 West four ' teen poles, crossing the bhanch, to t \ stake; thence N. 53 34 East 12 2-H * poles to a stake in Ballenger's line; thence with his line seven poles to tin ^ beginning, containing one-half acre j more or less. Second Tkact: Beginning at a;stake * in Ballenger's line, and the wort! _ corner of the afoove lot and running thence S. 5? 34 West 12 2^10 poles tc a stake in old road; thence with old road N. 39 72 ' West 7 poles to s stake; thehce N. 53 34 East 12 polet to a stake in Ballenger'B line; thence with his line S. 39 72 ' East 7 poles to the beginning, containing one-halt acre, more or less. r The above described two tracts ol ' land were, conveyed to R. F. Belue by deed from W. J. Ford, and Flora Ek>rd, his wife, dated the 18th day ol April, 1904, said deed being of record in the office of Register of Deeds foi Polk County, in Book 19, page 570. Itiird Tract: Beginning at a stont in the boundary line between land (formerly) of T. It Ballenger and E M. Harlow, which bears (old survey) S- 40 E_ 389 4-10 feet from an old Black Oak corner (dead), said stone . being the Northernmost corner of ? r tract of land now owned (formerly) L by R. F. Belue; thence with said Be [ lue line S. 53 45 ' W. (Pearson's but J vey) 2018-10 feet to a stake In old road, the same being the Western J most corner of said Belue lot; thence N. 33 W. (Pearson's survey) 1151-1 feet; thence N. 25 05 ' W. 288 3-10 reet; thence N. 46 20 ' W. 188 feel ' to a stake and markers; thence N. I 53 30 ' E. 1131-4 feet to a point near the Southweat end of a small 1 1 '-! I I 11 < Foi* Nlca J !! EXPERT DRE38MAK1NG I J J Call Phone 68-B. ^ 1 L :: j. . it | WEDOALI O - 'I I nnvmn a r rtrwrmr* a t UJCjJNrjttAlj UUIN IKA > } I WILL GLADLY FURNISH YOUR BUILDING REQUIR1 I! EXCELLENT SERVICE-W< ;; PROUD OF. I NOW HAVE BER OFTRYON BUILDING I! YOU? N BRICK WOOD ANL :: 1 R. a. si i > General Contractor O PINE CRES OPE N Primary-Intermediate High School TUTOR Box 71 ? | Mail Orde <; Our Mail Order Departme ;; | is always at your coramai I! for you and use all possib! ,; ment in making selections, i! a trial? We are always r I; counts with responsible pa up to fifty miles, rro**nou*j swum, Asheville. ? 'V; * . ' - I i ' ' WHMiSgBWSPga J 1 _*! " - " 1 . bridge, the same beint a point in bait Ballenger's line; thence and in thi said Ballenger line S. 16 20 ' B. 1991-1 feet to the aforesaid Black Oal . (dead); thence and s ill in said Bal lenger line S. 40 v. (old survey, , 389 2-3 feet to the beginning and con ; taining two acres, more or less. It being a tract of land conveyet i to R. F. Belne by deed from Mrs. E - M. Harlow, dated thje ^8th day o November, 1904, and of record!in th< I office of Register of Deeds for Poll . County, in Book No. 2), page 208. j The above three trai :ts of land wer< f conveyed to said 0. D. Jackson b; 5 deed from R. F. Belut and M. L. Be !ue,. his wife, dated tlie 22nd day o April, 1922, and the mortgage abovi referred to was giver to secure thi purchase money for Baid land; thi deeds and records theieof above men tioned are hereby re! erred to for i further description of said land. i T%is December 2nd, 1925. | [J. B HESTER, JR., I Assignee of Said Mortgage and Own \ er of Debt ~ WALTtER JONES, Attorney. , NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. j Having qualified as administrator o j the estate of l3en Lyles, deceased, thii t is to'notify all person^ having claimi against said estate to present them t< ' the undersigned ior jp/mcui | twelve months from ttis date or thli I notice will be pleaded in bar of thei recovery. All persons indebted t( said estate will please make imme 1 diate payment. This the 7th day of January, 1926 FRED LYLES, Administrator. Tryon, N. C. * 1-7-26 d wks METHODIST Firrit and Thljd Sundays at 11 A. M | Second and Fourth Sundays at ,< 7:80 P. M. ) Sunday School every Sunday ai 10 A. M. Rev. P. E. Parker, Plaator. EPISCOPAL ' Sunday Service: I Holy Communlob 7:l( t Sunday School 10:<M i Morning Prayer and > Sermon 11: 0< | Rev. C. P. Bumettf Rector, f PRESBYTERIAN r Tryon; 2nd and 4th Sundays eact | month at 11 a. m. 1st and Ird Sun. ; days at 7:80 p, m. I' Columbus; 1st and Ird Sundays al 11 a. m. 2nd and 4th Sundays al , T:80 p. m. 1 ERSKINE MEMORIAL i (Congregational) __ I Rev. Will a O'Neill, Minister. "" Sunday Services 1 Church School 9:48 A. M. A graded school with classes foi .1 alL I I J Wednesday . "Quiet Hour** '1:30 P. M. > ,a friendly welcome awaits you! BAPTIST Regular services each Sunday 11 A. M. and 8 P. It. Special Music Evening Services Sabbat h School at 10 A. M. Public Cordially Invited. Thomas L. Justice. D 3)., Pastor. CATHOLIC St John's Church, corner Melrose Avenue and Lanier St MASS?cunday, 8:10 A. M. Rev, J. A. Manley, Rector. v. r t .; , KINDS OF CTING& BUILDING you estimates on all 3mentsandguarantee ork that you will be ! contracts for a num- ; is. may i figure with ? U? > ) CONCRETE WORK EXTON i Try on, N. C O i? * I l|? ^1 |J|||| 4H|H|H|M|I iff ^1 T SCHOOL AIR " I Grades ladhndaal Attention l N a MISS MIMA FASTTT < > r Service < <? -i * > I * 4' >nt?in charge of experts ?J id. These experts shop ;; le good taste and judge- ;: Why not give this service j? eady to open charge ac- ! I .rties and we pay postage ; ' 1 I Imthe' j -yoo- , , L N.G J: T Y , Jl c ' i ( . > / - ? - . """ ' f ' ; "" J 9 Dr. J. W. O'Hara will speak at the c | Baptint Church neat Sunday morning 9 it 11 o'clock. He is superintendent f )f tie Mountain School for the i* 3outbern Baptist Convention, f ? ; Mr. W. J. Burton will speak at the j* evening service at 7:46. The public . Is Invited. / ] : CoL D. C. Stearns, daughter Catherine and his son,-George N. Stearns, . and Wife, all of Cleveland, spent the holidays with Mr. Stearns' brother, Will, at. Mimosa. ; - , . / . ' Mrs) W. 0. Thayer of Detroit, Mich., f is visiting hfer jparents, Dr. and Mrs. s IS. E. Missildine, on Godshaw Hill. ' hfrs. Thayer will be pleasantly re> 5 membered as Miss Eva Missildine, I whose marriage to Mr. W. C. Thayer, A - ? 1 Art r a young real estate urimer ui w j troit, jwas solemnized here last fall. r I / J ~ ? | Jethro Garren, who has been clerk' tag iri Andrews Bros, grocery store liere l|or the past few" months, left Sunday for St. Petersburg, Fla., for the winter. , "j Miss Helen Morgan, who has been * spending the Christmas holidays with bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Morgan, of Godshaw Hill, has re' tiirned to her studies at Greensboro College for Women, Greensboro, N. C. Miss S. E. McKee, who has been very ill at her home on Whitney ave* I Hue, has greatly improved in health j and can move about the house una ded. i . - i 1 ? [Mr. R. T. McFee has been ill the past week at his home on Whitney avenue, but is greatly improved at ' tliis writing. . I : J Miss Maggie Sue Edwards of Ashe' vlUe, N. C., a former member of the t | WORTH $1C Short Income - Succas r ; UIVE master courses giving Bookkeeping, Accounting, has been prepared by a score oi ness you are in you need this. Takes only a few-m>-it'ai t> fascinating csursas. - Cast trifli If you aspire to leadership, if j r that will bring you rich returns giving complete details. Money refunded if not satisfied ROBINSON S BUS 141% - 143% No SPARTAN] ' - ? ' .. 1 >??? ?< ??? -1 >???? ! < ? < < > <? If Next Yea] i \ EVERY YEAR PE< \U ' * NEXT YEAR TH] \\i TO STOP FOOL. :: - and SAVE! WELL : ;J j _ IS HERE AND 1 ;; j THE TIME TO SI " } NOT. TOMORROV | , MONTH, NOT NE I RIGHT NOW! ? i i r i, O \ j ' f \j Thrift is Con ;r j Applied t( . I ' * ' ? Polk County Bai Columbus, v "v" ' '""'f'" -v. 1 v H I PHTJR8DAY, JANUARY 7. 192-7 I News force, visited friends aw; r J tives in Tryon and Columbus Christmas holidays. i Miss Sarah Putman of li IS spent the holidays with Mr. ai | Main on Godshaw Hill. The Indies' Aid Society of ti Baptist Church of Trydn ni u-9 Mrs. R. H. Milaken at her r. on Monday afternoon for-th< i. r<.f9 lar business meeting. - ^^9 ^9 Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wa have been touring Florida 1>> .,,,,9 car the past two weeks, are ,?.(;tf9 home Wednesday. ^^9 Mrs. Willard'ThayeY of 1>< .>^9 visiting her parents, Dr. an. E. E. Missildine. >.Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Wickma .M have been spending the holida;. Mrs. Wickman's parents, Mr. hi lyfl F. W. Crandall, left on Saturd tv <1 their home in Cleveland, Ohio Miss Gladys Gibbs has re in? after spending the holidays at fl home at Bancroft, N. C. Born, on December 25, 1023 daughter to Mr. and Mrs. .W. I', ffl nett Many Workers Laid Off. "Wheeling, W. Va., Dec. 21. Sto<jl holders of the steel trust 1 .-lion* bow their heads in shame,'' said Mrfl 'Edward C. Kruetzer, seen iary of tbfl Associated Charities, when tie- 'H tional Tube Company, a sulnidairyiM the steel trust, closed down wUnml warning and threw 2.000 wurl; rs of employment. )0 AN HOUR Cut to s -Independence I the fania nentals of Shorthand, Typewriting and Salesmanship 'experts. No matter what busi-"j .nplete oie of these practica 1'K- > roa want to 3pand a few months , write today for free booklet SINES S COLLEGE H rth Churoh Street S*JKG, S. C. < ++4 <H*444 44 4 4 4+*>4 * 4 l+j 9 r Is Here! fl 3PLE SAY THAT 3Y ARE GOING ISH SPENDING - > . *1 , "NEXT YEAR" N, jl EtIGHT NOW IS . "ART SAVING? 7,. NOT NEXT XT YEAR. BUT imon Sense ]M 3 Saving. I \ % x)n> +1 v ik & Trust Co. North Carolina J - . I * I i * ?? I

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