V. JAXVARY 7. 1976. milsr The V ^Hk'IU DEFEND T/rLE IN -JATTLE WITH NEGRO v\ ' L'p Against ^Rr-s 15 Rounds to Finish. ^^ Yi.'k .' Negotiations! i "i '('day under which < i' I'ittslutrgh will de-I ?, iimMli'weiffht eham^^R ayains! Hirer Flowers, the j ^^m ( :? round j (' '' -^i.idjson Square , Hie titlcholdsr d to terms hy Which ' MM 11 I C.X.WH, plumbing KKl'Allv WORK LET US FIGUI t ' i:" - " - > '. .- r. /ORLD OF ,\ ORT "rf I I | he is expected to receive at least j $60,000 fqr the bout. Greb himself announced he had [closed with Promoter Tex Richard to I meet the challenger selected by the State Athletic Commission as the most logical opponent in the middleweight division. Flowers was cont sidered as having qualified for the match by his recent exhibition against Mike McTigue here, although judges awarded McTigue a decision. Newspaper men at the ringside were almost unanimous, however, in declaring that Flowers has outpointed the former light heavyweight king. I (VTHERS II I' |: & HEATING I I: L A SPECIALTY | , i RE WITH YOU | 1 .j..J. .j. .j. .5..j. .j..}. .J. I ^ '' ' ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J| | a view as 1 J? own doorw; j?P be in. your ? |gi for 1926, is wish to eve l?|g? owner of f Jj|| ^_^tryc J .'t . % (continued on page 4.) det fiSTI i ? I : Greb said he Iwould star , training 1 immediately' for four matches by i which he seeks to condition himself I for theVflowers bout. i ? _L , Nicklin and Higgins Buy Franchise. - Chattanooga, Tenn., Jan, 2. ? An- I nouhcement was made here today that Strang Nicklin, president of the Chat- I tanooga Southern ^Association Base- i ball Club, and Bob Higgii s, former 1 Southern Association plaver, have i purchased the Danville franchise of 1 the Piedmont League. The club will 11 be operated as a "farm" for the Chat-11 taAooga club, with Higginf as manage^-. Higgins managed the Asheville ; team of the South Atlant ,c League for [ the past year and a h ilf. j JONES-GUNN MEET EUR), PEANS IN ST. AUGUSTINE Golf Match Marks Debut of Compston and Massey in Florida'^, frogram. ! Sf. Augustine, Fla? Jan. 2. ? The first" international sporting competifJnn nf f ba Mour Vnar will alro nldPQ herk tomorrow, when Europe's greatest j professional golfers w 111 oppose i America's premier amateur pair in a 36-h|ole match. It will be Arcbie Comp- i stop of England and Arnaud Massey i of France, against Bobby *ones, the : American amateur champion, and i Watjts Gunn, runner-up for the title i and ! 19-year-old pirotege of he invin- ; cible Bbbby. i! 1 The match will mark the debut in I the United States of Compaton and 1 Mas^ey. The former is the "white ! hope'* of European golf. He holds i BBS? r>\' . r A\ S I Tx < ? -1 '2! > I ^ffar ^ j^ffP^^v L ..^ I sr-present jjby of Jxis,visible from. ay on Lake Allotment csfjprosj our sincere NEW1 sry owner or pros1 ihomesite onthaik) )N DEVEUlFMEt ~ I 1 1 led In the town's TTT kKE IAN II TRYON. HortJv Care ^ I / V J i - : I . - /;>" . . } . .. . ... /.. .... k:t - , i . t . s 0 . ROBERTR. REYNOLDST PENSGYPSY TRAILS North Carolinian Writes of His Adveiv tures Around World in Auto. .. 1_ "Gypsy trails" is the title of a book: published by the Advocate Publishing Conjpany of Asheville, N. C., which was Written by Robert R. Reynolds!, a North Carolina lawyer, more familiarly known as "Our Bob," while making an adventuresome trip around the World in an automobile. The book, which ip illustrated by photographs made by the author while en tour on this far-reaching^ and trailblazing jaunt, is a compilation of notes! made from time' to Hime by camp fireside and lantern light describing what he saw, what he experienced and how he made this ventures arne journey. In it the author dbes not attempt novelistic peaks or threads of mystery, but merely sets down in the pages of his diary some most interesting experiences describing vividly a stqaway aboard a freight ship, ar' I in Tfnlv ?h on Anstrinn snv ! adrift 'on the sun-balked deserts of j Africja, the raiding of! a ship by Chinese bandits, and many other days > around the globe. 'i't")1!' 4"i"l"i' ???* '|"l' ; * j ? 1X Use the Polk County News {[ j + )Vant Column for quick., re- * J i X suits. It will pajj you well, jj> X ,n.i. J.' cost is stnall. AAAAAlAlllJiAAAAiiAliiAitAiiAitiiti VVVVVVVVTVVTTTTTTTTTTTTVVT "I Mill II j|l| |^u^ui9| it ',1 S^saSf- * ! g?j I ^ - ; I r L ;ek Una . tj . ; I ; I ci ;ifi? 9.) 'cat v 1 . 1 t- ' : . 1 J 1. i ' . - - r 1 - - \ PJP' f p. ' r. / :; . ~~~* i > Hi , in Khedive's Ex-Chef Gives Cooking Tip Great chefs are born, not made. Rarely If ever do they rise to tfcg heights In their profession by dint of perseverance. JTOjP | In Europe and B the East a chef %lt wS I ' with the true gastronomic instlnct is treas- P |jftl 1 ured Jealously. Wifp^V A | ' He expects and M ; obtains the treat- dmWaSmgfy \ 1 ipent of an am- | d -' % $ ' ' baseador. His Vp?ther wells of genius for you to draw ,'rora," he sold. "Why don't you iraw?" "Because," said the editor coldly, 'the public prefers native talent." "You remind me," said Mr. Wagnalls, 'of the country minister who never Jsed the Lord's prayer. '"Why oont you use It, nianf a 'rlend from the city asked. "'Well, you see, we don't need It,' said the minister. " 'A sublime prayer like that! And pou jilon't need It. Come, now. even i chip as gifted as yourself can hardly Mjunl a prayer like that can he?' / "'Ah?er?no,' the minister slm)ered, 'but my flock thinks otherwise.'" ;, .j.,j..j..j, .J. * * Our Safe jp nd Misses J PRESSES ! > .ale price $5.48 t sale ] trice 7.50 s .> .ale price 9.75 % sale price .V. 11.25 $ * >alo price.12.50 . > .ale price 11.7,5 > *ale price. 17.50 1 sale price 19.75 f V sale price. ....... 24.75 * tale arice... ;29.75 *:! t sale price. 31.75 * sale price 39.75 f sale ]:rice 44.75 sale price 49.25 / % : .;. S COATS | * le priice. 3.9 5 | ile price 4.95 ? tie price 6.95 ? ile price 7.95 * lie price 8.95 % ile price 9.95 % ile price] 11.95 ( % ile price 15.95 'i % < 4? ile price 16.95 . ' * ile price 17.95 $ | p DRESSES | ' ^ $i>.95 I 1,..' 3.75 t l 5.95 X 6.75 * \ . 7.50 X 8.50 * ..\. nS.95 | ..I '9.95 * ? t d MISSES I DRESSES i i PRICE! ] :k of Furs | Price! I X > I 4? ?f Coats and Dresses * -e All | Price j WO'S 1 > \ i TfVlilNT INC. | rg, S. C. | i 1 v ' /.. I " and a number of plays. 1 ' - '".'tff