1 r? -rp -v j - . - J - - j f' ' ! ' ' ' NOTICE TO DELINQUENT TAX PAYERS. Notice is hereby given to parties named below, and all persons that may have a lien on the land herein described, that the undersigned pur-t chased at a delinquent tax sale in Columbus, North Carolina, Polk County, on the 4th day of May, 1925, land listed for taxes and described as follows: 1 lot in the town of Saluda, listed in the name of Pauline Montgomery, tax for the year 19&1; 1 lot in the town of Saluda, listed in the name of Mrs. Jane Wilkes, tax for the year 1924; 1 town lot in Salud4 listed in the name of J. Oj Thurse, tax for the year 1924; 6 acres in Saluda township, listed in the name of R. E. Merrimam, tax for the year 1924. Twenty-five acres in Coopers Gap township, listed in the name of Bailey Heirs, tax for the year 1924; 8 1-2 acres in Tryon township, listed in t?e name of Duff Jackson, tax for the year 1924; 2 1-2 acres in Tryon township, listed in the name of R. B. Rolland, tax for the year 1924; 3 lots in the town of Tryon, listed in the name of James H. Paine, tax for the year 1924; 84 acres in Green Creek town ship, listed In the name of Gus Martin, tax for the year 1924; 117 1-2 acres in Green Creek township, listed in the name of W. G. Greenway, tax for the year 1924; 50 acres in Green Creek township, listed in the name of A. R. Ridings, tax for the year 1924; ;;j jiir-" I I f -REAL ESTA1 SAFE BUY IN DENTON YOUR LOT AND GIVE US BUILD YOU A HOME ON AGENTS FOR THIS 45-A OPMENT. WE HAVE ACREAGE IN TO 1,200 ACRES THAT I! VELOPING WITH LAKE S SITES AND GOLF CO FARMS, HOMES AND BUS FEEL LIKE PROPERTY 31UIC CU9l/f cviiu bino ivuuvbivu , If this sacrifice of 'revenu of our service, we feel that|w increase in consumption of cu to the consumer. Reduced ] First 50 KWH 12^c 1 Next 50 KWHjlltfc I Over 100 KWH 10c! I Minimum. 10 KWH at: % 5 cents per KWH, le i a * tryon e TRYON, DOUBLE IN PRICE IN TP SO IT WILL PAY YO SEEKERS TO GET BUS"i SULT WHEN THE RUSH Blanton Office in Po Columbus, I The Mountain City \ lAAillJ A A ^ A .t. A A A A A A A J 'TTTTT" TTTTTTTTtVVTtTVV?'! I C. N. WE i PLUMBING REPAIR \VOR] LET US FIGL a * ' " i 1 Reduction Ii I Lighting It is the purpose of this C ? !t-l?. ?ii/l tViie rnrin^tinn i I T 125 acres in Coopers Gap township, listed in the name of Amanda Logan, tax for the year 1924. Notice is hereby given to Marion Logan. You are further notified that application will be made to the Sheriff of Polk County for a deed to said land, if not redeemed by the 4th day of May, 1926. L. L. TALLANT, 24-7-14 Purchasr. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Ben Lyles, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned for payment within twelve months from this date or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 7th day of January, 1926. FRED LYLES, Administrator. ! Tryon, N. C. Feb. 11 I NOTICE TO DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS. : Notice is hereby given to Mrs. | James Gosnel' and h< irs of James | Gosnell, and all persons that may have | j a lien on the land herein described,. I that the undersigned purchased at a ! j delinquent Tax Sale in Columbus, I i North Carolina, Polk County, on the j " naESt.Iu>v.&v?Ai? | rE BULLETIN ^ SPRING PARK. PICK OUT YOUR PLANS AND LET US TERMS. WE ARE SELLING 1 CRE RESIDENTIAL DEVELTRACTS RUNNING FROM 6 S SUIT SUITABLE FOR DESITES, HOTEL SITES, HOME URSES; ALSO IMPROVED 5INESS PROPOSITIONS. WE IN THIS SECTION WILL IE NEXT TWELVE MONTHS, U INVESTORS AND HOME r. AS YOU KNOW THE RECOMES. _ & Greene Ik County Bank 4orth Carolina with Natural Advantozes . .j..?. .j. -j. .j. .$ * + ATIIEUS | * & HEATING | Ev A SPECIALTY | IRE WITH YOU I ?? ?J? ?$? *|? ??? ?J? ?$? ??? ?j? ?? ??? ?|? ??? ?$? ??? ??? <$? ?J? ?$? ?? ?J? Announcement of 11 Rate for Ele< ? For g & Range lompany to render[its patrons tha best poi is in line with this established policy, e should;temporarily result in less than'a re'can reasonably expectjthe deficiency w rrent;which may result in the substancial iiates Effective Jani Less 201per cent"for* payment by the lOt jess 20 per cent forjpayment by the lOt iess 20 per 'cent'for"payment by'"the 10tl $1.25, less" 20 per cent]for payment by the Range Service Rate ss 20 per cent for payment by the 10th, ir i LEGTRIC SE N< *:*a. i-" -.*i.* | ' I , I U I ' ' j 4t 1 day of May, 1926, land listed for ( Tuxes and described as follows: 75 ( aqres of land in White Oak Township, < taxed for the year 1924. < j You are further notified that ap- ( | plication will be made to the Sheriff < ; of Polk County for a Deed to said lapd, if not redeemed by the 4th day \ of May, 1926. I M. C. GOSNBLL, | 7-i4-2i Purchaser. i . I I State of North Carolina, County of 1 Polk. Having qualified as Executors un- < dcr the will of Arch B. Calvert, de- < cosed, late of the County of Spari talnburg, and State of South Carolina, ( | th is is to notify all persons having , I claims against the estate of said de- ' ceased to exhibit them to the undpr- ] signed at Spartanburg, S. C., on or < | before the 30th day of November. J lii26, or this notice will be pleaded < J in bar of their recovery. All persons ' ir debted to said estate will please \ make immediate payment. This 24th day of November, 19&5. CHARLES L. O'NEALE, ANSEL S. CALVERT, ; Executors. < I 14 ; i State of North Carolina. v ' County of Polk. \ j Having qualified as Executor under | ttye will of Jno. W. McFarland, do ceased, late or the County or roi* , and State of North Carolina, thla la < to no Ify all persons having claims ' a jainst the estate of said deceased to echibit them to the undersigned at 1 h is residence In Polk County, Fingerv lie, S. C., Route No. 1, on or before < the 5th day of December, 192#, or J this notice will be pleaded in bar of < their recovery. All persons indebted ' to said estate will please make 1m- , mediate payment. ' This 38th day of November, 192S. ] 15 H. C. CALVERT, ? Executor of the Estate of Jno. W. j McFarlpnd, Deed. . 7-14-26 < < ( NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. ! Having qualified as administratrix < cf the estate of D. B. Lancaster, de- \ ceased, this is to notify all persons < having claims against said estate to ' present them to the undersigned for J payment within twelve months from this date or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate #111 please make immediate payment This 4th day of December, 1925. MAURINE LANCASTER, Administratrix. 1 7-14 NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER'8 i SALE. I Notice is hereby given that the unclersigned Commissioner under and by yirtue of an order of resale made by ihe Clerk of the Superior Court of polk County, in that certain Special Proceeding entitled "J. T. Ammons, Administrator of LeaUder Brown, deceased, vs. R. B. Brown and others," < Will I On Saturday, the 23rd Day of January, 1926, ' J between the hours of 12:00 O'clock | noon and 1:00 o'clock P. M., at the i Court House door of said county, in | W. F. LITTLE 1 1 i ' ' ;; NOTARY fUBLIC ;; ? j Tryon, N. C. ;j I. ;tric Current - ; ; Service rsible service at the lowest posreasonable returnVor this'part ill soon be supplied through the reduction in cost of our serviee 4 j iary 1,^1926 h making net cost lOc h ""making nec cost 9c ti making"n?t cost 8c 10th making net cost $1.00 I laking net cost 4 cents RVJCE GO. DRTH CAROLINA ii-.Lr'.l . ftr.pj..- . . . ' . - THE POLK COUNTY NEWS. | i - ' -' Columbus, N. C., expose to public sale j o the last and highest bidder, for :ash, all the following described tracts )r parcels of land situate in Polk bounty, N. C., and more particularly lescribed and defined as follbws: First Tract: An undivided three'ourths (3-4ths) interest in and to Jiat certain tract of land containing >0 acres, more or leBS, lying on the waters of Bullens Creek, adjoining :he lands of N. L. Whiteside, N. E. irvo/> MnBraver and G.! unauioM auu * v<* ?? w (V. Justice's Speculation Lands, said ;ract being known as the Betsy Brown >ld home place, and better known as I Engineer! I ' Tryon -fi rt A A A A A iti iti ill ifc iti ifc if if i t *?TTTTTTTrTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Mail Ord? Our Mail Order Departra ! it always at your comma t for you and use all possil * i ; ment in maKing selections ?j a trial? We are always : I counts with responsible p up to fifty miles, 1 *!l I Qonj fTOMKOUII Cud I > fAH Uim I Asheville, J ; i | NOT | Beginning Ja | the Job Prir j ment of The : News will be separate unit | All Job Woi Paid Fo Deliv Cash for labor a ; short run orders ? force us to adopl POLK COU Job Printing TRYON ? : I PEOPLES BAT Member An Tryo L r iQfi Interest On S " /vr w" ? * Capital $25,000 1 Su No loans an 01 Q. H. HOLMES President x J. T. WALDROP Vic? President WALTER JONES Vice President I * ; . - I ; * w ^ r .j i < the Jack place. Second Tract: Lying on the Coopers Cap Road, adjoining the lanjds of R. B. Brown and J. B. Jackson, being the artct conveyed to Leander Brown by Thomas Rull, and contaln ? ? i o^roo mnrfi or leSS. mg i o-i ?v,. Both the above mentioned tracts will be sold together and the bidding will commence at the sum of $264.00. This the 21st day of December, i?*T r It J. T. AMMONS, J Commissioner. W. C. McRORIE, Atty. ! ' K SRRICK i; < > ng Service 1 t, N. C. j ... I ?j?? ir Service ? ?i j , ; , ? ? ' . : * | ' ? I ent? in charge of experts | 1' tnd. These experts shop I ;; )le good taste and judge- j ;; . Why not give this service !! ready to open charge ac- ;; orHoo and we nav Dostage :' - r v r w - , _ 4 I < ? - V , J ^cviche' ??at teiiraom :; j -yoo- o < > <? -:- N. G. j| ICE! | VMinVTT 1 1 Q9? !! Liiu.cn y x, ?.i iting Depart- I; : Polk County ? operated as a f ! f rk Must Be f >r When f rered I nd materials, if nd our low prices, jt j this new ruling. M * NTY NEWS | ; Department I, N. C. :i u > f ?K AND TRU nerican Bankers , m, North Car I avings Accounts Coi - rplus over $7,000 R ? made by this bank tc Fficers or Directors. - r * 1 i V ; - ! ' t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having quilified as administrator of the estate of J. J. Ruppee, deceased, late of Polk County, North Carolina, this is to notify all yersons hacing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at her residence on Tlryon R. No. 1 on or before the 15th day of \ ? ???mammm.i JF** wBE "-k ?mJ&ajLu :Mi?'^^sL '/ *if j Here is Congressman Nichola House of Representatives, -howin; itol u^Vashington, where her 141 history. # 4?M"M>+< ++ ? : ++ * *** * ** ** * : ->, 1 k :: - I' 1 > * urn i^rk ATT i WEi uyj nuL i: GENERAL CONTRA < > 1J I WILL GLADLY FURNIS^ ! <? YOUR BUILDING REQUIRI 0 EXCELLENT SERVICE-W( ;; PROUD OF. I NOW HAVE BERjOF TRYON BUILDING I! YOU? | ;: BRICK - WOOD ANL ;; R. A. si < > General Contractor ?i <i? 1 > a .? jL A _a.-t. .t. .V -> . T *" -* ' VVVVrTTr T V V VTVT TWV T T ' PINE CRES OPEN Primary-Intermediate High Schoo TUTOR Box 71 I Western No i i- ..... ? | Keal Histate is ray :: to the Wis. < ?> ii See Try H Th c. J. :: "Rea ?? :: I can't sell all the offer you 4 ? Try on Dirt V\ 'o o :: "It Can i < > ? o < . o I CHAS. J Real i !! 'Phone 173 (' "*; ST COMPANY olina +++ j I Lj_J A. mpounaea quarterly esources over $300,000 > any of it's i W. F. LITTLE Cashier V. A. BLAND Asst. Cash. MORGAN MORRIS Asst Cash. THURSDAY, JANUARY u ,1 December, 1926, m. this be pleaded In bar V>{ their >9 All persons indeb . d >? Sa|9 will please ' make ment. I This 5th day of lie. mber I MRS. .1 M itr'9 Administrator ot tin KtauB Ruppe, Deceased. ^jwW',1' v ,s Longworth, new speaker A r his little daughter Pauls ai.uiather Theodore Roo.. , B ("M* -h*h*h H'M + { *> , KINDS OF I CTING&BUILDIN* YOU/ESTIMATES UN ALH SMENYTS ANDGUARANTE? 3RK 1'HAT YOU WIL5. liH CONl)RACTS FOR A Nl ' S. AY I FIGURE WITifl ) CONCRETE WORK I 3XTON I ^ Tryon, N. (I T SCHOOL! A I R I Grades Individual I N G MISS MIMA FASSlfl rth CaroliiJ ring Large Profits I e Investor on First I en I Lynch I tltor" I i E.i:th, so I only the Best. I Jill Clean Upl , Be Done'' I . LYNCH Estate I Tryrn, N I TVTTTTTTTTTTTTtn >1 | > vv-fl j? Use the Polk Count?'? * Want Column for q-<? X suits. It will pay T an. Jo cost Is small I ++*******++*++ : nninni inn rfl bnirrinib iMiziiq villi Astonishingly quick and the relief that people >1 matic pain just as soon this simple treatment. "I was suffering with and under the care of a <io<<M H. B. Smith of 126 M<;A* ?San Francisco, Calif. heard of Sloan's Liniment using it for three or four and well." How does Sloan's g< t [:^M ishing results? Because just deaden the pain: it (V cause. Right to the aching spot? healing tide of fresh, gcrmj blood. No need to rub. itself does the work. At once you feel a comfort?then relief. TjB stiffness and inflammatid^H The pain stops. Get a bfl All druggists?36 cents. I

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