He;/? Wur Methods H Unknown to Druses n- 'heir Incredible Iare inefficient s?i wr ife /,,[ >.? :?;t< JI t.'lvTU'.l/l V i(S ...... Thrii n ir attains! I'nmct mi w>.j- I'.'iivil fur. and ski ,. <if; M-iir/ii tlu'ir vie. . [ji. nil fully of Sultan , :1. Iicr.v In liis small, i,,s [. .fu assuiiH' the , i:,,-r.iiu ?> , u'iiliout an.v - " '!! I rc;lli/oil this .< r iI'.islia askt'il me lei .(. , _? r in Hie Pjehel sfri(iusl,v wound horn. - : .1 sfn-rlo iplivsiclnn . pi'o|'ilo, I nor anv s to had. tic anv mod^cjil matea ::rst-ahl case. Thr ' '**r ?'<|iii|?|>f'<i in an.v I.'a'.v laid, for in'anil xroiiiHjlt's nor i,an inpinred a num' i as (not oilly lijjht '' ' "i'dnunil|U B | . ., a H'.'i Him. opB: ,.i far from Sueida) a ^.infrlo bilp'tr who I. i.f.. i.aiiks and ruptured B . ,. writer saW three B I; ;.ii;k? on thf rend beI IV S i t'll Mezrati but they , . without arms*. They B .e* against thje vehicles, B [ a itli their nalfed hands, B;r|a hem. and put' them tc i was show it one of a 'a threw anal' his flint, BsJ,>r.) a land, attacked the B I.;-.., ' v at' the fi'Ol't of his B- L war : i't 'ted in the HJebel B j\ iliaaii;.* M il U'eisi in the Bn j .Mi'titI i> mpter Power in Sweden Bwi-d.s" wjaterfall How runs the K's In < ' fetihagen, the capital Bniiark thanks to the completion Itlyl cf the inost powerful electric I pier laid under water. KeplacI smaller cpble that had been iti linjre h'14, jit Is capable of trans B'j Vl.tKHi volts and thereby add< Be coal" or| a large scale to tlx If Swedish Articles of export. Be I tlje Copenhagen trolley s, the elec ly jtransiiiitfted under w ater als< I fair ten machinery and gives lighl lenity and the surrounding \roun IdeJ Crossing the sound, or srralt I separates Sweden and Den marl Is narrowest point, the new cablt |s Sweden at Helsingborg and en Denmark at Elsinore within sight hej hamlet castle Kronhorg. Ir ;h it is about three and a halt i, bnd its weight is more than 2<X jit was made in sis sections, anc sleeve" covered Joints, conipletec iei cable was being laid, are of ? trpe. To hold the cable shij iyj sis anchors were used. Th< of the new cable is about $500, defrayed jointly by the Swedlsl >r company and Danish municipal | The power comes from th< r Lagan, in southwestern Sweden Cheap at Half Price dje was ttie less attractive ot sifters!" Hut her lack of looks had detracted from her ability to win island, as she was happily mar ^hile her more attractive sistei sjtill single. Because of the favor t shown the married sister. th? nelor girl" was continually vjed." <tne day her mother urged In "ct/.n cnlUnif nn/l nnf MAIMJ v. . jui nilif? auu nn OUIUI ej aDd marry n dry-goods mer ,tj as Sadie hird done." ijirrled, married, that's all 1 heai more Why. I wouldn't marry t Ijke Sadie's husband with a half 1 ashless in a dying town foi e him." tlie unmarried slstei S". he's a nine man," her mothei . "And whenever she wants i ess; she am get It wholesale.' ookworm in Holy Land present methods of agricultur timed fur the Introduction o )rm into the Holy land. Dr. A of the Hothschlld hospital li ! tine, who found that about on >f every twelve workmen in tin i,;e groves is affected by the dis . attributes it to the increased us mightier, in tlie land. "It Is ver; lull to trace the source of the in I hi." said I us tor Felix, "but Egypt re tin- hookworm disease is know] |: is:, c ihe most likely source he So of inumber of Egyptlai !?rs wi.ii worked litre during th Arrangement Suited Her i e young i: l.ad long been at i'ilig to ... liis sweethear >he vl.i u arry him, hut sli '.v ar ' dug to a decisiol til ?! mi ! to him, "You inea: iilei>' what say':" "Ever he . fervently. "1 ant-th i 1" rfe ; o 11,world?" "Yo "Ami i .ne totally unwortli 1 " "Well, tlien," sai' :i I. "if ?i st .1 on that basis ou a re eai, r.i-ver.go wrong." Of Vurivjs Derivations ' deriv.i - , f "sass" used eithe irelix ithx varies, and de s upon t!.e piirtleiilar word 1; n. .Many of th.- American word k in ".ass" or beginning wit! are o] Indian derivation. Fo ?: e. Kansas is frotu the Siou; ' 1" various European plac > iron! the Latin "sas iu?iii.-.! _ a work, also from tli I'-.-ia l from the Latin "sal i mi:':! . a willow tree. Canary Honored in Death 'i lie curry in;; out repairs to of a l'.riithtnn (Kngland) housi k ueii eaine across the t;rave of I hy. A brick had heen reroovet a collin with itlass panels in ill. The eunary was recllnlni 1 hed of cotton wool, the lnscrip on the coffin heinn: "Died Jan I 4. IKS!I Add Mixed Metaphora Vhen it was found that Paris ^ led to he a buyer bea^ ^we dttt, heir horns. -teon F1[)tIlcla 1 ? i t ~ "j py-K-l O n the !M Funny TOMBSTONE BARGAIN At the annual sale of articles seised by the San Francisco police a whit' ) tombstone, without epitaph, wai knocked down to a woman In a red suit for $5.50. Two policemen helped | load It In tier car. "Pretty cheap," remarked the buyer, who refused to give her name. "It'? J for my father-in-law." Eloquence "W'ould you consent to run for the legislature?" "No," answered Farmer Corntossel. "Why not?" ' j "I can't afford IL I'd like to make j speeches for the benefit of my country J and my feller citizens. But any eloI quence I am master of has got to be used Just now In persuadln' some friends not to foreclose the mortgage." ?Washington Star. t A Tip Tailor?Married or single? ! Customer?Married. Tailor (to cutter)?One pocket concealed In lining of vest i 'Customer?Eh? What's that? "To hide your change, you know, at night. I'm married myself."?Tit| Bits. Men Mutt Stand Together Assistant?Lady out there with a flashy necklace wants to know whether lt'slpure diamond or not. Jeweler?Look like a married woman? "Yes." I "TeA her It Is. No use makin' trou| ble for poor ijtsbands these hard times."?Stray Stories. j WOULD TAKE IT ALONG 9 Reggie?Hope I won't leave a?aw ?vacancy by going Just now. Miss CVi o rno I onai j/c, Miss Sharpe?I think you'll take it f with you, Mr. Sapp. I i You Sure Are! There ain't no use to, arg~ue. There ain't no use to pout; The ump'i the guy that call's 'em. When he says "You're out," you're out. t | Might Help "What do they mean by senatorial courtesy?" "Under no circumstances will one senator say anything me%n about another senator. We could easily apply it to life in general." Her Striking Power r "I hear that Polly Peach is apply i lng for a position as policewoman." "Well, Polly would arrest attention If nothing else." e APPRECIATED THE CINCH ii^ra t Tlie l'oet?Nowhere in nature can e such coloring as adorns thy cheek be i. found. u The Girl?And I'm not telling anyy body of the only store In town that e keeps It in stock, either. y This It Queer! d I've often stopped to wonder r ; At fate's peculiar ways; For nearly all our great men Were born on holidays. Hit Fault f "Sir, your daughter has promised t? t become my wife." i "Well, don't come near me for sym k pathy. I knew something like' thai l> would happen to you hanging around ? > ? 1- ?t f the house nve nignis a wees. f _ Mean Thing ' Hospitable Host?Won't yon havj , some more duck. Miss Stommef? Bashful Guest?No. thank you I "Oh. do. Here's a nice little leg, Jusi your size.'' 1 Quite Sufficient 4 Employer?Did you leave befon j five o'clock? Clerk?No, I stopped until five. I beg lleve In eight hours at the office. Employers-Yes. Eight hours' sleec is enough for anybody. Apt to Plgggg-?J- ? thinkxf" have perfected an'ams I brella that will Interest the girls." v "Girls won't carry umbrellas." " s. a ? 1 I "But thli U too imaii iu aery w | t*7 rain." _ . ' * v > .. . > '. i ,i.i .* -r/j v.rv^ ! i ' 1 FOLKOOUNTYNE "i ! OUR COMIi |~]| The \ : f 11 >:: -I: :;:r-Vv-r-v;:: >>V >-V;-*.v: : c:: f:*:*- :-\:::VS;::'$SjJ w mm mm :. ?mt if rnrnm^mmmmmmmmm S - :'::i'S'?>-?Yrid i OVER AND SEE THE CARTOOnlbT )I FELIX -?tt \ ONJTWE L0CA1 jftPEE j \^U LATER^ ' PO&TOT E . TWOMAS ~ * Bf^B polk county S Br^B (^O-SETTIN' (?EAl E5WE : ^481 ' gfe \~i?\ s r / gee, i Get a / well, you - a ( kick out of ) / better be / \ DRAWING HIS / I CAREFUL - J A SAD WORLD I new germicide lift , i-i^ ~ -_j as carbolic acid! fMhWm = ? ner amiuc. i ' K. thlnk PerdlnandV >,. -/ ?T=5t; X Sirs. .Tustwed-?] -1? , L /*P when we'd been V- - -hours he forgot \.i HZ.Mova.iv '"vj to celebrate tlie f First Germ?You look disgusted with life. I \ When father dl< Second Germ?No wonder. A, Hop- another piece of ktoa pro feasor baa Just discovered a la reducing, so Is ''i 1 V i - " k ^ ltd j ~ (Copyright. W. N. U.) ? M1CK1E, THE PRINTER'S DEVI ! HOWt^ M1STSR EWTOR! VOO ? I wuu put rr tu oc sassibtm oc*-- \ y// UAkJ ftW MRS- SWOU9AU, JACKS* W/, ^ jUj?-? ha orrroJ A QtvoocB WW JBB Hffffii fow what cwouuos, ") ^ 1EW2 (. WlOS JAOCSOU*. / I V7/f VUTTCM STUCK W Of CAMELS UECK WAS OxKT OUE KW Z^V BROWU OSRSV HAT WITCH MC WORB fO' T5M -f/J.fj yJA. vbars, ?/ ** since we a?u married, boss, M V,/A oat hat AXWfiH? has a 0 ut iu rr?AUWAVff? &< X/V/kll. T Au" 1 WAS AlWAVS TAKIU m f/f 'iXi ^ out de dojy, aud dew VV. " iff A/r^\ WE,? COME BACK. WID ) i ' XiPA A DEvrr iu oat cxe bwjwm J , ?CR-BV| AU' ID "TAKBJ?^ ? Wtittrn N'twipaper L'nloi. f THE FEATHERHEAD3 / BOB, I Think I|LL GO ^ \fAil RlSHT' i : -i ; i 1 t WS, TRYON, N. C. . t SECTION : . V i From the North J EI The Dent in the Brown Derby TOO UUMEROUS TO A*UTXJU, BUT DC LAWYER. OOUR W PUT OOWU A PEW TWOS TWIUOS, SEC* A6 DR4UKIU, U //7\ chickeu STEAUU', toAFiua, SAMBUU1, CRUEL-TV, W rY/Z/fo-.^ ,;?,j. LAZIUESS, POPC TAKIUJAUO EAT1U 1% T ? iS WITHOUT WORKIU! AUO ?OME r-'V 1 *?v 1 oxer urrnc traits op aar. ) V mk?[^^=-? MO MUtoeRSqj MH^b " eoS^U TEN V TOOKEkl our MICtUMS AU?> MILVUUS OP OCUTS f> PROW o*r oce HAT AW' FJUAU-Y IT got i OKI MAH WERVE5! | IP^ And He Wears Husky Boots f Say, you betyer not\ f DRAW ANY CARTONS / > I OF E.W THOMPSON / / >. ?? / WHY ] T \ NOT ' / >?-7 ' - ijpteagaa -?_ y times as powerful i IVhai makes you j \ u^S doesn't love you? ^ 'w I'm snre of it. Why. \j\ ;o bring me flowers etg, little Willie has Mr. Miser?Marry me, dearest?two pie. When mother oan live as cheaply as one I the family. Miss Spender?Which one? ,' \ 1 ( - :*k>... ...-.. |' " ' . . V ' 4 j / i ? Child'?"( MOTHER:Castoria is especially prepared) to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipa'|t tion, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allajing Feverish: regulating the Stomach and B< Food; giving healthy and natur; To avoid imitations, ah rays look for th Absolutely Harmless-No Opiates. I Merely Lost It Harry Leslie, Lafayette, speaker of the Indiana house of representatives, and recognized as a goot reeounter of stories and after-dinner speaker, told this one on a recent vliit to Jndianapolls: "My wife and I have just resumed diplomatic relations. Recently I was showing her through th< Union building at Purdue university and we eam?f across a statue of a draped hut headless woman. "'Where is her hei d?' my wife asked. "'Oh, she's a woman and has lost! It,' I replied, unthinkingly." t The man Tyho is mas:er of himself ' has a servant whom lie can depend upon. (ienius ' produces the inventions, while talent applies them. IP ASP WW* Proved Safe bjy millions and j\ Lumbago Colds Is Headache Pain 1 DOES NOT AFF1 \Scke^\ Aspirin Is tho trad* mark of Ba/sr Mtnof* Compulsory Education An old Alabama ! cook said to her employer: "iaw, rolssle, what makes yo' pay money! to j send de chile to school' I got ohejsirfaht boy named Moses'an' I jams hiss myself." Butl. Aun Maria," said her mistress, f'how can yoti teach your child when you don't know one letter from mi i I j. J anouier: i . , ; "How I tench htori? I jest makebim take de l>ool| an' set dd;wn on de flo' an' den I sey, 'Moses, jyou take yo' eye from dalt book, much less leggo him, an' I skins! you alive.'" Indigestion produces disagreeable and ometlmea alarming: symptom*. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills remove symptomi and restore digestion. 37J PetrijSt., N. T. Adv. Miaaouri'a Place Missouri ranks as the) fifth state in agricultural importance] the sixth in population and the nintlj in wealth. ii ?4-4f??' \Evidently the man whpse will leaves a sum of money for struggling musicians at some time or other had "witnessed one of them' struggle. OR. W. B. CALDWIU AT THE AOE OP B9 To Dr. W. B. Caldwell, of Montlcelio. 111., a practicing physician for 47 years, it seemM cruel tbat so many constipated Infanta and children had to be kept "stirred up" and half aick by taking; cathartic pills, tablets, salts, calomel and nasty oils. While he knew that constipation was the cause of nearly all children's little ills, he constantly advised mothers to give only s harmless laxative which would help to establish natural bowel "regularity." In Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin mothers hare A regulating laxative which they can depend upon whenever a child la conattpatod, bOlena, Irear/ i .1:1 : ? ! t. ..'k J i SB :?. * 1 i ness arising therefrom, and, by >*els, aids the assimilation of d sleep. e signature 3hysickna everywhere recommend it. No Complainer "Some, folks complain of hard times the year\round," said the Blllvllle au thorlty, "and It's all because they don't stit{ rbun' when stirrin' time comes. As fer me, I've cot no complaint corain', fer when tAey ain't no business, I whirls in an' makes it. la spring planting time I sen? the right weather for 'em an' wh^i the dry drought comes they's no one fihi beat me prayin' fer rain; then, if rain threatens to drown 'em out, 1 switches, most successful, to dry; an' when they's nothin' else a-doin* I predicts the end o' the worlV and they pay up their old debts, an' put money to clrculatln', an' the people rise up an' call v>/> kl /vnnA/1 thnt'o llAlIT AAmO tlnil Tt OVOr IIIC uit*j53cu 111iu o Jiy<? vviiiv ;uu hear me complalnin'."?Atlanta Constitution. To be outspoken, no one needs t* be indeepnt. itM " 1 miN prescribed by physicians for Jeuritis Neurafgia oothache Rheumatism iCT THE HEART ccept only "Bayer" package hich contains proven directions andr' "Bayer" boxei of 12 tablets lao bottles of 24 and 100?Druggists, etoro of UoDoacaUeaeldeiUr of Sallcrlleacli Beat This pjlerrepont?I called at the DeKalb's last night and found no ?e? home. Montague?No. Mrs. DeKulb is al Holly wood-by-the-Sea. Plerrepont?Are her daughters wltfc her? , : Montague?N6. They are at Wuaa pus-by-the-Lake. Pierreponf?And their son? Montague?He's fishing at Clearstreams-by-the-Border. Pierrepc^t?And where Is DeKalbJ Montague?He's at SwIvel-Chalr-byI the-Desk. Cuticura Soothe* Itching Scalp. On retiring gently rub spots of dandruff and Itching with Cuticura Ointment. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Make them your everyday toilet preparation* / and have a clear skin and soft, white hands.?Advertisement It's a great misfortune not to have Judgment enough to keep silent at the proper time. Child's Laxative Which Mothers Can Rely On ???? y iah or tick from a cold, Indirection ?v soar stomach. Ail children lore Its pleasant taste. Buy a large 00-cent bottle at say a tore-that sella medicine and Just aes for yourself bow perfectly It cleanaea and regulates the bowels of Infanta and children. 7)/?GiZoft*eZ/!r SYRUP PEPSIN

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